Thursday, December 12, 2013


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



Do we understand the dynamics of the heavens enough to comprehend what is going on with asteroids, comets, our moon movements and ISON?  Are we aware that all heavenly bodies are in motion? 

Some groupings of stars are called constellations and move as a group.  It is difficult to envision the amount of space there is out there.

To put that in perspective, try to imagine the sun and the inner three planets reduced to the size of a dime with earth orbital path representing the outer edge of the dime.  (That's a 187 million mile diameter circle reduced to 11/16 of an inch).  Now, the nearest star is Alpha Centauri and its one mile away!

The earth is approximately 8,000 miles diameter and spinning once per day which means the spin speed at the equator is approximately 1,000 miles per hour.  At the same time it is on a journey around the sun which is a 587.5 million mile journey it makes yearly.  The magnetic node it travels in we call its orbital path and it is moving along this path at some 18.5 miles per second or 67,000 miles per hour. 

All this time the moon, some 2160 miles diameter, is circling the earth in an easterly/westerly direction with a slightly elliptical orbital path, no doubt because of being towed gravitationally along earth's orbital path.  Its circuit is some 1.5 million miles which it does in 24 hours and 45 minutes so it travels at approximately 60,600 miles per hour as referenced from earth.  We must keep in mind that it also has to keep pace with the 67,000 miles per hour the earth is moving around the sun. 

We should also keep in mind that the north/south direction is fixed by the north star but that east/west is strictly an earth orientation and changes with the spin of the earth in relation to the sun.  To illustrate, at midnight, earth is traveling in an easterly direction along its orbital path, or in the direction the sun will appear to rise.  But at high noon, the earth is traveling in a westerly direction along the orbital path or in the direction the sun will appear to set. 

Can we begin to see the amount of space out there and how these bodies are moving at speeds much faster than a rifle bullet?  With this in mind, let's see if we can begin to better understand ISON and how slim the chance of it hitting earth randomly.

Earth has been around for a while.  Through human lust, vanity and greed, now empowered with technology, we stand at the point in time, spoken of by the prophets, when man has developed the technology to erase life from off this planet. Alliances between nations are now changing like musical chairs and this underscores the volatility of the world situation today.  All of this was foreseen millennia ago by the Creator and He inspired His prophets to write descriptions of this scenario and preserve them for us to read and ponder today.

One such writing was the little book of Daniel in which He laid out, by way of a dream of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, the deterioration of the character of men (and therefore nations) starting with Babylon at that time (600 BC) and projecting on out to our day, called the "end time", when the character of mankind would have devolved to savages but with some awesome weaponry.  You can read this for yourself in the second chapter of the book of Daniel.  The book of Daniel was sealed at the time of writing as we can see in chapter 12, verses 4 and 9.  It was not to be opened until the end time. We have witnessed the opening of that book over three years ago which means that we are living in the "end time".  It appears that we are very near the mid point of this seven year "end time" and Habakkuk 3:2 suggests that a significant event is to happen at the mid point.

Daniel was only one among major and minor prophets and when we discover that their prophecies are interlocked like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, we find that we can assemble them in much the same way as we would a jigsaw puzzle to clarify the picture of where we find our-selves today. 

We live in the end time and the prophecy of Habakkuk is for the "end time" as we can see in chapter 2, verse 3.  Chapter 1 tells of a rogue nation (in this "end time") that runs roughshod over the other nations of the world.  He calls this nation "Chaldea".  If we do the homework, we find that Chaldea equals Babylon.  Now we know that the ancient kingdom of Babylon was terminated in 538 by Medo-Persia. So who is this Babylon that is existing in the "end time"?  If we turn to the book of Revelation, chapter 18, we find a "Babylon" in the end time that is to be destroyed "…in one hour".   If we turn to the book of Jeremiah, chapters 50 and 51, we can get the gory details of this destruction and even see who the players are.  He calls it the "daughter of Babylon". When you study the scenarios described and compare to the alignments of nations today, the conclusion is inescapable.  The end time Babylon is America! 

When you study the prophecies of how this end time Babylon is going to be taken out, "…in one hour", you have to conclude that there are going to be some horrendous events and in the very near future.  When the Eternal says, "I will empty the earth, split it open and turn it upside down",(Isaiah 24:1 New English Version), to me this sounds downright serious.  How do you suppose He would do that?

We have already shown how the heavenly bodies are moving at speeds exceeding that of a rifle bullet.  But how do you split something as big as the earth open and turn it upside down? 

According to the research of a man named Zecharia Sitchin, it has happened before.  Sitchin is one of less than 200 scholars worldwide that can read Sumerian.  Evidently he has found in the Sumerian records the battle between the Supreme Sovereign of the Universe and Satan long ago.  In it, a planet named Tiamat was split in half when struck by one of the moons of Nibiru.  Half of the planet was scattered across between Mars and Jupiter and became what we call the asteroid belt.  The other half reformed into planet earth.  Is this what is referred to in Isaiah 24:1 or is there a repeat performance akin to this in the very near future?  Could a one and a half billion ton rock meeting our planet at a right angle split it open and turn it upside down?  If you have ever played with a gyro, you know that if it is spinning and you introduce an outside force against it, it does some very squirrelly things -- like flip upside down. The earth is one big gyro and ISON is probably no smaller than a 1.5 billion ton rock.

When we look at the destruction that is about to be brought to planet earth, we have to conclude that it is going to dwarf WWI and WWII into insignificance.  Perhaps we need to read the book of Revelation.

I have tried to show, in these Commentaries, a rough outline of events as I perceive they are about to unfold.  Just as in all world wars, there will be a trigger event and from there it will be fast forward.  It will take three and one half years for the invasion party from outer space to subdue planet earth but America (Babylon) will be taken out in one hour per Revelation 18. 

The odds of ISON hitting planet earth randomly are so small it would border on impossible.  However, what if it comes out from behind the sun tomorrow and we find that it is on a collision course with earth?

In that case, I would say it is not co-incidental but that rather it is the result of precise targeting that has been in the planning stage for millennia. 

We can expect two extremes on the web.  Religionists will be pushing it as the "end of the world" whether it is or isn't on a collision course with earth.  On the other end of the extreme, the gov't will be hiding information and pooh-poohing it (even if a collision course has been verified) for as long as deniability is plausible in order to minimize panic time. 

Isaiah 13 deals with the destruction of Babylon (America) and I do believe there are a couple of verses in there we have overlooked.  Verses 9 and 10 (New English Version):  "The day of the LORD is coming indeed, that cruel day of wrath and fury, to make the land a desolation and exterminate its wicked people.

10  "The stars of heaven in their constellations shall give no light, the sun shall be darkened at its rising…"   This is reminiscent of Hosea 10:15 which says, "…In a morning shall the king of Israel utterly be cut off." 

Why are these verses (especially verse 10) important?  Let me see if I can bring this into focus so we can understand it.  It was for this purpose that I gave the setting at the beginning of this article of the speeds and motions of heavenly bodies.  My perception is that ISON came in to our solar system some 33 degrees south of the sun's ecliptic.  It is going to circle the sun in retrograde meaning the direction opposite to what the earth moves around the sun.  If it is aimed at the ecliptic (the plane in which the planets move) when it emerges and if it is on a collision course with earth, then it will have been launched tangentially when its velocity overcame the sun's gravity and it will be aimed at a position on our orbital path some 30 degrees ahead of us --- somewhat like a hunter "leading" a dove. 

We also need to understand that at sunrise, the direction the earth is traveling would be the position where the sun will be at mid day.  At sunset, the direction of earth travel around the sun would be the direction toward where the sun would be at midnight.  These directions are from an earth reference point. 

Now, we also need to know that we got our compass from the 360 degree trip of earth around the sun.  If we position this compass like a surveyors transit and draw two straight lines out from it one degree apart, those lines will separate by 92.15 feet at the one mile mark.  This holds true with distances to heavenly bodies as well and if we take a reading on the sun with a transit, we find it only about half a degree from one side to the other.  (Its really a little less.) Then when we do the math and crank in the mileage from planet earth, we find it comes out to the sun's diameter.  It holds true for the moon as well. 

When we do the math for a 3 mile diameter "rock", we find that for it to darken the sun (for it to appear to be the same size), it would have to within 344 miles of us.  Traveling at 13 miles per second, that's less than half a minute from impact!  Obviously a 3 mile diameter orb is not going to cast a shadow across the continent but only a small area at a time.  However since the sunlight would be coming diagonally through the tail, it may very well add to the darkening of the sun if it is indeed headed our way. 

As it moves to the point of impact it will come between us and the sun, perhaps only hours before impact.  It will be closing in from the right hand side of the sun which would appear to be the south side as observed from earth at sunrise.  So where is the moon at this time?  It's in the last quarter so it is on the other side of earth.

It will be interesting to hear media accounts tomorrow (11/29) and there is no telling what they will say.  It is entirely possible it could be swallowed by the sun --- but whether it is or not, that probably will be the media story.  We need to watch.  And, again, a red moon might be our first clue because, if it is headed our way,  one thing we can be almost certain of is that our government will keep a lid on it as long as possible while politicos are scurrying for hidey-holes.  

Later same day.  I just watched the evening news and Kate Snow assured us that the sun swallowed "Comet" ISON.  She also showed a video clip of what purported to be a time exposure of ISON approaching the sun from the lower right hand side of the screen which is as it should be.  The look of a "shopped picture" came when it went straight to the sun and ducked behind it on the lower right hand side. 

This would mean it began its trek around the sun the same direction as earth and yet the astronomers have been telling us it would circle the sun in retrograde.  If this be true, then coming in from some 33 degrees below the sun's ecliptic, from an earth view, it should have appeared to cross under the sun diagonally and make a right turn going behind the sun on the left hand side when grabbed by the sun's gravity.  Obviously those who prepared this film clip majored in political science rather than engineering.  Do you suppose the video for this news blurb was done in Hollywood?  Will it need "fixing"?

It begins to appear as if my article on "Does ISON = Wormwood?" may have been on target.  The following is excerpted from "Future Times and Trends" shows some of the cover up being done concerning "Comet" ISON.
"By the way, an angry jmccanney says, “the SOHO cameras were down for over 12 hours while they photo shopped the results for public consumption and the best explanation we got of anyone was “we have no clue why comet Ison is doing what it is doing”. And an official statement from NASA-SDO scientists: “We are still looking at the data to figure out why Ison was not visible.” “The STEREO and SOHO outputs being released to the public are of such low quality that they are basically useless for real scientific value ...

“NASA has taken this data and is hiding it ... with over 60 instruments taking data of this comet ... nothing ...not a single shred of this data is available to the public ... just out of focus giant pixels pictures from equipment that has extremely high resolution.” jmccanney

"Remains the question: Is Ison in one piece or many?  How dangerous are these pieces when the Earth passes through its tail, in January?  "NASA knows it!"

Here I take time to cruise through a number of links as I usually do when researching any story. You have to see what folks on all sides are saying. The official ones, like from NASA and CNN (if we can call CNN anything but a handout reader for officialdom) initially stuck to their belief that the comet would disintegrate when it got near the sun - about 730,000 miles out.

Officialdom and mainstream news-dumb now feign surprise that this comet survived its encounter with the sun. They say a "small" piece survived.

"Small?" Look at that picture above again. The central disc covers the sun (else it would burn out the satellite cameras taking its picture). But think about it. How BIG would that comet have to be, to show up like this as it approaches the sun?

End of excerpt.

My advice to those who still have the capacity to think for themselves, the wise of Daniel 12:10, is to continue to watch as events of this saga continue to unfold.  This may be a bit early for such an assessment, but it would seem that even Russia is a part of the conspiracy of silence.  Again, our first clue as to what is really coming down may be a blood red moon.  My gut feel is that we have not seen the last of ISON.


Most have probably never heard the term Deutero-Isaiah and here is what Grolier International Dictionary says about it.  "The name given to the author of chapters 40-66 of Isaiah, who was a Hebrew writer during the Babylonian captivity (586-539 BC)." 

Is it true that the book of Isaiah was written by more than one author?  Who decides?  We have lived with the term "canonical" all our lives and how many have checked to see what it means?  Again from the Grolier International Dictionary:  "Canonical:  1.  Pertaining to, required by, or abiding by canon law.  2.  Of or appearing in the Biblical canon.  3.  Authoritative, officially approved."

Approved by what official and by whose authority?  We aren't to ask questions such as that.  That would constitute thinking for ourselves and this is not tolerated in the world of Satan's religions.  But taking it one more step, perhaps we should also look up "Canon law".

"Canon law:  The body of officially established rules governing the faith and practice of the members of a Christian church."

Let's also look at "Canon".   "Canon:  1.  An ecclesiastical law or code of laws established by a church council.  2.  A secular law, rule, or code of law.  3.  A basis for judgment; standard; criterion.  4.  The books of the Bible officially recognized by the Church (Note well that here 'Church' is capitalized).  5.  Often capital C.  The part of the mass beginning after the Sanctus and ending just before the Lord's Prayer.  6.  The calendar of saints accepted by the Roman Catholic Church.  7.  An authoritative list, as of the works of an author…."

Can we begin to see that "canonized" simply means accepted by the authority of the Roman Catholic Church?  Doesn't this mean we got our "Christian Bible" from the Roman Catholic Church?  Is this why Timothy was cautioned by Paul about "…rightly dividing truth"?  Are there things in the Bible that are not true?  Look at Jeremiah 8:8 in the New English Bible.  "How can you say, 'We are wise, we have the law of the LORD', when scribes with their lying pens have falsified it?"  And this was written in the 6th century BC.  

Whether this Deutero-Isaiah is fact or fiction would require more research than what I am prepared to commit to at this time.  However, if it is fact and we have reservations about the divine inspiration of the author, a quick review of chapter 53 should convince us. 

The Jews and Romans have been working as a team for the past 2000 + years to deceive the "whole world" and we see the covenant that binds them in I Maccabees 8.  It is still binding today despite the myth that the Roman Empire fell in 476 AD.  

It took many years of research to find where the Roman Catholic Church acquired its authority and I shall pass it on to you in greatly condensed form. 

Satan was given the earth to dress and keep before mankind was created.  Satan rebelled and was determined to take over the throne of the Supreme Sovereign of the universe and we can pick up bits and pieces of the story in Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28.  We see the corroboration of this in Christ's encounter with Satan in the 4th chapter of the book of Luke.  Satan showed Christ "…all the kingdoms of the world" and said, "These are mine and they can be yours if you will switch your allegiance to me."  The bottom line is that Satan was given this earth to rule over and has not yet been replaced as the "…god of this world".  His replacement qualified some 2000 years ago but has still not been inducted into office.  He will be shortly and you can see the ceremony and who will officiate in Daniel 7:13-14. 

Since Satan owns this world, (and Christ did not dispute that), he is the source of authority here.  All kingdoms/empires/governments and religions on earth are his.  Daniel showed in chapters 2 and 7 of the book of Daniel that there were to be 4 world ruling kingdoms/empires/ governments to rule the earth from Nebuchadnezzar's day until the close out of the age when Satan would be replaced and the new ruler crowned.  Since Satan was to be the "…god of this world" during this time, those 4 kingdoms/empires/governments would, of course, be under his jurisdiction.  These four empires, as I have shown in these past Commentaries, were Babylon, Medo-Persia, Alexander's Greece and finally the Roman Empire which the prophet Daniel said would be divided into the two legs of King Neb's dream image.  I have shown that this division began as territorial under the king of the north (Roman Empire per se) and the king of the south (Egypt, Ethiopia and Libya).  Today the lines have been blurred by the transformation of these territorial kingdoms into ideological kingdoms of Islam and Christianity. 

So this world and all its kingdoms, be they territorial or ideological, are under the jurisdiction of Satan the devil.  How is this authority passed from one kingdom to another?  It is won on the field of battle or conferred officially.  Since the 4th empire (called the 4th beast in Daniel 7) is ruling today, can we find documentation of the official conferring of power on the Roman Catholic (Christian) church? Indeed we can and we find it in Revelation 13, verses 11 and 12.  We also find mention in Daniel 7 of the 4th beast (empire) that would "…think to change times (calendar) and laws."  And we can find the account of this in secular history.  This was done by Constantine at the Council of Nicea 325 AD.  So you see the jurisdictional power has been passed down officially over the years and is still being exercised in government and religion according to the will of Satan. 

We see the first cutting of these jurisdictional lines in Daniel 7:12 and it says simply, they "…had their dominion taken away".  The final cut will be on the field of battle and we can see it in Revelation 19. 

The Creator does things "…decently and in order" and Satan was given the earth for a predetermined period of time.  Mankind was offered the opportunity to replace Satan as ruler of this world if he could live by the standards set down by the Creator.  Mankind has failed miserably and shown his incapability of self rule.  Now comes "Plan B" and it has been shown us for millennia by the prophets.  We are starting to see the "softening up process" for the destruction of the modern day Babylon come to pass in freaky weather and the queing up for WW III.  We see realignments of nations on a scale unprecedented and it illustrates the volatility of the world situation today.  We are witnessing the killing of the sea life in the Pacific Ocean as a result of mankind's folly.  We see a world bristling with nuclear weaponry controlled by savages.  We see crime on a scale never before seen on the planet.  We see rulers who haven't a clue as to how to rule.  We are on the verge of the biggest military reversal in all of history and death on a scale unimaginable.  We are well into the "end time" mentioned in Daniel 12.  WW III is not the battle of Armageddon, contrary to popular belief.

We live in the time Paul spoke of in Romans 1 when men would be "…filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness covetousness, maliciousness, envy murder debate, deceit malignity, whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, coven-ant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful…"

"Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same but have pleasure in them that do them". One recent movie had an attendance of 183 million the week it premiered.  Do you wonder why I say 200 million Americans are about to die?

We live in the confines of the "Image of the beast", (territorially and ideologically--- see Revelation 13). 

We live in the final weeks and/or months of America, as a nation, and all the nations are soon to witness an exodus, from America, of a relatively small number of people.  These people are being notified through the pages of these Commentaries and have been shown the destination and the purpose of this exodus.  They aren't going to the jungles of Guyana to drink cyanided kool aid but are going to be a part of a government that is totally foreign to planet earth although it will be established on earth.  The wealth of the richest little nation on earth is being laid up for the people of this government and will be passed on to them after that nation has been destroyed by enemies on all sides. 

We live in exciting times.  It’s a time when an invasion from outer  space is imminent and it is for the purpose of rescuing survivors from the rule of politicians, bankers and lawyers.   We live in a time when the 3rd temple is about to be built in Jerusalem and it will not be built by the Jews!  (See Zechariah 6:12).  We live in the times of the completion of all the things written by the prophets and you saw it first in the "Commentary & Opinion".


I know that my repetition of the Isaiah 28 quote, "…precept upon precept … line upon line … here a little and there a little…" may sound trite at times but consider what you have learned by that method in the past few months. 

You have learned who the end time Babylon is.  You have learned the players in the coming WW III.  You have learned that there is going to be an exodus from America.  You have learned the purpose and destination of that exodus.  You have learned that it will be witnessed by the nations of the world, but you haven't learned, yet, how and when this will be accomplished.  Do you suppose we could learn these things in the same way as we learned the others?

We begin to feel that time is running out and that these things are at our doorstep.  We are seeing strange signs in the heavens and on earth.  We are seeing governments lying to their people about such things as comet ISON, the seriousness of Fukushima, Obamacare, Chem trails, the national economy and virtually all of the major issues in today's world. 

We are also seeing, by unfolding events, that the book of Daniel has been opened.  We have been blest with understanding of what it is telling us.  This in itself gives us some insight on what to expect next.

But about the exodus and when and how, we haven't been given the understanding of those issues.  First, perhaps we need to understand that it will not be an exodus like from Egypt with some three million people being moved.  "…precept upon precept … line upon line … here a little and there a little …" We see in Matthew 24 that it will be, "…as it was in the days of Noah…"  Only 8 people were rescued at that time. 

My friend in Ohio offered an interesting perspective on this.  He said that, of the three million that came out of Egypt, only Joshua and Caleb were permitted to enter the promised land!  He wondered if the percentage of those rescued from America might be the same.  So I grabbed my calculator to run out that percentage applied to the 300 million Americans --- it came out 200.  I think he might be onto something.

It isn't easy to understand and accept the prophets' declaration that America is about to be destroyed and become uninhabitable.  The prophet Habakkuk described America at a time when the name of America had not been invented. His short prophecy is about the "time of the end" and says so in chapter 2, verse 3.  He saw a vision of a powerful nation at the time of the end and the only reference point he had for such a nation was the kingdom of Babylon which was also called Chaldea.  So he called this kingdom or empire of that vision "Chaldea".  When you read it, it becomes evident that only one nation in the world can fit the description given by Habakkuk.  Using the "…precept upon precept … line upon line …" method of learning, we can see that this has to be the same empire, destroyed in one hour, described in Revelation 18:10.  Putting the puzzle pieces together, we can only conclude that it is the same "daughter of Babylon that is described in Jeremiah chapters 50 and 51.  The alignment of nations against her, shown in these chapters, matches perfectly with the alignment of nations we see today taking up positions against America. 

Now, let's take another baby step into "…precept upon precept … line upon line …" and see if we can gain a bit of insight into the exodus from America.  Matthew 24 speaks of this time.  Verse 40 says, "Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken and the other left."   Verse 41 continues:  "Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken and the other left."  What is this talking about?

Religionists see this as supporting their "rapture theory", but rapture theorists, in general, are scriptural illiterates. 

If we apply this according to the Isaiah 28 method of learning, it begins to appear that this is a reference to the exodus from Babylon. When we crank in Isaiah 52:10-12, it becomes even more evident.

It does not appear that there is to be a gathering point from which this selection of people fly out as a group in an organized manner.  One in the field and one working at the mill sounds like a normal work day and not a chaotic situation as in war or martial law.  It also sounds as if there will be no prior notification other than to watch the prophetic signs of the times and be ready.  Otherwise, one would naturally think that the field hand and the mill worker would not have gone to work on that day had they known it was "exodus day".

How could one be taken from the field and one from the mill?  How would the rescuers know where to find them if they weren't at home?  How does our government know where to find us by our cell phone?  Communication lines!  Do the rescuers home in on prayer lines?  Are we keeping these open?  Will those of the exodus from America be gathered by a craft such as Enoch and Elijah rode in? 

Now of course the world knows there are no such things as UFOs but if that is true, what was it Ezekiel saw in chapters 1 and 10 and what were the crafts that Enoch and Elijah rode in?  In the book of Enoch, he details an experience, that certainly sounds like "first hand", in which he, evidently, was taken to an orbiting space platform.  Have our religions and governments withheld information from us of the true history of planet earth?  We need to question everything and learn to do our own thinking even though this can become a crime in the eyes of Satan's governments. 

But if those of the exodus are gathered up by spacecraft, how is it the nations of the world will witness this?  If we have an invasion from outer space by beings that have flown spacecraft for millennia, is it a stretch of the imagination to think they would have the technology to home in on and preempt TV broadcasts on earth? How about pre-empting Brian Williams on the evening news with a broadcast from a space platform with an MC interviewing a lady from New York and one from Pennsylvania, a man from Ohio and one from California, a couple from Seattle, a lady from Kansas, a man from Alabama, etc, and explaining what has just happened and that this is a prelude to the destruction of America.  This could be the final message to America.  Most would view it as an "Orson Wells hoax" --- until it happened. 

If this begins to sound like a promo for science fiction, then I would invite you to turn to Genesis, Kings and Ezekiel and read the above referenced accounts for your self.  Satan has deceived the whole world as it tells us in Revelations 12:9 and we kid ourselves if we think we are above this deception.  We only emerge from this deception one precious truth at a time, "…precept upon precept … line upon line …"

So, adding one more precept, in Matthew 24:44, we read: "Therefore, be you also ready…" Have we enough knowledge and understanding at this point to comply with this?

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