Thursday, June 15, 2017


From the desk of
Bill Ramey




These were the body of laws that guaranteed peace in the land, bountiful crops, protection from enemies, etc., and yet those promises (in writing --- see Leviticus 26), have been ignored by mankind.  Why?  Could it have something to do with Satan's ownership of all kingdoms on earth?  (See Luke 4). 

Why would a loving God give Satan rule over mankind?  That is perhaps the greatest story never told.  It has been so clouded by religion that it is difficult to get a clear picture of what really happened.  We have to piece the story together, " a little, there a little..." and only now through the efforts of Immanual Velikovsky and Zecharia Sitchin are we able to put together the story as it really happened.  The Genesis account has been falsified by the Jews as we see in Jeremiah 8:8 (New English). 

Satan was given the earth to dress and keep along with a third of the angels of heaven and this was before it was named earth.  We get the story from the Sumerian records interpreted by Zecharia Sitchin, one of only 200 scholars worldwide that could read the Sumerian records. 

The planet that was given Satan and his angels was named Tiamat and was twice the size of planet earth today.  Satan and his troops rebelled and endeavored to take the Supreme Sovereign of the universe off his throne and take over the sovereignty of the universe.  In the ensuing battle, the planet Tiamat was split in half when it was struck by one of the moons of Nibiru.  Half of it was scattered across the sky in our solar system and is the asteroid belt we see today.  This knowledge has been carefully concealed from the public by those who rule under the jurisdiction of Satan. 

Satan is about to be replaced as the "...god of this world..." and his successor has already qualified.  You can find the ceremony for that replacement in Daniel 7:13-14,  Satan and his minions know very well this is coming and they know it is on the threshold.  They will do everything in their power --- including destruction of the earth --- in order to keep it from happening. 

But they will be restrained and his minions who masquerade as men will be overtaken by justice and will meet, not only death, but a "double portion" of the misery they have inflicted on humanity. They know this as well and this is why we see the unbridled fury of the deep state as they go about to assassinate Donald Trump.  Will it happen?  i think it may.  But shortly thereafter, the hammer will come down on them and they will meet their comeuppance.  

But what about the ten commandments and their potential for cleaning up the earth?  Have we ever stopped to ponder them?  What about #1?  "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and being".  Is that too much to ask by a God who gave us life and a habitat perfectly fitted for living it? 

What about #2 and having no graven images or likeness of anything in heaven or earth to worship?  Is this an unreasonable law?  It is the first step in taking a nation into idolatry and the Creator knew this.  So he put a law into effect which, incidentally, carries the death penalty.  Is worth your life to wear that crucifix around your neck?

How about #3?  You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.  The world today is so deceived that we think we are disobeying this law when we say "Jesus" or "Gee".  But really that "Jesus figure" is a christian myth and is no God at all. 

How about #4 commandment?  REMEMBER the Sabbath day to keep it holy.  And here is where the rub begins because of the counterfeit sabbath of Satan which we call Sun-day.  What effect would it have on society if we ceased all our activities on that day and honored the Creator? 

#5 is the first commandment with promise.

Honor your father and mother that your days may be long on the earth.  Keep in mind that all these laws carry the death penalty for violation.  Can we even begin to see the positive effect it would have on society if this law was observed by the whole world? 

#6 Commit no murder.  In our idolatrous nation, some have even extended this to cover animals that were created for food.  Idolatry numbs our senses and cripples our judgment. 

Why is that most judges oppose the death penalty?  Is it because they know how they got their positions and that they are deserving of the same? 

#7 Do not commit adultery.  Now we have gone from preaching to meddling.  Adultery is considered a right in America.  But it also carries a death penalty for violation and that sentence still hangs over the heads of those involved.  It isn't going away and there is still to be a judgment day.  And if adultery carries a death penalty, what do you suppose the penalty is for pedophilia?  Is this where the "double portion" will be administered?  

#8  You shall not steal.  Oh wow!  Is it any wonder we have subscribed en masse to the mafia doctrine that the commandments were "done away" (destroyed)?

#9  You shall not bear false witness.  If our congress, our courts and law enforcement could understand that this also carries the death penalty and is being recorded today against those involved, I dare say our gov't would change overnite. 

#10  You shall not covet.  The observance of this law would wipe out TV advertising in one stroke.  And it should. 

We have come a long way in the wrong direction.  These laws were given Moses to govern the new nation of Israel when they were set free from slavery in Egypt some 3500 years ago.  The laws came with promises of peace in the land, prosperity and deliverance from all enemies, and yet no nation, at any time in recorded history has taken the Eternal up on His offer. 

Israel was so steeped in the idolatry of Egypt, they wanted none of this new way of life --- they wanted a king like the other idolatrous nations around them.  So a king was given them and he did exactly what Samuel told them he would do --- and kings have been doing the same ever since. 

What has been the missing ingredient that has kept the entire world from trying these laws that guarantee so much?  That ingredient has been a righteous king of planet earth --- but if we can believe the prophets, that situation is about to change.  Satan's time in the saddle is almost over and he knows it.  His replacement has already qualified and is waiting in the wings (or approaching on our celestial visitor), for the ceremony described in Daniel 7:13-14. 

It will begin with the rebuild of Jerusalem after the destruction of Israel described in Isaiah 29.  The next step will be the establishment of the new and greater Israel to take in the Israelite survivors of the great tribulation.  That nation will live by the above noted laws of the ten commandments and will lead the way for the rest of the world to follow.  We can see in Zechariah 14 their fate should they choose not to follow. 

There will be no democrats, republicans, Baptists, Catholics or Buddhists in the new Israel.  There will be no prisons, forced education, deceptive advertising, gay marches, protests or elections.  In short, the earth is going to be turned rightside up.

I have been showing you in the pages of these Commentaries for the past 8+ years that this world is about to undergo a change that will be revolutionary.  That change is now knocking on our door.  You will not need to vote for it and there will be no "constitutional rights" in that state.  No freedom of religion and no political candidates.  It will be revolutionary and it will prosper beyond belief.  Be there!

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