Sunday, February 7, 2016


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



Greetings friends around the world:

As I sit here today pondering the world situation, history and prophecy, many questions come to mind that I still have no answers to.  I just turned to Leviticus 26 and read verse 14.  "But if you will not hearken unto me, and will not do all these commandments..."

He then lists the consequences.  The one I want to address is in verse 19.  "I will break the pride of your power ..."

The question in my mind is not whether it has been done but rather when?  There are several points that stand out in history that we could point to and say, "This is when it happened".  But the one that stands out the most clearly in my mind is when Gen Douglas Mac Arthur was ordered to stand down.  Was this the point at which the war authority was transferred from the military to the political arena?

Those of us in my age bracket know that order was issued by Harry S Truman. 

Now, in an episode which appears to underscore this as the turning point in our military, we have a recent incident in which the aircraft carrier Harry S Truman was backed down by the Iranian Navy and told to "stand down" by our oval office occupant.  Is this significant?
Is this rubbing our nose in the fact that the "...pride of our power" has been broken? 

What do politicians know about war?  Virtually nothing.  But they know how to destroy a nation by infiltration and spending themselves rich.  They know how to peddle arms to drug lords and terrorists and how to use the military to guard the drug routes which funnel so much money into political coffers.  They know how to pour money on situations and how to smile broadly when the camera swings their direct-ion. They know how to look like lambs and speak like dragons.

For the "Rip Van Winkles" in America, who have been asleep for the past three decades, we are no longer the dominant military in the world.  This has been demonstrated in Syria.  Nor can we play "catch-up".  America has been positively identified by the prophet Habakkuk as the end time Babylon and there is no refuting this.  No other nation is even a close second.  America's "doomsday clock" has just been moved to three minutes to midnight --- perhaps it should have been moved to one minute 'til --- because it certainly appears that our oval office occupant will complete his mission of the destruction of our nation in this his final year.  If we can believe the prophet Daniel, he will not live to march in the victory parade in his honor. 

This world of Satan is on it's last legs as I showed in the last Commentary.  The reset is on the threshold and the transition is not going to be without bloodshed.  It would seem that the Clinton campaign has already secured the endorsement of the present oval office occupant --- provided we should have an election..  The Oregon connection would seem to cement this endorsement.

For those sleeping, WW III has already begun and nukes have already been deployed several times.  No, you didn't see it on CNN and probably won't even see it as America is destroyed " one hour", as it says in Revelation 18.  You also didn't see that the Atlantic is devoid of shipping for the first time in recorded history.  Nor did you see that Saudi Arabia just dumped one trillion U.S. dollars and that they arrested and jailed several CIA terrorists. 

Now congress has just passed a new law giving control of the internet so the DC gang can stop all these leaks that tarnish their image. 

It appears that 2016 is comeuppance year.  What does that mean?  It means the total destruction of America according to the prophets, Isaiah and Jeremiah.  There will be no recovery.  Our nation will become uninhabited and uninhabitable when up to 124 nuclear power plants go into meltdown. 

Millions will die as food and pharmaceuticals become in short supply and priced out of their reach.  The prophet Ezekiel says a third of our nation will die this way.  Another third will be taken out by the sword of the invading parties.  Presumably, these killed will be the military, and those fighting the invaders, along with government "drones".   Those considered capable of serving as slaves will be sold throughout the world and be evacuated from this nation which will be in dire distress at the time.  Hosea 5:7 seems to say it will all take place in one month's time. 

Those who consider themselves "watchmen" are telling us we need to fight the invaders but we need to think this through seriously.  Will we be a match for the military that is trained for this type of mop-up? 

If we reviewed the book of judges as I advised in the last Commentary, we should be able to see that the captivity that is coming is the next stop after idolatry.  Are we able to see America as a nation steeped in idolatry.  Can we see Christianity (and all religions) as the idolatry they are? 

Two witnesses will be sent to American/Israelite captives during the three and one half years that follow and will show them why America and Israel were destroyed and what their attitude should be in order to survive the period known as the tribulation or "Jacob's trouble".  At the end of three and one half years, those of Israelite descent will be released to make their way to the new land of Israel, (Nile to Euphrates) to claim a parcel of the land promised to Abraham and it will belong to their family forever --- tax free.  The present form of robbery called taxation is about to become a thing of the past and the enforcers are about to become vulture food.  2016 is to be a watershed year and we can see it has already begun. 

It appears that WW III will blossom in all it's ugliness and America will not win this one.  Why?  Because our military has been gutted and told to "stand down". Russia's military leaders have been empowered with authority up to and including the deployment of nukes if they see them as necessary.  They don't have to call Moscow for clearance. 

After all, what do politicians know about war?

The pride of our power is broken and we have won our last war.  This next one will be over before most Americans know it has begun.  Our oval office occupant will die in the opening shots but not on U.S. soil.

Are we preparing for the American holocaust?

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