Thursday, July 21, 2016


From the desk of
Bill Ramey


July 17, 2016

Turkish Leader Praises Putin For Saving His Live—But Vows “Revenge” On Obama

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A stunning Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that during President Putin’s just completed telephone conversation with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the embattled Turkish leader praised the Federation for saving his life and agreed to meet President Putin in the next fortnight—but, also, vowed “revenge” on President Obama for staging a failed coup d'état against his regime. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

President Putin (left) President Erdoğan (right)

According to this report, the Obama regime plot to kill President Erdoğan was first discovered by the Ministry of Defense (MoD) seven months ago—and that we reported on in our 2 December 2015 report titled Putin Orders “Doomsday” Plane Into Air After Military Warns US-Turkey Plot Is “Beyond Staggering” which, in part, said:
The Ministry of Defense (MoD) is reporting today that President Putin has ordered the Federation’s Ilyushin-80 giant command and control aircraft designated for use during nuclear war (otherwise known as the “Doomsday plane”) to prepare for worldwide war operations within a fortnight after military intelligence analysts discovered a “beyond staggering” plot by United States and Turkish government factions to bring down Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan and replace him with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) “designated figurehead” Fethullah Gulen—while at the same time utilizing Islamic State terrorists as “leverage”. [Note: This report should be read in its entirety to understand the Obama regimes full plans and motivations for staging this coup against Turkey.]

Russian “Doomsday” Plane

Immediately prior to the MoD’s discovery of the Obama regime plot to kill President Erdoğan, this report continues, relations between the Federation and Turkey had been shattered when on 24 November 2015 a defenseless Russian bomber was shot down over Syria by Turkish warplanes killing its pilot—but which, a fortnight ago, President Erdoğan apologized for in a personal letter to President Putin.

Upon President Putin receiving President Erdoğan’s apology on 27 June, this report notes, the MoD “activated/authorized” its previous “personal defense” operation for Turkey’s leader activating an elite force of the 25th Spetsnaz Regiment of the Main Intelligence Administration (GRU).

25th GRU Spetsnaz soldiers, call sign “Ramzes”

Fearing that President Erdoğan would soon be protected by these elite Spetsnaz forces, this report continues, the Obama regime “accelerated” their coup plans against him—but failed to “understand/comprehend” that they had already formed a “proactive barrier” around him, his main communication links to his government, police forces and loyal media outlets.

In the Obama regimes failing to know that these elite Spetsnaz forces were already in “combat operation” protecting President Erdoğan, this report explains, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) directed coup plotters began their attack on 15 July in the Turkish Riviera port town of Marmaris on the Mediterranean coast by attacking the Grand Yazici Club Turban where Turkey’s leader was vacationing.

The attack itself, this report continues, consisted of “at least” 8-10 CIA directed Turkish military troops landing a helicopter on the grounds of the Grand Yazici Club Turban, rushing towards what they believed was President Erdoğan’s private chateau, and then hurling grenades and automatic gunfire into it. 

Not known to these attackers, however, this report says, was that President Erdoğan’s elite Spetsnaz “protectors” had previously removed him to the Casa De Maris as they knew it was about to occur—and though the “furious battle” did cost the lives of many Turkish police forces, Turkey’s leader was saved from harm with these coup plotters fleeing in their helicopter across the sea straight to Greece—and who hours ago appeared before a Greek prosecutor with Prime Minister of Greece Alexis Tsipras vowing to extradite them back to Turkey.

In the aftermath of the Obama regimes failed coup against President Erdoğan, this report grimly details, over 6,000 have been detained as suspected coup plotters with the main CIA-directed leaders—Chief  military adviser to the Turkish President Colonel Ali Yazici, Commander of Turkey's western Balikesir airbase Brigadier General Ishak Dayioglu, and General Akin Ozturk—all now in custody too.

Of the gravest concern to the MoD, this report warns, is the control of the estimated 90 B61 gravity nuclear bombs at Turkey’s Incirlik Air Base.  Fifty of these nuclear bombs are reportedly assigned for delivery by US pilots, and forty are assigned for delivery by the Turkish Air Force.

With the commander of the Incirlik Air Base, General Bekir Ercan Van, now in custody too, this report concludes, US military forces have gone on their highest alert while local authorities have blocked all access to it—with no clear direction being shown by the Obama regime as to how they are going to respond to their “failed adventure”, or protect these nuclear weapons.

July 17, 2016 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.


Americans are asleep today.  We seem perfectly comfortable in the illusion that we are a Christian nation and therefore no ill can befall us.  This same brand of idolatry was promoted in the nation of Judah just before they were invaded and enslaved by the Babylonians in 587-586 BC.

They had the laws of God, the temple built by Solomon and the ark of the covenant --- what Ill could befall them?  You can read all about it in the Lamentations of Jeremiah.  Jeremiah was appalled --- this was "God's people" and they were being butchered and enslaved.  Why?  Because of idolatry.  Have we "...eyes to see and ears to hear"? 

Today's rulers have no plan for the restoration of life to the Pacific Ocean.  That devastation was a result of man's lust for power and planetary dominion and was not an "accident" but a planned event.  Today's rulers are under the jurisdiction of Satan as we can see plainly in the fourth chapter of the gospel of Luke.  Their vision is limited to more destruction and power acquisition. Will their thoughts turn to self preservation when we reach Fukushima multiplied by 100 as in when America's nuclear power plants melt down and threatens to exterminate life on the entire planet? 

It will come and it will be in this generation and evidently in this administration.  The red warning signals are flashing worldwide.

The prophets spoke of these days millennia ago and yet no rulers today put any stock in what the prophets have warned us of.  Their trust is in astrologers, witches, the religious gurus of today and technology.  The wisest man who ever lived said, "Where there is no vision, the people perish".  Do we see any rulers today with vision?  It would seem we are working overtime to find ways of destroying the earth faster.  Fukushima, the gulf "oil spill", chem trails, pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, GMOd foods, vaccinations, hallucinogens, petro chemicals --- the list is endless.  And yet, do we see the signs that we are bringing life on earth to a smashing climax?  All seems to be directed toward more greed, decadence and concentrating more and more power in fewer and fewer people at the top of the power pinnacle.  Can we not see the fruits of this hedonistic movement?  Are we simply too blind to see that this is destroying the earth?

I have good news --- the earth is not going to be destroyed this way.  Nor is is going out in a giant fireball brought on us by the gods.  There is a rescue party already in out solar system preparing to intervene in the affairs of today's rulers who are making plans for consolidating power even more in a vain dream they call the New World Order and this is where the Creator draws the line. 

There is going to be a New World Order but it is not to be the one envisioned by those who fancy themselves the "elite".  The true New World Order, first installment, is going to be set up in Jerusalem.  That requires some prep work.  First the area must be cleared of the counterfeit Jews to prepare the way for the true New Israel.  If you can understand it, the game plan for this can be found in Isaiah chapter 29.  We see the stage being set today in world events.  In Jeremiah 50-51 we can even see who the major players are going to be in the coming realignment and taking out of some of today's major players.  It will only take one month to destroy and evacuate survivors from America.  (See Hosea 5).  It will take less than that to clear Israel.  Earthquakes, tsunamis and hailstorms of unprecedented proportions are going to play major parts in the coming transformation of planet earth and it appears we are already seeing some of this.  Meteorologists and seismologists are telling us there is more to come.  It would seem our government is not allowing the astrophysicists to speak but if they did, they could add yet another dimension to the story and this is a celestial visitor that allegedly is already in our solar system as well. 

Had our rulers been truthful about world history and given heed to the prophets, we would have known about this visitor ages ago and would have been preparing for that visit in ways other than building D.U.M.B.s at the expense of all to protect the guilty. 

Believe it or not --- like it or not, there is coming an intervention into the affairs of mankind.  World rulers are aware of this intervention and are gearing up to fight these "intruders".  This will be their final mistake.  The religions of this world are busy convincing the rulers that this is the antichrist and that if the world unites militarily, he can be defeated.  This is folly but will not be recognized as that until after the battles outlined in Isaiah 63, Zechariah 14 and Revelation 19. 

Events have ramped up rather quickly after the stripping off of the 5th seal of Revelation 6 which was the creation of ISIS by the U.S. government.  The whole world is now aware of this with the exception of some willfully ignorant Americans. 

Now we see America ramping up for the civil war mentioned in Jeremiah 51:46 and Americans will find themselves fighting the U.N. and ISIS --- both of whom are armed and funded by U.S. dollars.

Yes, it would seem that BO's work here is almost done.


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