Thursday, July 21, 2016


From the desk of
Bill Ramey


July 15, 2016

News Blackout Descends After Eiffel Tower Attack Begins Horrific Terror Onslaught In France

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that a combined US-EU news blackout has been imposed just hours after French President François Hollande announced his intention, during his nations Bastille Day commemoration, to redeploy the Charles de Gaulle (R91) aircraft carrier to join the Federations battle against Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) terrorists operating in the Levant War Zone—and that resulted in the globally iconic Eiffel Tower, in Paris, coming within “mere seconds” of its being destroyed, while a further “onslaught” by Islamic “barbarians” against France killed at least 80 of its innocent citizens. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, SVR intelligence analysts received an “urgent consultation” request from France’s General Directorate for External Security (DGSE) on Wednesday evening (13 July) relating a joint counter intelligence surveillance operation they were conducting with Belgium’s State Security Service (VSSE) against a suspected Islamic terrorist cell operating in Brussels.

The DGSE reported to their SVR counterparts, this report continues, that while this suspected Islamic State terror cell was under VSSE surveillance, and without warning, the vehicles believed to be used by them exploded—but with the terror suspects themselves having “disappeared/vanished”.

As per the intelligence sharing protocols established between the Federation and France against Islamic State terrorists agreed to by President Putin and President Hollande on 26 November 2015 in Moscow, this report notes, the SVR upon receiving the information about the Brussels “event/incident” from the DGSE established a joint working group with them to track these terror suspects.

Though the exact tracking methods employed by the SVR and DGSE to find these terrorists are more classified then this general report allows, it does, however, state that the nationalities of some of its members were established to be of duel Tunisian and French citizenship.

Most concerning to the SVR, though, this report continues, is that yesterday, 14 July, and while this joint investigation with the DGSE was ongoing, President Hollande not only publically stated his intention to redeploy the Charles de Gaulle (R91) aircraft carrier to fight against the Islamic State, he further notified his nation that their State of Emergency would be lifted on 26 July.

Having no control over how France, or any other nation for that fact, decides upon its own internal security, this report says, SVR intelligence analysts concluded that President Hollande’s statements were at best “very ill timed”, and at their worst, a direct “prodding/poking” of a believed to be highly trained Islamic State terror cell just waiting for an “excuse/reason” to attack.

Predictably, this report grimly notes, and within just a few hours of President Hollande’s provocative statements, two members of this Brussels based Islamic State terror cell attempted to drive and detonate a truck loaded with explosives into the Eiffel Tower—but who were both killed when an elite counter terrorist force of General Directorate for Internal Security (DGSI) police used a [Удалить] (similar to the US made Pyros small tactical missile) to instantly incinerate them before they could detonate their explosives.  

While the DGSI was successful in stopping the attack upon the Eiffel Tower, this report continues, they were not able to stop the simultaneous terror attack occurring 933 kilometers (580 miles) away from Paris in the Mediterranean coastal city of Nice—and that killed at least 80 innocent people.    

To why the Western media in both the US and EU are censoring the full details of these horrific attacks, and the events leading up to them, this report states, was explained to President Putin by US Secretary of State John Kerry (who were both meeting at the time of this terrorist incident) as being due to their citizens being “unable to fully comprehend the subtleties”—a phrase SVR intelligence analysts are still unable to either understand or comprehend. 

This report, however, in its conclusion does note that the censoring from the Western peoples the full scope and horrors of Islamic State terror infiltration into their nations is a long running policy of both the US and EU—and includes leaked documents proving the German press covered up the 1,200 women were sexually assaulted by 2,000 men in German cities on New Year's Eve, the Canadian press covering up a near mass shooting event by Islamic terrorists, the Swedish press covering up that their police used a secret “Code 291” to conceal over 5,000 reported incidents related to Islamic State terrorists, and the American press covering up a vile sexual attack by children of Islamic State war refuges against a five-year-old girl in Twin Falls, Idaho—and that the Obama regimes US Federal Prosecutor threatened if anyone said anything about this crime she’d put them in jail.  

July 15, 2016 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

Exclusive: Bikers for Trump to Patrol Cleveland During RNC Convention; ‘Vets Are Our Backbone’


12 Jul, 2016 12 Jul, 2016


A large group of patriotic motorcycle enthusiasts will be among the visitors to Cleveland Ohio next week for the Republican National Committee meeting that will nominate business mogul Donald Trump to be the Republican nominee for President of the United States.


Bikers for Trump aren’t going to Cleveland looking to cause trouble but will be on hand to counter thousands of professional leftwing agitators planning to disrupt the Republican nominating convention.

We'll be there to make sure that the delegates are allowed to exercise their right to peacefully assemble,” Bikers for Trump organizer Chris Cox told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview. “We’ve seen how these paid agitators have thrown eggs and gotten violent at other Trump events around the country and we’re not going to put up with it.”

Cox emphasized that Bikers for Trump weren’t looking for trouble at the convention. “Veterans are the backbone of the biker community,” Cox continued. “We are patriots and unlike Black Lives Matter and the other leftist idiots, we love our cops. You won’t find one biker in Cleveland jumping on cars, lighting fires, or doing any of the other stupid things we’ve gotten used to seeing on TV the last few months.”

“Big” Jim Williams of Riders USA held a “Bikers for Trump” sign up at a rally in Arizona on July 10th, 2015 and the photo went viral. “I went to that first Trump rally with my Bikers for Trump sign and the next day the picture was all over the internet,” Big Jim told Breitbart News. “Donald Trump will say the things that need to be said and do the things that most politicians are too afraid to do.”

Big Jim will be making the long ride from Phoenix to Cleveland to be in Cleveland during the convention and he sent a letter to his fellow bikers telling them why they should join him. In a copy of the letter provided to Breitbart News he says:

The fact of the matter is we have become a nation of slaves… Now more than ever we need to come together as a nation and stand against tyranny and corruption. We need to stand against paid thugs and show them that things are done differently in America. If we don’t stand now, in Cleveland we are giving it to the third world thugs and will never get it back. We will soon be like every other cess pool of socialism or communism that these people are coming from and the things that we are so addicted to, that kept us from standing up will be gone and we will be powerless, living life the way we are told to live it. Our lives will be worthless and meaningless.

None of the bikers Breitbart News spoke with wanted to say how many would attend. “The city of Cleveland gave us a hard time with our permits and so we haven’t really counted how many people are coming,” Cox said. “It’s probably better because I want to work with all the other people who are drawn to be there. I’ll be meeting with the secret service and the state and local police to let them know what we’re all about.”

The bikers have also had significant success spreading the word on social media. The Facebook, “Bikers for Trump 2016” has more than 70,000 likes and has had months in which their reach counted in the millions. This video posted in April has nearly 250,000 views:

Big Jim of Riders USA laid out what’s at stake in his letter:

We will fight, or we will comply. Everybody talks a good game. Everybody gets pissed off and pounds their chest. But very few people ever show up to fight. Like I said, the opposition wants it more than we do. Otherwise we would show up. Nothing could stop us. I am only one man. I can’t do much by myself, and I can’t afford to go. But I will be there.If we succeed in Cleveland, dealing with Hillary will be easy. If we lose in Cleveland you might as well get used to the smell of her ass, because you will be kissing it to survive. We have an opportunity to stand for freedom. What are we going to do.

Dustin Stockton is a political reporter for Breitbart News, a community liaison for Gun Owners of America, and a political strategist. Follow him on Twitter @DustinStockton or  Facebook.

Ramey comments: 

What a stroke of genius!  The cops can keep a low profile (out of the line of fire), and still be there to clean up the bodies when the action stops. 

And when it's over, it should be perfectly clear to all Americans who the real patriots are and who the terrorist agitators are. 

Police chiefs and mayors across America would do well to survey carefully their potential allies in the Promise Keepers, KKK, and armed Americans in general rather than appeal to the feds for assistance.  The feds are more interested in photo ops and being politically correct than affirmative action that produces results.  We saw their brand of action (or rather inaction), in Ferguson, Mo.  Had the police accepted the offer of the Promise Keepers, the looting and arson would have been minimized.

One way or another, Obama is going to have his race war that he has been lobbying for since the day he was inaugurated.  Furthermore, he stated in one of the books he allegedly wrote, that, "... if the political winds shift in an ugly direction, I will stand with the Muslim."  Do any Americans really understand what he is saying?  How did we wind up with this traitor in the oval office?  Through Soros money which was paid back double out of taxpayers' money in one grant shortly after he took office.  America may not have become a nation of fools but it would seem that we have elevated the fools to ruling positions!

On a personal note --- I have worn out several motorcycles in my 80+ years.  I was riding a '57 "Panhead" in the early 60s when the media was labeling all Harley riders "Hell's Angels".  Though not a "clubber", I can still identify with the two wheel group.  But what really gets my attention is their fierce patriotism and the intestinal fortitude to back it up.  My hat is off to all you bikers that participate in this event.  I would love to be there but am simply too old to be an asset in a "scuffle".

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