Monday, June 19, 2017


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



As soon as I saw it I knew it was the news scoop of the year if not the decade or century.  It seems the consternation it caused the Bildeberg group incited them to pledge all their nations' resources to opposing the sender of this message.  Do you understand what that means? 

It means now that the money pit where your tax $s go just became immeasurably deeper.  We financed the hidey holes for politicians and now we are about to finance the war against the Creator.  Is that overstating it?  Not at all.  That is exactly where this group of Satan worshipers is going with this.  (All religions are Satan worshipers and if this offends you, then you owe it to yourself to prove me wrong --- or --- perish the thought --- right). Will they be successful?  Of course not but they will spend "kazillions" of dollars which they will have the federal reserve print up and it will amount to applying the coup de grace to that part of the world economy based on petro dollars.  Will it bring the world together?  Sure.  The nations are to be gathered in the valley of decision near Jerusalem for their armies to be destroyed.  The new and greater Israel will be seven years just burying the leftover bones. 

Hollyweird probably already has the movies ready to release showing a rendition much more convincing than the Orsen Welles audio of an invasion from outer space --- and an invasion it will be.  There will be many surprises and the most will be to religionists.  Their god is a genie in a bottle.

Make no mistake about it, the gauntlet has been thrown down to these self appointed rulers of mankind under the jurisdiction of Satan and they have foolishly accepted the challenge.  Not only will they be humiliated, but will be poured a double portion of the misery they have inflicted on humanity. 

These are those who have robbed even widows and orphans to finance their Satanic schemes.  These are those living in ivory towers pursuing their fantasies and sacrificing children to their pagan god Molech.  These are those whose names will be erased forever from the rolls of the living.

I hope we have been able to see from their own writings that the Russian leaders have perceived that Christianity is the religion promoted by the Gods and have adopted it as the state religion of Russia.  I do hope we have retained the right to do our own thinking and understand that religions are vassals of the state and have favor as long as they promote the ideals of the state and adhere to the laws and customs of the state.  If they fail in these expectations, then they quickly fall into disfavor and are forced out or forced to comply.  If you are a regular reader of the Commentaries, then i feel quite confident that you know where Christianity lies in the end time scenario and what their end is to be. 

Perhaps we should also look at the parallels to the Daniel 5 feast of Belshazzar.  He and his guests were considered to be the most powerful group on the planet.  So is the group who received the message in discussion.  The Babylonian rulers had spent lavishly for many years and robbed other nations to support this spending. So has this group and now they are gearing up for even more profane spending. 

According to the account in Daniel 5, the acting king (Belshazzar) died that same night that the message of deficiency was written on the wall.  Obviously that did not happen this time.  So if the nation was called to account on the same day the message was given --- can we look to that as a clue to the timing in these end times?

If we shift gears to prophetic time, (a day for a year), could that mean that the end time Babylon will be called to account the same year the message was delivered and received?  If we choose to use Jewish reckoning, that year (day) would end on Abib 1 of next year. 

Will they really be given time to build a bigger and more powerful collider?  The CERN project took many years to complete.

Does the end time Babylon have "many years" of time left? 

Could it be that we are at the time Christ spoke of in Matthew 24 when the world is " it was in the days of Noah"?  If we can believe the account in Genesis, then only 8 people in the whole world were free from idolatry and even one of them is suspect because from his progeny came the Babylonian Mystery Religion which has spawned all the other religions of the world today.   I have often said there is some-thing wrong with the "Noah story" and I still believe that --- however, it must have considerable validity since Christ referred to it. 

Could it be that there are only 8 people on earth today who have been given and received, a love of truth and allowed it to reshape their lives so they could be saved from the holocaust to come upon the whole world.  (II Thes 2:10).

We saw, in the document this article is discussing, that the western world has deliberately withheld from its populace, information pertaining to the nature of God.  If we have done our homework, we should have seen that the two legs of King Neb's dream image of Daniel 2, amount to the two largest religions on earth and make up the 4th and final beast of Daniel 7 and comprise the Roman Empire.  And if you have bought into the myth that the Roman Empire fell in 476 AD, then you haven't done your homework. 

So yes, with starving people around this world, all of world resources are going to be marshaled in order to wage a war against "The strong hand from someplace", referred to in "U.S. News and World Report" many years ago.  And all because of 130 demented and depraved individuals.  We can see in Revelation 19 and Zechariah 14 how successful they will be.

Are we ready for justice to overtake this earth?  Are we ready for, and ready to take part in, the judgment that is about to begin?  Do we see the end of the age coming at us like a cannonball named "Nibiru"?

I would be derelict in my duty if I did not tell you that some of the things coming in the next few days/weeks will be mind stretchers --- to the breaking point.  Be so advised. 

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