Wednesday, October 5, 2016


From the desk of
Bill Ramey


Greetings friends around the world:

Today at sundown begins the ten days of awe that are looking more likely, daily, to be the final warning to America and "Israel".  The following article should help to explain.

September 30, 2016

“Level B” Russian Ministries Ordered To Bunkers After US Threat To Cut Off Diplomacy

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

Just a day after the Security Council (SC) reported that President Putin had ordered the convening of the “Holy War Council” in response to the Obama regime threat to launch terror attacks on Federation soil if Russia didn’t stop fighting Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) terrorists in the Levant War Zone, the Ministry of Defense (MoD) is now reporting that all “Level B” ministries (Moscow local) are now being evacuated to their assigned nuclear protected bunkers in the “secure renovated” Tagansky Protected Command Point (Bunker 42)  after US Secretary of State John Kerry issued a new threat to break off all diplomatic contact with the Kremlin—and that is considered as an act of war. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

Important to note is that on 26 August all top Federation federal ministries were evacuated to their nuclear protected bunkers in anticipation of this war, but the adding of “Level B” ministries (local governments/police and fire resources, etc.) today shows that preparations for an immediate attack are now fully underway.

Fueling this grave move, this report explains, is the Obama regime, and its NATO allies, “unpredictable/unstable” response to the Syrian militaries planned assault on the city of Aleppo against the Western supported al-Qaeda and Islamic State terrorists who over the past week have killed hundreds of innocent civilians. 

While these hundreds of innocent civilians are being systematically eradicated by these Western backed terrorists, this report says, the Obama regimes “humanitarian” propaganda drumbeat over Aleppo belies the facts and circumstances of the Obama regimes covert war for regime change in Syria—a dirty war in which it, and its NATO allies, have colluded with a proxy army of terrorist gangs too numerous to name. 

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in responding to these Obama regime “blatant war moves” in supporting these Islamic terrorists, this report continues, just hours ago stated: “The US has assumed responsibility for separating the opposition [from terrorists], but they haven't done so, so far. We have more and more reason to think that since the very beginning, the US could have been plotting to use the Al-Nusra Front to implement regime change.  They said that the separation of the opposition from the Al-Nusra Front is a high priority. Despite these promises, they still haven't done that.”

Important to note, this report explains, is that the Obama regime does not distinguish between legitimate Syrian opposition groups and Islamic State and al-Qaeda terrorists—and with Federation military air power, along with Syrian and Iranian troops, decimating these terrorists, the Americans have nearly completely lost control of their “pipeline war”.

Especially angering the Obama regime, this report says, has been the Federations superior use of air power against these Islamic terrorists—and where just 40 Russian aircraft with interchangeable crews have made up to 75 sorties in a single day, while the Americans and their allies make only 20 sorties per day having at their disposal 180 aircraft and often have little impact as their aircraft mostly return to their bases with unused ammunition.

MoD experts in this report further note that the way the Obama regime is using its airpower in the Levant War Zone is exactly like the Americans did in their failed Vietnam War as without control over the ground operation by multiple military sources any aerial bombing loses its sense.

What the Obama regime is, also, attempting to do, this report continues, is to transport their remaining Islamic State and al-Qaeda terrorists fleeing the Levant War Zone to the equally volatile Libya—and that the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies (RISS) is now warning will have by the end of year nearly all of these terrorists fleeing from both Syria and Iraq. 

As to why the Obama regime is sending their fleeing Islamic terrorists to Libya, this report explains, is so that they can begin the destabilization of Egypt after President Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood supported coup failed to destroy that nation too. 

The interesting conclusion to this MoD report notes that the Obama regime and its propaganda press allies have filled the American peoples minds with lies about the true facts in Syria by bombarding them with hourly reports from an organization called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights—that besides the Kremlin noting that this London-based organizations information is untrue, is, in fact, not an organization at all but a single man named Rami Abdul Rahman who has not been in Syria in over 15 years and is reported to be funded by British intelligence.

Though this report doesn’t mention this exactly, it is more than ironic that as the world stands of the brink of total war—the American people’s ability to be completely deluded by a single man amplified tens-of-thousands of times by the Obama regimes propaganda media is astonishingly all that stands between them and complete ruin.

But then again, no one has EVER accused the American people of having common sense when it comes to their believing their warmongering and corrupt elite leaders—like Hillary Clinton, who may shortly rule over them all. 

September 30, 2016 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

 [Note: The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]

Ramey comments:

For those of you who have been Commentary readers for a couple of years or more, I think you know what this means.  For those who think these Commentaries are "conspiracy theory", ten pages of explanation would not change your mind. 

Are events in Syria this week to change the world forever?  Have our leaders sealed their fate?  Are we about to see first, Isaiah 29 play out and second, Isaiah 13 unfold? 

I'm sure some consider me unpatriotic for passing on Sorcha Faal articles, but I have monitored this website for well over a decade and, by comparing, cross-checking and follow-up, have found it more reliable and accurate on international events than any and all network news.

We need to understand that all news is filtered through "religiously colored lenses" and Sorcha Faal is no different as you can see by the second editor's note following the above article.  The difference is that the Faal articles are colored by the Christian religion while the network news is colored by the Luciferian religion --- evidently by order of the chief and his minions who are pushing the NWO agenda and Muslim terrorism.    All religion is motivated by the Satanic dream of world dominion. The Luciferians appear to feel they now have enough wealth and firepower to bring that dream to fruition.  The world is their stage and the next three and one half years their final act. 

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