Friday, November 29, 2013


From the desk of
Bill Ramey


I do believe I have found, in the book of Isaiah, a message to the present king of Babylon.  Chapter 14, beginning in verse 18.  "All the kings of the nations, even all of them, lie in glory, every one in his own house.

19  "But you are cast out of your grave like an abominable branch, and as the raiment of those that are slain, thrust through with a sword, that go down to the stones of the pit; as a carcass trodden under feet. 

20  "You shall not be joined with them in burial, because you have destroyed your land and slain your people:  the seed of evildoers shall never be renowned.

21  "Prepare slaughter for his children for the iniquity of their fathers: that they do not rise, nor possess the land, nor fill the face of the world with cities.

22  "For I will rise up against them, saith the Lord of hosts, and cut off from Babylon the name and remnant and son and nephew, saith the LORD.

23  "I will also make it (the land) a possession for the bittern and pools of water: and I will sweep it with the besom of destruction, saith the LORD of hosts."

In light of what is going on today, I do believe this is relevant.  Do take note that, when the Eternal is finished dealing with this king, He sweeps his land with the "…besom of destruction."  Does it fit?

This month (11/13) and next is the peak of the 11 year cycle of the sun and scientists are telling us the sun is just before reversing polarity.  They predict that this event is going to release some wild Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs).  Is this simply another sign that the next two months may be critical in America's demise? 

Many things are going on in the world and my friend in Ohio summed it up succinctly:  "We are at the point where a sneeze could touch off WW III." 

We had the leader of the Khazarian "Jews" of Russia meeting with the leader of the Khazarian "Jews" of Israel in Moscow this past week.  My mother always said blood is thicker than water.  Do you suppose they discussed their "mutual enemy #1"?  Since Putin is now considered the most powerful man on the planet, do you suppose that will change any of Netanyahu's views and/or plans and perspectives?  Do you think the recent sellout of Israel by our chief might have influenced the agenda of that meeting? 

It seems our chief has withdrawn into his hidey-hole after the revelations of America's spying on foreign dignitaries.  It appears he was thoroughly roasted on the spit of world opinion. 

On top of all this, he is now wearing Obamacare like droppings from his breakfast.  And as the democrats try to gracefully distance themselves from him, his utterances seem to become more desperate and more contradictory.  It would seem that his backers (the bankers and oil moguls) are beginning to have second thoughts about their choice.

Is their "sky falling"?

Could it be they are seeing the "handwriting on the wall"?  Are we all aware of where this axiom came from?  It came from chapter 5 of the, now opened, book of Daniel.  Verse 5 says, "In the same hour came forth fingers of a man's hand, and wrote over against the candlestick upon the plaster of the wall of the king's palace: and the king saw the part of the hand that wrote."   What were the words written?  Verse 25: "MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN."  The prophet Daniel was called in to do the interpretation for the king.  In verse 23, Daniel tells King Belshazzar, "You have lifted up yourself against the Lord of heaven."

Verse 24 says, "The part of the hand was sent by Him…"   Then came the interpretation and we find it in verse 26:  "God has numbered your kingdom and finished it."   Verse 30 says, "In that night was Belshazzar the king slain."

But that's only the writings of a man some people consider a prophet.

Was he really a prophet?  When we do our homework on that little book of Daniel and begin to ponder the accuracy of the future events he laid out, the conclusion is inescapable.  Not only that but some of the prophecies are still unfurling. 

Have the kingdoms of the bankers and oil moguls been numbered and finished?  Watch closely events of the next few weeks and we shall see. 

There are a number of events driving the equation that leads to the demise of, not only America, but the rest of Satan's kingdoms as well.

The nuclear poisoning of the world from Fukushima has no solution in sight.  The time clock Israel is insisting is ticking until Iran has nukes is also pressing toward a major world event.  The discontinuance of petro-dollars by more and more nations spells economic disaster for America.  The joint military drills by Russia and China simulating a nuke attack on America are getting bolder.  The other nations of the world are beginning to look with arched eyebrows at an America that spies on their dignitaries.  The sun, according to scientists, is about to reverse polarity and with likely serious consequences for planet earth. And now Edward Snowden still has four laptops of sensitive spy information at the disposal of Vladimir Putin!  Is the world, (America in  particular), in trouble or what?  There may be good reason our chief has withdrawn from the world into his $86 Million hidey-hole. 

Have we the intestinal fortitude to pull our head out of the sands of mythology long enough to ponder what is happening and just about to happen?  If you have the stomach for it, I suggest you begin with America's near future.  You will find it in the 13th chapter of the book of Isaiah and since America was not yet a word when Isaiah wrote this, he called it Babylon (Jeremiah called it the daughter of Babylon). I suggest you read it in the Tyndale Living Bible because that does away with all the "thees and thous and thus saith the Lords" and tells it in modern English. 

Next, I would suggest you skip over to chapter 29 of the book of Isaiah and see the fate of the little nation of Israel.  The destruction of both these nations will be happening at the same time as we can see if we turn to Hosea 5:5.  If you continue on through chapters 30 thru 34 of the book of Isaiah, you can see that the space invaders are going to set up a command center in the Jerusalem area after the present nation of Israel is destroyed by Arab missiles.  I am well aware of Israel's "Iron dome" defense system but if you look at Isaiah 22:8, I think you will see that this system is going to be neutered. (You may want to cross reference that verse in another edition since the Living Bible makes it less clear than either the King James or the New English).

Verses 5-8 of chapter 29 shows that the Arab invasion will be driven out of the Israel area and it will be before they get a chance to do the looting.  Chapter 33, verse 23 shows why the looting is not allowed. 

It is preserved for the people of the new nation that will be built centered around the Jerusalem area and it will become the capitol of the world.  The coming exodus from America (Babylon) and other nations will be gathered there for the beginning of the true New World Order and not the "business as usual new world order" envisioned by the mismanagers of today's world.  Those managers are destroying the earth. (witness Fukushima).  Revelation 11:18 says the second priority on the agenda of the space invaders is to "…destroy them which destroy the earth."   Many of them will be in their nuclear powered dungeons and evidently will be there for several years before being brought out to face trial for crimes against humanity.  (See Isaiah 24:21-22).  You can see their "jurisdictional umbilical cord" being cut in Daniel 7:12.

The justice system we are about to see will not be under the control of the Jesuits as today's "justice systems" are.  In fact, we can begin to see a sample of true justice in Revelation 17:4-8.  This is talking about the Babylonish system of today that has "…deceived the whole world", as it says in Revelation 12:9.  The "engineers" of that system are to be "…rewarded double", in their own coin. 

So you see, the promise of the prophets, of the deliverance from this Satanic society we euphemistically call civilization, is on the horizon, even on the threshold.  We are already beginning to see activity from the invaders.  (See Jeremiah 51:1-2). 

Our own politicians, that are planning the extermination of Americans, are going to achieve a measure of success.  200 million Americans are going to die and another 100 million are going to be relocated as slaves around the world. (See Ezekiel 5)  That captivity will only last three and one half years and then they (or their survivors) will be rewarded handsomely for their services.  (See Isaiah 14:1-2).  

We are about to enter a time of trouble such as the world has never seen before and will never see again.  One fourth of the population of the earth will perish in the initial onslaught which appears to be the onset of WW III.  The trigger event for this conflagration will be when Damascus becomes "…a ruinous heap" by whomever's hand.  (See Isaiah 17:1-4 and Revelation 6:8). 

It isn't the end of the world as religious superstitionists would have us believe, but judging from the destruction foretold by the prophets, there will be times when it will look like the end of the world --- and for many it will be. 

If you are looking to your church to lead you out of this Babylon of confusion, then evidently you haven't taken seriously what you have read in these Commentaries.  Perhaps you need to read Jeremiah 23, Ezekiel 34 and especially Isaiah 56:10-12.  Note carefully the word "all".

If you are a new reader of Commentaries, you have much homework to do and a limited amount of time to do it.  How much time?  I don't have the answer to that but if you look seriously at the above listings of things driving the urgency of the space invasion, I do believe it will become clear that it must be soon or our present leaders will solve all of the world problems by erasing life from off this planet.  We have the promise of intervention before we blast ourselves off the face of the earth (Matthew 24:22) but not before we learn, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that mankind is totally incapable of self rule.

We have a roadmap of the future but it isn't in the visions of today's world leaders.  All hell is about to break loose on earth and it says in Isaiah 24:1 (New English Version), "I will turn the earth upside down and split it open".  Maybe I'm jumping at shadows, but that sounds pretty serious to me.  Are we about to witness an event tantamount to Madagaskar being blown away from the continent of Africa?

Our seismometers are incapable of measuring the magnitude of quakes mentioned in the book of Revelation that evidently will be felt world wide.  There will be 5 of them and the last one is the worst and in it the "…cities of the nations fall" and mountains are leveled.  That, is the granddaddy of earthquakes.  And yet these and the volcanoes that will be erupting are necessary to correct the mismanagement of mankind for the past several millennia.  Continents (or parts thereof) will be submerged and sea beds exposed.  This is to correct the farming methods based on greed.  The soils have been so stripped of minerals that they no longer support robust health.  Our own congress acknowledged this, the year I was born, in a Senate Document SD-264 as I recall.  But no action was taken to correct the situation.  Our fertilizers have consisted primarily of Nitrogen, Phosphate and Potassium (NPK) because those are what produce the tons and bushels. 

The billowing effluent of dozens of erupting volcanoes (such as the one erupting now in Indonesia) will lay down millions of tons of the essential minerals that do support robust health but how many will be buried alive in this as were Pompeii and Herculaneum in 66 AD?

Idolatry comes with a very expensive price tag and those with eyes to see and ears to hear are witnessing these bills coming in right now for America.  Killer hurricanes and tornadoes, wild fires in the mid west, drought, flooding, violence in our cities and now the threat of an "…assembly of great nations" coming to pick our bones.   An expensive price tag indeed!

But are our leaders looking at cause and effect or are they looking for more lucre for their offshore account and more power?  Is the extermination of the masses their hope of not being brought to trial for their criminal activities?  As I have said before, the lynching at Nurenburg was but a dress rehearsal for the head roll that is coming.  The indictment has already been written and you can find it in Ezekiel 18.  The death penalty is just before being reinstated worldwide and it will be retroactive.  The law that will govern will not be the Uniform Commercial Code as it is in America today but rather the law as stated in Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5.  We can see the fate of today's judges in Isaiah 40:23-24. 

The time for the exodus from Babylon is well nigh upon us and it will be witnessed by all the nations.  (Isaiah 52:10-12).


There has been considerable flap on the web concerning the "comet" that is to make its trip behind the sun on Thanxgiving Day.  The projection was that it would emerge from behind the sun and begin a course out of our solar system with the closest proximity to earth being some 39 million miles.  What we need to understand is that astronomers have been surprised by a couple of unexpected course changes of this astral body.  At first they expected it to come within 730,000 miles of the sun but with the last course change, it is now expected to come within 600,000 miles of the sun.  What this means is that they have no clue as to which way this projectile will be aimed when it emerges from its trip behind the sun --- assuming, of course, that it survives that trip.

I am well aware of religionist's attempts to "shoehorn" Wormwood into current events for decades if not centuries.  When Chernobyl was in the news, one of the Baptists I worked with at the time told me, in a confidential tone, that the Russian word "Chernobyl" translated as "Wormwood" in English. 

We also don't want to go to the other end of the extreme and fail to pick up on something significant and especially in light of the end times we appear to be living in.  We know there is an air of secrecy about some big event on the horizon that the media is reluctant to talk about.  We know that 100+ underground cities have been built over the past 60 years for some purpose and that the media is also reluctant to talk about those.  We see chem trails in the sky on a daily basis and the media refuses to discuss those.  The message I get from this is: "Don't look to the media for anything other than entertainment".

So what is "Wormwood"?  Some assume it is a giant asteroid that is going to splash down in the ocean.  Some think it is a giant fireball that is going to end life on earth --- after they have been raptured away to heaven.  Perhaps we can put some of the myths to rest just by reading what is written about it in the book of Revelation chapter 8.

Let's begin in verse 8:

"And the second angel sounded (a trumpet), and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood;

9  "And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea and had life died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed." 

This is not Wormwood.  This appears to be a volcanic explosion comparable to Krakatoa where 3-4 cubic miles of earth were launched into the air.  One has to wonder which "sea" this is and how far the kill of ships and creatures reaches. 

Continuing in verse 10:  "The third angel sounded and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers and upon the fountains of waters;

11  "And the name of the star is called Wormwood:  and the third part of the waters became wormwood: and many men died of the waters because they were made bitter." 

Perhaps we should analyze what is being said here.  First, I see nothing saying that this "star" falls in the ocean.  How is it one "star" falls "…upon a third part of the rivers"?  We know this isn't a "star" per se, because earth would be vaporized before it hit.   Are we talking about a "comet" tail brushing earth and contaminating the waters?  Could it be that rulers on earth tried to disintegrate this three mile diameter rock with a nuke and the water poisoning is radioactive cesium, plutonium, etc? 

If there is a nuke launched and it is partly successful and only a one hundred million ton rock strikes the earth at some 13 miles per second, would that be enough to "…split the earth open and turn it upside down"? (Isaiah 24:1, New English Version)   Would it trigger volcanoes and calderas worldwide?  Could the smoke and ash belched into earth atmosphere constitute the 4th trumpet?  Verse 12.  "And the fourth angel sounded and the third part of the sun was smitten and the third part of the moon and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened."

I am aware that the scenario I am painting does not fit cleanly into the seals and trumpets of the book of Revelation, however, there is clearly something amiss in that book as far as sequencing.  We can see, in chapter 7, verse 14, a multitude that came out of the great tribulation and this is before the tribulation has happened.

If ISON is to make contact with earth, then when it comes out from behind the sun, it will not be aimed directly toward earth but rather at a point some 46.6 million miles ahead of us (30 degrees) on our orbital path.  Somewhat like a hunter "leading" a dove.  That is the mileage the earth will travel in the 28 days estimated for ISON to reach earth's orbital path.  It will be greatly accelerated in its trip around the sun and when its velocity overcomes the sun's gravity, it will be launched tangentially like a stone from a sling. 

We will not see ISON at night because it will be on the sun side of the earth.  By mid December it may have approached our orbital path close enough for us to see it in the southeastern sky before sunup.  At some point, it would come between us and the sun and the sun would be darkened by it --- but that would be just before impact.  This would seem to underscore the words of the prophet Joel in 3:31:  "The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and terrible day of the Lord come."

Let's look at one evaluation of blood red moons:
"Blood Moons are when the moon appears red due to lunar eclipses. They occur when the earth is positioned between the sun and the moon . The Earth's shadow blocks the sun's light, which would normally reflect off the moon. The delicate layer of dusty air surrounding our planet reddens and redirects the light of the sun, filling the dark behind the Earth with a sunset-red glow."
Would the "…delicate layer" of a dusty comet tail produce the same effect as the "delicate layer of dusty air surrounding our planet…" and therefore cause the moon to appear blood red?  It appears the moon will be full on the 17th of December.  Will the tail of ISON be wide enough on that date to reach out between the sun and our moon and tint it red.  If it is red, could that be our notification of an impending rescue mission?  Is three days time enough to get our other shirt and "board the bus" before winter and the Sabbath begin?  And before the gates of hell are opened against an idolatrous nation.  Some of our readers may have cloud cover at the time so I ask all our readers to view the moon starting no later than the 17th and report in (especially our friend Bill on the Mojave Desert which is probably the least likely to have cloud cover). 

This is not to be construed as a prophecy.  It is merely a lone voice in a wilderness of idolatry saying let's not lose sight of where we are in the stream of time.  Let's stay wide awake and use the knowledge put at our disposal. If this is one of the heavenly signs given us at the end time, then we need to recognize it as such and act accordingly.  If it is just another interesting natural phenomenon, then it too will pass.


Israel is understandably miffed and feeling sold out by the Obama regime through his secret deal with the Iranians.  Many Americans feel it was a sellout of Israel as well.

What it seems that few Americans understand is that the rulers in Israel are not Jews at all but are those Christ referred to in Rev 3:9 as "…those who say they are Jews and are not but do lie."  In a book entitled "The Thirteenth Tribe", Arthur Koestler, (one of their own) explains who today's "Jews" are and where they come from.  The two divisions of Jews are the Sephardic and the Ashkenazi.   The Sephardic are the actual descendents of the Jews (Judah) and make up about 8% of Jews worldwide.   The Ashkenazi are descendents of Ashkenaz and Togormah, sons of Gomer, son of Japheth and comprise the remaining 92% of "Jewry".  The Ashkenazi migrated out of Russia and formed a nation almost as big as the U.S. and stretched across the north side of the Black and Caspian Seas.  Their nation was named Khazaria and they were known as Khazars.  They converted to Judaism as a nation in or about the 8th century AD.  All this information and more is contained in the above referenced book by Koestler. 

What we need to understand is that the Israel of today is not the Israel of ancient times nor are they descendents of the Israelite nation.  Their god is Lucifer as we have seen from the writings of their own people such as Harold Wallace Rosenthal (Special Assistant to New York Senator Jacob Javits) and Benjamin Friedman (Advisor to several American Presidents).  The present nation of Israel has no protection from the God of Israel as we shall soon see and this sellout by the current regime in America is only the opening salvo of their demise.  Incidentally the U.S. will be destroyed at the same time Israel is and we can see this in Hosea 5:5.  I have been saying that the trigger mechanism for this conflagration will be when Damascus becomes "…a ruinous heap" by whomever's hand but it now appears that this may need to be revised.  See the preceding article on ISON.

The American politicians promoting this secret deal with Iran are not the sharpest knives in the drawer and don't appear to realize that the sword we are putting in the hand of Iran will be used against the U.S. as well.

Even if they knew this, there is little they could do to change it because this is ordained by the Supreme Sovereign of the Universe and will very shortly burst onto the world scene like a collapsing wall.

We can see Israel's destruction in Isaiah chapter 29 and we can see America's destruction in Isaiah 13 and Jeremiah 50 and 51. Jeremiah even shows who the players are.  Isaiah 13 only refers to the Medes but Jeremiah shows that an "…assembly of great nations" will plunder America.  He also lists Persia (Iran) among the aggressors. It begins to appear that nukes will not even be necessary.  If you read the preceding article, you should understand why. 

It should be obvious to anyone that America is at the end of her rope.

Our politicians have taken free rides on monetary SCAMs for so long that not only is the world fed up with them (witness the move away from petro-dollars by the world), but America as well (witness the rejection of Obamacare).  Thinking people knew Social Security was an unsustainable SCAM when it was set up.  Thinking people also knew that the Federal Reserve was nothing short of "legislative piracy". 

Now China is dumping dollars which means they will come home to the U.S. by the boxcar load and this means hyper-inflation.  Can the banksters pull another rabbit out of the hat and get a free ride for another 100 years?  Not a chance!  We are living in the days the prophets foretold many years ago when planet earth would be rescued from the piracy we call civilization and the destruction would be unimaginable.  The onset of that is called the "…time appointed" in Daniel 11:35 and the "…wrath of the Lord" in Isaiah 13:13. 

I have also shown that all hell is going to break loose on a day just like any other day when people are going to work, doing chores and conducting their life as they have for years --- then suddenly all is changed --- forever --- and in an instant.  It will happen just days after a group of people make an exodus from America, with or without authorization from our government.  And it will be witnessed by all nations.

This is not (and will not be) viewed seriously by more than a few people while we are eating three meals a day, still driving a nice automobile and sleeping in a warm bed at night.  But it will happen and it will not be many weeks from today.

"Therefore be ye also ready…"  Matthew 24:44

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