Thursday, November 7, 2013


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



This article should also bring out in bold print the past messages in Commentary & Opinion. Matthew 24:22 says, "And except those days should be shortened, there should be no flesh saved --- but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened."  We have a preview of the end of life on planet earth if there is not a Supreme Being who has the power to back up these words.  

This article was submitted by Bonnie M.

Big Trouble from Fukushima

Posted by STAFF - Matheus on October 19, 2013 | Filed under World News

This is a very good video of the situation, that is only going to get worse and worse until we finally admit that we are a stupid race that lets the worst elements among us lead in science, business, medicine, and government. Following stupid people we suffer and we die and that is the way it has always been. Unfortunately the stupidest people sound smart and are able to fool us just like psychopaths so easily deceive their prey;

Radioactivity levels in a well near a storage tank at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan have risen immensely on Thursday, the plant’s operator has reported. Officials of the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) said last Friday that they detected 400,000 becquerels per liter of beta ray-emitting radioactive substances – including strontium – at the site, a level 6,500 times higher than readings taken the day before.

The headlines are alarming: vast leaks of radioactive water, international experts are being drafted in and spikes in radiation levels continue to occur. How bad is the situation at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant? Hell on earth fits the bill and there is little to nothing to do about it. After one shoots him or herself in the gut there is also little to do. The future of humanity is not particularly very bright as our prospects for healthy clean existence on the surface of our once beautiful planet dim.

I have written 50 essays on Fukushima and related subjects and sometimes it does weigh heavily on my heart because of the shadow being placed across my children and all children everywhere. I have written a book about Nuclear Toxicity Syndrome, and what to do about it. Moreover, my important book on Iodine speaks miles about why in desperation everyone should be reaching for his or her iodine supplements every day.

The federal government should be going after parents who do not give their children iodine instead of going after them for not giving their kids chemotherapy if they have cancer. However, who is going to go after the government for leading people in exactly the wrong direction medically speaking about this and hundreds of other issues?

It does not matter what we think any more, reality is going to rise like a raging sea to overwhelm our innocence and arrogance together. No matter how attractive denial is, it is better to work with and confront truth. Truth is our only salvation. I pity those who still believe that governments will save and protect people. We have trusted the wrong people and forgotten what God is really about. Religions bring separation not love in many if not most instances and governments have taken their operational instructions from vampires. Read about how the US government sucks the life out of its citizens and how Forbes magazine is hoping the Supreme Court will put a stop to it.

The really big trouble with Fukushima is that it is directly upwind of the United States meaning Americans, especially on the west coast, have front row seats to what happens across the ocean, which is already polluted and getting more so in terms of  the surface waters of the Northern Pacific. In reality, distance is not going to matter much. Radiation does not respect distance much when it comes to the types and the quantities that are coming forth like Hun Hordes—a plague on earth.

There will be nowhere to hide, even in the southern hemisphere, when you take the long view of what will happen when Fukushima is lost. It will take a long chain of miracles to alter that conclusion. We can still hope. We can still love. In fact, we need to continue to enjoy our existence no matter what we do if we want to resist the toxicities that are increasingly going to surround us. The strongest will survive. The most intelligent too. Certainly, it pays to love and have loved ones around us during trying times. Happiness helps our immune systems to be strong and there is nothing like love to make us happy and grateful to be alive.

Dr. Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD, DM (P)

Director International Medical Veritas Association

Ramey comments:

Several things seem to fall into a progression of events to make it appear that the Fukushima event has been in the plans of the "one worlders" for many years. First, the man who developed a process for neutralizing meltdowns conveniently died in an auto accident in Boise, Idaho, in 2002. It would seem his process was buried with him. Second, there is a big difference seismographically, between an earthquake and an underground (or underwater) nuclear blast.  Did anyone see a seismograph of the event that produced the Fukushimi tsunami?  Third is the silence of the lapdog media on the amount of radiation spreading across America today and has been for many months.  Fourth is the limiting of the sales of Geiger counters that would allow citizens to monitor the radiation in their respective areas.

Is this to be a significant contribution to the pestilence that is to take out 100 million Americans? (Ezek 5).


We have poisoned the soil, air and water and it has been done deliberately by individuals in positions of power in the pursuit of wealth and more power.  It has been done with the complicity of government and media.  In this same pursuit of wealth, wars have been fomented and fought as far back as we have history.  War is a cover for piracy.

General Douglas MacArthur put war in perspective in his departing speech to the assembled Congress.  He said, "I have known war as few men have known it…  From time immemorial, differences between nations have been settled in the crucible of war.  The destructiveness of war has reached the point where it is no longer an option.  We have had our last chance.  Unless we find an alternative to war, our Armageddon will be at our door.” 

My message to you is that we have not found an alternative to war.  The U.N. (organized under the protective umbrella of the Treaty of Rome, 1957), is an attempt to continue, through diplomacy, where the inquisition left off when the Vatican navy (Spanish Armada) was virtually destroyed by weather and English Sea Dogs in an attempted invasion of England.  The objective of this group is to bring the world into the worship of the Luciferian government called "Babylon" in Revelation 18 and the "daughter of Babylon" in Jeremiah 50 and 51. 

Satan is the ruler of planet earth and has been for as long as we have history.  He asserted his jurisdiction to Christ in the 4th chapter of the gospel of Luke and Christ did not refute his claim.  We find this Babylonish system depicted in a dream of King Nebuchadnezzar about 600 BC.  The dream was interpreted by one of the Jewish captives named Daniel and the account is recorded for us in the 2nd chapter of the book of Daniel.  According to Daniel's interpretation, the dream was from the Creator and was to show the king what was to be happening in the "last days".  The book of Daniel was then sealed at the time of writing (see chapter 12, verses 4 and 9) and not to be opened to understanding until earth arrived at those last days.  At that time, it would be opened to the understanding of a few. 

I have shown in these commentaries that this book was opened over three years ago and that we are coming up on the mid point of the last days.  Through the opening of this book we learned that the dream of King Nebuchadnezzar was a "tapestry of time" unfurled for the king to see a synopsis of the kingdoms to rule planet earth right on up to the "last days" of the present age. Those kingdoms (empires) are four and when we search the pages of history, tossing out the myths, we find the accuracy of the book of Daniel to be awesome. 

King Neb was told by Daniel that he (the king) was the head of gold of that dream image so we have the starting point of that succession of empires and from that point we can follow it to where the Babylonian Empire was replaced by the Medo-Persian Empire that was depicted by the chest and arms of silver seen in the dream image.  After them came the Grecian Empire of Alexander, depicted by the belly and thighs of the dream image and made of brass.  This Empire was short lived and upon Alexander's death, his four top generals divided the world up among themselves.  I have printed the excerpts from history in these commentaries showing this transition and how the division of four was soon reduced to two and these two became the empires known in the book of Daniel as the "king of the south" (Egypt, Ethiopia and Libya), and the "king of the north" (Syria originally, but it was soon swallowed up by the Roman Empire making them the northern empire).  Those empires (still connected to the Babylonian head), were to last until the closing out of this age called the "end time" or "last days".  We see the first three being incorporated into the fourth in Revelation 13:2.

Much effort has been expended by the "Christian leg" of those two empires (see Daniel 2:41) in the past few centuries in a concerted effort to erase history and replace it with myths such as "Columbus discovered America" and "the Roman Empire fell in 476 AD".  The effort is two pronged and the other prong is dedicated to casting doubt on the authorship of the book of Daniel. The hidden agenda here is to blur the identity of the fourth empire or the fourth beast as it is called in Daniel 7. 

This beast bequeathed "…all the power" to a religious organization many centuries ago and faded into the shadows while still pulling the strings of world events from backstage.  We find this religious organization in Revelation 13:11 identified as "…another beast".  The verification of the power transfer is in verse 12 and, presumably, it was for the administration of the inquisition in order to unite the world in a New World Order.  Those opposed would simply be exterminated. 

As noted above, those plans were thwarted when the Vatican lost her navy and the quest for the New World Order had to be put on hold --- temporarily.  Now the "Empire Proxy" would have to "tack upwind" for an extended period of time until that navy could be replaced with one capable of wresting control of the seas from England and policing the world.  In order to do this, they had to create a nation.  The real estate had already been located and we find the creation of this nation referred to in Revelation 13:14-15 as the "Image of the Beast".

The myth of the fall of the Roman Empire was published the same year America became a nation and was published as a smoke screen to conceal the fact that America was a creation of the Vatican and the name of the leading Jesuit was Americ according to F Tupper Saussy in his book entitled "Rulers of Evil".    "The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire" myth was authored by Edward Gibbon and is hailed as a great work of history by Catholics.

America today is the military arm of the Roman Empire and the Image of the beast referred to in Revelation 13.  It is also the Babylon referred to in Revelation 18 that is to be destroyed in one hour at the time of the end of the age. 

And this is where we find ourselves today.  The fact that we are already into the "end time" is verified by the book of Daniel being opened, however, we are not into the time of Jacob's trouble which is specifically dated as three and one half years.  It appears that this time will be kicked off with much fanfare.   It appears that the trigger event will be the city of Damascus becoming a "ruinous heap" by whomever's hand.  When that happens, America and Israel will be destroyed, (Hosea 5:5), evidently within hours.  The iron dome missile defense of Israel will be neutered and we see this in Isaiah 22:8.  One fourth of earth inhabitants will perish.  (Rev 6).  America will be looted by an "…assembly of great nations" (Jeremiah 50:9), as collateral on what America owes them.

You can find a list of WW III participants in chapters 50 and 51 of the book of Jeremiah and it is Old Babylon revisited.  Old Babylon was conquered by the Medes and Persians in a confederacy and it was done without a battle.  Who were the Medes?  They were Russians!  They were descendents of Madai of the same family as Meshech, Tubal, Gog and Magog!  And they were confederate with Persia which we call Iran today.  Are we watching as the battle lines are being drawn today between the same powers? 

When the book of Daniel was opened, it provided us keys to the other prophets as well.  One we should take particular note of is the prophet Habakkuk.  Very short book of only three chapters but it says quite plainly in chapter 2, verse 3, that it is for the time of the end.  Chapter 1 describes this rogue nation of Chaldea (Babylon) that runs roughshod over the nations of the world and lists some of her transgressions.  Chapter 2 continues that listing and issues an indictment against this nation.  Chapter 3 is the rescue of planet earth from this despotic nation and it begins in 3:2 with the Creator making Himself known and beginning the destruction of Satan's governments starting with the one known as Chaldea (Babylon/America).

Those ruling in America have known for many years that something big is headed our way.  It was with this knowledge that they began the construction (over 50 years ago) of more than 100 underground cities in which they hope to escape the wrath of the Eternal.  Isaiah 24:21-22 appears to say they will be kept in these hidey-holes for many years while Satan's governments are being terminated and new leadership is being established in the remaining nations.  Then they will be brought out for trial under the new jurisdiction of the planet.  We can see the installation of the new ruler in Daniel 7:13-14.  In verse 12, we see the line of jurisdiction cut to those in the hidey-holes.  

Religion is the opiate of the people and that has never been more evident than during these end times.  But really, it's more than that.  It is the tool used by Satan to deceive the whole world.  Do you see any of the world's religions putting out the warning that America is about to be destroyed totally for idolatry?  Are any of them showing you that the book of Daniel has been opened?  Are they aware that America is the image of the beast of Revelation 13?  Do they see that the two legs of the dream image of King Neb are depicting Christianity and Islam?  Do they know that the Vatican owns the world banking conglomerate?  Are they watching the heavens as the invasion from outer space moves in?  Or are they being "…destroyed for lack of knowledge" (Hosea 4:6) and idolatry?

When I first began to announce in these Commentaries over a year ago that the world is on the threshold of the biggest military reversal in all of history, this was not apparent from world events at that time.  It was apparent in the visions of the prophets but who pays attention to prophets?  Now, what with even small nations mocking America, and Russian/Chinese military drills openly simulating nuclear attacks on America, our demise seems all but a fait accompli.  Our military has been gutted and spread much too thin around the world in battles we never should have been involved in.  Our diplomats are the laughingstock of the world and our generals are being replaced with deviates salivating at the thought of annihilating Americans after they are disarmed.

We announced our idolatry to the world when we erected a giant Egyptian obelisk (representing a phallus) in DC and called it the Washington Monument.  We underscored this announcement with an idol of the pagan goddess Diana, which we call the Statue of Liberty.  The churches of our nation showed their endorsement for this idolatry with phallus representations, which they call steeples, on the roofs of their places of worship.

The ministers of our land serve their congregations like the Internal Revenue Service "serves" the people, like the bull serves the cows, like the politicians serve the public.  We can get a "God's eye view" of them in Isaiah 56:10-11. 

Our Supreme Court announced their ignorance to the world in the case of Roe v/s Wade when they made the statement, "We cannot tell exactly when life begins."  Had they been reading the document Moses commanded all in positions of leadership to read from daily, they could have found when life begins in Leviticus 17:11.  "For the life of the flesh is in the blood."  It's repeated in verse 14.  This ignorance is going to cost the lives of many millions of Americans because we see in Numbers 35 that spilled blood is atoned for on a one for one basis. 

We can see those numbers quantified in Ezekiel the 5th chapter and it amounts to some 100 million that will die of pestilence. (Is the radiation pestilence already here?)   Another 100 million will have their blood spilled and yet another 100 million will be relocated around the world (slaves) as collateral on the national debt. This, of course, sounds preposterous but it will all happen in a one month time frame!  America will become a nuclear wilderness and her name will be added to the list of "nations that once were". 


"The LORD God has given me the tongue of the learned that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary".  Isa 50:4.

As stated in a previous Commentary, as recently as a year ago, I was a lone voice saying America is just before being destroyed totally for idolatry.  Since then, a number of people see that America is only a trip of the lever from being flushed down the drain as a nation.  They haven't yet accepted the reason (idolatry) for this and yet more and more people are beginning to see that our situation has no political solutions.  The secret societies and money moguls, eager to promote chaos so they can achieve their "Order out of chaos", are pushing for war to further the NWO agenda.  If they would only look into history, they could see, repeated many times, that the bigger the government, the bigger the boondoggles. 

Some think, because of the name of this blog, that I claim prophet  status.  Let me just state, for the record that I have not been commissioned as a prophet.  I have not been ordained or anointed as a prophet nor do I presume to wear the mantle of a prophet.  I did not choose the title for this blog,  I did OK the setting it up and left the rest to the computer wizard that did the setup.  I appreciate the assistance of the friend that set this up and I abhor micro-management.  When I saw it, several of my articles had been published under that heading so I let it ride.

But I can read what the prophets of old have written for us today and I can see that all the prophecies of the times in which we live are interlocked like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle and when fitted together bring out a vivid picture of where we find ourselves today in this world of deception (Revelation 12:9) and in the stream of time. 

I am also a student of history from many decades back and can see that histories are modified to fit the prevailing politics of the times.  In other words, histories are mythologized.  At this point, I would like to give you an excerpt from the work of a historian I knew personally and this was the late Dr Herman L Hoeh, and the publication is his "Compendium of World History" published in 1962.

"Chapter 1"
"The Modern Interpretation of History"

"By what authority have historians left God and the Bible out of history?
This question may come as a surprise.  Many are unaware that a radically new interpretation of history is being taught in schools and colleges today.  It is a history of the world in which God and the supernatural are rejected.

"It is impossible to believe both this history and the Bible.  Both cannot be right.

"The modern interpretation of world history stands in open conflict with Scripture.  How did this conflict arise?  When did history forget God and become confused?  Why are historians so sharply divided into opposing schools over the chronological events of the ancient world?"

"A Radical New View"

"What many do not realize is that the modern world-view of history without God is a radically new interpretation of human experience.  Almost no one today, it seems, has ever questioned whether this new interpretation is right.  It is merely assumed to be right.

"Students in particular --- and the public in general --- have been led to believe that archaeologists, historians, scientists and theologians live with full assurance and in absolute conviction that this new interpretation of history without God is correct.  Nothing could be further from the truth.

One would be shocked to hear the candid admissions and private confessions of learned scholars.  These men appear to write and speak with confidence.  They are assumed to know the answers to history's greatest questions:  How did man originate?  Why is man here?  Where is he going?

"But they do not know.  They have no scientific way of discovering the answers.  They are only guessing!  One famous historian --- Hendrik Van Loon --- dared to confess this in his book Story of Mankind. Here are his candid words:  'We live under the shadow of a gigantic question mark.  What are we?  Where did we come from?  Whither are we bound?'

And his answer:  'We still know very little but we have reached the point where (with a fair degree of accuracy) we can guess at many things.'

Astounding --- but true!  Yet these guesses are masquerading today as authoritative interpretations of history."
End of quote.

Can you begin to see the basis of the histories taught in our schools and colleges?  It consists of more political theory than fact or history!  This is the world we live in.  This is how we get mythology substituted for history!  This is how Satan, through religion and educational institutions, has , "…deceived the whole world" (Revelation 12:9).  This is the root of the chaos we are beginning to see in the world.

Religion must shoulder a major part of the blame for the situation the world is in today and as these Commentaries have shown, religion is a part of the overall problem and no part of the solution.  Christianity is not Christ based and will be destroyed along with Islam by the invasion party from outer space. 

Many religionists declare the Bible to be a perfect work and without error other than scribal errors in punctuation or spelling.  That simply is not true.  We can verify this in the book of Jeremiah, chapter 8, verse 8, by simply comparing translations.  The Jews were falsifying scripture before Jeremiah's time and this has continued since.  The Christians (Catholics) have also had a hand in the falsifying of scriptures.  This is why we are cautioned, as Stephen was, to be about "…rightly dividing truth". 

The world is a confused and confusing place. 100 years ago, thinking people knew America was embarking on an unsustainable economic venture.  That SCAM has reached the point where even a deceived world can now see through it. We are into the time when the U.S. economy is about to collapse under its own weight.  China is already advocating pulling the plug on the dollar and establishing a new currency for world trading.  Is this just political talk?  Can we pull ourselves up by our bootstraps with yet another world war?  Or is the one on the horizon a game changer?  Prophecy says it is. 

Two very interesting anniversaries are coming up shortly.  One is the 50 year (jubilee) anniversary of JFK's assassination on 11/22/13.  A month later comes the centennial of the "Federal" Reserve SCAM. 

The book of Daniel was sealed at the time of writing and not to be opened until the end time (Daniel 12:4 & 9).  It has been opened!

Not only does it identify the 4 empires to rule the world from Daniel's day to the end of the present age we live in, but it gives us keys to other prophetic writings and when we begin to view these in light of the world politics of today, it becomes abundantly clear that we are living in the end time spoken of by the prophet Daniel, when this little book of Daniel would be opened to the understanding of the wise. See Daniel 12:10 to identify the wise. 

The prophets of ancient times foretold, not only the fall of nations in their day, but in our day as well, and for those with eyes to see and ears to hear, it becomes obvious these things are happening right before our eyes.  The little book of Habakkuk is a prophecy of our time today and says so in chapters 1 and 2.  Chapter 1 describes the U.S.A. today and lists some of their shortcomings. Chapter 2 continues with those shortcomings and issues an indictment against us as a nation.  Chapter 3, the final chapter, details the punitive action to be taken against this nation and this world, resulting in the total destruction of its governments.  The world will survive but under different leadership and with a greatly reduced population. 

Religion has so clouded the skies of knowledge that cutting through the mists of deception is a daunting project.  We can see in the book of Revelation, chapter 12, verse 9, that the entire world is deceived.  How has this been accomplished?  Through religion.  Religion has spilled over into our educational systems, courts and governments. 

When we begin to understand it, we find that the dream image seen by Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, some 2600 years ago, (Daniel 2), was a message from the Creator to show him what would be happening in the latter days of this age.  The image amounted to a tapestry of time unfurled.  The image had the form of a man with a head of gold, torso of silver, belly and thighs of brass, legs of iron and feet of iron mixed with clay.  Nebuchadnezzar was told by Daniel that he, (King Neb) was the head of gold.  Daniel then goes on to lay out to the king that the four divisions of this image would amount to four empires to rule the earth from that time to the end of the present age when the kingdoms of this world would be given to the saints of the Most High. 

We fail to see this world ruling kingdom today because it has been cleverly painted over with multiple layers of conspiracies to conceal the identity of the fourth empire.  These empires are identified as beasts in the 7th chapter of Daniel. 

This fourth empire, or beast, delegated "all the power" in its arsenal to a religious organization many centuries ago (see Revelation 13:12) and faded into the shadows continuing to pull the strings of government from backstage.  This agenda of this religious organization was to bring all the world into the worship of this fourth beast.  The bloodbath went on for centuries in Europe but in 1588, this religious power lost her navy (Spanish Armada) to weather and English Sea Dogs when they tried to invade England.  The inquisition had to be put on hold until they could rebuild a navy that could wrest control of the seas from England and police the world.  In order to do this, they had to build a nation.  That nation is America and that navy is policing the world today.  You can find this nation mentioned in the book of Revelation, chapter 13 as the image of the beast.  You can get the details of our creation by the Vatican from a book by F Tupper Saussy entitled "Rulers of Evil".   

The division of the world ruling empire came in the days of the third empire which was Alexander's Greece.  When Alexander died, his four top generals divided up his empire among themselves.  It began with four but was quickly reduced to two that were depicted by the legs of King Neb's dream image. These began as territorial kingdoms with Egypt, Ethiopia and Libya as the Southern kingdom and Syria as the Northern kingdom.  Syria was soon swallowed up by the Roman Empire thus making them the Northern kingdom. 

I have spent many years debunking the myths in our history such as "Columbus discovered America" and "The Roman Empire fell in 476".

Why do our educational institutions teach these myths?  It's all part of a multilayered conspiracy to conceal the identity of the fourth beast of Daniel 7.  And you don't need to be an Einstein in order to see this --- you simply have to pull your head out of the sands of denial long enough to look at the evidence that is everywhere.

Now we have run our course as a nation and, if the prophets of old are to be believed, our end is in sight.  I have shown in these Commentaries who the players are and how this is going to play out.  I have said things that sounded so ridiculous to government internet censors that, so far, they haven't even bothered to threaten me or ban me from the internet --- although they do play games with my e-mail. 

So who am I?  I'm a mountain grown son of the Ozarks who began his career as a fruit tramp in the 50s and closed it out in 1996 as a superintendent over 5 departments in a large chemical complex, with a $4.7 million/year budget not counting employee's salaries.  I have seen the seedier side of life and I have sat at the table of some names in industry.  I have sat in meetings and dinners in plush settings where it seemed I was the only one with less than a PhD.

A very good friend of mine was fired from Battelle Institute of Columbus, Ohio, for not having a PhD.  This was right after having elicited the signature for the biggest contract Battelle had entered at that date and was the agreement that developed compact discs-CDs.  

It was for $20 million and his co-workers were so envious they went to the president of the institute and said, "Do you know this man does not have a PhD?"  That is a requirement at Battelle so he was called in and fired immediately.

I had dinner in St Paul, Minnesota, with three NASA Engineers many years ago and this was not long after the space launch disaster in which the teacher Christie McCauliff(?) was a part of the crew. They informed me that the crew members of that shuttle were alive until the capsule hit the ocean.  My first thought was, "How could they know that?"  So I asked.  They explained to me that they were the investigating team and had measured the oxygen used from the tanks of  their "supply on demand" respirators.  So they knew, by the amount of oxygen expended, how long the crew had lived since liftoff. 

I have lived a full, exciting and challenging life.  Darleen and I raised 5 children on the Mojave Desert and that was life's biggest challenge.  We tried to eat out at an upscale restaurant at least once a month and encouraged our children to do their own ordering at an early age.

They grew up communicating comfortably with waiters, waitresses and people in general.  They also learned to ask question about what a particular meal consisted of because they knew they were expected to eat it, unless, of course, they inadvertently got something that wasn't kosher.

I stopped counting the divine revelations (which began at age 60), at the thirty something number.  These revelations included, the ark of the covenant location, the identity of the image of the beast, the Jewish/Roman confederacy and ownership of the world bank. 

Who am I?  I'm a lone voice saying America and Israel are just before being destroyed for idolatry.  Noah was a lone voice saying the world of that day was about to be destroyed for idolatry.  Joseph was a lone voice in Egypt saying there was to be seven years of abundance and seven years of famine.  Jeremiah was a lone voice saying the nation of Judah was about to be destroyed for idolatry.  Am I to feel intimidated by being a lone voice?  If the things I'm saying fail to materialize, I will be considered a fool of the first order --- but what if they do materialize?

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Poster's Note about the Title of this Blog.

From Webster's 1828 Dictionary:
INA''LIENABLE, a. [L. alieno, alienus.]Unalienable; that cannot be legally or justly alienated or transferred to another. The dominions of a king are inalienable. All men have certain natural rights which are inalienable. The estate of a minor is inalienable, without a reservation of the right of redemption, or the authority of the legislature.

From Webster's Dictionary:  Displaying 7 result(s) from the 1913 edition:
Prophet (Page: 1149) Proph"et (?), n. [F. proph\'8ate, L. propheta, fr. Gr. , literally, one who speaks for another, especially, one who speaks for a god an interprets his will to man, fr. to say beforehand; for, before + to say or speak. See Fame. ]  
1. One who prophesies, or foretells events; a predicter; a foreteller.
2. One inspired or instructed by God to speak in his name, or announce future events, as, Moses, Elijah, etc.
3. An interpreter; a spokesman. [R.] Ex. vii. 1.
4. (Zoöl.) A mantis. School of the prophets (Anc. Jewish Hist.), a school or college in which young men were educated and trained for public teachers or members of the prophetic order. These students were called sons of the prophets.  

More at Kings, Priests And Our American Birthright.

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