Thursday, December 5, 2013


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



Submitted by Bonnie M

Now the Twelfth Imam Can Come


November 26, 2013 by Robert Spencer

Among the many who decried the Obama Administration’s catastrophic capitulation to the nuclear ambitions of the Islamic Republic of Iran, none spelled out its potential consequences as trenchantly as Israel’s Economy Minister Naftali Bennett: “We awoke this morning to a new reality,” he said Sunday. “A reality in which a bad deal was signed with Iran. A very bad deal. If a nuclear suitcase blows up five years from now in New York or Madrid, it will be because of the deal that was signed this morning.”

If that happens, it will also be because of the Shi’ite belief in the return of the Twelfth Imam. According to Islamic tradition, the dispute between the majority Sunnis and the Shiat Ali (Party of Ali) began upon the death of Muhammad in 632. The Sunnis contended that the prophet of Islam had made no provision for a successor as political, military, and spiritual leader of the Muslim community, and that therefore the Muslims should choose the best man among them as their leader. The nascent Party of Ali, on the contrary, claimed that Muhammad had designated his son-in-law Ali ibn Abi Talib as his successor, and that the successor of Muhammad had to be a member of the prophet’s household.

What’s more, far from being a mere functionary, this successor would bear some of Muhammad’s prophetic spirit, as well as infallibility in deciding disputed questions. Ali was finally chosen as the fourth caliph in 656, but in 661 was assassinated. Hassan, his eldest son (and successor, as far as the Shi’ites are concerned), was murdered in 670 on the orders of the Sunni caliph Muawiya. Then the Sunni/Shi’ite split became definitive and permanent when Ali’s younger son, Husayn, was killed in the Battle of Karbala in 680.

The Shi’ites were, thus, founded in loss and defeat, and these became the ongoing distinguishing features of Shi’ite history and piety. After the beheading of Husayn, the Shi’ites continued a succession of Imams, members of Muhammad’s household and his prophetic heirs. Each one in turn, over two centuries, was poisoned on orders of the Sunni caliph. According to the traditions of Twelver Shi’ism, the official religion of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the twelfth of these Imams, a boy of five years old, disappeared under mysterious and disputed circumstances in the year 874 – but remained alive. After his disappearance, he communicated to the world through four agents, the last of whom died in 941. At that point the Twelfth Imam went silent, entering the period of “Great Occultation.”

In his last communiqué to the world, via one of these messengers in 941, this mysterious figure consoled his followers with prophecies regarding his eventual reappearance. The circumstances of that reappearance could, in the hands of Iran’s mad mullahs, visit upon the world calamities of a scale never before seen. And Israel and America will bear the brunt.

“Hearts,” warned Mohammad al-Mahdi, the Twelfth Imam, in his last message, “will become inaccessible to compassion. The earth will be filled with tyranny and violence.” He was speaking of the time of his reappearance, explaining that he would only come back to the world when the evil that Muslims were suffering was at its absolute apex. In this he echoed a Shi’ite tradition of the words of the prophet of Islam himself, Muhammad, who prophesied that the Twelfth Imam would be “the Resurrector” and explained: “He will fill the world with peace and justice as today it is filled with violence and tyranny.”

That violence and tyranny is not incidental to the theology of the Twelfth Imam, which has revenge as its core and essence. The Shi’ites began to teach that the Twelfth Imam would return at a time when the Muslims were oppressed as never before, and suffering worse than ever. The Imam, in the company of Jesus (re-imagined, as in Sunni Islam, as a Muslim prophet), would finally end the horrific persecution of the true believers, taking up arms against their enemies and conquering and Islamizing the world.

This eschatological revenge fantasy would be of no concern to anyone but pious Shi’ites and religious anthropologists were it not for the element of Shi’ite tradition that requires that the earth be “filled with tyranny and violence” before the Twelfth Imam can return.

There is no requirement that non-Muslims must be responsible for that violence; Shi’ites filled with religious fervor, like the Ayatollah Khamenei and the mullahs behind him, could hasten the Twelfth Imam’s return and the consummation of all things by, say, launching a nuclear strike against Tel Aviv or some other Infidel outpost, knowing that by doing so they would almost certainly be provoking a retaliatory strike that would subject the Muslims in Iran to more defeat and repression than even the Shi’ites had previously suffered. That would be enough to bring the Twelfth Imam out of the well where he is said to be hiding.

But that is a matter of religious hope and speculation; the devastation that would supposedly lead to his reappearance, however, would be all too real. The two powers that the Iranian mullahs have long designated as the “Great Satan” and the “Little Satan” – America and Israel – would be the only targets of an Iranian attempt to hasten the Twelfth Imam’s coming.

A nuclear strike from Tehran into Israel could kill, estimates say, upwards of twenty million people, completely destroying the Jewish State.

Barack Obama, by acceding to the Iranians’ nuclear ambitions, has given a tremendous impetus to these revenge fantasies, probably not realizing or caring that Iran’s mullahs take the prophesies of the Twelfth Imam very seriously indeed – seriously enough for them to bet the entire world upon them. Obama has just made the odds appear to them to be considerably more favorable than they were just a week ago.

About Robert Spencer
Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and author of the New York Times bestsellers The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) and The Truth About Muhammad. His latest book, Did Muhammad Exist?, is now available.

The "Christian Bias" is an attitude much like the parent who gets a call from the police department saying, "We have your son here at the station.  He was caught painting graffiti on the school."  The parental reaction is, "My son would not do that!" 

When those who identify with the Christian religion write about Muslim, they paint them as evil ogres and refer to themselves as the chosen of God.  And I daresay not one of these have a clue as to where they got their "Christianity".  Not one realizes that Christianity is not "Christ based" nor is the word itself derived from the word "Christ".  The apostles did not call themselves "Christian" despite what it appears to say in Acts 11:26.  They were first called Christians in Antioch but it was by the Greeks and Hellenized Jews.  They did not call themselves Christians.  Christianity is a SCAM and you can see this for yourself if you simply take the time to look into where we got our Christianity.  Since Satan has "…deceived the whole world", it may take some digging to get to the bottom of where it came from. The religious conspiracy is so deep and broad that I know of only one source that has dared to go up against the Catholic Church in this matter and that is the 10 volume "History of Civilization" by Will and Ariel Durant.  The origins of Christianity is found (as I recall), in volume III.  It was invented at the Council of Nicea in 325 AD with Constantine presiding. 

Religion had been used for deception for millennia before that but now it was time to prepare for the deception of the whole world which was accomplished with the Vatican leading the world in the creation of the image of the beast, (see Revelation 13:14-15). 

Christians may point fingers at the Muslim and talk about what heart-less monsters they are but have they looked into Christian history at what those wearing the title of "Christian" were doing in the inquisition?  The inquisition was interrupted when the Vatican Navy (Spanish Armada) was virtually destroyed by weather and English Sea Dogs in 1588 as they tried to invade England.  The inquisition had to be put on hold until a navy could be rebuilt that could wrest control of the seas from England.  In order to do this, they needed to build a nation and the "Image of the Beast" was conceived to become this nation.  Did it work?  Is that navy policing the world today as the military arm of the Roman Empire?  This is a mind stretcher for those who have bought into the myth that the Roman Empire fell in 476 AD.  Not surprising --- most of those folks believe in Santa Claus and the easter bunny as well.  That myth was promulgated by Edward Gibbon in a book entitled "The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire", published the same year America became a nation --- 1776.  It was published as a smokescreen to obscure the fact that America was a creation of the Vatican.  You can get the details of this creation in a book entitled "Rulers of Evil" by the late F Tupper Saussy.

The author of the above article on Muslim refers to them as a vengeful, evil mob of savages --- and they are.  But what about Christians?

It is interesting to note that the book of Daniel was written in the 6th century BC, sealed at the time and not to be opened until the "time of the end" (see chapter 12, verses 4 and 9).  In it the prophet shows the progression of nations and societies, from the then present, right on down to the time of the end of the age.  Through a dream given to the King of Babylon, it was shown that mankind would devolve in character from the "head of gold" representing Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, right on down to the ten toes of clay/iron at the end time, illustrating the degradation of mankind to mere savages but with some awesome weaponry of the potential for erasing life from off the planet.  Can we begin to realize, and accept, that the legs of this dream image of Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 2), represent both Islam and Christianity?  Do we understand that Islam was spawned by the hypocrisy Muhammad witnessed in Christianity? 

And since we view the Muslim as "vengeful", do we dare take a look at the God of Israel? (Not the little nation of Israel today for their god is Lucifer).  If we look into Strong's Concordance, we will find 44 references to the vengeful nature of the Creator.  And for those who believe the fairy tale of the Old Testament being "nailed to the cross", we shall quote the Eternal from Hebrews 10:30.  "Vengeance belongs to Me; I will repay."  We could also quote Isaiah 13:9, speaking of the "Day of the Lord":  "The day of the Lord comes, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger to lay the land desolate…"

When we begin to understand that mankind was given the earth to dress and keep it and that mankind has proceeded systematically to destroy this earth, then we can begin to understand why the #2 item on the agenda of the invaders from outer space is to destroy those who destroy the earth (see Revelation 11:18).  Those who built hidey-holes (D.U.M.B.s), with other peoples' money, know this wrath is coming and this is their hope of escape.  We can see in Isaiah 24:22 that they will get to enjoy others of their ilk for quite some time before being brought out of those nuclear powered dungeons to face trial for crimes against humanity. 

Christians may be shocked when they find themselves fighting alongside Muslim in the battle of Revelation 19.  When the smoke clears and the vultures descend for their feast, both Christianity and Islam will have been destroyed together.  Then the table will be set for the wedding supper and the coronation ceremony for the new ruler of planet earth and you can read about it in Daniel 7:13-14. 

These Commentaries are not talking about things that may happen, they are talking about things that are already happening.  Daniel 11:42-43 has already happened and we are set up now for the fulfillment of verses 44-45!  The Jeremiah 50-51 destruction of the daughter of Babylon has already begun and is well under way.  We sit today at the threshold of Isaiah 13:17-19. 

So if we have eyes to see and ears to hear, the Muslim are God's rod of correction just as was Assyria for ancient Israel and as was Babylon for ancient Judah.  And yes, America and Israel are going to be taken out together as we can see in Hosea 5:5.  Hosea 4:6 says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…"  But it continues with an even more frightening scenario:  "…because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you … seeing that you have forgotten the law or your God, I will also forget your children."

This is an indictment against a nation and we are that nation!  The prophet Habakkuk calls us Chaldea.  Revelation 18 calls us Babylon and Jeremiah 50 and 51 calls us the daughter of Babylon but all three see the same end for us and it is at our doorstep.  So many things are waiting today for a trigger event.  II Thessalonians 2:7 says there is a "restraining force" holding things back until the "appointed time" mentioned in Daniel 11:35.  When that restraining force is lifted, events will move rapidly. 

"Therefore, be you also ready …"


Sometimes we tend to forget that Satan is every bit as deceptive today as he was in the time of the apostles when the apostle Paul spoke about false apostles in II Corinthians 11:14-15, "And no marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
15  "Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works."
A number of ministers today are saying the antichrist is about to appear.  Let's look at what the apostle John had to say about the antichrist in I John 2:18.  "Little children, it is the last time:  and as you have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time."  And that was some 1900 years ago.  So how could it have been the "last time"?

He was saying that it was the last of three 2000 year periods allotted to man to prove, beyond a doubt, that he was incapable of self rule.

The masters of deceit have had almost 2000 years of spin doctoring scripture and refining the classical mythology we call religion today. Are they all lighting the pathway to heaven or is that simply more of the mythology?  We can weed out a large portion of those claiming to be ministers of Christ by backing up to verses 3-4 of the same chapter of I John.  "And hereby we do know that we know Him if we keep His commandments.
4  "He that says, 'I know Him' and keeps not His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him."
Jerusalem was sacked in 70 AD, 40 years after the crucifixion.  The best information I have been able to access said that Titus' armies pulled back before the final destruction and 70 people exited the city and made their way to Pella. After that the lights went out on the Ekklesia and when the curtain rises again somewhere around 200 AD the group calling themselves God's people exhibit a considerably different lifestyle than that espoused by Christ and the apostles. Then in 325 AD, season was opened on those who persisted in keeping the laws of the Eternal and paganism had its name changed to Christianity and the rest is history as spin doctored and mythologized by the Romans and Jesuits. 

We should understand also that it isn't just the counterfeit Sabbath worshippers leading the world astray.  Look at the first chapter of the book of Isaiah which is a vision for Judah and Jerusalem.  Verse 14 says, "Your new moons and your appointed feasts My soul hates: they are a trouble unto me;"  

Continuing in verse 15, "And when you spread forth your hands, I will hide My eyes from you: yea, when you make many prayers, I will not hear:  your hands are full of blood."

So what are they to do?  Verse 17, "Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow."

Verse 20:  "But if you refuse and rebel, you shall be devoured with the sword."  Isn't that what is about to happen to Israel?  Let's look at what is just ahead for Israel and let's use the Tyndale Living Bible.  It uses modern English.  Let's pick it up in chapter 29 and I believe the context will show that this is for our time today which the prophets refer to as the "end time."  Verse 1:  
"Woe to Jerusalem the city of David.  Year after year you make your many offerings,
2  "But I will send heavy judgment upon you and there will be weeping and sorrow.  For Jerusalem shall become as her name 'Ariel' means --- an altar covered with blood.

3  "I will be your enemy.  I will surround Jerusalem and lay siege against it, and build forts around it to destroy it." 
Isn't this happening today.  Aren't there armies surrounding Israel and over 200,000 Arab missiles aimed at them?  We can even see in Isaiah 22:8 that their iron dome missile defense is going to be neutralized when the time comes for their destruction by the Arabs and by Iran and Syria (verses 6 and 7 of chapter 22).

If you continue reading in chapter 29, you will see that Israel is going to be overrun with looters but they will be routed by the Eternal before they have a chance to do the looting.  If you read on through chapters 30-35, you can see that this wealth is being reserved for the people of the kingdom to be established in the Jerusalem area by the invaders from outer space after the destroyers and looters have been chased out of the area. 

The invasion party will establish a command center in the Jerusalem area and Yahweh's people will be gathered there to begin the Kingdom of Yahweh and establish the world capitol.  Ah yes, this has been there in the book of Isaiah all these years but was not understandable until our day.  We see the nations lining up for WW III as delineated in the books of the prophets, Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Habakkuk, Hosea, Joel.  When we begin to put together these prophecies, like assembling a jigsaw puzzle, it produces a picture, in much the same way, of our situation in today's world. 

The book of Daniel, to be sealed until the end time, has been opened and became the key to open all these other prophecies.  The book of Josephus helps by giving us the scriptural names of some of the nations such as Iran which is Elam and Syria which is Aram.  Further study appears to show Kedar as Saudi Arabia.

And it isn't just the little nation of Israel that is going to be destroyed in the initial battle or WW III.  America, as the Babylon of Revelation 18 is to have her infrastructure destroyed in one hour.  Jeremiah 50 and 51 give the gory details of the invasion of America by an assembly of great nations.  We see them queing up for that invasion now as Russia and China hold joint military maneuvers simulating a nuclear strike on America. 

It appears that there will be an exodus from America and perhaps other Israelite nations, before it all hits the fan.  We find the account in Isaiah 52:10-12.  I say before the chaos of war because it says they will not leave in undue haste nor as refugees.  It also says it will be witnessed by all nations.   Sounds like a sensational news event.

There will be more time for bringing those in other countries into the real New World Order, but time is of the essence for Americans because it will be evacuated and left as a nuclear wilderness.  Hosea 5:7 seems to say it will only take a month. 

If this begins to sound like someone who just finished an opium pipe or a couple of lines of cocaine, you had better pray that it isn't.  Our future is advancing on us from Fukushima unless drastic measures are taken quite soon by the one who said, "Unless those days should be shortened, no flesh would be saved alive."  Matthew 24:22. Several things make this perhaps the most frightening crisis the earth has seen to date.  First, the world is not being told how serious it is. It appears that Tokyo will either be evacuated or exterminated. Second, it appears to be driving the Pacific sea creatures to the west coasts of Canada and America to escape the poison spreading from Japan. Third, there is no plan for containment or detoxification and it appears to be getting progressively worse.  World leaders have a plan --- they have dug hidey-holes for themselves with food stores enough for 30 years. 

Are today's ministers showing us these things or are they saying, "Peace and safety"?  Are they showing us that America is the end time Babylon and the image of the Roman beast?  Or are they a part of those who are, "…destroyed for lack of knowledge"?  Is religion helping to solve the problem of the mismanagement of planet earth or are they a part of the problem?

The solution to the world's problems is at our doorstep and it will begin with the destruction of America and Israel.  They are not the only nations destroying the earth but they certainly lead the pack.  It is my understanding that GE is still building nuclear reactors that can poison the earth as the one in Fukushima is doing. 

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