Tuesday, August 19, 2014


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



Just when we think things can't get worse --- they do!  And this is something we may as well get used to because it is the new norm.  The war drums are going to continue ramping up until the trigger event that opens the gates of hell --- because the international bankers will accept nothing less.  And the prophets of old have said it's going to happen.  They have even shown us who the players are.

Is it purely coincidental that a man considered a prophet some 2,600 years ago could predict the line-up of nations as they now stand on the brink of war? 

It would seem that the word "diplomacy" is now defined as "sophisticated lies".  The world we live in does not know the definition of truth and hasn't for the past 2,000 years.  I write for those who do. 

Once we begin to understand the book of Daniel, it opens the doors to the other prophets.  We begin to understand that the "Assyrians", spoken of in the end times, (by Isaiah, Hosea and Micah) are most likely the New World Order group, which includes the Bildebergers and international bankers.  This would explain Hosea 5:13.   Isaiah 30:31 and 31:8 also begin to make more sense.  They are not going to rob the gold of Israel when Israel falls.  That will be preserved for the citizens of the new government that is to be established in the Jerusalem area. We can see the transition of this "Assyrian mentality" to America in "Operation Paperclip" at the end of WW II.  From there to the U.N. (via the Vatican) and on to the New World Order move.

The New World Order folks are betting their lives on a wager they are destined to lose.  They could have known this had they read, understood and believed the above mentioned prophets. 

The world is about to undergo the biggest change since the days of Noah in which the New World Order ilk will be exterminated.  It they don't see this at this time, they will when their "jurisdictional umbilical cord" is cut while in their underground hidey-holes (see Daniel 7:13-14). 

There is no middle ground!  We can see in Daniel 12:10 that the end time world is divided into only two camps.  These are the "wise" and the "wicked".  The same verse tells how to discern between the two.

So our understanding (or lack thereof) of the book of Daniel positions us in one of these two camps. 

We should have long since progressed beyond the "heaven/hell" myths and come to realize we have been raised on myths and lies, both in religion and history.  e.g. "Columbus discovered America."

I know I overuse this example but it rubs our noses in the mythology we have been raised on.  It spurs us to weed out other myths in our lives.  Revelation 12:9 says the "…whole world" is deceived by Satan and we are certainly seeing that in the world today.  We need to avoid becoming a part of that "…whole world". 

Matthew 24 quotes Christ as saying the end time world will be "…as it was in the days of Noah."  We can see in Genesis 6 that only eight people were spared in the whole earth.  Are we there yet?

Christ (whom the world has counterfeited as Jesus or Hay-Suess) gave the conditions that would be prevailing at the end of this age and we can see these in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21.  And again I ask, are we there yet?  This is not the time to bury our heads in the sands of mythology and denial.  It is not the time to seek refuge in the many religions that permeate the planet.  It is not the time to let others do our thinking for us.  The general populace has become so anesthetized by education, so mesmerized by religion and so stupefied by the media that we consider ourselves incapable of doing our own thinking.  If we cannot over come this handicap, we will become a statistic in the coming weeks and/or months. 

The governments of this world belong to Satan (see Luke 4) and will until the change of command noted in Daniel 7:13-14.  This includes the religious governments, the commercial governments, the political and economic governments.  When the change comes, these will all be null and void and that change is imminent. 

It is time to put our ducks in a row.  It is time to decide where our loyalties lie.  It is high time to realize that the sun has set on this world's governments.  They are about to be replaced and the prototype will commence in Jerusalem area after the present regime is destroyed. It will immediately follow the fall of Damascus (Isa 17:1-4).

It should be obvious now, even to those with media mythology blindness, that America is under biological warfare siege by our own Muslim president, while he creates and arms Muslim militaries in the rest of the world. I have been showing this in these Commentaries for the past two years and yet, it would seem that, few have picked up on the concepts that we are the image of the Roman beast of Revelation 13 and the Babylon of Revelation 18 that is to be destroyed "…in one hour."   The "…assembly of great nations" that are to pick our bones is being formed even as I write this and our chief is all too eager to launch WW III. 

Much of the world is awakening to the fact that WW III has already begun economically, biologically and militarily.  Some (including Americans), are waiting for a formal declaration. 

We should know by now that this is to be a religious war as have been all wars for the past two millennia.  The conflict is between the two legs of the dream image of King Nebuchadnezzar of ancient Babylon (see Daniel 2).  These legs are the two dominant religions in today's world which are Christianity and Islam.  We should also understand by now that Christianity takes in also the Protestants (daughters of the great whore) and Judaism!  That statement will bring screams of "foul" from Jews and "…those who say they are Jews and are not but do lie" (Revelation 3:9).  But you can see the covenant between the Jews and Romans in I Maccabees 8 and a careful reading will show it is to be forever.  It has never been annulled. 

Can we even begin to see where we are today in the stream of time?

For those with "…eyes to see and ears to hear", we are at the juncture between verse 43 and 44 of Daniel 11.  Any day now can take us off the "pause" and resume the unrolling of the scroll of prophecy of Daniel 11. We are in a world at the ready waiting for ignition.

The coming war is to be like nothing the world has ever seen before.
And it has already begun. 


Shock! Don’t Drink The Water Atlanta! Ebola Virus Being Released Into Sewage System! Recycled Water A Potential Doomsday Scenario?

Saturday, August 9, 2014 8:54

A word of warning is going out across the internet to those in Atlanta, Georgia, be VERY CAREFUL with your drinking water if the source is recycled water via the Atlanta sewage system. According to this brand new report from The Watchers, ebola virus is now being released into Atlanta’s sewage system.  The video below is called “Ebola Virus SHOCK – Ebola Virus Being Released Into Atlanta Sewage Treatment Plant” for a good reason. With ebola virus potentially being released via recycled sewage water into not only drinking water but irrigation systems and being used to water crops to eat, we hope that what we read from Jim Bynum and hear in the video below isn’t true.


By Jim Bynum

“Ebola Patients Brought to Emory University Hospital in Atlanta”, after The Federal Public Health Service had assured the public that it is a Biosafety Level 4 treatment center as required by CDC. It appears to meet the CDC standard for containment of aerosols in hospitals, but offers no safety for aerosols generated during sewage treatment to plant workers, sludge (biosolids) haulers, or those exposed to Filoviruses (ebola) in reclaimed sewage effluent used as irrigation on parks, school grounds and food crops as well as the users of sewage sludge (biosolids) used for the same purposes..

If Filoviruses such as Ebola are In Sewage, it will survive in the Effluent == Reclaimed water and Sludge products. More about viruses in sewage.


Uh Oh! This Gives Us A Creepy Feeling! CDC Hosting Ebola ‘Health Law’ Webinar To Instruct On Legal Powers Of Health Officials During An Ebola Outbreak

Friday, August 8, 2014 (Before It's News)

All across the internet, both ‘conspiracy theorists’ who have a thread called “THIS IS IT! Ebola and the LAW: CDC Webinar Next Week!!! WTF?” and those who run PreventEbola.com are quite concerned over a CDC ‘Ebola Health-Law webinar’ taking place on August 12th that will instruct about the legal powers of health officials during an ebola outbreak.

With the main experimental ebola drug creator recently caught JOKING about ‘culling the population’ as shared in the 1st video below, the news unfolding on the ebola front in America and around the world is not pleasant as shared in the other videos below. The terrifying implications are outlined below. First, from PreventEbola.com.:

The Centers for Disease Control will be hosting a Webinar for Health Officials next week, to go over the legal powers and duties health department personnel have if an Ebola outbreak occurs in the US.  This is where they instruct health officials on the legal power to ORDER QUARANTINES, forcibly relocate the general public if they decide to and forcibly deal with people who refuse such things as vaccines. Why does this give us a very creepy feeling?

Terrifying Implications

For anyone who is interested, the link below is to the Model Public Health Emergency Law written by the Centers for Disease Control and sent to all 50 states for enactment into law at the state level.  This went to the states around the year 2001 and to date, about 44 of the 50 states have enacted all or part of this plan — and it is terrifying!

This document mentions the word “Quarantine” 75 times.

This document mentions “force” 19 times (though it often does so in the context of “enforce”)

This document mentions the word “Evacuate” 3 times, and does so in the context of “evacuate populations.”

They basically give themselves power to do anything they want, to anyone they want, anytime they want,  — all in the name of public safety — and if anyone refuses, they give themselves the right to use force.

Threat of Nuclear War Back-Paul Craig Roberts
By Greg Hunter On August 10, 2014 In Media 14 Comments

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com  (Early Sunday Release)

Former Assistant Treasury Secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is worried about nuclear war with China and Russia.  Dr. Roberts warns, “It’s clear Russia doesn't want war.  China doesn't want war, but because of the recklessness of the Bush and Obama regimes, both China and Russia have been upgrading their strategic nuclear forces.  Russia has not only been upgrading its nuclear forces very rapidly, but Russia has been running its strategic bombers into our airspace to test our reaction times. . . . What’s important is Washington has telegraphed to two major nuclear powers, Russia and China, that it intends to attack them, and that’s what the fools have done in Washington.  All the threat of nuclear war had ended when Reagan and Gorbachev made their agreements, and now this fool in the White House has brought this threat back.”

Dr. Roberts also thinks the new retaliatory sanctions imposed by Russia on agricultural products from the West have countries, such as Germany, having second thoughts.  Dr. Roberts says, “We now have . . . the main financial newspaper in Germany, it’s like the Wall Street Journal, come out with a very strong statement from the editor in chief and say that the direction that the United States was pushing things is contrary to common sense, and contrary to the interests of Germany. . . . Therefore, this is a break in the ranks, and this is probably the most important newspaper in Europe.”

On the speculation of Russia invading Ukraine, Dr. Roberts says, “I think the talk about Russia invading is the American military security complex, so they can beef up their budgets and have more taxpayer monies allocated to the military security complex.  It’s propaganda.   Dr. Roberts goes on to say, “Russia is not going to invade anyone, and I don’t think they are going turn off the gas, unless the Europeans allow themselves to be pressured again into further sanctions by Washington.  If that happens, I think the Russians most likely will call up the European capitals and say look, you’re going to get your gas turned off if you don’t find your own independent foreign policy and deal with us like grownups.”

On the question of the economy failing, Dr. Roberts, who holds a PhD in economics, says, “Whatever blows, it has to be something the government can’t rig.  The only way it could stop means the government can no longer rig it.  It is such a huge pile of cards that if they can’t keep it rigged, a lot is coming down in a hurry.”  So, what’s going to be the trigger?  Roberts thinks it will be when the world abandons the U.S. dollar.  How long can the economy be propped up?  Dr. Roberts says “It will continue as long as it is tolerated.  When will it cease to be tolerated?  I think it will be when there is a general flight from the dollar. . . Once the general mood changes, and not just by gold investors, and people cease to hold dollars, then this won’t work.  It will fail, and at that time, it will be almost impossible to get into gold.  There just isn’t enough to absorb a major flight from a currency as large as the dollar.  The dollar is just a huge currency.”

About the 4% GDP growth in 2nd quarter, Dr. Roberts says, “There is a lot of pressure on them because that can be a black swan event.  You get a second negative quarter and you are talking about recession, and then you got people asking why are stocks so high?  Then, people start bailing out of stocks, and since it’s rigged, you don’t know how big the crash will be.  I don’t know if we can expect an honest (GDP) number.  I do know that nothing has happened since the forces that produced the negative first quarter.  There has been no growth in consumer incomes.  There has been no growth in consumer credit.  We see not only middle class stores like Sears, Macy’s and JC Penny’s being closed, but now we see it’s the dollar stores that are failing.  That tells you people don’t even have enough money to keep the dollar stores in operation.  So, where did 4% growth come from?”

In closing, Dr. Roberts says, “China and Russia are not a threat, but the United States and neo-conservatives say we are chosen by history as exceptional and indispensable, and we have a right and responsibility to establish our system over the world.  This is the cause of all of these wars.  It’s the cause of all of this antagonism against Russia because they are a rising power.  How can you have hegemony if you have another rising power or two rising powers such as China and Russia?  So, we have to knock down these rising powers.  That’s what all the conflict is coming from. . . .   They are creating an ideology that is endangering the whole world.”  Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with former Assistant Treasury Secretary in the Reagan Administration, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.

(There is much, more in the hour long interview.)

After the Interview:

Dr. Roberts has written many books.  Follow these links to check his latest two books, click here and here.


There is a saying in the south that some people are so thick headed that in order to get a message through to them you have to write it on a 2 X 4 and hit them between the eyes with it.  In America it would seem the message must be written on a nuke and delivered by ICBM.

We didn't get the message when we were robbed for bank bailouts /auto makers bailouts/Obamacare/guns for Muslim/etc.  We cheered while NATO robbed Iraq, Egypt and Libya so our elite could continue to enjoy their lifestyle.  Now we are being whipped up into yet another war mentality in order to support a nuclear war with Russia and China and this my friends will be the total destruction of America

Those analyzing the news and world condition seem to see that our nation is being destroyed but simply cannot entertain the thought of it being destroyed totally and left without an inhabitant.  Is this an extension of the denial we saw in the JFK murder?  The Waco massacre?  911?  Because a world without an America is unthinkable, we tend to eliminate that as a possibility.  And yet, America is already destroyed!  Are we no longer capable of doing our own thinking? 

A multi-trillion dollar debt, and with a chief still spending like a drunken sailor.  Arming the Muslim in Africa and the Middle East and financing the butchering of Christians worldwide.  A new bureaucracy called TSA, which it appears was created to reward deviates for their election support.  A president and vice president who endorse homosexuality and a congress of eunuchs neutered by the threat to expose their own personal lives. 

Few seem to realize that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed with a nuke!  Yes, that will meet with total disbelief but when you dig beneath the veneer we call history, you find many things our religions and governments have neglected to tell us.  Some of this is now being uncovered by a man named Zecharia Sitchin as he delves into the Sumerian records.  His findings are met with much criticism and ridicule and for the same reason Americans are reluctant to awaken to the real world around them.  Denial. 

As America undergoes the final act of destruction, we will also have to accept the fact that there really are space travelers out there and that they are monitoring what is going on in our world.  Not only are they monitoring our activities but also taking an active part in some of them.  See Daniel 4:17 and Jeremiah 51:1

If you are among the millions awaiting the "rapture" --- lots of luck.  You're going to need it.  If you are among those with faith in the American people to vote in better politicians --- lots of luck.  You're also going to need it.  If you are among a tiny minority that realize the book of Habakkuk is describing America and that the book of Daniel, sealed at the time of writing until the time of the end, is now opened
--- congratulations.  You can find the group you identify with in Daniel 12:10.

I sincerely hope that more and more are seeing that the things in these Commentaries that seemed so ludicrous one or two years ago are now part of daily news.  This is not for the purpose of me saying "I told you so" but rather that the prophets told you so. 

We stand at the precipice of global extinction unless there is a strong hand from someplace.  That "Strong Hand" is the two beings that comprise the Elohim and will make themselves known just before the destruction of America.  They will do this by conducting an exodus out of this Babylon named America.  (See Isaiah 52:10-12).

Yahoo’s Ebola Tweet Is a Lie Designed to Promote Fear-Based Acceptance of the Ebola Vaccine

11 Aug, 2014 by Dave Hodges

A Yahoo News tweet went out at 4:41 p.m. Eastern) Sunday and it stated that 145 people in the Atlanta area have contracted Ebola. The Yahoo News tweet disappeared about 20 minutes later, only to be replaced by a tweet stating that the first tweet was a mistake. However, the Yahoo News Twitter release was retweeted hundreds of times in that 20 minutes.
The tweet was captured and was replayed on Before Its News.

Do not make the mistake of believing any of this. There is absolutely no truth to the claim that 145 people, in Atlanta, have contracted Ebola. Many are asking if Yahoo News actually ran the tweet, or were they hacked? Yahoo News did indeed run this tweet, but they knew exactly what they were doing.

The Goals of Yahoo News and Their Infamous Tweet
Yahoo news had two goals in regard to tweeting this false information on their twitter account, only to take it back 20 minutes later. First, we live in a culture of fear. Government exists because of fear. Television news ratings rise when they report fearful news. We have become a nation of self-directed fear mongers. This is precisely what Yahoo News is counting on.  Their false tweet was designed to make as many people in the public, fearful of an Ebola outbreak.

Do you remember when you would play a game, as a child, by saying something outrageous and then telling the person “made you look”? This is exactly what Yahoo News was doing when they tweeted this false claim of 145 people contracting Ebola in Atlanta. They made us look. They made us fearful. Of course, Yahoo News attempted to maintain their credibility by withdrawing the tweet 20 minutes later, but it is impossible to unring the bell and Yahoo knows this.

Why would Yahoo News want to “make us look”? There are two reasons. First, Monsanto and their bad reputation must be distanced from any vaccine. This will be explained in more detail later in the article. Second, the tweet was designed to evoke a fear reaction from the public and this would hopefully serve to move the public closer to accepting a hastily prepared vaccine of questionable value. If the public can be put into a state of fear, when the so-called “vaccine” for Ebola is ready, the fearful American people will be conditioned that they better take the vaccine with no questions asked.

How can I be certain that Yahoo News’ goal of being a fear mongering, agenda promoting media outlet designed to condition the public to be fearful of Ebola is true? Below, is the convoluted unfolding of the “creation” of an Ebola virus

On August 4th, I wrote these words “Monsanto, or Monsatan as many call them, has partnered with the Department of Defense to use a proxy third party company to develop a vaccine against Ebola. The seed money began at $1.5 million. The value of the deal could grow to an estimated $86 million dollars. The company’s name is Tekmira Pharmaceuticals Corporation (TKMR) (TKM.TO), a leading developer of RNA interference (RNAi) therapeutics. “TKM-Ebola, an anti-Ebola virus RNA therapeutic, is being developed under a $140 million contract with the U.S. Department of Defense’s Medical Countermeasure Systems BioDefense Therapeutics (MCS-BDTX) Joint Product Management Office”.  As breaking and shocking of a news story as this has the potential to be, the real story is that this is not the most important part of the Ebola threat which has invaded the United States…”  In part, I based my conclusions based upon Yahoo’s July 21st account of the involvement  of Tekmira which was easily traceable to Monsanto.

On July 21, 2014 Yahoo reported “TKM-Ebola, an anti-Ebola virus RNAi therapeutic, is being developed under a $140 million contract with the U.S. Department of Defense’s Medical Countermeasure Systems BioDefense Therapeutics (MCS-BDTX) Joint Product Management Office. Earlier preclinical studies were published in the medical journal The Lancet and demonstrated that when siRNA targeting the Ebola virus and delivered by Tekmira’s LNP technology were used to treat previously infected non-human primates, the result was 100 percent protection from an otherwise lethal dose of Zaire Ebola virus (Geisbert et al., The Lancet, Vol 375, May 29, 2010). In March 2014, Tekmira was granted a Fast Track designation from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the development of TKM-Ebola.”

Tekmira’s foray into the Ebola vaccine business is now controlled by Monsanto and Yahoo News is trying to take attention away from this fact. Why? Many in the public are aware of Monsanto’s very suspect reputation in regard to the GMO controversy and Monsanto’s relentless pursuit of forcing American and Canadian farmers to use their Roundup product on their farms by hook or by crook. The mere use of the name “Monsanto” causes many to recoil in disgust. If you are with the CDC and you want to peddle a vaccine, you do not want the public to mistrust the manufacturer of the vaccine. This is why Monsanto is using Tekmira’s name to develop an Ebola vaccine. It is apparent that they are trying to hide their direct involvement. When this association between Tekmira and Monsanto was exposed a week ago, a cover-up was put into motion which was designed to obscure Monsanto’s involvement in the upcoming Ebola vaccine release. Hence, the reason for the “mistaken” tweet by Yahoo.  This was a redirect away from Monsanto and was also designed to promote an atmosphere of fear in the public.

There is even more proof of the plot to move attention away from Monsanto.  Within the past 24 hours, ABC News announced that “Clinical trials of a preventative vaccine for the Ebola virus made by British pharma company GlaxoSmithKline may begin next month and made available by 2015, the World Health Organization said on Saturday.

clinical trial of an experimental vaccine against the deadly Ebola virus, which has killed nearly 1,000 people in West Africa, is expected to begin soon.

British drug maker GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) is co-developing the vaccine with US scientists which is said to have produced promising results in animal studies involving primates.


Military Involvement in the Development of the Vaccine

There is a third element to this story as this quote from a smoking gun document demonstrates that not only are Monsanto and GSK in control of rolling out the vaccine, there are elements in the military involved in this plot as well. “This work is being conducted under contract with the U.S. Department of Defense Joint Project Manager Medical Countermeasure Systems (JPM-MCS). JPM-MCS, a component of the Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical and Biological Defense, aims to provide U.S. military forces and the nation with safe, effective, and innovative medical solutions to counter chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats. JPM-MCS facilitates the advanced development and acquisition of medical countermeasures and systems to enhance biodefense response capability. For more information, visit www.jpeocbd.osd.mil.


On July 21, 2014, Yahoo News reported on Tekmira’s work on an Ebola vaccine. The alternative media immediately traced this development to Monsanto thus exposing Monsanto’s involvement in the creation of a new Ebola vaccine. Yesterday’s Yahoo tweet was a classic misdirection away from attention on Monsanto, followed by the ABC story linking the vaccine development to GSK and the entire scenario was twisted into a fear mongering report of 145 people contracting Ebola in Atlanta by the Yahoo News tweet.

I believe, as it was rehearsed in the H1N1 scare from five years ago, this vaccine will become mandatory and the propaganda machine is already pursuing this objective. The H1N1 vaccine was filled with deadly central nervous system adjuvants  (i.e. MF-59, Squaylene) that were forced upon members of the military and hospital personnel across the country. There is good reason to believe that history is going to repeat itself. If the public wants to turn this plot back, we need to publicly and continually associate Monsanto with the vaccine effort, not GSK or the DOD.  Monsanto GMO’s=Ebola vaccine.  Monsanto’s reputation will do the rest.

In the upcoming months, I am certain that we will see more operational details emerge about the roll out of the vaccine. However, the best predictor of the future is the past and I recounted in the August 4th article, some specific elements of what was practiced by Colorado law enforcement during the H1N1 scare.  You may wish to review my August 4th article in an effort to become hyper-vigilant to what is coming. I believe the hastily prepared vaccine will be much more dangerous than the possibility of a widespread outbreak of Ebola.


 “This Is Your First And Last Warning” – Anonymous Operation Ferguson

Monday, August 11, 2014 8:36
By Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine

After an unarmed black teen was shot multiple times and killed by police in Ferguson, Missouri, cries went out saying “Kill The police,” and looting, vandalism and riots soon followed as the community rose up in outrage, videos and photos of the night of violence were uploaded on the Internet and to video sharing sites, of the protesters, and eye witness accounts stating the teenager killed, Michael Brown, was on his knees with his hands up when police opened fire.

Hacktivist group “Anonymous” has now issued a direct warning to the Ferguson Police Department and anyone else dispatched to the protests, stating that this is the first and last warning they will offer before taking action.

Greetings world, we are Anonymous

On August 9th in Ferguson, Missouri the 17 year old and unarmed Mike Brown was shot several times and killed by an officer of the Ferguson Police Department. His body was left to lie in a pool of blood in the sweltering heat for hours while 15 police departments militarized the area against protesters, sealed the roads leading to Ferguson in a vain attempt to prevent protesters from reaching the city. The police has clearly crossed a line in the sand.

For this reason Anonymous will not be satisfied this time, as we have in the past – with simply obtaining justice for this young man and his family. Anonymous demands that the Congressional Representatives and Senators from Missouri introduce legislation entitled “Mike Brown’s Law” that will set strict national standards for police conduct and misbehaviour in the USA.

To the good people of Ferguson, take heart – and take your streets. You are not alone, we will support you in every way possible. Occupy every square inch of your city. Demand justice, staying silent today could result in the death of your kid tomorrow.

To the Ferguson Police Department and any other jurisdictions who are deployed to the protests: we are watching you very closely. If you abuse, harass – or harm in any way the protesters in Ferguson we will take every web based asset of your departments and governments off line. That is not a threat, it is a promise. Attacking the protesters will result in the release of personal information on every single member of the Ferguson Police Department, as well as any other jurisdiction that participates in the abuse of this States own law. We will seize all your databases and E-Mail spools and dump them on the Internet. This is your first and last warning.

The time has come for more than simple justice for these atrocities. The time has come to draw a line in the sand. The time has come to bring those to justice, who served to protect us, not kill us.

Until justice prevails, hack and protest will replace it.

Operation Ferguson engaged.

We Are Anonymous.
We Are Legion.
We do Not Forgive.
We do Not Forget.
Ferguson, Expect us.

The group has already shown they have the capability of doing exactly as they state as reports coming out showing the City of Ferguson website was hacked on Sunday night.

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