Monday, October 24, 2016


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



Shakespeare said, "First we kill all the lawyers..." and there is a certain amount of wisdom in that statement but if we are to build an equitable government for planet earth, we need to look a bit deeper than the wisdom of Shakespeare. 

The government of planet earth was committed to a third of the angels under the leadership of Lucifer.  I'm well aware of the vast numbers that challenge this statement but the more buried history that is revealed such as the age of the Sphinx and the translation of the Sumeraian records by Zecharia Sitchin, the more substantiation we have for this scenario. 

The prophets have written a description of the "end time world" that bears a striking resemblance to the world we live in today.

Was this just a good guess some 3000 years ago? But we are looking for solutions so let's not get bogged down in details at this point. 

The prophets have indicated that when mankind has exhausted every idea he can conceive of to effectively govern himself, then the Eternal is going to step in with real and workable solutions to the problems plaguing mankind today. 

The first requirement is a righteous ruler and we see that this ruler is to be established in Jerusalem very shortly --- after the pirates are exterminated or driven out of the Jerusalem areas.  (See Isaiah 29).  The entire area of the little counterfeit nation of Israel is to be cleared for establishing the new nation of Israel.  It will be protected in a way that will make the iron dome look archaic. 

At the time the land of Israel is cleared, the nation named America and called Chaldea or Babylon by the prophet Habakkuk, will collapse under the weight of it's own corrupt politicians and two thirds of it's populace will perish.  (See Ezek 5).

This will not be America alone but other Israelite nations such as Sweden, Norway, Ireland, Netherlands, etc.  A third of their population will be taken captives and sold as slaves world wide. 

During this time of captivity of three and one half years, the New Israel will be cleared, with greatly expanded borders, and getting ready for the time when these Israelites will be released from captivity and allowed to emigrate to the New Israel.  (See Isaiah 14 and 34). 

That new and greater Israel will be living at that time under a code of laws foreign to this world although they were given to the prophet Moses some 3500 years ago.  The Israelites at that time chose to ignore these laws and go their own way and we have seen the result for the past three and one half millennia.

In the 26th chapter of Leviticus, we are promised, in writing, not only peace in the land but clement weather and bountiful crops if we simply live by the laws given, not only to Moses, but to Adam, Noah, Abraham, etc.  And to this day, no nation, at any time, has taken the Creator up on this promise by living according to those laws, statutes, precepts and judgments. 

That is about to change.  The three million strong nation of Israel was delivered from the slavery of Egypt to form a nation and to introduce the God of Israel to the gentile world but they blew it big time and copied the idolatrous ways of the nations around them.  They are not off the hook however and are still going to introduce the God of Israel to the gentile world. 

Not only have we lost track of who the Israelites are, (the Jews are only one tribe of Israel and the Khazarians, most of whom inhabit Israel, are not Israelites at all), but we took the Creator's name out of scripture in some 7000 places in the K/J Bible. 

The "reset" is going to include the correct-ion of these errors along with many more. 

Survivors of the coming holocaust will have to be re-educated from the ground up.  This responsibility will fall largely on the shoulders of two men walking the earth today. If you would like a preview of them, you can start in Revelation 11 and then go to Zechariah 4 for a clearer picture of who they are.

How do you re-educate the world?  First off, we will be starting with considerably fewer people than the population today as a result of the war America is pushing for today. And in order to put education on a firm foundation, the "myth factories" first have to be destroyed --- whether these be conclaves cranking out these myths or whether these be teachers embracing these myths --- they must be terminated. 

History must be rewritten factually instead of the historical myths taught today in all American educational institutions from K through college. 

Those dreaming of a bloodless revolution need to read the writings of the prophets.  There is going to be a river of blood from the real Mt Sinai (Jabal Al Lawz) to Jerusalem.  (See Isaiah 63:1-4).  The armies that march on Jerusalem are going to be converted to vulture food. (See Rev 19). 

The rebuild, first of Jerusalem, then the New Israel and then the planet is not going to be done by jesuits and will definitely not be according to political correctness.  That very term is about to be relegated to the trash bin.   

Political science and colleges that teach it will also be relegated to the trash bin.  The age of politics is very near over.  Politics have failed utterly and have brought the world to the very threshold of WW III.  It's time for politicians to be held accountable for their actions and those in the media   should not be immune to prosecution as accomplices in the crimes against humanity. 

So do I believe the tribunal allegedly being set up to look into these war crimes is going to accomplish anything other than spending lots of money?  No!  I think they are forming up to placate those demanding that action be taken and if they can succeed in getting Hillary elected, that investigation will die on the vine. 

But there is a "reset" imminent and it will not be dependent on the actions of politicians.  Justice will be meted out as it was for Jezebel by Jehu in ancient Israel. 

This world has run it's course and the change of the guard will be announced by an earthquake that we have no reference points for.  (See Rev 6:12).  It appears that Yellowstone, San Andreas, New Madrid and the Cascadia Subduction Zone have been rehearsing for this performance for months.

The agenda for the re-education process will be established in Jerusalem under the direction of a team of elders and will apply to much more than academic education.  It will amount to a new direction for this new nation of Israel that is to be the model for the rest of the world.  It will be done under the protective canopy of the Creator who will be living there. 

The first message of hope put out by this re-education process will be to the stragglers who escaped the destruction of the city, which is on the threshold even as i write this.   We can find that message to Jerusalem in the first few verses of Isaiah 40.  Isaiah 46:11 and 51:18 show that this message is not delivered by one of their own but by a prophet from a far country.  That message will be that their warfare is over.  Jerusalem will not be destroyed again. 

Freedom of religion, plus Christianity and Islam will be exposed for the idolatry that it is and will have no place in the New Israel.  A "Way of Life" will be taught and promoted there which will not include alphabet agencies, prisons, lawyers, standing armies and many of the other parasites we consider essential today.  The nation will be governed according to the laws given to Moses and found in Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5.  The counterfeit sabbath will be abolished and the seventh day Sabbath that was established as a memorial to the creation will be restored. 

There will also be Holy Days observed and we can see them listed in Leviticus 23. The world has counterfeited these with pagan "holidays" and those will be abolished also in the New Israel. 

The responsibility for sane and prudent conduct will rest at the individual level.  Remedial action for misconduct will rest at the community level with participation of every member as a part of the responsibility requirement for living in the New Israel and receiving, tax free forever, a parcel of the land promised to Abraham. 

There is another prophecy that most prophecy watchers are aware of but some may have misunderstood.  This is Malachi 4:5 and says, "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD."  The very next verse (6), says, "And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children and the heart of the children to the fathers." 

Now, let's look at what it DOES NOT say.  It says that the prophet Elijah, (one of the two prophets), will be sent before that great and dreadful day of the LORD.  It does not say that he will turn the heart of the fathers to the children and the heart of the children to the fathers BEFORE that great and dreadful day of the LORD. 

How do you turn the heart of the fathers to the children and the heart of the children to the fathers?  First you must destroy those who promote state ownership of children through marriage license.  You must restore fatherhood by destroying those who sponsor "fatherless children".  The restoration of fatherhood will come during the tribulation and the resettling of the New Israel.

It will come as the laws of God are administered and families are established as the foundation of the new government.  In short, you restore individual initiative and responsibility.   Tough love?  You can consider it that but in order to put the new government on a firm foundation, the foundation must be secure.

The re-education will take into account music.  Satanic music will have no place in the New Israel. 

I knew a minister in one of the world's fundamentalist churches, whose wife was an avid Barry Manilow fan.  One day she was playing a Barry M tape and this minister listened to the words of one of the songs entitled "I Write the Songs".  He asked her to restart the selection and listen to the words.  It starts like this:

"I've been alive forever,
And I wrote the very first song,
I put the words and melody together..."

He pushed the "Off" button on the cassette recorder --- and his wife started crying --- one of her sacred cows had just been slain.

For those who want to keep their idols of Satanic music, pornography, sex worship and perversion, they will need to find their home in one of the nations that tolerate that for yet a few months or possibly years --- but it won't be the New Israel.  

Those nations who refuse to send ambassadors to Jerusalem to be indoctrinated in the law will have no rain and if they still persist, they will have plagues.  (See Zechariah 14).

In the setting up of the agenda for the re-education process, such underhanded ploys of Satan, as music and porn, will be screened through the wisdom of the ages and eliminated from the New Israel whose government will be administered by the Creator and the course will be set for the re-education of the world.  Those who get wealthy from drugs, porn and selling children will be destroyed from the face of the earth.

The multiple conspiracies that exist in America --- and are obvious to all except those who refuse to see --- will not be allowed to take root in the New Israel.  The King's staff of advisors will contain such notables as Enoch, Elijah, Abraham, Noah, Moses, Isaiah, etc. 

Conspiracy, subversion crime and deception will be dealt with quickly, decisively and permanently. 

Once the New Israel has demonstrated the new government and that the Eternal is capable of keeping the promises made in Leviticus 26, the nations of the world will begin to send ambassadors to Israel to be instructed in this new form of government.

This will not be a wand wave as Christians seem to believe but will take some time and the "elite" may spend several years in their hidey-holes before being brought out to face a tribunal and be tried for their crimes against humanity.  (See Isaiah 24:21-22)  But justice will prevail.  It is written. 

Many will question how a hundred million or more destitute slaves emigrating to the desert in a New Israel can occupy a serious position among nations.  This is a valid question and for an answer I would advise them to read the book of Exodus and see how that three million "sand dwellers" impacted history..  For one thing, they came out of Egypt with virtually all the wealth of Egypt. 

Now let's look at the book of Isaiah chapters 29-33 that deal with the clearing of the counterfeit "Israel" and the establishing of the New (and true) Israel.  We see that none of the attacking armies are allowed to loot the wealth of that nation which is considerable.  It appears that even NATO (the Assyrian) will have a try and fail.  That wealth is to be preserved for those coming out of captivity and making their way to the New Israel. 

So this new nation will not be starting at the bottom of the heap as do most.  Not only will their God be dwelling among them but they will have the wealth stolen from the world by the Khazarian pirates as their starting "dowry". 

The world will come to realize that some-thing special is going on there and will send ambassadors to the New Israel to see what it is.  (See Zechariah 14). 

The re-education will be directed primarily to the New Israel and to those israelites in captivity --- however --- it will have a trickle down effect and we can see in the first two verses of Isaiah 14 that some of the slave masters will bring their slaves to Israel at the end of the tribulation AND BECOME THEIR SERVANTS.  This is to the credit of those captives who gave a powerful witness to their slave master --- not by "preaching the gospel" to them but by being loyal and faithful servants. 

Are we a part of this witness today?

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