Friday, December 27, 2013


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



Today is the first day of winter in the northern hemisphere.  Does this mean that we have bought another three months of time until winter is over?  Given the world situation today, I really don't think we should take the position that "the Lord delays His coming…" until Passover.  I am not saying it will not happen that way but to assume that it will (would) tend to cause us to relax and forget the admonition to "… be you also ready."

When we look at the situation today with a disaster of unprecedented proportions in progress emanating from Fukushima, China and Russia openly conducting joint military exercises simulating attacks on America, the American economy on the rocks, a leader with a mounting number of impeachable offences stacking up and Iran within a month of a deployable nuke --- we need to sit up and take notice. 

Yes, there are prophetic events yet to happen and perhaps we should examine one of those in Jeremiah 51:46:  "…a rumor shall both come one year and after that in another year shall come a rumor and violence in the land, ruler against ruler."  Have we already heard the first rumor?  Was it a proposed false flag EMP attack against the U.S. by a significant segment of our own government?  Will there be another attempt before the final curtain call?  Ruler against ruler, civil war, does not sound like normal work days.

It is a modern day "Jewish" prophet that is saying we have another nine months from July 30, 2013, and it is based on a flawed understanding of Daniel 8.  Have we an understanding of Daniel 8?  Verse 17 tends to promote a misunderstanding of this chapter and has led many into the belief that the he goat spoken of in this chapter is America.  Verse 17 says, "… for at the time of the end shall be the vision."  The New English Version says, "…the vision points to the time of the end."  The vision covers more than one empire and many rulers.  It plainly states that the big horn of the goat is the first king ruling the Grecian Empire at the time it defeats the Medo-Persians.  He has been dead for many centuries.  His demise spawned the division of his empire into four divisions, that were later reduced to two, which are called the king of the north and the king of the south in Daniel 11. 

Verse 23 of chapter 8 says,"And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up."  This is where we are today.  And yes, this "king" is an outgrowth of the four divisions that were quickly reduced to two, known as the king of the south and the king of the north.  This particular one is the king of the north.  If we drop down to verse 25, we see he will be "…broken without hand."  We see this corroborated in Daniel 11:45.

Have "…the transgressors come to the full"?  Are we living in the end times?  Can we position ourselves in the chronologically arranged prophecy of Daniel 11?  Are we nearing the mid-point of the prophecy of Habakkuk (3:2)? 

We need to understand that a 1290 day time clock (Daniel 12:11) is begun just before the mid-point of the end time.  That time clock may be started only hours before the destruction of America and Israel.  The time lapse between that and the 1260 day time clock (Revelation 11), presumably is the time for the destruction of Israel and the expulsion of their destroyers (Isaiah 29)...  

"Therefore, be you also ready…"


I have stated in past Commentaries that I don't spend a great deal of time reading replies to articles on the web because I find them mostly "blather".  However, now and then, one crops up that is worth passing on and the following is one of them.  I came away from the military with the same opinion --- and it didn't take me thirty-three years and four months to form it.

 "It may seem off for me, a military man, to adopt such a comparison. Truthfulness compels me to. I spent thirty-three years and four months in active military service as a member of this country’s most agile military force, the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from Second Lieutenant to Major-General. And during that period, I spent most of my time being a high-class muscle-man for Big Business, for Wall Street, and for the Bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism.

I suspected I was just part of a racket at the time. Now I am sure of it. Like all the members of the military profession, I never had a thought of my own until I left the service. My mental faculties remained in suspended animation while I obeyed the orders of higher-ups. This is typical with everyone in the military service.”  - General Smedley Butler, USMC Retired General, Speech in 1933 (The most decorated Marine in USA history)

I spent a four year hitch in the Navy, on a destroyer.  For three years running, in the late 50s, we were assigned to patrol the straits of Formosa and we were told it was to keep those nasty Chinese from coming across and crushing the little independent nation of Taiwan.  It was 20 years before I realized we were there to keep Chang from invading the mainland of China.  Chang said once he established a beachhead, the whole nation of China would join him.  But the U.S. Navy kept him from doing that.

For the benefit of those just waking up, the U.S. Navy is the replacement for the Spanish Armada which was the Vatican Navy.  When it was destroyed in 1588, by weather and English Sea Dogs, the inquisition had to be put on hold until that navy could be replaced with one capable of taking control of the seas from England and later policing the world.  They had to build a nation in order to do this and you can find that America is a creation of the Vatican in a book entitled, "Rulers of Evil" by the late F Tupper Saussy. 

In Revelation 13:11-12, you can see that the Vatican was proceeding with "…all the power" (and authority) of the Roman Empire in this endeavor.  In verses 14-15 of the same chapter, you can see that this creation is called scripturally, "The Image of the Beast".  In Revelation 18, it is called "Babylon" and is to be destroyed in one hour.  In Jeremiah 50 and 51, it is called the "…daughter of Babylon", and there we can see the gory details of this destruction.  We also get a partial listing of the antagonists involved in our demise. 

I'm well aware of those who think America is to be spared because we are a "Christian Nation".  I find that those same people also believe in Santa Claus, the easter bunny and Columbus discovered America.  The unvarnished truth is that neither America nor Israel will survive the onset of WW III.  This isn't understood by religionists because religion is the tool used by Satan to deceive "…the whole world." (Revelation 12:9).

We need to get our bearings because the world is just before the biggest military reversal in all of history.  China and Russia are already pushing for a military confrontation with America. 

Are we also just before dispensing with the International Space Station and the astronauts that are on it?  Are we about to see a burning mountain cast into the sea in Indonesia?  Will it introduce "Wormwood"?  (Revelation 8).  We live in momentous times.

Many things are going on world wide, any of which could be the spark that ignites WW III. The money moguls of the world and their minions, see WW III as the chaos they need to pull off their New World Order, but the prophet Daniel tells us that is not to be.  Instead, WW III will be the beginning of the end for the governments of Satan that have ruled this world for as long as we have history. 

We have become so accustomed to phony money, we think it is real.  We have become so accustomed to chem trails across the skies that we forget they are for our extermination.  We have become so accustomed to the medical profession that we think they are there for the benefit of the public.  We have become so accustomed to the ridiculous, we consider it normal. 

This is not the first nation that has gone this route.  It's called idolatry!  The end is always the same - destruction, death on an unimaginable scale and enslavement of survivors.  America will be no different.  We have been unable to see how the prophecies could come to pass to take America down until now.  Now we can even see the fractions of Ezekiel 5 quantified.  We see the nations aligning themselves precisely as indicated in Jeremiah 50 and 51 and in the book of Isaiah. In short, we see the stage set for America's demise and Revelation 18 tells us it will happen in one hour.  Not that it will be over in one hour but that the outcome will be decided in one hour.  Hosea 5 tells us the looting and evacuation will take one month.  Jeremiah tells us the land will become an uninhabited and uninhabitable wilderness.  We couldn't see how that could happen either until after the advent of Fukushima.  Now we can see that when America is hit by the killer tsunami of Jeremiah 51:42, our east coast will probably become a dozen Fukushimas. 

America and Israel will be destroyed at the same time and we can see this in Hosea 5:5.  This will be the destruction called Babylon in Revelation 18, the daughter of Babylon in Jeremiah 50 and 51 and Chaldea in Habakkuk.  The onset of this destruction is described in Daniel 11:44. 

We are assured in Psalm 37:34 that we get to see the outcome of all this.



The Catholic Jesus Myth is countered by the Jewish Anti-Jesus Myth while both parties work in concert toward total subjugation of planet earth.  Probably at this point most “Christians” will stop reading this.  Why?  Because virtually all religions worship myths whether Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist. or any of the other 1,000 or so citadels of deceit.  

Of those who read this far, some, no doubt, are forming the question in their mind, “Now wait a minute Ramey, are you saying the whole world is deceived?”  Let me, at this point, show you something in the book from which “Christians” claim to get their belief.  It’s found in the last book of the Christian Bible, Revelations (Apocalypse for Catholics), chapter 12, verse 9:    “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan, which deceives the whole world.”  How do you deceive the whole world?  After several decades of study, I have concluded that it is done thru religion.   Does anyone believe they are all pointing us the way to heaven?  Does anyone believe they can all teach different doctrines and all be right?  Are we that dumb? 

Has anyone checked in their history books to see where we got our “Christianity” of today?  Or do we simply go to a church close to our home and let the minister do our thinking for us?  Have any of us checked to see where we got our Bible and just how it was arrived at?  Have we any concept of what is contained in it?  Do we realize that the name of the one we call “God” was taken out of the King James Edition of the Bible in some 7,000 places?  Protestants especially, are quick to answer, “What difference does it make?”  Shall we read another verse in that book no one seems to know?  Please turn to Isaiah 52:6.  “Therefore my people shall know my name.”  It isn’t Jesus!

If you think the Creator attaches little importance to knowing his name, then obviously you don’t believe the above scripture.  However if you are undecided on this issue, you may want to turn to I Kings, chapter 8 and read for yourself how fussy He is about His name.  For additional reading along the same lines, go to II Chronicles chapter 6. 

And if you think that we, in America, are getting along nicely without “God”, you might just want to go back and rethink that.  Do you understand what is going on in the world?  Are you aware of the dwarf star some are calling “Wormwood” and some calling "Nibiru", that is hurtling our way at a fantastic speed and it appears will be in our solar system in the next few years?  Rather than go on with this, let me share with you an open letter to those in positions of authority in America.  It will help to explain many things and please note the date it was written. 




To:  All in Positions of Authority:

The mismanagement of planet earth is a matter of history --- whether in politics, agriculture, commerce, education, religion or war.  We have come to the point MacArthur referred to in his final address to congress.  He said, “I have known war as few men have known it.  From time immemorial, differences between nations have been settled in the crucible of war.  The destructiveness of war has reached the point where it is no longer an option. We have had our last chance.  Unless we find an alternative to war, our Armageddon will be at our door.” 

The purpose of this communiqué is to inform you that our Armageddon is at our door.  We have not found an alternative to war.  The “Green Solution” is no solution at all, nor is the New World Order.  These are the brain children of men in high political positions totally disconnected from reality as the world is soon to realize. 

Almost 2000 years ago a man with solutions to the world’s problems walked the earth and lived a quiet life for his first 30 years.  At that time he began to identify the problems of the world of that time and our time.  It seems the problems boil down to lust for power and greed.  He was tried in a court of law which was the forerunner of American courts today and then turned over to an unruly mob to be beaten almost to death and then crucified on a stake.  (The “cross” is mere Catholic myth).  Little did mankind at that time know that this action had been anticipated and provided for in the overall plan.  You see, there is a Creator and we really are not the offspring of lovesick amoeba.  Today’s religions appear to have been created for the purpose of obscuring that fact and worshipping the governments that allow them to exist --- provided, of course, they are duly ordained, licensed, registered with the government and controlled accordingly .  All governments covet the worship of their constituency --- when they attain sufficient power, they demand it.  

In the book that was preserved by the Jews and handed down to us as the word of our Creator, we find an encounter between the Christ and Satan the devil in the fourth chapter of the book of Luke.  In this encounter, Satan took Christ up on a high mountain and showed him “…all the kingdoms of the world,” and said, “All this power will I give you and the glory of them, for that is delivered to me and to whomsoever I will I give it.”

So, yes, we live today in a world commanded by Satan the devil and America is no exception.  His replacement has already qualified but has not yet been inducted into office.  But that world had an appointed amount of time to demonstrate that man without his Creator is totally incapable of self rule.  And you people in the federal corporation know this and have acknowledged it by building underground bunkers, actual underground cities with stores of foodstuff and supplies to last for however much time it takes for the nuclear exchange to peak and ebb.  If you come out of these bunkers, you will still be faced with the same problems the world is facing today and a few more added.  Radiation, destroyed agriculture and governmental infrastructure and an absolute mess to clean up. But you also know that there is coming an invasion from outer space --- otherwise why the urgency in combining military firepower under one head as in the New World Order?  Isn’t the underlying motive to repel this invasion?

Religion has so clouded the skies of knowledge that we lost (or buried) the knowledge that this invasion is the message our Creator came to bring us.  Modern churchianity has watered down that message to one of love/grace /tolerance/ mercy.  Is this the message the Christ brought?  Not at all.  We find his message in the first chapter of the book of Mark, verse 14:  “Now after John was put in prison, Christ came into Galilee preaching the gospel (good news) of the Kingdom of God.”  Was that a message about people going to heaven when they die?  No it was not!  It was a message about the return of the Creator to planet Earth at the time mankind was poised to turn planet Earth into an incinerated relic.  A time when iniquity (lawlessness) had reached it’s full.  Have we reached that time? 

Perhaps we should take a look at the message Christ delivered to his disciples in Matthew 24:  Beginning in verse 1, “And Yahshua (the correct rendering of his name) went out and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to show him the buildings of the temple.”
2  “And Yahshua said unto them, ‘See you not all these things?  Verily I say to you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down.’”

3  “And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately saying, ‘Tell us, when shall these things be? And what shall be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?’”  (Not the end of the world.)

4  “And Yahshua answered them and said unto them, ‘Take heed that no man deceive you.’”

5  “’For many shall come in my name, saying I am Christ and shall deceive many.’”

6  “’And you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars:  see that you be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet.’”

7  “’For nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there shall be famines and pestilences and earthquakes in different places.’”

8  “’All these are the beginning of sorrows.’”
Now let’s cut to verse 22:  “And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved…”  So we are looking at a time when, unless the Creator intervenes, no flesh will survive.  Are we facing those times today?  Are we facing world problems with no political solutions?  Need we list them?  Nuclear proliferation/pollution of land, sea and air/a money SCAM that engulfs the entire earth controlled by a Vatican owned world banking system/a medical profession that prospers by using humans for guinea pigs (such as the introduction of Thallium {thalidomide babies} into humans some 50+ years ago in order to study the effect on society)/a federal government that grows explosively like cancer with cells inside it operating as empires on their own (e.g. the CIA).  And all this is merely the tip of the iceberg. 

Now if we cut to verse 34, we see the timing:  “Verily I say unto you, ‘This generation shall not pass till all these things be fulfilled.’”  What generation is being spoken of here?  The generation that witnesses these things!  Are we witnesses to an age that has some 50X nuclear overkill?  Is this the age when unless Yahshua intervenes, “…no flesh would be saved alive”?  We live in an age of terrorism but there is much debate about who the real terrorists are.

Muhammad had a great respect for the Jews because he said, “They are a wise and astute people because they have a book with which to pass their knowledge and wisdom down from generation to generation.”  This inspired Muhammad to start another book which was the Quran. 

The Jews passed their book on down to the “Christian World” although  “Christianity is defined for the world by the Vatican.  The excesses of the “Christian World” became the impetus for the world of Islam.  Muhammad saw so many abuses in the “Christian World”, he decided this could not have been the life style promoted by the prophets --- and he was absolutely right.

Unfortunately his brand of religion is as guilty as “Christianity” of promoting myth and keeping adherents in a state of deception and confusion.

The prophet John allegedly wrote the book of Revelation while banished to a rock quarry on the Isle of Patmos.  Even before he wrote this book, he wrote in a private letter to his followers, (which has been incorporated into the scriptures we have today), that: “you have heard that the spirit of the antichrist should come and even now already is it in the world.”  I John 4:3.  And this was some 600 years before Muhammad was born.

We have in our possession today the book the Jews used to pass down their knowledge and wisdom from generation to generation but unfortunately it has been tampered with by Jews and “Christians” alike.  Therefore we must use it cautiously.  That knowledge and wisdom are still contained in it but we must watch for the deception also.  The prophet Hosea (Osee), who wrote for ancient Israel as well as America today, penned the following words in Hosea 4:6:   “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…”

We live in an age of highly educated ignorance today.  Our Supreme Court Justices (by their own admission) lack the knowledge of when life begins,  (Roe v/s Wade).  They could have found that knowledge in the best seller that adorns night stands all over America and yet precious few have a clue as to what is contained in that book.  Had our esteemed judges been reading the book all in positions of authority are commanded to read from daily, they would have found the knowledge of when life begins in the 17th chapter of the book of Leviticus.  Verse 11 says, “For the life of the flesh is in the blood…”  If it bleeds, it’s a life!  Is that so difficult?  It’s repeated in verse 14 for those who missed it in verse 11. 

Jewish tampering with scripture is not something new.  You can see in Jeremiah 8:8 that it was going on even in Jeremiah’s day --- 600 BC.

If those to whom this communiqué is addressed feel that you are safe because your name is on the list of those granted a safe haven in one of the underground cities, or because you have squirreled away millions of dollars in an off shore account --- perhaps you should rethink your chances.  You should be well aware of the death star headed in our direction that has prompted the building of an observatory near the south pole.  The man who alerted NASA of its existence, and its probable location in the heavens, is Robert Harrington and he seems to have disappeared without a trace.  This heavenly body evidently is already having its effect on planet earth with the 2004 Indonesian earthquake.  Will it go away if we close our eyes and pretend it doesn’t exist?  For the gory details on the demise of America, you can pick it up in the book of Jeremiah, chapters 50-51. 

Planet Earth is about to be restructured --- physically, politically, agriculturally, economically and otherwise.  The lands have been so polluted and depleted of lifegiving nutrients by farming methods based on greed that the earth must be restructured physically in order to redistribute the needed minerals for foodstuffs that support robust health.  This is the health plan for the future.  When we eat healthy, doctors become much less important.  In other words, some of our continents need to become seabeds and some of our seabeds continents.  We need a few more eruptions like Mt St Helens to spread an ash composed of essential minerals.  These things are about to happen.  You can pick up the account in the book of Revelation, chapter 8, verses 8-11 if you have the interest and the intestinal fortitude.  Incidentally, the Congress acknowledged this nutrient deficiency in America’s soils in 1936 (SD 264) but did nothing to reverse the trend.

So if you who rule the greatest nation the world has ever seen, think you can hide from the Creator in an underground city or in a space age “Noah’s Ark”, listen carefully and I think you will hear the drums of Nurenburg. Keep in mind that the men hung there in their pajamas were at the pinnacle of power and authority just months before. 

Want to know who is going to die?  Read chapter 18 in the book of Ezekiel.  Want to see the outcome of the battle when the armies being consolidated today meet the invasion from outer space?  Read chapter 14 in the book of Zechariah.  Want to see the future of America’s judges?  Read Isaiah 40:23-24.

The Vatican will be destroyed and the Catholic Church will cease to exist as foretold by the Catholic’s own prophet Malachi in the twelfth century.  The world’s armies will gather in the mid-east for the final battle against the invading power. If you read the 19th chapter of Revelation, you can see the outcome of that battle and the Earth will begin anew under a totally different government centered at Jerusalem and with an economy based on agriculture as it should be.

The world will be rebuilt for 1000 years before the time that the Supreme Sovereign of the universe moves his ruling city to planet earth.  You can get the details in chapter 21 of Revelation. 

So while the privileged few today are amassing their wealth in offshore accounts, stockpiling gold and silver and building their stocks portfolios, the death star approaches.  Put together your political solution to today’s world problems but understand that shortly you will throw your gold and silver into the streets (Ezekiel 7:19) and look for a hole in the rocks to hide from the wrath of the Creator.  It is written.  You can learn about that wrath in Revelation the 16th chapter.  It is my belief that this wrath will begin to be poured out shortly after the coming pandemic is initiated by world leaders today.  The vehicle that carries that wrath is named “Wormwood” and you can read about it in Revelation 8:11.  This is the approaching “dwarf star” (or some of it’s baggage) the Vatican allegedly queried NASA about and that NASA is pulling all stops to keep the public from learning about. 

And if my telling you the truth constitutes a hate crime by today’s governmental standards, so be it.

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