Friday, October 16, 2015

COMMENTARY & OPINION - SPECIAL - What Will Historians Say?

From the desk of

Bill Ramey



What Will Historians Say?


August 27th, 2015  by Jim Sinclair & filed under Bill Holter.

Two weeks back I asked the question whether or not the “Final War” had started, between the EAST AND WEST. I was called a number of politically incorrect names for suggesting the Tianjin explosion might have been an “attack” and took even more heat,… because I included the word “nuclear”. Since then there have been many theories as to what happened, some of them pretty far fetched. Yesterday another article was published in Veterans Today, which scientifically suggests the explosion was in fact “nuclear.” I am inquiring as to whether the science used as proof is in fact sound. In the meantime, I would like to hear from readers why or why not the science used in this article is correct or is not. Please do not send me “opinion” or tell me Veterans Today is a poor source. Please specifically attack the science!

I would like to use the Tianjin explosion as a mid point in my review of what happened before and since the tragic event. Prior to the Tianjin explosion, China announced they had accumulated 600 more tons of gold over the last 6 years. On the face of it; this number is clearly bogus as China mines 400 tons per year and none of this product leaves their border for export. I termed this 600 tons….a “polite number”. Seemingly, the number was enough to demand a place at the IMF table but not enough to be a threat to the “sacrosanct” 8,133 tons the U.S. claims. This was followed almost immediately by the IMF announcing it would review China’s inclusion in the SDR in another 9 months. Just two days later China began a series of three yuan devaluations, on day two the Tianjin explosion occurred.

Since then, China announced another 19 tons of gold accumulated. One week later the chemical explosion in Shandong destroyed one of China’s main trading cities (this chemical explosion looked nothing at all like Tianjin). Yes, I understand, different chemicals explode differently but the videos clearly look like fuel ordnance. Coincidentally, two days after the Shandong explosion… a U.S. munitions depot in Tokyo exploded. Maybe I have been sleeping or just haven’t been paying attention but when was the last time a U.S. munitions depot exploded by accident?

As we know so well; over the last two weeks, the chaos in global markets finally reached the shores of Manhattan. Market chaos, that had previously been quite widespread and headlined by China, finally gripped U.S. markets. Now we find out China has exited over $100 billion of U.S. Treasury bonds in just the last two weeks and has indicated it is dumping more through Belgium and elsewhere. We knew they had been selling over past months to the tune of nearly $150 billion, but $100 billion compressed into just two weeks is mammoth! I would also add “smart” because China did this selling while fear capital was clamoring to seek “safety” in risk free U.S. Treasuries. China traders appear to have effectively used the fear bid to their advantage as an exit. Please note I wrote “two weeks” several times above. Is it just coincidence Tianjin experienced the explosion “two weeks” ago?

A total of $250 billion worth of Treasury bonds have been sold, what does this imply? The T-bond selling appears to indicate a number of things, with possible multiple ramifications. First and foremost it says “they are not buying”! Of course the next logical questions follows;….”who” will step in to fund the U.S. deficits now that China has turned from buying to selling…In China they call it a Yin Yang. Also, who will the buyers be if China keeps selling? The logical conclusion; after answering the two above questions is…. “the Federal Reserve.” The follow on question is; will the Federal reserve need to commence another round of stimulus, QE 4 and more?

No matter how you look at China’s current financial position and about face, they will clearly no longer fund U.S. budget deficits in the foreseeable future. This leaves us with the misunderstood truth “the Federal Reserve is THE Buyer of last resort.” Worse yet; the Emerging Markets have had to jump the gun and have already started to unload U.S. Treasury’s as their currency falls to reflect lower trade and China’s devaluation of the Yuan.

Apparently, the U.S. has now crossed the Rubicon of sorts and will be forced to “print” deficit spending as a last resort. It is called MONETIZATION and has ALWAYS led to hyperinflation with existing “paper currency” becoming diluted and ever more worthless. The current situation is far more troubling and far reaching than any before it, because the entire world will be fearing a dilution of their “reserve base.” Dollar instruments (U.S. Treasury issues, etc.) are held by nearly ALL central banks and act as a foundation for all other fiat currencies, “infecting balance sheets all over the world.” For what ever reason; I would call a run from the Dollar “a plague,” but in fact, the situation is more like an infestation, the effects of a diluted dollar could well be… far more than any plague in history.

I would like to ask you a few questions. Is there any way you can look at the chronological events over the last month and not conclude they are connected? Is it not clear China/Russia and the U.S. are in a trade, currency, military confrontation, one that might lead to a shooting war? Even the mainstream media reports on U.S. spying and SinoRuso hacking. The West, led by the U.S. have evolved entirely into a “credit based” society …funded in large part by China. Can you look at China’s sales of Treasury securities and say they are not pulling the credit plug? Can you in any way, from a U.S. standpoint, say this is beneficial, or helpful to the U.S.? Or, might it be overt financial war?

China is building military bases throughout the Pacific on man made islands and telling the U.S. to mind their own business, in spite of Pres. Obama’s pivot to the Pacific. The U.S. and NATO are amassing troops and hardware on Ukraine’s border. On the other side Russia is doing likewise. Now we are seeing aerial attacks in Syria, etc. John Kerry has even said; ” If the U.S. does not ratify the deal with Iran, the dollar will lose it’s reserve currency status.” He said this because five nations in Europe have already agreed and sent delegations to Iran to open trade channels. Would this not isolate the U.S. further in energy, trade and finance? As for the series of explosions, could they be coincidence? Yes. Do you believe they are? Or,.. maybe “too coincidental?”

Are there too many coincidental technological, financial and geopolitical dots lined up to come to any conclusion other than we are already in the early stages of war? I believe this is in fact the case. I still believe the Chinese would prefer to “win” via financial means, rather than physical means, but this remains to be seen. Would a ” 9/11 truth bomb,” which is now rumored more often out of Russia, be another way to neuter American hegemony without military use?

As a final thought, I believe global markets are beginning to discount or recognize the war behind the scenes. This is the reason for the chaos in equity and credit markets. Can you imagine what it looks like behind the derivatives curtain? Guaranteed;…. there are dead bodies strewn all over,… with no ability to perform or settle. When history looks back upon August 2015, I believe the consensus view will agree THE WAR had already started!

Standing watch,

Bill Holter
Holter -Sinclair collaboration

Russian Media Warns That US Is Gearing Up For An Economic Apocalypse In September.


Tuesday, August 25, 2015 10:30

By Joe Cruz

The  Russian Media Sputnik is warning that America  ”is Gearing Up for Onrushing Economic Apocalypse” in September.  We don’t need to verify this with Jonathan Cahn, since he has been predicting the Economic Collapse for over 4 years. Of course our very own media is silent on The Perfect Financial Storm that is brewing in our economic realm.

In a recent article, Sputnik cites several economists warning of catastrophe Sputnik writes, In America is hurling all of its effort into preparing for a September “apocalypse,” as economic forecasts are becoming more and more intimidating, RT columnist Robert Bridge wrote.

Sputnik then quotes a  few economists on the upcoming pending Economic Disaster, Sputnik writes,  “ The founder of Trends Research, who predicted the “panic of 2008,” believes that soon we will witness the crash of a global stock market and predicts “the economic earthquake [that] will send reverberations around the world”. “There’s going to be panic on the streets from Wall Street to Shanghai, to the UK down to Brazil.” Celente told King World News. “You’re going to see one market after another begin to collapse.” Analyst Larry Edelson took the fear to the next level as he even predicted the exact day the catastrophe begins, or, as he called it, a “rollercoaster ride through hell.” “On October 7, 2015, the first economic super cycle since 1929 will trigger a global financial crisis of epic proportions.” He said. “It will bring Europe, Japan and the United States to their knees, sending nearly one billion human beings on a roller-coaster ride through hell for the next five years. A ride like no generation has ever seen.”

Why isn’t our own media  warning of the coming collapse that is taking place as we speak? Why is the Russian media reporting on this? When did the Russian’s become the good guys?

There is no doubt anymore. America is in the beginning of The Perfect Storm. A bloodbath the likes we have never seen is about to take a hold of the Economic realm of the world.  Panic is about to set in and mens hearts will fail when they lose everything they have worked so hard for. This finally explains why China has been buying Gold for so long. They have been preparing for this hellish event. America is unprepared and we are about to witness an apocalyptic financial crisis. Prepare yourselves 

A Roller Coaster Ride From  Hell

August 25, 2015

US Banking Giant Citigroup Moves Massive Gold Reserves To Russia

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A curious Ministry of Finance (MoF) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that the Central Bank of Russia (CBR) has “accepted for protection” 3 million ounces of gold worth over $3.5 billon from US banking and financial services giant Citigroup along with a further nearly $100 billion in cash.

According to this report, 1.4 million ounces of this now protected gold in the vaults of the CBR were shipped directly from Venezuela after this past April’s complex agreement between that South American nation and Citigroup, with the remaining 1.6 ounces coming from various countries this banking and financial service giant has cut ties with in the past year and a half.

Of the 11 nations, including Japan, that Citigroup has cut ties with, this report explains, even in the face of Western sanctions Citigroup has refused to sever its Federation relationship with its chief financial officer, John Gerspach, simply telling the Obama regime “We are not leaving Russia”.

Citigroup itself on its webpage, this report notes, further explains this relationship with the Federation by stating:

Of the $100 billion in cash “accepted for protection” by the CBR from Citigroup, this report continues, all of it was airlifted to Moscow from Cairo this past week ahead of today’s Central Bank of Egypt ruling approving the sale of this US banking giants assests in that country to the Commercial International Bank (CIB) which they had announced this past June.

As to why Citigroup had a staggering $100 billion in cash secreted away in their Egyptian banks this report doesn’t say, but the MoF does note that the gold and monies “accepted for protection” by the CBR from Citigroup now exist under Federation laws and are not allowed to be claimed by any foreign entity, including the United States.

As to why Citigroup would need such extraordinary protection of their assests, MoF experts contributing to this report explain, is due the Obama regimes relentless assault upon it that includes a $700 million fine for  unfair and deceptive practices a few weeks ago and a continuing investigation into student loan servicing this banking giant warns could result in even more financial penalties…all of which are on top of the $7 billion they were forced to pay last year due to their mortgage loan practices. 

Even more important to note, these experts say in this report, is Citigroup leadership becoming “highly concerned” that the US economy is nearing collapse as was evidenced yesterday in the United States Black Monday Collapse which saw over $1.8 in wealth vanish from the estimated $24.1 trillion in stocks held by the American public.

Though China’s rate cut earlier today in the face of their nations worst market collapse in 20 years has, for the moment, decoupled them from the rest of the world’s markets providing an illusion of momentary stability, this report warns, yesterday’s sell-off was not really caused by the Chinese, but total global confusion…with the worst to come in the coming weeks.

Critical to note is that this dire MoF assessment of what is to come has been bolstered by former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s top advisor Damian McBride, who grimly stated yesterday:

As more nuclear capable American and Russian forces converge on the Western Front however, this report grimly concludes, the advice to the Obama regime by one of their top economic counselors, Paul Krugman, that either a World War, or war with aliens, is needed to fix their economy, one can readily see where this is all going to end up…much sooner than later. 

And though Citigroup is now protecting itself, one can only wonder how many others are too.  But, no matter what happens, even if it’s the worst, no one can say that they weren’t warned…only that they didn’t listen. 

August 25, 2015 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

Archbishop: ‘True Intention Behind’ Push for Same-Sex Marriage is ‘Imposition of Totalitarian System’


Mark Judge
August 28, 2015

Archbishop Anthony Sablan Apuron of Agana, Guam has posted a message on his archdiocesean website stating that the “true intention” behind the push for same-sex marriage “has always been about the destruction of the family and the imposition of a totalitarian system.”

The archbishop also predicted the next step in the process would be to use the education system so “that our children, your children, will be forced to assimilate to this pattern of non-gender.”

“It is important to understand that the political pressure to push the agenda for same sex ‘marriage’ has never been about gay rights; the true intention behind this agenda has always been about the destruction of the family, and the imposition of a totalitarian system,” Archbishop Apuron said. (Bold in the original.)

“The next step will be to implement this theory in the educational system of Guam,” said the archbishop. “This means that our children, your children, will be forced to assimilate to this pattern of non-gender; that there is no-such-thing as ‘male’ or ‘female’; they will be encouraged to explore their sexuality earlier, and parents will have no voice in the education of their children.”

This article was posted: Friday, August 28, 2015 at 6:31 amemailEmail

Message From the Next World Comes to Israeli Mystical Rabbi, Warns of Imminent War


“Be strong and courageous! Neither fear, nor be dismayed of them, for it is the Lord, your God who goes with you. He will neither fail you, nor forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6)

Rabbi Amram Vaknin (C) and his student Gil Nachman at a special prayer ceremony at Jerusalem’s Western Wall. (Photo: Gil Nachman)

For three and a half hours this past Saturday night, Rabbi Amram Vaknin, a 76-year-old Israeli mystic, fell to the floor as he received a warning from the next world.

From approximately 9 PM until 12:30 AM, in his modest home in the port city of Ashdod, Rabbi Vaknin was cautioned that war is coming to Israel very soon, the rabbi’s student revealed to Breaking Israel News.

The most recent revelation from Heaven was given over to the rabbi from a small group, including the prophet Elijah and his own deceased rabbi, Rabbi Moshe Zrihan, along with Rabbi Vaknin’s father and grandmother.

As previously reported by Breaking Israel News, Rabbi Vaknin receives periodic messages from the Next World, warning about events in Israel. Gil Nachman, a close student of Rabbi Vaknin’s, told Breaking Israel News, “Pray that it’s not going to be today, tomorrow or in two weeks.”

Nachman recounted the specifics that Rabbi Vaknin received in the message.  “The Muslims are going to contaminate the water, the fruits and vegetables. They are going to damage the electricity,” he said. “And there are going to be people dying in the streets, thousands of people all over Israel.”

Nachman urged that the Israeli water company, the electric company and food importers should be prepared for these attacks.

According to Nachman, Rabbi Vaknin was told that Arab citizen of Israel and Member of Knesset Hanin Zoabi is the one planning it. Vaknin stated his belief that Zoabi is a spy for ISIS and Hamas and is providing the terror groups all the information they need to plan the attacks.

Why is this happening? According to Nachman, it is because the leaders of the generation “don’t want to do teshuva (to repent). They aren’t waking up. Hashem (God) wants to lead them in the right path. We all need to do teshuva.”

Nachman said that in the past, Jewish leaders such as Moses and King David knew about decrees against the Jewish people before they happened. These great leaders took it upon themselves to repent first, but the leaders of today are telling others to repent without doing it themselves.

“Our weapon is not Tzahal (IDF), not Netanyahu, nobody. Only teshuva,” Nachman urgently told Breaking Israel News.

When asked what Rabbi Vaknin said people should concentrate their repentance on, Nachman mentioned four things. Repent for “the inner sins that you hide away from people and the sins that people see. And kibud av v’eim (honoring your father and mother) is one of the most important things. And always say the truth of what’s in your heart. Be real. It’s all about emet (truth).”

 “The war is very close. We have no choice. The teshuva of Am Yisrael (the Jewish nation) will determine the rachamim (mercy). But war is definitely coming,” Nachman insisted. “We beg Am Yisrael to do teshuva as soon as possible, because we don’t want to see people dying. Stop thinking about material things. That’s not going to give you life. When Moshiach (Messiah) comes, material is not going to mean anything to anybody.”

“We’re getting close to the big day of Moshiach. Before that happens, Hashem wants us to do teshuva. We have to be ready and prepared,” pleaded Nachman. “When we do real teshuva, Hashem will fight for us.”

Nachman concluded by recounting a teaching from the Talmud, the primary source of Judaism’s rabbinic tradition. The eagle approaches his baby eaglets in the nest very slowly. He makes sure that they notice him gradually, so as not to shock them, because they can die from such fear. Similarly, God does not want to hurt us. He’s warning us to wake up because He’s about to rule the world, so He’s warning us little by little, in order that we recognize His approach. Every earthquake, every terrorist incident, every battle, is a warning to wake up.

Through previous messages from Heaven, Rabbi Vaknin accurately predicted the “Gaza Freedom Flotilla” in May, 2010, the deadly fire in the Carmel forest in December of 2010 as well as Operation Pillar of Defense in 2012 and Operation Protective Edge in 2014.

Ramey comments:

War is coming to Israel and for the same purpose that war is coming to America.  Both are to be destroyed for idolatry!  Israel will be resettled --- America will not.  (See Isaiah chapters 13 and 29).

Many religions are now coming out with apocalyptic warnings but it seems that none of them will tell you the unvarnished truth which I just stated above --- that America and Israel are to be destroyed for idolatry!  They claim they got their revelations from god and I have no doubt that they did.  In I Samuel 28, you will find a message given to Saul, king of Israel, by the witch of Endor --- from god.  It was of his impending death the very next day.  Did it happen?  Yes it did.  Now, are witches the messengers of the Eternal?  Of course not.  So the message must have come from another god.  And it was "spot on".

So what are the messages being delivered by religion today?  Armageddon, destruction, end of the world, rapture...   Some of the things the "...god of this world" reveals to his followers are solid truth --- others are not.  Liars occasionally tell the truth --- but don't bet the farm on them telling the truth. 

The apostle Paul spoke of these people in II Corinthians 11:13-15.

"For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ."

14  "And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.'

15  "Therefore, it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness;  whose end shall be according to their works."

I do hope I have shown you in terms you can understand, in the pages of these Commentaries, that religion is the tool created by Satan in order to achieve the deception of the whole world and we can see that today in the many myths promoted as truth.        

Contrary to popular Christian belief, Christ did not come bringing a new religion.  Nor did He follow the Jewish religion and, in fact, called the Pharisees "...sons of the devil".  Have they changed their ways since then? 

That was some pretty strong language He used against the Pharisees wasn't it?  Yes it was.  Can we begin to see why they were so adamant about Him being put to death?  He was a threat to all religion! 

The Jews had stolen the priesthood that had been assigned to the offspring of Levi forever!   And this is only a part of what the Jews have to atone for before they see their Messiah.  If I understand what I'm reading in Matthew 23:39, then the Jews will have to admit that the Christ they killed was Immanuel (the Messiah), before His return. 

If we don't know the difference between Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews, then it is high time we find out.  The "Jewish" deception is among the greatest deceptions on the planet.  We need to come to understand that some 92% of those who call themselves "Jews" are of those spoken of by Christ (Rev 2:9 and 3:9) who "...say they are Jews and are not but do lie."

The other Jewish deception we need to understand is that the Jews and Romans have been in a covenant relationship for the past two millennia.  (See I Maccabees 8.)

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