Friday, August 29, 2014


From the desk of
Bill Ramey


Daniel McAdams
August 27, 2014

The Obama administration is reportedly preparing to begin air strikes on Syrian territory without the consent of the Syrian government. The pretext is the rapidly expanding US war on ISIS, but in fact this is the long-desired US attack on Syria that was temporarily thwarted, reportedly by popular opposition last year (but more likely by US knowledge that its claims the Assad government was behind the chemical attacks at Ghouta had no basis in reality and would not stand up to even superficial scrutiny).

Though it makes for a compelling story, the idea that popular opposition to Obama’s plans to attack Syria last year stopped the bombs seems more wishful thinking than reality. Consider how easy it has been these past two weeks to obliterate any opposition among the American people to the same US attack plan regurgitated almost exactly one year later.

A series of salacious stories about ISIS slaughtering a Yazidi minority that no one had even heard of mobilized US public opinion in favor of initial US strikes and even ground troops in Iraq. Never mind that the stories were hyped up and mostly false. Never mind that the US and its allies had armed and trained the individuals who now call themselves ISIS (now simply “IS”) for a number of years. Another “babies thrown from incubators” story and even self-identified non-interventionists were screaming for bombing runs.

Then came the video release purporting to be the beheading of US freelance journalist (and former USAID contractor) James Foley. Though the video did not show an actual beheading, skeptics were nevertheless silenced by admonitions to not add to the family’s grief by questioning the official US government line. The videos were feverishly removed from social media outlets before many had the chance to see that they did not show a beheading at all.

By the time the media started realizing that the video was a fake, public opinion had already been positioned in favor of taking ISIS out wherever they sought shelter.

Because the US-trained ISIS/IS also operates in Syria (where they are fighting for the US “regime change” objective), they now must be targeted by the US. Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem reminded the US today that his government must be consulted before the US begins military action on Syrian soil. He was ignored by Washington. Washington began sending drones into Syrian territory.

We are now told that the only thing holding back US bombs on sovereign Syrian soil is concern that any attack would be perceived as a shift in US policy away from demands for “regime change” in Syria. In other words, the Obama administration does not want to be seen helping a Syrian government that has been battling what is now called IS for three years by also bombing IS in Syria.

Concerns that a US attack on Syria without permission would be a violation of international law, the UN charter, and would be a blatant act of aggression are not factored in to the US decision-making process. Nor is the fact that Congress is unlikely to be bothered to declare war or even pass an authorization for the use of force against Syria.

There is currently no active legislation that would permit the US president to make war on Syria.

The US is already violating Syrian territory by conducting aerial surveillance to determine targeting for planned air strikes. This violation of sovereignty is ignored by the same US government that condemned Russian delivery of food and water to those suffering in east Ukraine as a “flagrant violation” of Ukraine’s sovereignty.

Food and water to desperate civilians is a flagrant violation of sovereignty, air strikes are not. This is US government logic, but there is virtually no opposition among opinion makers, the media, or politicians.

This month the US government admitted that there were more than 12,000 foreign fighters — jihadists — inside Syria seeking to overthrow the Syrian government. Perhaps unwittingly, this admission undermines the entire three year rationale for the US “regime change” policy in Syria. Recall that the “Assad must go” position of the US government was justified by claims that the Syrian people were engaging in a popular revolt to establish self-rule and democracy. This cannot be true if in fact this war had been waged by foreign jihadists.

War against Syria is perhaps days away. It will be an illegal war, without a UN resolution or permission from the Syrian government. Without Congress. Conducted by the peace president.

This article was posted: Wednesday, August 27, 2014 at 4:58 am

Ramey comments:

Did you catch the part I converted to red print?  Luke 21:28, Isa 17:4.     'Nuff said.


Those previously beating the "Save the republic" drums are now beating the "Save your family" drums.  This, of course, presumes a place to save your family. The real estate of America is not that place.

If your family "misses the bus" of Isaiah 52:10-12, then their chances of survival have just been reduced to one in three! 

There will be no survivors left in America!  It will not be restructured as a haven for the New World Order.  It will shortly become a nuclear wilderness that is uninhabited and uninhabitable!  We are already seeing the potential blow in Iceland that could deliver the Jeremiah 51:42 tsunami that puts all the nuclear reactors on the east coast into meltdown mode.  We see another blow evidently in preparation in the Yellowstone Caldera.  We see in Jeremiah 51:29 and 43 that this Babylon we call America is to become a desolation "…without inhabitant".

Those with heads in sand have passed this off as "Conspiracy theory" for years and now it is happening.  What appears to be the final advance is being made on Damascus and when it falls, so does America and Israel.  (See Isaiah 17:1-4) 

If we have done our homework so as to be able to identify modern nations by their scriptural names, then we can see that the looting and deportation only take one month (Hosea 5:7).  Why the rush? Because of reactors in meltdown coupled with other instabilities. 

Now we have methane plumes rising along our Atlantic Coast and scientists have discovered some 570 places where it is seeping to the surface and escaping as a plume to the atmosphere.  There is a scripture in Isaiah 34:4 which says, "…the heavens shall be rolled up like a scroll".  New English Version.  I submit to you this is a perfect description of an atmospheric methane fire.

It would seem our rulers are desperate for a war.  So desperate in fact, that they will resort to ridiculous lies (that are easily disproved) and cheap Hollyweird theatrics to try to incite a war.  Now, by the use of one of those cheap theatrics, the war hawks have been stampeded and are rushing to support that war.  And non-thinking Americans are cheering them on.

I think the following article gives a fair perspective on this

Fresh doubt thrown on veracity of beheading video
Paul Joseph Watson
August 26, 2014

Fresh doubt has been thrown on the narrative behind the James Foley beheading video after a Syrian government spokesperson claimed that the American journalist was killed by ISIS militants a year ago.

Following the release of a video last week which purported to show the murder of Foley, top forensic experts concluded that the footage was staged using “camera trickery and slick post-production techniques,” concurring with Infowars’ analysis that the video was highly dubious given that it was immediately used as justification for military strikes on Syria.

Official Syrian government spokesperson Bouthaina Shaaban has now complicated matters further by asserting that Foley was in fact murdered by Islamic State militants a year ago.

“James Foley was first arrested by the Free Syrian Army and he was sold to ISIS [an earlier name for the IS]. You can check with the UN…James Foley was killed a year ago, not now, they only released the pictures now, but he was killed a year ago. We have definite information, the UN has the information,” said Shaaban.

The claim contradicts the narrative that Foley’s family received a letter on August 12 from ISIS militants threatening to execute the journalist if Barack Obama gave the green light for air strikes on Islamic State militants in Iraq.

The Foley beheading video has been used as a poster child for accomplishing what Washington failed to do in the aftermath of last year’s chemical weapons attack in Ghouta – build a consensus for a military assault on Syria. Officials and lawmakers have cited the video as providing a “new context” which legitimizes an expansion of U.S. military activity in the middle east.

Although the air strikes will ostensibly target ISIS fighters and not Syrian government positions, Assad has repeatedly asserted that any U.S. military action in Syria will be seen as an act of war, threatening to enflame the entire region.

According to reports today, Obama has ordered US spy planes to start patrolling the country with a view to launching a military assault, “a step that would plunge the U.S. into a country already ravaged by an intractable civil war,” reports the Daily Mail.

We live in the time of the end and I do hope We realize this.  The world is a powder keg looking for ignition.  America needs a war in the worst way to bail out her leaders from irresponsible spending and larceny.  It will happen!  And it will happen soon. 

And it would appear that the biggest war is being planned against the American people.  Could Ferguson, Missouri be the opening shot of this war?  People are coming from as far away as Chicago and even California to escalate the peaceful protests into violent protests. Even the Department of Justice is getting into the act in what appears to be an effort to incite a lynching party for the police officer Darren Wilson who pulled the trigger on Michael Brown.  Police officers are armed and authorized to use deadly force when called for.  They go through rigorous training in order to perceive when this is necessary.  We heard the endless repetition by the media of the "unarmed teen-ager" in the Trayvon Martin incident and were shown the pictures of a 12 year old Trayvon Martin in all his innocence and not the 190 pound tattooed hulk that George Zimmerman was accosted by.  To this day, when the media presstitutes bring up Trayvon Martin, they show the same picture of a pre teen and not a real time photo.  It seems there is something basically dishonest about our media. 

It would seem that the underlying lesson to be learned from this incident in Ferguson is that rioting and looting is the way to get concessions from the government. 

Taken as an isolated incident, this may appear to be merely another step down the ladder for America --- and that it is.  But when we view it against the backdrop of what is happening in the world, the picture becomes much more ominous.  We are approaching the time when the "reset button" is about to be pressed for planet earth!   And I know very well that if you are a regular reader of these Commentaries, you have seen this theme for the past five years. Does that dilute the message?  Has the direction of international events changed?  Have we decided that nuclear war is not the way to go?  Or does the pot continue to boil? 

We see the situation in the Ukraine, designed by U.S. strategists to foment a war with Russia in much the same way as they promoted the unrest in Egypt and Libya and portrayed the robbery of those nations as a "humanitarian gesture". 

The robbery of the Ukraine came early in the game as a banking pirate was appointed to oversee their banking operations.  His first move was to export 40 tons of gold from the Ukraine in a clandestine midnight operation.  Now it appears that the Ukraine will be thrown to the Nazi wolves and exterminated.  Those who trust in the U.S., of course, will be exterminated last.

This world is built on deception.  Why?  Because all the governments of this world belong to Satan (see Luke 4).  Babylon was a world ruling government and it appears that the last world ruling government is to be another Babylon. We can see this "Babylon" in the little book of Habakkuk, identified as Chaldea.  This is another name for Babylon.

We can see that this Babylon is to be destroyed "…in one hour" in Revelation 18.  A closer look at the book of Habakkuk should show any thinking person that this Chaldea (Babylon) is America.  And it is to be destroyed and left uninhabited and uninhabitable. 

This age is coming to a close and it is happening right before our eyes.  We see the Medo-Persian alliance already formed for the repetition of history.  We see the end time Babylon on the verge of financial collapse.  We see the exodus from the petro-dollar and we see the war clouds forming even as I write. 

The armies surrounding Jerusalem are in place and Syria is under siege by the Muslim army created by our Muslim leader.  When Damascus becomes a "…ruinous heap" by whomever's hand, Israel and America will follow quickly.  I know you have heard this before but it has never been as close as it is right now.  The exodus from Babylon, to be witnessed by all nations, has never been as close as it is now. We are looking at a time of destruction for which we have no reference points.  And those promoting the New World Order feel they are going to restore "Order out of chaos".  Their hopes will be dashed when their jurisdictional umbilical cord is severed at the event described in Daniel 7:13-14.  Can we connect the dots?  Can we see that there are no political solutions to our dilemma?  Our destruction as a nation has been guaranteed by the most evil man who has ever existed on the planet (see II Thessalonians 2).  It is his mission in life and once accomplished, he will die within hours --- even before his victory parade.

Either we understand these things or we are being "…destroyed for lack of knowledge". (Hosea 4:6). We can see who it is that will understand in Daniel 12:10.  We should not be dismayed at the signs of the heavens (Jer 10:2), nor at the news reports today of Ebola, ISIS, the worldwide conspiracy, international piracy, corruption in government or any of the plagues taking place on earth.  We know these are to come.  "But the end is not yet…"  We have already been forewarned of these things.  And now we see them happening as prophesied. 

Now it would seem we are very near the mid point of the seven year end time or the "time appointed" (see Daniel 11:35).  It is at that point when situations become interesting and it happens "…at an instant."


Americans' heads are so deep in the sands of denial they simply can not even entertain the thought that we could have a president who is committed to the total destruction of America.  We have seen the bank bailouts, the poisons in our foodstuff, the chem trails in our   skies, the arming of the terrorists and the creation of yet another terrorist group called ISIS created and trained with American financing.  Now we have seen the Ebola virus imported into our nation with this exec's blessing and yet Americans sleep on. 

America is bankrupt and yet with creative money policy called petro-dollars and a military that is the military arm of the Roman Empire, we have proceeded well over half a century now after declaring that bankruptcy and being put into receivership to the Vatican owned world bank.  Now that façade is wearing thin and the nations are starting to balk at further robbery of them through this dishonest money policy.  We have used that military arm to destroy the first few nations that balked but now some of the major nations of the world are forming new alliances and have even started their own bank in competition with the IMF.  The hand-writing is on the wall.  Unless this can be stopped, America's doom is sealed.  We have the money printing presses doing overtime and this is in the process of going into hyper-inflation as did the German economy after WW II. 

But it would seem our politicians, in their wisdom, have planned for just such an eventuality.  They have constructed hidey-holes for the elite called D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases), which they can retire to after kicking off a nuclear war in addition to the biological war already begun.  After 90% of earth population is disposed of, they feel they can emerge from their hidey-holes to assume positions of authority over survivors.  That is their plan and it has been many years in the making and refining.  This is what they call the New World Order and has the support of virtually all the secret societies of the world.  If we can use the word without being leaped on by the media presstitutes, it's a worldwide conspiracy.  And all the roads of this conspiracy lead to Rome.  Even the Masonic Order, members of which consider themselves rabidly anti-Catholic, has been under the direction of the Vatican since the murder of the head Mason, Jaques de Molay, 12th century as I recall.  How true it is , "…that old red dragon, called Satan and the devil, which has deceived the whole world."  Rev 12:9.

By their prestige and money gained as owners of the world bank, the Vatican has been able to build nations such as America in order to replace their navy which was destroyed in 1588 by weather and English Sea Dogs.  You can get the "rest of the story" in a book entitled "Rulers of Evil" by the late F Tupper Saussy. 

Through this same money and prestige, they were able to create the phony nation of Israel in order to orchestrate and control the unfurling of prophecy or the myths they call prophecy.  We are just before the granddaddy of all lies as noted in II Thessalonians 2. 

Through this same money and prestige, they were instrumental in the creation of the organization called the United Nations which was organized under the protective umbrella of the Treaty of Rome - 1957. 

By essentially owning Israel and the U.N. as well as their puppet nation the U.S., called the Image of the Beast in Revelation chapter 13, now they were ready to make their bid for world dominion that was frustrated when the inquisition had to be suspended because of the loss of their navy, the Spanish Armada. 

They (the Vatican - as inheritors of "…all the power" of the Roman Empire" - see Revelation 13:12), have been in a covenant relationship with the real Jews (those ruling Israel today are those spoken of by Christ who, "say they are Jews and are not but do lie". - see Revelation 2:9), and we find this covenant in I Maccabees chapter 8.  It was made with the Roman Empire but as noted above, the Vatican inherited all the power of the Roman Empire.  This was so the Roman Empire could go underground and even circulate a rumor that it fell in 476 AD.  This myth was not circulated until some 1300 years later when it came out in a book by Edward Gibbon entitled "The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire".  It was published in 1776 as a smokescreen to cloud the fact that America was a creation of the Vatican.  In order to see that the Roman Empire did not fall in 476 AD (or at any other time), look up Byzantine Empire in any good encyclopedia. 

This rumor was important in order to conceal the identity of the Roman Empire as the fourth beast of Daniel 7.  If the world could identify them as the fourth beast, it would lay bare all the myths they had to promote in order to bring the world to where it is today.  Myths such as Israel today is the remnant of Israel of old.  Myths such as Peter was the first pope.  This myth was not invented until about the 8th century.  Myths like Christ left His unfinished work to the Catholic Church. 

The lie is put to the "Peter Myth" by the Catholic's own historian, the beloved Bede, in his 4 volume "Eccliastical History".  Book 3, chapter 29 (as I recall), has a letter from Pope Vitalian to Oswy, king of Britian, that accompanied the bones of the apostles Peter and Paul that were shipped to England for reburial in 656 AD.  They are buried just outside of St Albens Hertz, or so I am told.  But the letter is there for all to see and preserved by their own historian. If Peter was indeed the first pope, why would they ship his bones to England for reburial?  This is a puzzle I have been wrestling with for a quarter of a century and it begins to appear that they were a bargaining chip to purchase the endorsement of Oswy for the easter myth. 

Now to bring things right up to our time, according to the Catholics' own prophet, whom they have dubbed Malachi, (12th century as I recall), the final pope is now reigning and then "…the Catholic Church will cease to exist". This story has been printed in the Vatican newspaper and also in the London Times in the past few years but none of the American newspapers printed it. It is the story of an Irish priest who visited the Vatican in the 12th century and while there he had a vision which he related to the reigning pope at that time.  In his vision he saw 112 more popes that would reign and "…then the Catholic Church would cease to exist."  He gave a brief description of the reign of each and these have reportedly been uncannily accurate.  The interesting part is that the present Pope Francis is number 112.

Something else I find interesting is that this fits hand in glove with my understanding of what the prophets (major and minor) have written about our times today.  We are living in the time referred to by the prophet Daniel as "…the time of the end."  We see in chapter 12 of Daniel, verses 4 and 9 that this book was to be sealed at the time of writing "…until the time of the end."  At that time it would be opened to the understanding of a few.  We can see who they are in verse 10. 

I submit to you that the events of Daniel 11:42-43 were on all the news channels in February of 2011 --- thus providing the opening of the book and defining this as the end time.  There has been a religious controversy over how long the end time is.  Some have thought it was three and one half years and I must admit that I was one of those --- but I was wrong.  We are at the three and one half years of lapsed time this month and the time of Jacob's trouble (de-fined as three and one half years) has not begun.  Will it begin this month?

We can see in the book of Habakkuk that there is an end time nation called Chaldea, which is another name for Babylon, and it appears (if we match up other prophecies) that this nation will be destroyed at the mid point of the "end time".  This is the same Babylon that we see in Revelation 18, which will be destroyed "…in one hour."  We also see this covered in Isaiah 13.  Jeremiah 50 and 51 give us the gory details and even names the players provided we have done our homework and know the Medes were Russian, Iran is Elam (Persia), and Aram is Syria.  We are living in the days when all of this is coming down.  Even as I write, we see the ISIS advancing into Syria from a backdoor approach through Iraq because when our prez tried a frontal approach he was checkmated by Putin. 

If you look at Isaiah 17:1-4, you can see that when Damascus is reduced to a "…ruinous heap", the destruction of America and Israel will quickly follow. Again, you can see this if you have done your home work and understand who the players are. America is that Babylon that is to be destroyed at the mid point of the "…time of the end" and you can see in Isaiah 13 that the Supreme Sovereign Himself is going to have a hand in that destruction.  He is furious!

Now why would that be?  Aren't we a Christian nation?  We are --- but again, if you have done your homework, you have learned that Christianity equals idolatry!  Religion is a tool created by Satan for the deception of the whole world.  Revelation 12:9 shows just how successful this tool has been.  Christianity and Islam will be destroyed along with the other religions of this world and it will be in this generation.

Now that I have said enough to bring down the wrath of politicians, patriots and religionists on my head, I will close with this thought:

It appears the next few weeks will be interesting!


Monday, August 2, 2010


In this “Home of the brave and land of the free” which has become anything but, we hear much about what we need is a non violent revolution. These range from rare to non existent. Why? Because those ensconced in power do not give up that position willingly. A brief review of history will confirm this.

However, we do have in our hands a tool for a revolution in America that, if used, could leave bodies of politicians scattered across the landscape. And this is without a single citizen taking up arms, marching in protests or writing or phoning their Congressman/ woman.

We claim to be a “Christian Nation” and yet we have no clue as to what that entails. Few realize that the term “Christian” is defined for the world by the Vatican and that excesses of the Catholic (Christian) Church were the impetus in the creation of the religion of Islam by the “prophet” Muhammad.

There is however, a Creator who fashioned the universe including the earth and has no ties with the religions of this world. That same Creator has given promises that we can stake our lives on and that Creator is quite meticulous in fulfilling His promises. That Creator has left us an outline of history that the governments of this world are in the process of "doing away with". (That’s a mafia term meaning “destroying”.) This history, along with prophecies of what is yet to come, can be found in the pages of the book that is called the Bible. We should be aware that it has been tampered with by Jews (see Jeremiah 8:8), and Catholics alike and therefore we must use it with discretion and exercise wisdom in our use of it.

We find in the first five books of this document what is called the “Torah” or “Pentateuch” and these include the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. In these books we find that a man named Abraham, who lived some 2000 BC was commissioned to introduce the Creator to mankind and this commission was delegated to his offspring and fell primarily to a man named Jacob whose name the Creator changed to Israel. The offspring of Israel were rescued from a life of slavery in Egypt when they numbered about 3 million. Contrary to popular opinion these were not ancestors of the little nation named “Israel” today. They were given laws, statutes, precepts and judgments that the Creator guaranteed, in writing, would produce peace, harmony and prosperity in the land if adhered to. That was some 3500 years ago and these principles have not been tried by any nation, at any time, to see whether or not that Creator could deliver on His guarantee. That same Creator has given us guarantees individually that we can ignore or capitalize on --- and these also are in writing.

We have today a government which could perhaps be more aptly termed “legislative piracy”. “Health” plans, banker bailouts, automotive takeovers, confiscatory taxes, more government interference in all phases of our lives and it all amounts to “legislative piracy”. And who do governments rob? Not the rich because they are the ones who put legislators in their seats of power. So the robbery is aimed at the poor, huh? How many widows and fatherless children do you suppose we have in America? How many are stifled by an overburden of taxes, fees, penalties, among other governmental oppressions?

What if this select group knew they have a hotline to the seat of the Creator and that He has promised to give a hand if they call on Him? And not merely to lend a hand but to kill their oppressors! And to make widows of their wives and their children fatherless! This is power! And the promise has been there in writing for some 3500 years!

Please turn to the second book of the Bible --- Exodus --- and to chapter 22, verse 22. This is given by word of mouth to Moses who committed it to writing directed to rulers and is every bit as much in effect today as when it was written.

22. “You shall not afflict any widow or fatherless child.”

23. “If you afflict them in any way and they cry at all to me, I will surely hear their cry.”

24. “And my wrath  will wax hot and I will kill you with the sword; and your wives shall become widows and your children fatherless.”

Please note well that it does not say the widows and fatherless are to take their grievances to a priest or preacher (we are conditioned to believe that they know the words God will listen to) but rather for them to go directly to the Creator’s throne and “cry out”. The Creator says to the rulers that if the widows and fatherless do this, “I will surely hear and I will kill you.”

Those familiar with the present system know how effective their grievances are. First they are routed through 6-8 recorded phone messages, then instructed to fill out endless forms and then may have a response in 2-4 weeks --- provided the minimum wage clerk doesn’t mislay the paper work.

If this communiqué were posted in every welfare office, DMV, unemployment compensation office and grocery store, do you suppose these folks would begin to present their grievances to someone who can make a difference? Would the landscape become littered with the bodies of politicians? Would we achieve the needed revolution?


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