Monday, February 15, 2016


From the desk of
Bill Ramey




By Charlotte Iserbyt

February 9, 2016

Congressman Mike Rogers Introduces Bill to Get U.S. Out of UN

Citing wasted tax dollars and attacks on the constitutionally guaranteed liberties of Americans, Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.) introduced a bill to restore U.S. soverei...

In my humble opinion, Donald Trump, if he wants to "make America great again", should jump on this one ... should support Alabama Congressman Mike Rogers bill to get the USA out of the United Nations. Support for H.R.1205, the American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2015, could hand him the Presidency on a silver platter.

Even "normal" Democrats hate the United Nations. It's only the hard-left Democrats, neoconservative Trotskyites, like the Heritage Foundation, leftist-oriented and New Age churches, the U.S. State Department, multinational global corporations, the Federal Reserve Bank, and billionaires from both political parties who support it.

When will thoughtless support for this evil, very elitist, atheistic communist organization cease?

There is no way any one of us can have victories related to the individual evils we are confronting in our nation and on this planet until the head of the octopus is cut off.

That head is the United Nations, and the evils are its affiliated organizations: United Nations Educational, Cultural, and Scientific Organization (UNESCO), the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Bank, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and all other acronym groups, and the UN's unelected/"controlled" non-governmental agencies.

The enemy of the majority of normal human beings living on Planet Earth, who want to be left alone, is the United Nations.

The groups mentioned in the above paragraphs will howl, and tell us unwashed humans how much we need this evil organization in order to:

(1)       "keep the peace". Oh, really?...remember the two "No Win" so called "peace actions": Korea (1950-1953) and Vietnam (1961-1975), both of which were directed by a Soviet General out of the UN? Americans lost 54,246 soldiers in Korea and 58,209 soldiers in Vietnam;

(2)        "educate/Marxist brainwash" the world's population, using UNESCO's Skinnerian/Outcomes Based Education, OBE/TQM/Communist Core to create a global workforce to spin off profits for the global elite.

(3)       wipe out local wars, poverty and disease. There is more war/strife, poverty, and disease in the world in 2016 than there was prior to creation of the United Nations. Don't believe UN statistics!

(4)       control immigration (definition of "control" please!!!!);

(5)       control population (through disease, abortion and euthanasia?);

(6)       bring about sustainable development, through United Nations 2030 Smart Growth regionalism (communism);

(7)       create "free trade" with NAFTA, TPP, etc. Karl Marx loved "free trade".

(8)       plans in the making to create a North American Union. If former President of he USSR referred to the European Union as the "new European Soviet", what does that make the North American Union?

(and this writer could go on and on)

The UN is the head of the octopus.

Even if we succeed in cutting off the above-cited various tentacles of the UN octopus , which it appears we are unable to do, we cannot and will not win the global battle for human freedom, dignity, and prosperity until we (all citizens) focus on cutting off the head of the octopus, which designs, dictates and controls all the above activities, and throwing it into Hell where it originated.

Doesn't the rest of the word deserve a crack at experiencing some of the wonders of the greatest experiment in human freedom, found in our own in America?

Let's not continue to allow UN directives and mandates to kill the United States of America, the goose that laid the golden egg, to which millions of foreigners have immigrated in order to enjoy and benefit from the freedoms guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.

Nothing will change for the better on this planet until the totally unconstitutional United Nations is abolished, never, ever to be resurrected in any form whatsoever.

Get out of the United Nations!


© 2016 Charlotte T. Iserbyt - All Rights Reserved

Ramey comments:
The U.S. is not going to get out of the U.N. as long as there is a U.S. and U.N.  The U.S. and U.N. are both creations of the Vatican.  No American wants to believe this, but do the homework!
The article that follows, along with Ramey comments, can serve as the opening chapter of that homework.

Pope Francis makes a law..destroys every Corporation in the world

Sunday, February 7, 2016 11:19

The Vatican created a world trust using the birth certificate to capture the value of each individual’s future productive energy.  Each state, province and country in the fiat monetary system, contributes their people’s credit value to this worldwide trust identified by the SS, SIN or EIN numbers (for example) maintained in the Vatican registry.

Corporations worldwide (individuals became corporate fiction strawmen through their birth certificate) are connected to the Vatican through law (from Vatican to Crown to BAR to laws to judges to people) and through money (Vatican birth account credit values to IMF to Treasury (Federal Reserve) to banks to people (via loans) to judges (administration) and sheriffs (confiscation).

Judges administer the birth trust credit account in court matters favoring the court and the banks, acting as the presumed “beneficiary” since they have not properly advised the “true beneficiary” of their own trust.  Judges, attorneys, bankers, lawmakers, law enforcement and all public officials (our servants) are now held personally liable for their confiscation of true beneficiary’s homes, cars, money and assets; false imprisonment, deception, harassment, and conversion of the true beneficiary’s credit  trust funds.


The Importance of Motu Propria by Pope Francis

According to the New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia, Motu Propria in Latin stands for “of his own accord” and is the name given to an official decree by a Pope in his personal capacity and office as supreme sovereign pontiff and not in his capacity as the apostolic leader and teacher of the Universal Church. To put it more bluntly, a Motu Propria is the highest form of legal instrument on the planet in accordance to its provenance, influence and structure to the Western-Roman world, over riding anything that could be issued by the United Nations, the Inner and Middle Temple, the Crown of Great Britain or any other Monarch and indeed by any head of state or body politic. If you are a member of the United Nations, or recognized by the United States or the United Kingdom or have a bank account anywhere on the planet, then a Motu Propria is the highest legal instrument, no question.

In the case of the Motu Propria issued by Pope Francis on July 11th 2013, it is an instrument of several functions and layers.

In the first instance, it may be legally construed to apply to the local matters of the administration of the Holy See.

In the second instance, the document relates to the fact that the Holy See is the underpinning to the whole global system of law, therefore anyone holding an office anywhere in the world is also subject to these limits and that immunity no longer applies.

Thirdly, we see the Holy See and the Universal Church clearly separating itself from the nihilist world of the professional elite who continues to be proven, time and time again, to be criminally insane, stark raving mad and with no desire to do anything honorable until they are torn from power by anyone, any body who cares for the Rule of Law.

The age of the Roman Cult, as first formed in the 11th Century and that hijacked the Catholic Church first formed by the Carolingians in the 8th Century, then the Holy Christian Empire or Byzantine Church by the 13th Century and the world at large by the 16th Century ceased to exist around March 14th 2013 upon the election of Pope Francis.

This document issued by Pope Francis is historic on multiple levels, but is most significant above all others in that it recognizes the supremacy of the Golden Rule, the same teaching ascribed to Jesus Christ and the intimate connection to the Rule of Law, that all are subject to the Rule of Law, no one is above the law.


well..did he?

and if he did..why have we not heard more of it?

Note this:

“…the Holy See is the underpinning of the whole global system of law, therefore anyone holding a public office anywhere in the world is also subject to these limits and that immunity no longer applies.”

and here:

“…it recognizes the supramecy of the Golden Rule, the same teaching ascribed to Jesus Christ and the intimate connection to the Rule of Law, that all are subject to the Rule of Law, no one is above the law.”

we are all under roman catholic law…and you didn’t even know it..

“Motu Propria is the highest form of legal instrument on the planet in accordance to its provenance, influence and structure to the Western-Roman world, over-riding anything that could be issued by the United Nations, the Inner and Middle Temple, the Crown of Great Britain or any other Monarch and indeed by any head of state or body politic.”

NESARA- Restore America – Galactic News

Ramey comments:

Don't be too quick to "pooh-pooh" this because America was created by jesuits under Vatican authority.  It was created as the image of the (Roman) beast, (fourth beast of Daniel 7) to rule the world until the kingdoms of this world are given over to the saints of the Most High. 

The Roman Empire is depicted, not only as the fourth beast of Daniel 7, but also as the feet and legs of the dream image of Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel two.  These feet and legs depict the division of the empire today between Christians and Muslim. 

"All the power" of the Roman Empire was bequeathed to the Vatican for the administration of the inquisition.  (See Revelation 13:12).  It was after that they created the image of the (Roman) beast as we can see later in the 13th chapter. 

Mankind is owned today by this beast system much in the same fashion as the nation of Israel was owned by Egypt some 3500 years ago and will continue to be owned by this system until that system is destroyed and mankind is delivered.  That destruction has already started.  It will take a quantum leap when America and Israel are destroyed simultaneously. 

Christians, even those who call themselves "Protestants", are owned by the Vatican and are the harlot daughters of the "...great whore" of Revelation 17.  Religion is a tool created by Satan for the deception of the "...whole world".  (See Rev 12:9).

Christianity was not founded by Christ but rather was "invented" at the Council of Nicea around 325 AD with Constantine presiding.  It really didn't amount to the creation of a new religion but merely the renaming of the Babylonian Mystery Religion. 

I have shown in recent Commentaries that this system is ending in this generation and much of it in this administration.  If you wish to see the destruction that has already begun, see Jeremiah 51:1.  If you want to see how weather will also be used in the destruction of Israel, see Isaiah 29. 

The knell has been sounded on the fourth beast of Daniel 7 under the dominion of Satan and they know it --- therefore all those kingdoms will become more predatory from now until the time they are given to the saints of the Most High.  (Daniel 7:22).

Much is happening today and I wish I could share with you all that my star reporters send across my desk--- but it simply isn't possible.  So I try to sort it and pass on the most important articles.  The one you have just read, I consider extremely important.   


They haven't a clue what's going on in the world and evidently have no interest in knowing --- that would be tantamount to "seeing and/or hearing" evil.  They meet beneath the symbol of the phallus on Sunday to hear a speaker say "smooth things".  Some have even discovered that there is still a Sabbath to be kept and may not meet beneath the symbol of the phallus but nevertheless meet with essen-tially the same mindset.  "Me 'n you God". 

Are these the folks the Creator is looking for to establish His kingdom on earth?  Why no!  Most of these folks are not willing to settle for earth but want heaven as their home.  Is that realistic?  In Matthew 5 Christ said, "...the meek shall inherit the earth", not heaven.  Could it be we have been "...sold a bill of goods" pertaining to this "heaven concept"?  

If you are familiar with the gospels, you know of the rich man who asked Christ, "Good Master, what must I do to inherit eternal life?"

What a beautiful opportunity for Christ to say, "Give your heart to the Lord and your wallet to the high priest", if indeed that was the way.

But He didn't say that --- He said, "Keep the commandments".  Is this still applicable today? 

The rich man, in order to justify himself, said, "These I have done all my life."  But Christ, seeing more than what this man had intended to show, said, "Then sell what you have and give to the poor and come and follow me."   The man went away sorrowing for he was very rich.

Christianity today faces the same dilemma as the rich man because the law, (which is only for openers), is still applicable today (see Matt 5), but there is more.  We have "...inherited lies from our fathers". (see Jeremiah 16:19),   We have been taught the fat man comes down the chimney, the easter bunny lays colored eggs and Columbus discovered America.  And because we have accepted these myths, we are about to be destroyed totally as a nation.  Yes, I've been saying this for the past seven years and it still hasn't happened.  So are we "...home free"?  Look around you.  If you can't see that we stand today on the threshold of destruction, then switch the channel to reruns of "Gunsmoke", open another Bud and relax --- your gov't will "take care" of you. 

The road to hell is paved with riches and nowhere is this more evident than in America today.  Look at the eight year, $40 million vacation our oval office occupant has taken and see in Isaiah 14 just where it takes him.  Do we need to revise our concepts of hell in order to understand this chapter in Isaiah?  This has been covered in a past Commentary.  "There is a way that seems right to a man but the ends thereof are the ways of death."

This world is at a point where it has never been before and only half a sneeze away from entering the "... time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation, no nor ever shall be again."   We are living in the seven year period referred to by the prophets as "...the time of the end."  This is not the end of the world as religion would have us to believe but rather the end of another age.  Noah closed out one age and introduced another but the world did not end --- nor will it at the end of this age.   But it will be the end for the vast majority of earth's population today.  We are entering Satan's last ditch effort to destroy earth and all mankind.  The prophets assure us this will not happen although the destruction worldwide may make it seem it is happening.

The prophet Jeremiah witnessed the destruction of the nation of Judah in 587-586 BC and recorded what he saw in the book of Lamentations.  It is obvious he felt that the Eternal was going to destroy all of Israel at that time.  Actually, Israel had gone into captivity some 120 years earlier and you can pick us some of the story in II Kings 17. 

Now it would seem that iniquity (lawlessness) has reached the full and we stand at the threshold of the destruction of all mankind unless, as reported by U.S. News and World Report decades ago, we are the recipients of "... a strong hand from someplace."  It is this "strong hand" that these Commentaries have been announcing for the past seven plus years. 

Yes there is a "...strong hand from someplace" on their way for a rendezvous with planet earth.  It is not coincidental that we are seeing more and more flap on the web about an incoming celestial visitor.  It is not coincidental that world leaders are turning more and more to the "...god of this world" in their quest for world dominion.  It has been the dream of Satan and his minions for millennia and they now feel they are within reach of their goal.  This, of course, is where the hammer comes down and we see the intervention from the "...strong hand from someplace". 

If we have eyes to see and ears to hear and two brain cells left that are functioning, we can see in the second chapter of Daniel the dream of the ancient Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar, interpreted by the prophet Daniel, to show the king what would be happening " the latter days".  The dream image outlined four empires to rule the earth from Daniel's day to the end of the age.  Historians,, licensed by the Roman Empire, have tried desperately to discredit the prophecy of Daniel and to hide the identity of the fourth beast of Daniel 7 which is the Roman Empire.  That empire is divided into the two legs of Neb's dream image, which began as territorial empires and grew into kingdoms without borders known today as Christianity and Islam.  We can see in chapter seven of Daniel that this fourth empire will still be divided at the time the kingdoms of Satan are given over to the saints of the Most High.  

We are living in those days and in the last days of the final king of the north.  You can see him described in considerable detail in Daniel 11, verses 36-45.  Are we ready to see this age closed out?  Are we ready to live in a world at peace without IRS, NATO and all the other alphabet agencies?  Do we have the " of truth" (II Thes 2:10) and the vision to propel us through the transition?  May your protect-ion be according to your " of truth". 

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