Thursday, November 14, 2013


From the desk of
Bill Ramey


We have examined several of the interlocking scriptures that make up the panoply of information given us by the prophets concerning the age we live in.  If we study these things diligently across different translations, we find that sometimes the translations vary greatly in their rendering of what was allegedly written in the Hebrew, Aramaic or Greek. 

We learned that the opening of the book of Daniel put a spotlight on the work of several other prophets and one of them was Habakkuk. We learned that Habakkuk was speaking of the very times we live in which are referred to in the scriptures as the end times, latter days or the last days --- meaning the last days of the age and not the last days of planet earth.  We found a dark scripture in chapter 3, verse 2:

"O LORD, I have heard your speech and was afraid.  O LORD, revive your work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known…"  In the midst of what years?  We have already shown that this book is about the end time so it stands to reason the years spoken of here are the years of the end time and this appears to be seven years.  We know, because the book of Daniel has been opened, that we are in those years.  However, the time of Jacob's trouble has not yet begun and this is delineated specifically as three and one half years.  Is it safe to assume that "…in the midst of the years" is equal to the mid point of seven years and that we are just before entering the time of Jacob's trouble?  Do we have a signal event for that beginning? Indeed we do and we find it in Isaiah 17:1-4. 

The quote above also says, "…in the midst of the years make known" and the sentence ends there.  Make what known?  Other translations, such as the New English, render this as "… make your-self known"!  Are we to believe that the Creator is going to make Himself known in the next few weeks or months at the beginning of Jacob's trouble?  Isn't that what Daniel 12:1 says?  And what about Isaiah 52:10-12?  How can He lead an exodus out of Babylon and not make Himself known?  Not only is He going to make Himself known but all nations are going to witness this exodus from Babylon.

But now let's look at another event to be happening at about the same time and it is in Habakkuk 3:9.  "Your bow was made quite naked, according to the oaths of the tribes, even your word. Selah.  You did cleave the earth with rivers." 

This really doesn't seem to make much sense as we read it in the KJ, and this is where the reference to different translations comes into play.  Let's read that same verse in the Septuagint which was the copy prepared for Alexander's library in the 3rd century BC.  "Surely you did bend your bow at scepters, says the Lord.  The land of rivers shall be torn asunder."  Where is the land of rivers?  What nation is being addressed in this book?  When is the time setting?

Have we seen the new maps (presumably drawn by Navy cartographers), showing coast lines relocated and the Mississippi River as an inland sea some 20 miles wide?  Could this be the land being "…torn asunder"?   "…precept upon precept … line upon line … here a little and there a little".  Is the earth about to see earthquakes like we have only seen in the movies? Are we really going to see the New Babylon infrastructure destroyed "in one hour"?  (Revelation 18).

We are not living in "normal times", if there is such a thing.  We are living in the times of HAARP, Chem trails, governmental food and water poisonings and radiation pestilence.  We live in the days just preceding the biggest military reversal in all of history.  We live in the days just prior to the greatest nation that has ever been on the face of the earth becoming a nuclear wilderness --- uninhabited.  (Jeremiah 50). We live in the days just before the change of command on planet   earth and you can see the ceremony referred to in Daniel 7:13-14. 

The new government will be planted in Jerusalem and expand to en-gulf the entire world and we can see the beginnings in Isaiah 29.  The rest of the world will be going about business as usual --- murder, theft, lying, deception --- while the Jerusalem area is restoring agriculture, promoting peace and living under a dome of fire which makes people tremble.  Who can live there?  (Isaiah 33:13-15).

When we compare the technology of our world with the invasion party from outer space, we must keep in mind that they had nukes some 4,000 years ago.  This is the "rest of the story" of Sodom and Gomorrah.  It appears that mankind's nuclear capability will be taken out early in the game.  The 180 mile river of blood, of Revelation 14:20 and Isaiah 63:1-4, does not sound like nukes.  It sounds more like the old style conventional warfare --- swords and staves.

So what are we to be doing in these days and weeks just prior to all hell breaking loose on planet earth?  Perhaps we should begin by learning the Eternal's name.  Isaiah 52:6 says, "Therefore my people shall know my name."  It isn't God, (that is a title). It isn't Jesus and it isn't Allah.  Next, perhaps, we should look into the 4th chapter of the gospel of Luke to see who the kingdoms of this world belong to.  Does this include religious kingdoms as well as political kingdoms?

If we determine that it does, does that delineate a clear course of action?  Will any of these various religious kingdoms be the ones that lead the exodus out of America with Christ at the head and the Ancient of Days bringing up the rear?  (See Isaiah 52:10-12).  Have any of them referred you to Isaiah chapters 29-35 to show you where this exodus is going?  Have any of them shown you that America is steeped in idolatry as evidenced by the forests of phalluses (steeples) atop houses of worship?  Are any of them sounding the alarm that America is about to be destroyed totally because of that idolatry?  Are any of them showing you that America is the "Image of the Beast" of Revelation 13?  Or are we being "..destroyed for lack of knowledge"?  (Hosea 4:6).  If we don't know these things, then we become easy picking for any Jim Jones type religious shaman.   We are rapidly coming down to the time when this is all going to be critical. 

How do you suppose the beast will persuade his armies to fight the Messiah at His return?  Who are the beast's armies?  Will they be deluded into thinking that the Messiah is Satan?  Is the world already gearing up for this deception?  Would it be because His return is at a "…time when you think not"?   (See Matthew 24:44).  Could it be that it is at the beginning of Jacob's trouble (Dan 12:1) rather than at the close of it?  Is this why a rumor has been circulating for several years, and it seems to be coming out of Catholic circles, that Jerusalem is to be the site of a gigantic deception before Christ's return?

I am very much aware of II Thessalonians 2:3-4 and I fully expect that the "…man of sin" will be revealed.  Perhaps he already has.  But is he sitting in the temple which doesn't exist?  We need to be watching Jerusalem closely in the coming days and weeks because we are rapidly running out of time in this age.  I do believe the end time events will come rapid fire once the "restraining force" of II Thessalonians 2:7 is removed.  Can we see from Ezra 3:6 that the Jews do not need a temple to begin sacrifices?  Have we considered that they could be started and stopped the same day and the abomination of desolation set up?  At that time, it is too late for studying the scriptures or philosophizing.  It is the time for those in Judea to "get out of Dodge" ASAP!  They are not even to go into their house for their other shirt, but are to head for the hills (Matthew 24:16-18).  Missiles will be raining on Israel, possibly within the hour of the time when the abomination stands in the holy place.  Where is the holy place?  It's in the mosque that was originally built as a place of Jewish worship. Could this be considered a temple?  

Israel's iron dome missile defense will be neutralized and we see this in Isaiah 22:8.  Damascus will be in the process of becoming a "ruinous heap" (Isaiah 17:1-4), and the destruction of America will follow quickly.  It's going to be wall to wall action!  And the line-up of players will be the same as when the Medo-Persians took Old Babylon. 

The chess pieces are being lined up for WW III and we see this in just this past week as Russia moves some high tech naval punch into the Mediterranean.  We are not finished in Syria and it appears it is our move.  It is doubtful we will confront the Russians openly.  Our chief has already been chagrined by Putin and I doubt he will risk another confrontation.  Could it be we will smuggle a nuke to the Al Queda to be exploded in Damascus.  That would set the stage for "plausible deniability".  According to the prophet Isaiah (17:1-4), it matters not one whit who claims responsibility for making Damascus a "…ruinous heap", but when it happens (by whomever's hand), then all hell breaks loose on planet earth.  It appears that one fourth of mankind will perish in this conflagration.  (Revelation 6:8).  And that's only the opening skirmish of what promises to be a three and one half year conflict in which the invasion party from outer space rescues mankind from himself. 

The religious world likes to portray this as a long haired hippie-type descending from a cloud with a sickly smile and his hand raised in a gesture simulating a papal blessing but I refer you to a completely different scenario in Isaiah 63:1-4 which depicts a warrior God leaving a trail of blood and bodies for some 180 miles across the Sinai.  And this isn't the only place depicting his anger.  Isaiah 30:27 says, "The name of the LORD comes from far, burning with His anger"!

Haven't we been taught that the LORD is a "…God of love"?  Did our teachers forget to include that He is also a "…God of wrath"?  Did they forget to include the outcomes of the battles of Zechariah 14 and Revelation 19?  Did they forget to include that it was by His orders that the Israelites went into Jericho and slew men, women and children?  Have the inhabitants of planet earth become Jericho? 

Have we read the account of Jericho in the book of Joshua?  There was one family spared and that was Rahab, the harlot, and her immediate family.  Why was she spared?  Because of her knowledge!  She saw what was coming and had followed the movements of this band of sand dwellers through the eyes of the caravan merchants.  She knew about the opening of the Red Sea and of their battles with kings across the Jordan.  She also knew of the idolatry and corruption of Jericho.  So she made a deal with the Israelite spies that came into Jericho and gave them their lives for hers.  Centuries later Christ was born of her lineage and you can verify this by the genealogies in the Bible. 

The ruling class in Jericho thought her walls could withstand any army that could be fielded against her.  A gross tactical error.

Today Americans feel our military is invincible.  That wall will also be tested shortly and shown to be another gross tactical error. The world is on the threshold of the biggest military reversal in all of human history.  Not only will we see it in this generation but evidently in this administration. 

Can we really, in this day of technical marvels, believe what the prophets have said many, many years ago?  For instance, the prophet Zechariah is speaking of our day in chapter 2, verse 13:  "Silence, all mankind, in the presence of the LORD!  For He has bestirred Himself out of His holy dwelling place."  Can this really be?  Is the LORD on travel even as I write and with His destination planet earth?

I have stated that the writings of the prophets are interlocking and tend to round out the picture of where we find ourselves today in the stream of time, so let's look at what another prophet wrote and this is the prophet Isaiah speaking of the same time frame.  Isaiah 30:27. "See, the name of the LORD comes from afar, His anger blazing and His doom heavy."

The prophet Zechariah says, chapter 2, verse 4, "Jerusalem shall be a city without walls, so numerous shall be the men and cattle within it.  I will be a wall of fire round her, says the LORD."

Isaiah also comments on this scenario in chapter 4, verse 5.  "The LORD will create a cloud of smoke by day and a bright flame of fire by night;"  And again, this is for the Jerusalem area. 

Are we about to hear the voice of the LORD as it seems to say in the book of Habakkuk, chapter 3, verse 2?  Is November 30, barely three weeks from now, going to see the heavens and earth shaken as could be deduced from Haggai 2:20-22?  Will the earth be split open and turned upside down (Isaiah 24:1) on that date?  And no, I am not setting a date for the end of the age and/or the Messiah's return.  I am merely showing how close it could possibly be. We are very close but the specific date has not been revealed.

We are already into the time the prophets referred to as the end time, last days, or latter days and are rapidly approaching the day of vengeance which appears to be the mid point of the end time.  And it would be the granddaddy of understatements to say He is unhappy with the stewards of planet earth. 

When we begin to feel earthquakes that are felt worldwide, the debates, over whether or not there really is a God, will be over.  The top politicos will dive into their nuclear powered dungeons and get the full "benefit" of living for years with their own ilk. 

The earth will survive.  And it will be restored but first it will have to be swept clean of the last vestiges of Satan's governments. Isaiah 14:23 says, "I will sweep it (Babylon) with the besom of destruction…"  This will be done.  It is written!


We live in a world built on deception.  Not only is it expected but demanded.  Our governments are built on a foundation of mythology and lies.  Legislative piracy is the norm and it trickles down through every layer of society. 

And yet, as we have seen in these Commentaries, there is an end to all this and it is very near.  We have seen that we are already into the time spoken of by the prophets as the "end time".  It appears that the mid-point of the end time is the time known as "that day" and is to be a day that will be remembered forever.  Judging from Habakkuk 3:2, that is the day the Creator makes Himself known to mankind on planet earth.  It appears that people on earth will hear His voice.  The governments of earth will quickly rally their propaganda services (the media) to persuade the masses that this is the work of the devil and begin preparation to battle these invaders from outer space. 

We have debunked many myths in these pages and yet myths seem to sprout faster than we can cut them down.  One myth that seems to be growing throughout the world is the rapture.  Is this total myth or is it possible it is myth built around a grain of truth.  We can see in Rev-elation 5 that there are 24 elders around the throne of the one called God in the latter days and the context shows that these, at one time, were flesh and blood people.  Were they "raptured' away to heaven? 

Is it possible they are the apostles and prophets who are to comprise the foundation of the spiritual temple? 

But there are other scriptures embraced by those who hold to the belief that a rapture of Christians is coming in the near future.  Let's take a look at Matthew 24, beginning in verse 36.  "But of that day and hour knows no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only."  (Please note that "…knows no man", is present tense).
37  "But as it was in the days of Noe (Noah), so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
38  "For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,"  (Business as usual?)
39  "And knew not until the flood came and took them all away;  so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
40  "Then shall two be in the field;  the one shall be taken and the other left.
41  "Two women shall be grinding at the mill;  the one shall be taken and the other left.
42  "Watch therefore: for you know not what hour your Lord does come." 
It adds yet another word of caution in verse 44:  "Therefore, be you also ready:  for in such an hour as you think not the Son of man will come." 

Who are these people that are being "taken"?  Are they being snatched away to heaven as most religionists believe?  Is this proof of the "rapture"?  Could it be that we have accepted these scriptures with a Catholic spin on them? 

When we consider the possibility of the Creator putting in an appearance on planet earth at the beginning of Jacob's trouble, as it seems to say in Daniel 12:1, then it opens a brand new perspective on these scriptural verses.  If "that day" mentioned in verse 36 is the day of His arrival to conduct the exodus of His people out of Babylon (Isaiah 52:10-12), then it is just possible that these people being "taken" are being taken as Elijah was --- to conduct them to a place of safety. 

The setting does not appear to be a chaotic one such as a world war in progress nor of martial law.  Two men will be working in the field and two women working in a mill, sounds pretty much like a routine day.  Is this telling us Yahweh's people will be pulled out before all hell breaks loose? 

The final admonition was "Be you therefore ready…" certainly implies that these folks are not going to be taken against their will but are to be expecting this rescue operation.  Not only are they expecting it but are ready to drop whatever it is they are doing and "climb on the bus."  Can any be expecting it if they do not know about an exodus from this Babylon?  How many in the world today even know where Babylon is?  How many know that its destruction (that is the destruction of its infrastructure) is to only take one hour?  (Revelation 18).  The looting and evacuation of survivors will take a month. (see Hosea 5:7).

How many are watching the line-up of world events falling into the same line-up that took out Old Babylon?  How many today are embracing the truth and how many are "…being destroyed for lack of knowledge"?  (Hosea 4:6).

This is not to say we should follow some "Jim Jones" into the jungles of Guyana as we see the day approaching.  Deception is sometimes very slick.  Its how all religions survive today.  But we do have individual responsibilities and we need to be learning to do our own thinking.  Part of our mission here on earth is to learn judgment.  Paul said in I Corinthians 6:2, "Don't you know the saints will judge the world?"

144,000, out of all that have lived, will have developed sufficient judgment in this life to be resurrected in the first resurrection for further training. (Revelation 14:1-4). Those will also be warriors and expected to take part in the battle of Revelation 19.  Does this mean only men?  No!  The entire nation of Israel took part in the battle against Jericho.  Are we fed up enough with this world to eagerly take part in that battle?  Are we preparing now to right the wrongs of this world?  Are we preparing now to help destroy those who destroy the earth?  Have we the vision to see a world without bankers, lawyers, politicians, armies, alphabet bureaus, money SCAMs and preachers?

These are not the kind of things religionists talk about.  They like to quote John 3:16 and the 23rd Psalm.  They like to talk about grace and redemption and how the law was done away --- and, oh yes --- money. 

I do hope we understand just how close we are to the mid-point of the end time.  "Be you therefore ready…"


If you are a regular reader of these Commentaries and if you have done your homework, you know that America is the Image of the beast of Revelation 13 and the Babylon of Revelation 18.  It is also the daughter of Babylon spoken of in Jeremiah chapters 50 and 51. 

All the various prophecies of the times in which we live are interlocking and must be fitted together like a jigsaw puzzle in order to give a coherent picture of what is happening today and where we are in the stream of time. 

Since knowledge is taught "…precept upon precept … line upon line … here a little and there a little…" (Isaiah 28), you will need to have proven these things to yourself in order to understand what I am about to show you.  We have been fed the pablum of mythology by religion for so long that truth has truly "…fallen in the streets".  We seem to be no nearer to knowing what truth is than was Pontius Pilate some 2,000 years ago.

Religion has taught us that the "Day of the LORD" is when Christ descends on the Mt of Olives smiling and with His hand raised in a simulated papal blessing and the whole world falls in line behind Him singing "We Shall Overcome".  I'm about to paint a much darker picture of that day!

I have shown in these Commentaries that the history of mankind is a corollary of the mismanagement of planet earth.  Now the rulers of this earth are poised to end all war by ending all life on planet earth.

That is the bad news.  Now the good news.  "Matthew 24:22 says, "Except those days should be shortened, there should be no flesh saved alive."  There is coming an invasion from outer space and I have shown this also in these Commentaries.  It is already enroute and may be standing by right now awaiting final orders.  But now, even as in times past, the Creator uses existing armies to do His work and we see the account written millennia ago by the prophet Isaiah.  Chapter 13, beginning in verse 1.  (Tyndale Living Bible). "This is the vision God showed Isaiah (son of Amoz) concerning Babylon's doom.

2  "See the flags waving as their enemy attacks.  Shout to them, O Israel, and wave them on as they march against Babylon to destroy the palaces of the rich and mighty.

3  "I, the Lord, have set apart these armies for this task;  I have called those rejoicing in their strength to do this work, to satisfy my anger.

4  "Hear the tumult on the mountains!  Listen as the armies march!  It is the tumult and shout of many nations.  The Lord of Hosts has brought them here.

5  "From countries far away.  They are His weapons against you O Babylon.  They carry His anger with them and will destroy your whole land.

6  "Scream in terror, for the Lord's time has come, the time for the Almighty to crush you.

7  "Your arms lie paralyzed with fear;  the strongest hearts melt, and are afraid.  

8  "Fear grips you with terrible pangs, like those of a woman in labor. You look at one another, helpless, as the flames of the burning city reflect upon your pallid faces.

9  "For see, the Day of the Lord is coming, the terrible day of his wrath and fierce anger.  The land shall be destroyed and all the sinners with it.  

10  "The heavens will be black above them.  No light will shine from stars or sun or moon.

11  "And I will punish the world for its evil, the wicked for their sin;  I will crush the arrogance of the proud man and the haughtiness of the rich.  Few will live when I have finished up my work.

12  "Men will be as scarce as gold --- of greater value than the gold of Ophir.  

13  "For I will shake the heavens in my wrath and fierce anger, and the earth will move from its place in the skies.

14  "The armies of Babylon will run until exhausted, fleeing back to their own land like deer chased by dogs., wandering like sheep deserted by their shepherd.

15  "Those who don't run will be butchered.

16  "Their little children will be dashed to death against the pavement right before their eyes; their homes will be sacked, and their wives raped by the attacking hordes. 

17  "For I will stir up the Medes against Babylon, and no amount of silver or gold will buy them off.

18  "The attacking armies will have no mercy on the young people of Babylon or the babies or the children.

19  "And so Babylon, the most glorious of kingdoms, the flower of Chaldean culture, will be as utterly destroyed as Sodom and Gomorrah were when God sent fire from heaven;

20  "Babylon will never rise again.  Generation after generation will come and go, but the land will never again be lived in.  The nomads will not even camp there." 

This is not talking about Old Babylon!  If you check Revelation chapter 18, you will see another Babylon that is to be destroyed at the time of the end.  If you check Jeremiah chapters 50 and 51, you can even see who the players are. 

We need to understand that the Day of the LORD begins with the time of Jacob's trouble and the end of Jacob's trouble is when those nations that took 100 million Americans as slaves bring their survivors to Zion along with gold and silver and become their servants.  (Isaiah 14:2).

The Day of the LORD comes at the mid-point of the end times, on a day that was "appointed" (see Daniel 11:35) many centuries ago and is very nearly here.  The "lion's share" of Yahweh's anger is vented against America and you see that described in this 13th chapter of Isaiah.  The book of Habakkuk is also describing this same "Babylon" and it dates the time of fulfillment specifically as the end time.  We are in that time as has been evidenced by the book of Daniel having been opened more than three years ago.

Once America is taken out, the remainder of nations can be taken out in an orderly fashion.  It will take about three and one half years for them to amass an army and get it to the mid east in an effort to take down this New World Order that will be established in the Jerusalem area.  We can see in Revelation 19 and Zechariah 14 how that battle will go.  It is probably at that time that the temple will be rebuilt by the one called the Branch.  (Zechariah 6:12).

There is simply no way to understand what is going on today on this earth outside of a scriptural perspective.

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