Wednesday, April 5, 2017


From the desk of
Bill Ramey




Are Americans really this dumb?  Perhaps not, but the media is.  The world looks on in disbelief as these stories are spoon fed to Americans.  They are promoted with Hollyweird illustrations but are so simplistic that only fools would swallow them and yet polls show that 14% of Americans still believe the "Fake News". 

Even after the Iraqi "weapons of mass destruction", the "gassing of his own people by Assad" and the "Russian hacking", 14% still believe the media --- incredible. 

Has the disinformation campaign really been that subtle?  No, of course not.  The quote by William Casey (then head of CIA) in the early 1980s has been widely circulated in which he said, "We will know our dis-information campaign is complete when everything Americans believe is wrong". 

And still 14% of Americans believe the CIA managed media. 

So have we arrived at the point to where everything Americans believe is wrong?  Well, a high percentage of them believe that Columbus discovered America and that the man in the red suit comes down the chimney on December 24th.  Probably an even higher percentage believe it is their civic duty to endorse the lies embodied in the pledge of allegiance by uttering that pledge in unison at public meetings. 

And virtually the whole world believes that the little counterfeit nation of "Israel" is the remnant of the nation of Israel that went into captivity in 721-720 BC. 

Multiple millions believe that America is a free country founded by "...huddled masses yearning to breathe free."  It takes some digging to learn that it was a Vatican creation which furnished a project to take jesuits out of the world spotlight after the backlash caused by the inquisition.  

More millions believe that the world banking conglomerate is owned by the Rothschilds when in reality, it is owned by the Vatican. 

Millions of christians believe the bible is "God breathed" and as it says in II Tim 3:16, "...every word is inspired..."  Few of these folks have ever read Jeremiah 8:8.

I suggest reading it in several translations because the K/J tends to gloss over what it really says.

We could go on but this should suffice to show that Casey's dream has pretty much been realized and that virtually everything Americans believe is wrong.  And yes, this includes religion. 

Have we lost the capacity to think?  Yes we have --- thanks to our many religions and also our government sponsored educational institutes.  Those intentionally destroying America call it "...being dumbed down."  These folks occupy high positions in government and one just vacated the oval office.  Others have rallied behind him to try to finish the project of destroying America that was started by his three predecessors and continued by him through two terms of office.  If you are oblivious to this --- good morning.  

Nibiru Shocking 24 Hours Warning – Planet 7x Will Arrives Soon -This Is What Will Happen When it Arrives


Sunday, April 2, 2017 8:42




Speculating and theorizing about the existence of yet undiscovered planets in our solar system has been bounced around for centuries. Prior to each new discovery of another outer planet has come detection of anomalies in the erratic, inexplicable motions of the outermost known planet. For instance, before Neptune’s existence was determined, for decades astronomers had been theorizing that Uranus’ (discovered in 1781) irregular movement may have been caused by the presence of yet another undiscovered planet. Indeed that was the case in 1846 when Neptune was first sighted and identified.

The now dethroned ninth planet Pluto discovered in 1930 (relegated in 2006 to minor dwarf planet status) and Pluto’s later found moon Charon were then used to explain the observed “wobbles” in Uranus and Neptune’s respective orbits. Thus, errors in calculating precise positions of known planets hold an enduring pattern of later confirmation of cause determined by each newly discovered planet. Hence, for over a century scientists have debated that yet more major planets and dwarf planets belonging to our solar system are still out there in space waiting to be found and existing anomalies to be explained.

Way back in 1940 Chilean astronomer Carlos Munoz Ferrada predicted accurately that the powers-that-be would attempt to cover-up Planet X when it comes barreling towards the earth. Ferrada referred to Nibiru/Planet X as a “Comet-Planet” because it has the size of a planet but speed and elliptical orbit of a comet.

Mythologically speaking, it has the appearance of a fiery beast, appearing in the sky like a second sun.

Nibiru is a magnetic planet, causing the Earth to tilt in space as it passes.

Nibiru is believed to have four times the diameter of Earth and is 23 times more massive, a truly gigantic planet.

According to ancient texts, Nibiru Is wrapped in a cloud of dust iron oxide red, making the rivers and lakes acquire a reddish color.

It is believed that it would cause days of obscurity while passing next to other planets, possibly even stopping their rotation during its transition across space due to its incredible magnetic properties.

Nibiru is also associated with great dangers. Some researchers believe if a planet like Nibiru would come close to Earth, it would cause large earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions creating an entirely new geography and climate.

Former USGS Climatologist Dr. Ethan Trowbridge says that Nibiru is responsible for the massive earthquake and subsequent tsunami that struck New Zealand just after midnight. The 7.8 magnitude earthquake caused widespread damage, forcing thousands of frightened residents, including small children, to flee their homes for higher ground as emergency services warned of destructive waves of up to 50 meters in some areas.

Earlier this year, Dr. Trowbridge broke ranks with the USGS to warn the world about the forthcoming Nibiru cataclysm. He stated that the USGS has colluded with the White House and foreign powers to conceal Nibiru’s existence until the last possible moment.  A week before Hurricane Matthew devastated parts of Florida and North Carolina, Dr. Trowbridge accurately predicted that Nibiru’s influence would cause the storm to strengthen, spin counter-clockwise, and strike the southeast United States, not spin harmlessly out to see as other forecasts at that time had predicted.

It is called ” The Destroyer” in the Kolbrin, a parallel Bible located in the monastery of Glastonbury in Scotland; Men forget the days of the Destroyer. Only the wise know where it went and that it shall return at the appointed time. … It is the Destroyer … Its color was bright and fierce and ever-changing, with an unstable appearance … a fierce body of flames.

According to the US News World Report, Planet X or Nibiru exists, the article; “Shrouded from the sun’s light, mysteriously tugging at the orbits of Uranus and Neptune, is an unseen force that astronomers suspect may be Planet X – a 10th resident of the Earth’s celestial neighborhood. Last year, the infrared astronomical satellite (IRAS), circling in a polar orbit 560 miles from the Earth, detected heat from an object about 50 billion miles away that is now the subject of intense speculation.”

According to an article published in Newsweek on July 13, 1987, NASA disclosed that there might be a 10th planet orbiting our Sun. According to NASA research scientist John Anderson, Planet X might actually be out there, but nowhere near our planets. The article form Newsweek states: “if he is right, two of the most intriguing puzzles of space science might be solved: what caused mysterious irregularities in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune during the 19th Century? And what killed off the dinosaurs 26 million years ago.”

On October 23, 1996 an article from AP called “New rebel planet found outside the solar system” states the following: A new planet that breaks all the rules about how and where planets form has been identified in orbit of a twin star about 70 light years from Earth in a constellation commonly known as the Northern Cross. The new planet has a roller coaster like orbit that swoops down close to its central star and then swings far out into frigid fringes, following a strange egg-shaped orbit that is unlike that of any other known planet.

Ramey comments:

The above report is but one more of what I call "Bombshell Headlines" and "Firecracker contents". 

And it isn't that I don't believe we have a rogue planet stalking us, but I see these same artist's concepts coming out about every two years with what purports to be new info about Nibiru only to find it's the same warmed over speculation.  This may well be intentional in order to tire the public of these "rumors" of a celestial visitor. 

It may very well be that in the next few weeks and months there will only be two safe places in our solar system --- and neither of these will be the ISS or the underground bunkers.  One will be the "Jerusalem Taxi" ferrying those of the exodus from Babylon and the other will be in the tribulation but with the seal of protection of the 144,000.  (Rev 7).

I believe there can be no question but that something big is coming down.  Governmental murder is reaching epic proportions and they justify it by calling it population reduction.  It is being done with vaccines, chem trails and poisons in our food and water.  At the present the masses are still asleep but a disturbing number of them are beginning to rouse from slumber and realize what is going on. 

A few are waking up to see that their "boarding pass" for the "Jerusalem Taxi" is found in II Thess 2:10.  A few are starting to realize that the msm is not about news but rather propaganda and keeping the masses asleep.  A few are starting to realize that these Commentaries are indeed advanced news.

They are being read more and more by those in advantageous positions and this is evident by the government moles and psychology being promoted to counter them. 

This world is in a transition and it will culminate in what some are calling the "reset" that will level the playing field on planet earth and mark the end of the reign of Satan and his minions who call themselves the "elite".  They can kid themselves that they are going to emerge from these holes called D.U.M.B.S to create a brave new world but those holes should have been more appropriately named T.O.M.B.S. (The Only Morally Based Solution).  Are these misfits among those "...who shall not rise

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