Saturday, December 27, 2014


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



WND Exclusive

Rats 'taking over' new World Trade Center tower

'Symbol of decay, uncleanness, plague,' says Harbinger author

Leo Hohmann is a news editor for WND. He has been a reporter and editor at several suburban newspapers in the Atlanta and Charlotte, North Carolina, areas and also served as managing editor of Triangle Business Journal in Raleigh, North Carolina.

1 World Trade Center welcomed its first major tenant, Conde Nast, in November along with some unwelcomed guests.

The New York tabloids are abuzz with the news.

Rats are taking over 1 World Trade Center, the glitzy new office tower built at Ground Zero. They’re chewing through carpet, snacking on crumbs of food left on computer keyboards and generally terrorizing the building’s anchor tenant – publishing house Condé Nast.

Stories have chronicled the reactions of editors and writers with Vogue, Vanity Fair, Glamour, Allure, Teen, Self, GQ, Bon Appétit and New Yorker magazines, all of which have recently moved into or at least toured their new digs at what was supposed to be the city’s poshest new address.

Some might find humor in the thought of Vogue Editor Anna Wintour having to fight off a burly rodent to get to her morning coffee. Cream, sugar and a little vermin on the side, Anna?

But others have a decidedly more sober take on the stories coming out of the New York Post, New York Observer, the Daily News and other publications.

In fact, this news may be a signal, another “harbinger” of America’s decline as a result of turning its back on God and Judeo-Christian values, says Messianic Jewish Rabbi Jonathan Cahn.

Cahn, author of the New York Times-bestsellers “The Harbinger” and “The Mystery of the Shemitah,” says that since his first book was released in 2011, the harbingers he revealed have not stopped.

“They have continued to manifest and unfold,” he said.

What does that mean?

 “The harbingers are warnings of coming judgment,” Cahn said. “Their continued manifestations are signs that America has not stopped in its departure from God but is continuing on a progression toward judgment.”

The pattern of national judgment spelled out in “The Harbinger” was set years before the nation’s destruction. In it, an attack takes place on the land, and a breach of the nation’s security is carried out by the nation’s enemies. It happened to ancient Israel in 732 B.C. It happened in America on Sept. 11, 2001.

The next stage is that instead of turning to God in repentance, the nation responds with defiance and a vow to come back stronger than before – without God. The vow Israel made is recorded in Isaiah 9:10: “The bricks have fallen, but we will rebuild with hewn stone. The sycamores have been cut down. But we will plant cedars in their place.”

The vow, the defiance and the nation’s attempt to come back stronger without God leads to judgment and destruction, Cahn believes.

All nine harbingers that appeared in ancient Israel have now manifested in America. The fourth harbinger is the rebuilding of the Tower of Ground Zero, also called 1 World Trade Center.

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn

When the ancient rabbis translated Isaiah 9:10 into Greek in the Septuagint, they rendered it as this: “The bricks have fallen, come let us build for ourselves a tower.

In other words, a tower would rise up from the ruins of the destruction.

“That’s exactly what happened at Ground Zero,” Cahn said. “The Tower is a symbol of a nation’s defiance of God. It was conceived in the ruins of 9/11 as a symbol of America’s defiance and of its promise that it would rise up stronger than before – without God. The rabbis were using the words from Babel to translate Isaiah 9:10. Eerily, there was a scripture hidden in the ruins of Ground Zero. The scripture was ‘Come let us build for ourselves … a tower.’”

Four of the nine harbingers concern the first warning of judgment. Five of them are signs of the nation’s defiance: the tower, the “stone of judgment,” the “erez” or cedar tree, the utterance and the prophecy.

“The strange thing is that it’s as if every one of the harbingers that stand for America’s defiance are under a curse,” Cahn said.

  • Fifth Harbinger – The stone of judgment, which formed the cornerstone of the tower, was removed from Ground Zero and put into disuse.

  • Seventh Harbinger – The erez tree, or biblical cedar, which was planted at the corner of Ground Zero to replace the fallen sycamore, and called the “Tree of Hope,” a symbol of America coming back stronger, has decayed, withered away and, just recently, died.

  • Eighth Harbinger – The American leader who uttered the ancient vow of defiance of Isaiah 9:10, former Democrat Sen. John Edwards, fell from grace as a result of scandal.

  • Ninth Harbinger – The other American leader who prophetically pronounced judgment on America in the form of the ancient vow, from the floor of the Capitol, the day after 9/11, was former Democrat Sen. Tom Daschle. He also fell from grace and from national life.

So what does all this have to do with rats overrunning the new tower at Ground Zero?

“The Fourth Harbinger, the tower, the symbol of the America’s defiance, America’s glory and, with a height of 1,776 feet, of America itself – is now overrun with rats,” Cahn said. “It’s not that everything that happens at Ground Zero must be significant – but for such a building, such a symbolic building, to be overrun with rats, is striking.”

Cahn said rats are a universal symbol of “uncleanness, decay, devouring, plague, disease, pestilence and destruction.”

According to an article in Women’s Wear Daily, the “rat problem” at One World Trade Center has gotten better after a few visits from pest control.

But the rat plague is only getting worse, according to a report by the Real Deal, a trusted source of real estate news in New York City.

In November, Vogue staffers – including the magazine’s matriarch, Anna Wintour – said they were avoiding their new offices due to a “rat infestation.” Now sources tell the New York Daily News that the rats have “taken over.” Employees have been told not to eat food at their desks, and a complaint has been filed with the city’s health department.

Vogue editor and fashion guru Anna Wintour

“A bunch ate through the ceiling of a sports editor’s office and crawled all over his desk and left poops on his keyboard,” one source told the Daily News. “They ate through his rug to fit under his door.”

When asked if he was disgusted by the rat problem, Vanity Fair Editor Graydon Carter said: “They’re rats! What do you think?”

Condé Nast is a subsidiary of Advance Publications, owned by S.I. “Si” Newhouse Jr. and his brother Donald. Si Newhouse has a net worth of $9.5 billion and is the 10th richest resident of New York City and the 52nd richest person in the United States, according to Forbes.

Ramey comments:

And now the curses of Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 begin to descend with a vengeance.  And just as surely as ancient Babylon fell to the Medes and Persians, the modern Babylon will fall to the same team.  The difference will be that the ancient Babylon was conquered without a battle and simply changed ruling power.   The modern Babylon will be totally destroyed and left a nuclear wilderness, without an inhabitant. 


They would do well to look in Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 to see that there are conditions that accompany blessings.  They could also see, if they had the intestinal fortitude to read the second half of those chapters, that what we are witnessing today more nearly resembles the curses that follow if those conditions are not met. 

I find it gratifying that the "Watchmen", who are putting out news letters showing what is happening in America today, are now aware that America is the end time Babylon mentioned by the prophets and even that this end time Babylon is to be destroyed "…in one hour." (Revelation 18). 

Five years ago, I was the only one publishing that information but it seems the word is starting to get around.  The Watchmen still preach their phony "Jesus", their Christian idolatry, their rapture and the phony Sabbath, but at least some of them have begun to look into what the prophets have written for the times we are living in. 

There was simply no way to understand that the nation who commands the most powerful military in recorded history could be destroyed "…in one hour", until the development of nuclear weapons.

The book of Daniel was not to be understood in Daniel's day --- not even by Daniel himself.  We see at the conclusion of the messages given him to record for us today, Daniel said in chapter 12, verse 8, "And I heard but I understood not; then said I, 'O my LORD, what shall be the end of these things?'"
9  "And He said, 'Go your way Daniel:  for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.'"
What and when is the time of the end?  Religionists promote the myth that it is the end of the world.  They can conjure up all sorts of scenarios of the flames of hell but with scant scriptural documentation.  We have to cut through all this religious mythology in order to get to the truth of these matters. 

If we continue in the very next verse of Daniel 12, we can uncover some profound truths.  We are shown in II Thessalonians 2 that unless we nurture a love of truth, we will be given delusions by the Creator to believe lies.

Verse 10 of Daniel 12:  "Many shall be purified and made white and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand."

It would appear that the Divine messenger speaking to Daniel is dividing the end time world into only two divisions --- the wise and the wicked.  "… none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand."  Understand what?  The topic being discussed here, (that Daniel said he didn't understand), is the messages given to Daniel.  So the understanding is pertaining to the book of Daniel which has been sealed "…till the time of the end".  (Verse 9).

If you understand the book of Daniel, then you are included in the camp of the wise by the Divine messenger that spoke to Daniel.  If you don't understand the book of Daniel --- Que, Sara, Sara.


This may be premature but it would seem that the crisis at the close of the age has begun.  Crisis in the weather;  crisis in the economies of the world;  crisis in shifting poles;  crisis in radiation poisoning from Fukushima advancing through the oceans and across the world.  Crisis in lying politicians and media; pandemics crises and crises in obtaining unpoisoned food, water and air.   The fruits of idolatry have ripened!

To those with eyes to see and ears to hear, this comes as no surprise because we have seen it coming for decades and are amazed that it hasn't already happened.  I thought (and communicated that thought in these Commentaries) that the hammer was going to fall in August of 2014.  It didn't happen.  This projection was based on the time I assumed that the book of Daniel was opened and evidently it was not opened until months later. 

The Creator has a way of maneuvering events to suit His purpose.  In the sixth century BC, He prepared a man for the task of taking down the most powerful empire the world had seen at that time and this was the Babylonian Empire.  This man was mentioned by name some 200 years before he was born.  You can see this in Isaiah 45.

Now, some 2600 years later, a new Babylon has arisen and we can see it described, as existing in the time of the end of the age, by the prophet Habakkuk in the "little book" called by his name.  We can also see in Revelation 18 that this "Babylon" is to be destroyed "… in one hour".  I submit to you this was not possible until the advent of the nuclear age. 

We are living in the final generation of this age and this is made abundantly clear in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21.  We live in the days when all sorts of heinous crimes are "justified" in the name of religion.  We live in the times when there are some 1000 different and contradictory religions all claiming to be lighting the pathway to heaven.  We live in the time when Satan has "…deceived the whole world" (Revelation 12:9), and has used the forum of religion for this deception. 

The prophets foretold these days and they did it millennia ago.  One reason we haven't listened is because we have "…inherited lies from our fathers…" as it says in Jeremiah 16:19.  We have lived in a nation steeped in idolatry from inception.  This is evident by the forest of phalluses, which we call steeples, atop our houses of worship and we make all sorts of excuses for their being there.  It is evident by the giant replica of an Egyptian phallus in DC which we call the Washing-ton Monument.  This is the equivalent of extending our middle finger to the Creator.  And all this has the approval of the Luciferians who rule our nation. 

"God bless America" sounds more like a command than a humble request.  And if what we are seeing today in America are blessings, pray tell what will curses be like? 

America is not IsraelAmerica is Babylon.  But just as ancient Babylon had many Israelites (most of whom were Jews), living in it in 539-538 BC when invaded by Cyrus, so does the end time Babylon have many Israelites (as well as Jews), living in it. 

Cyrus knew where his commission came from and we can see this in Ezra 1:2.  Of the four empires to rule the earth for the past two and a half millennia, only the first two acknowledged the Creator as their source of power.  Cyrus was one of these.  Is a reincarnation (as it were), of Cyrus, being raised up for the whip in the hand of the Creator in these end times?  It is evident that the end time Cyrus understands his commission.  Last week his Persian partners demonstrated their readiness to the world.  The "sign" that the "…appointed time" (Daniel 11:35), has come, will be unmistakable.  The sixth seal of Revelation 6 will be opened and the earthquake evidently will be felt worldwide.

Do we understand the gravity of the days we are living in?  Are we ready for the darkening of the sun?  What if it lasts for 3 days?  What if the devastating quake or Revelation 6:12 and tsunami of Jeremiah 51:42 are during these days of darkness?  "Prepare to meet thy God O Israel".  Amos 4:12


By Frosty Wooldridge
December 18, 2014

Part1: Muslims carry an entirely opposite world view on women’s rights, religious rights, free speech and religious choice.

This past week, December 16, 2014, an Australian-Muslim named Man Haron Monis held 17 people hostage in a downtown Sydney restaurant. He killed two before being killed. Politically correct media reported on his “insanity” and being a “lone wolf”, but in fact, Islam drove his actions toward violence.

In the Koran; Chapter 4 verse 89: “They desire that you should disbelieve as they have disbelieved, so that you might be (all) alike; therefore take not from among them friends until they fly (their homes) in Allah's way; but if they turn back, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them, and take not from among them a friend or a helper.”

The Koran specifically states, “Convert or kill all non-believers.” Mohammed, an illiterate and savage tribal warlord, who inspired Islam, beheaded and be-handed anyone who opposed him.

In the 21st century, Muslims disrupt every Western country they inhabit. It’s the nature of their “beast”. Muslims lead with violence when they don’t get their way. Once they get their way, they lead with more violence to their own. One look at the Middle East and Africa shows endless violence toward others led by Islamists.

In order to be faithful to the Islamic religion, Muslims ultimately must degrade and kill all other people who follow any other religions. Islam means “submission.” Once all others submit to Islam, peace will occur.

Unfortunately, once Islam dominates, no one enjoys free speech, choice of religion, choice of thought, women’s rights and/or any chance at a free society.

One look at Islamic societies shows continual violent atrocities beyond Western imagination, i.e., stoning of women buried in sand, female genital mutilation, honor killings of women, acid in girls’ faces, killing gays, arranged marriages, loss of free speech, loss of women’s rights, etc.

This past week, December 17, 2014, a Pakistani-Muslim slaughtered 141 children at a school, all in the name of Allah. This past summer, in Moore, Oklahoma, an American-Muslim beheaded a fellow worker at a processing plant. Last year, a New Jersey Muslim-American beheaded and be-handed two Christians for violating the Koran.

One American-Muslim in New York beheaded his wife for filing for divorce because of his regular violence toward her. He produced and directed an Islamic television station showing the “softer side of Islam”.

In New York, February 16, 2009, FOX News, Joshua Rhett Miller reported, “The estranged wife of a Muslim television executive feared for her life after filing for divorce last month from her abusive husband,” her attorney said — and was found beheaded Thursday in his upstate New York television studio. Aasiya Z. Hassan, 37, was found dead on Thursday at the offices of Bridges TV in Orchard Park, N.Y., near Buffalo. Her husband, Muzzammil Hassan, 44, has reportedly been charged with second-degree murder. “She was very much aware of the potential ramification of her filing for divorce might have,” said attorney Elizabeth DiPirro, whose law firm represented Aasiya Hassan in the divorce proceeding. "But she wanted to proceed despite the potential for it to erupt."

Hassan sits in a jail cell for first-degree murder. Another father killed his daughter Noor in Arizona by running her over. He sits in a jail cell for premeditated murder. Ironically, Muslims kill on average 5,000 wives and daughters annually in Islamic countries, and get away with it. They enjoy the “right” to kill their loved ones in the name of “honor.”

This past summer, another African-Muslim captured 300 African girls, raped as many as he could along with his men and sold them. No one can find them. The list goes on and on forever. Today in America, Islam wages its centuries-old war against Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus and every other religion on the planet.

Nonetheless, according to ABC’s politically correct David Muir, NBC’s Brian Williams and CBS’s Scott Pelley on the major networks, each individual act of “Jihad” constitutes a “lone wolf” or an “insane” person or “misfit.”

When in fact, those individuals and groups follow Islam’s dictates.

Dr. Ali Gomaa, Grand Mufti of Egypt, said, “Muslims must kill non-believers wherever they are unless they convert to Islam.” Al Ahrom, 4/7/08

Killing Idolaters—Koran Chapter 9 verse 5: “So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.” (Yeah, right!)

As of 2014, around 7 million Muslims reside in America. They fled bloodshed, poverty and misery in their own countries. Yet, they continue pressing for their religion by saying that Christmas, Easter, Halloween and other traditions in our society “offends” their religion. Many feel that the American flag offends them, so we must take it down in our schools. They demand footbaths in our schools. They demand special foods and prayer rooms in our secular schools. They demand that our children study the Koran.

As their numbers grow in every Western country, their power and their arrogance to change those civilizations grows. Everyone in Europe today stands silent and frightened in the face of the Islamic onslaught.
In 1899, Winston Churchill said, "Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyzes the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world."

This series on Islam in America exposes the facts of this country’s sociological-cultural predicament when 7 million Muslims turn into 20 million and 20 million turns into 50 million.

Muslim will change America from a free country into an embattled religious-tribal clashing civilizations, horrific acts of violence and continued free-fall into multicultural chaos. It’s going to get uglier than any liberal, conservative, libertarian, independent, Christian, Jew, atheist and politically correct media person understands—and it’s all going to occur in America.

Next, Part 2: A view from a Rabbi who saw Islam for its naked truth

© 2014 Frosty Wooldridge - All Rights Reserved

Ramey comments:

I showed in a recent article in these Commentaries, that Islam is a creation of the Vatican and the story was told by one of the Vatican's own. 

I have shown in several articles that the present pitting of Christians against Muslim is by design of the "one worlders" and is for the purpose of mutual destruction. 

I have also shown in many articles that the Christian and Muslim religions are the legs and feet of the dream image of ancient Babylon's King Nebuchadnezzar, interpreted by the prophet Daniel.

(Daniel 2).  We can see in Daniel 12:10 who it is that will understand these things.


Justice was done in Ferguson, Mo, when a 290 pound black, teen, assailant was shot by a white police officer, armed and on duty.  The grand jury concluded that the officer acted within the guidelines of his training and his authority.  

It would seem we have an occupant of the oval office and an atty gen who are determined to parlay this into a race war.  It seems the one acting as our president never misses an opportunity to play the "race card".  When the black professor was arrested, without knowing any of the details, he said the arresting officer "…acted stupidly".  The limp, left handed attempt to make amends without offering the public apology that was clearly in order, was pathetic. 

Then in the Trayvon Martin case, he called the parents of the "victim" into his office to commiserate with them.  Again, all he knew at this time is that they were black.  Evidently the media was forbidden to put a picture of the 17 year old, 190 pound, tattooed hulk on the tube because it would have destroyed their SCAM.  They showed (and continue to show) the picture of an innocent looking 12 year old.  What is wrong with this picture?  The picture they did show is that of a hypocritical media. 

Now with the Ferguson shooting, our oval office occupant is at it again, inciting riots with his rhetoric.  Now his atty gen, according to his own words, is "…working on a plan to make it illegal to arrest blacks."  Is this insanity or what?  Is this justice or is this Huey Newton recreated? 

And yet, we are watching it happen!   And it is going to continue until America is destroyed totally.  It's the price of idolatry! 

If you are not aware of what the prophets have said about the times we are living in --- then you are behind the curve and the next few weeks and months are going to bring many surprises.   These Commentaries on the "unalienable prophets" blog are dedicated to educating the public as to what is coming.  You may need to go to the blog and do some reading of back issues.  The future is going to be exciting yet devastating to America.  

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