Tuesday, June 27, 2017


From the desk of
Bill Ramey


Seth Rich ‘Murder’ Solved! A Huge PSYOP by the Usual Perps!

Thursday, June 22, 2017 13:53

Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today

The ‘Murder’ of Seth Rich:
Everything we thought we knew is wrong!
A Major PsyOp Conducted by Israel

Seth Rich’s family holding a press conference near the D.C. crime scene. Purple shirts and purple microphones all point to the ongoing Purple Revolution.[1]

SOTN Editor’s Note:

There’s no question that there were many major stakeholders who were deeply concerned about the final outcome of the 2016 U.S. presidential election.  This is exactly why there are those parties who are still trying — mightily — to overturn the Trump victory.

Because of the late date that humanity has with destiny, it’s absolutely true that the Modern State of Israel played a HUGE part in determining the election outcome.  Israel would simply not let the U.S. presidency be occupied by an unfriendly party (remember Obama), particularly during these critical times in the Middle East.  What is happening throughout the entire Mideast is simply far too consequential not to have the right POTUS in the Oval Office.*  Herein lies the hidden back story to the “alleged murder” and “supposed death” of Seth Rich.

SOTN fully admits that we got drawn into the whole drama.  Who did not want to see Hillary Clinton lose–BIG TIME?!  And the ‘murder’ of Seth Rich may very well have played a crucial part in her historic loss.  Therefore, the true purpose behind the ‘killing’ of Seth Rich must be explored and correctly understood if the nation is to comprehend where it’s now going.

SOTN recently received an email containing a YAHOO search that was quite telling in this regard. As follows:  https://search.yahoo.com/search?ei=utf-8&fr=tightropetb&p=seth+rich+was+trained+in+israel&type=tr77_1819-4

Shortly afterwards, an anonymous submission was made to the SOTN editor which dovetailed perfectly with the above Google result.  ANON Whistleblower has delineated the purposeful conspiracy which was undertaken to make the U.S. electorate believe that Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and the DNC were directly behind the killing of Seth Rich. What follows under the broken line is the perceptive explanation presented by ANON Whistleblower.

You guys at SOTN really got conned.

Btw so did the rest of the alternative media.

Seth Rich was a MOSSAD operative.

Whether his family is certified Sayanim or whether he was a card-carrying agent is not really important.  He spent plenty of time in Israel, even training under the command of the IDF.  Not only was he born into a Jewish family, but they encouraged him to spend some serious time in Israel, which he did.  Here, post this vid on your site as penance for your getting scammed.

The reason why he was ‘killed’ at 4:20 AM is the same reason they carry out so many false flags at night.  No one’s around—duh!

The MOSSAD controllers of this black op had the whole street locked down since Seth left the bar at 1:30 in the morning.  None of the crime scene facts could be proven, except by the people planted around before and after who have spoken publicly. That includes your medical resident  at Washington Hospital Center who you quoted  here:

Do you now see how this whole psyop was set up. It’s a total joke…on the Clintons, of course.

And the DNC.  And the Democratic Party. Talk about a skunk at their garden party right in D.C. The MOSSAD infiltrated their campaign with a Sayanim contractor — Seth Rich — who’s now probably living on a kibbutz somewhere in the Negev desert—at a locked-down oasis community after having LOTs of plastic surgery. 

Look it, this op took Hillary right out of the race.  The Alt Right swallowed it – hook, line and sinker – and did just that — they sunk her.  One more murder was all they really needed on her rap sheet to motivate the borderline Trumpsters to get out and vote.  The concerned Israeli think tanks knew the electoral calculus right down to the voting  precinct level, so they knew every single vote for Trump mattered.

SOTN usually get’s these psyops and false flags and black ops down before anyone else and yet you fell for this obviously fake testimony.

Here’s a LiveLeak video from someone who’s done his homework.  Why don’t you guys do some more penance and post it so  the Internet knows the truth.

Now the real question here is: Why did Israel sabotage Hillary?  And, why did Netanyahu guarantee a win for Trump?  When you can answer those two I’ll come back to SOTN.

ANON Whistleblower


Sometimes the most obvious clues are given by the many photos which are provided by the Google search of an individual’s name. As follows: Was Seth Rich really a Conservative Republican in Patriot’s clothing?

June 21, 2017

Editor’s Note

From the very beginning the single most important question about the alleged murder was: Why would the Clinton Crime Family order a hit on Seth Rich four months before the most important election in U.S. history?  In view of the notorious Clinton execution list, wouldn’t such a misguided move put her campaign in serious jeopardy?  Which is exactly what happened, so why wouldn’t the DNC have handled the leak to WikiLeaks in a different manner?

Ramey comment:

Can we begin to see how stealthily the masters of deception operate?


You can get some of the details in Rev 5.  It appears these are the foundation of the spiritual temple that is to be (or has been) laid and consists of the apostles and prophets.  The context clearly shows that they were, at one time, flesh and blood humans. 

The apostle Paul quoted Christ as saying, "No man hath ascended up to heaven except the Son of  man who came down from heaven", and He was right --- at that time. 

We live in a different time frame.

Much is being revealed as now the wrappers are being removed from the old religious and historical myths showing them to be just that --- myths.  It begins to appear that science is right and religion is wrong about the age of the earth --- or to be more precise perhaps we should stipulate "the age of parts of the earth".  Some of what we now call earth has been scattered across our solar system as asteroids.

We are now learning the Torah, (first five books of the old testament), truly has been "...falsified by the Jews" as stated by the prophet Jeremiah in chapter 8, verse 8.  We are also learning that much scripture has been tampered with by masters of deceit. 

We are learning that the apostles were being called "Christians" by the Hellenized Jews but they did not call themselves that. It was a derogatory term.  We are learning that Christ was not the founder of Christianity.  His teachings were scrambled and turned upside down in the three centuries following His death and reintroduced to the world as the agenda of Satan called "religion".  This was the forum created by Satan (Lucifer) for the deception of the "... whole world".  Has it worked?  See Rev 12:9.

But it would seem the deception is almost over and notice has evidently been given to those who presume to rape and pillage the planet, and that they "... have been weighed in the balance and found deficient".  This message was not well received by them and they are mounting the ultimate presumption by challenging the sender of the message.  Soon they will see that this ultimate presumption will hatch and become the ultimate folly.  Such is the pride of men totally incapable of self rule, much less world dominion. 

Their dream of a world government will come to pass but under a righteous king and men of character, not through Satan and men of belial.  Some of these men of belial will have many days to ponder these things in their dungeons --- some of it may be in total darkness. 

While they are waiting in those dungeons to be judged for crimes against humanity, the earth will be on a path of recovery to correct the errors of the crime cabal who sought to destroy the earth in deference to their god Lucifer. 

Their end will not be pretty.  You see, if a man murders 100 people mercilessly and is sentenced to die for his crime, is that justice?  I have said repeatedly that justice is about to be brought to planet earth for the first time.  One can scarcely imagine a system farther from justice than the American courts. 

So do the Gods (Elohim) who are just before intervening in earth affairs have a better way?  Most assuredly.  In Rev 18:6, He decrees that the worst offenders in the corruption on planet earth are to be poured a "...double portion" of the misery they have inflicted on humanity.  Does this sound like a simple stoning, hanging, lethal injection or electrocution?  Or will these monsters find themselves overtaken by justice of a brand heretofore unseen on earth? 

Justice amounts to punishment fitting for the crime(s) committed.  So if transgress-ion of the ten commandments incurs a death sentence --- where does that leave pedophiles?  Think about it.  We can see in Isaiah 14 that we may need to rethink our concept of hell. 

It's coming soon and they have already been notified.  Does that mean the count-down in days has already begun? 

Do we need to recap world events?  The Pacific Ocean is dead because of men’s folly.  The ruling class of the world murders for entertainment.   The phony global economy is being propped up in so many ways, it's only a matter of time before one or more prop fails and collapses the entire house of cards.  Doctors, lawyers, politicians and religionists have raped and robbed the world and are now prepping for themselves hidey-holes which they hope will protect them from the wrath of the Creator.  "Are we almost there?"

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