Thursday, April 26, 2018


From the desk of
Bill Ramey
4 24 18





Is this an unrealistic assessment?  If you believe that, then you have either been asleep for the past ten years or you are one of those parasitic cronies.  This nation is on the verge of utter destruction and will never again be inhabited. 

If you are a regular reader of these Commentaries, then you know I have been saying this for the past ten years --- but now we are coming down to where the rubber meets the road.  We don't have ten more years to go. 

Is anyone looking at the war the deep state is trying to provoke with China and Russia?  They have tried twice recently to initiate this war through their U.K. proxies.  Why the U.K.?  Because the U.K. is still trembling over the election of Donald Trump.  He poses the biggest threat to the U.K. they have seen in centuries.  Their pedophiles are terrified and this includes those in the royal house.   

The attempted war with China/Russia didn't work so they coerced an attack on Syria which we still haven't seen the last of.  Do we believe the deep state is dumb enough to believe they can win a war against Russia and China?  Or are they planning some-thing even more devious?  What, pray tell, could be more devious than WW III?  It's something that seems to have escaped the journalists because we no longer have true journalists --- we have in the network news those pushing the deep state agenda. 

What is this deep dark secret that has escaped the notice of analysts?  Could it be the destruction of America for their global bosses?  America is the only real barrier to the NWO as viewed by those pushing that agenda.  There is more but they don't yet know it. 

There was much I did not realize when I first started saying, some ten years ago, that America was about to be destroyed totally.  But now all those pieces are starting to fall into place and the end becomes much clearer. 

Since that time the book of Daniel has been unsealed --- (see Daniel 12).  Since that time the "Little book" of Habakkuk has been opened showing America to be the end time Babylon spoken of by the prophets and in Revelation 18. 

Since that time America has mounted a war of genocide on the little nation of Syria who has never done anything antagonistic to America other than shut down the proposed Quatar pipeline to Europe.  As the story unfolds, we find that this whole scenario, including Egypt, Libya, Iraq and even Iran and Syria has been planned for many years by the U.S military and gov't.  It's a part of the NWO agenda for world dominion. 

The NWO is not merely military --- it is a religious dictatorship and is being promoted by the Vatican as in the U.N. and all the world's secret societies.  All the roads of the worldwide conspiracy form a hub at the Vatican.  This is the most corrupt organization that has ever existed on the earth.  But take heart --- it is to end in this generation --- (see Rev 17).

The navies are coming together in the mid-east and the armies are forming up for the invasion of Syria.  Will it happen?  Yes it will.  We can see in Isaiah 17:1-4 that the city of Damascus is to become a "...ruinous heap".  This has never happened in all of recorded history.  Is it about to happen?  Yes it is and when it does, America and Israel's remaining time as nations will be limited to days if not hours. 

Is this Ramey speculation?  No, my friends, this is the words of the prophets and if you are not aware of it, then you have home-work to do.  We live in perilous times and we need to understand this. 

When the deep state is backed totally into a corner, I sincerely believe the nukes that the NASA Nazis have planted along the San Andreas and the Yellowstone caldera will be detonated and the destruction of America will come in " hour" as it says in Revelation 18.  Few Americans believe that anyone on earth could be that evil --- but those who refuse to believe that also refuse to look into how evil the Bushes, Clintons, Obamas, Lynch, Mueller, Comey and McCabe are.  They also refuse to look into pedophilia in America and the U.K.

None of us want to think we are living on an earth inhabited by creatures this evil but, as I have said many times, "There are many surprises coming."  This world will be totally dumbfounded when our noses are rubbed in just how totally evil this society is. 

When our top politicos are "visited" in their underground bunkers for judgment as noted in Isaiah 24:21-22, probably few will want to watch the justice that follows because it will be extremely ugly.  There will be "...double portions" poured for the most corrupt and this justice will be like nothing ever seen in Satan's courts of this world.

The judgment of Sodom, Gomorrah and Jericho is but a dress rehearsal for the judgment that will be meted out to pedophiles, mass murderers, human traffickers and political opportunists.

The witnesses to the final judgment will not be for the faint hearted.  Just as in the destruction of Jericho, the entire nation of Israel was required to take a part in the head chopping and kill men women and children because the entire city/state was wholly given to idolatry with the exception of one family that was spared.  So also the saints brought up in the first resurrection (only 144,000 --- see Rev 14:1-3) --- will constitute the army of the Messiah and will be a part of the head chopping in the Rev 19 battle.

Christians find this utterly repugnant and will not even consider it at this time but they will consider it provided they are among the survivors of the holocaust that is about to come down in America.  Their boarding pass to escape that holocaust is in II Thessalonians 2:10 but they are still waiting for the rapture and will only realize that they missed the last flight out when they see the exodus of Isaiah 52:10-12 on CNN. 

When the earthquake of Revelation 6:12 begins, it will be a bit late for researching and philosophizing.  This will be the shaking of heaven and earth spoken of by the Eternal in the book of Haggai and things only get worse from there.  It will not be a day of blazing sunlight and with the Messiah descending from a cloud with His hand raised in a gesture of peace.  It will be a day of darkness and destruction.
(See the book of Amos).

It will be the day of the destruction of both America and the little counterfeit nation of Israel.  (See Isaiah 13, 22 and 29). 

Russia and Iran will lead the "...assembly of great nations" that loot and evacuate the survivors of America.  (See Jeremiah 50-51)

It will not be business as usual from that time on.  This begins the final captivity of Israel that lasts for three and one half years before the captives are released and/or are taken to the Jerusalem area to receive a portion of the land promised Abraham and a portion of the gold stored by the Khazarian pirates and reserved for these captives. 

The new and greater Israel will be established with borders restored to those given Abraham some 4000 years ago and the land given to the released Israelite captives will be given without taxes forever. 

Without alphabet agencies, lawyers, preachers and all the other parasites we have become accustomed to, the new nation will prosper beyond belief.  The gentile nations will begin to send ambassadors to learn this new way of life and the world will begin to heal after the near total destruction by the stupidity of politicians. 

There will be no constitution in the new nation and there will be no congress or IRS. 

The nation will be governed by the laws given Moses some 3500 years ago but that the new nation of Israel rejected.  The coming new and greater Israel will not have that option. 

Those who emigrate to the new and greater Israel will agree to abide by the laws, statutes, precepts and judgments of the Eternal before being allowed citizen-ship in the new nation.

There will be no prisons and no lawyers.

There will be no federales and no social security or welfare.  Communities will take care of their crime without the aid of FBI, CIA or any of the other alphabet agencies.  And this includes capitol punishment. 

If this sounds "Pollyannaish" --- you had better hope and pray it isn't --- because the alternative is an incinerated planetary relic spinning forever through the blackness of space..  If that forms a mental block in your mind, then try to look objectively at how far we have come in this direction just in the past century.  We have come from horse and buggy to space travel!!!!!  Helllllooo. 

Have you looked into CERN?  Have you looked into NASA?  NATO?  Operation paperclip?  Do you consider yourself informed? 

Are you preparing for two cars in each garage and a helicopter on each roof --- with the price of fuel going out of sight?

Are you kidding yourself that this world is going to go on for another 100 years?  50 years?  10 years? 

"For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered into the ark". 

"Eat, drink and be merry ..."

Wednesday, April 25, 2018


From the desk of
Bill Ramey
4 20 18


April 24, 2018

Russia Warns Only 18 Days Left Until Apocalypse Begins As It Stunningly Budgets $162 Billion For Postwar Reconstruction

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A stunning new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today that begins with Secretary Nikolai Patrushev warning that Moscow needs to make its foreign policy more offensive to ensure national and public security, who was then followed by Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu grimly stating that the United States, “without embarrassment”, has now declared that all international trends they consider to unfavorable to them will be “corrected” through the use of military force, led President Putin to propose an immediate reduction in military spending by $162 billion and shifting it to achieve a “decisive breakthrough” in raising the living standards of the Russian population—as all Security Council Members agreed that the 18 days left before the 12 May “apocalypse” of President Trump destroying the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was best spent planning for post World War III reconstruction—as the Americans have overtly declared their intention to totally annihilate the Islamic Republic of Iran—and as so stated by US National Security Advisor John Bolton last year when he said that “the policy of the US is to destroy Iran”, with his further declaring that: “Before the end of 2019, we’ll be celebrating in Tehran”.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, the “international trend” the Americans are seeking to “correct” through the use of military force is the growing abandonment in US Dollar trade throughout the world—that in 2003 saw the United States illegally invading the Republic of Iraq after it announced it would stop selling its oil for US Dollars—and in 2011, likewise, saw the United States wage an illegal war of destruction of Libya after it announced it would be selling its oil for gold, that would have devastated the US Dollar.

In spite of American’s ruthless demonstration that it was prepared to destroy entire nations and kill millions of people in order to protect the US Dollar, this report continues, in 2008, nevertheless, Iran announced that it, too, would no longer sell its oil for US Dollars—and in knowing the deadly wrath the US would bring upon them for doing so, accelerated their already existing nuclear programme to build an atomic bomb to protect themselves—but whose ending of this venture came on 15 July 2015 when Iran agreed to the historic Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action that halted their atomic bomb work in exchange for the ending of Western sanctions—and that, most importantly, was guaranteed not only by all of the major Western powers, but Russia and China too.

Though the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) confirmed this past February that Iran had “fully complied with this historic 2015 agreement, this report details, President Trump, in a shock to the entire world, vowed to renew all-out economic warfare on Iran anyway—and whose first action to do so was his issuing an ultimatum to European powers in March to impose new sanctions on Iran—and that Iranian leaders correctly said was a “US-led economic collusion” to destroy their nation.

With these proposed new sanctions now combined with President Trump’s 12 May deadline threat to pull the United States out of the historic Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action entirely, this report explains, the effects of them on Iran and its people can only be described in the most catastrophic of terms—as it’s currently being roiled by a “perfect currency storm” due to these threats that has seen Iran's currency losing close to half its value on the free market—and that has then led to many experts openly question if Iran’s banking sector is nearing a total collapse.

Unlike the American’s illegal destruction of Iraq and Libya for daring to abandon the US Dollar, however, this report notes, both Russia and China have drawn a “red line” to protect the Iranian people against these US globalist-led warmongers—as Iran remains the largest manufacturer and exporter of hydrocarbon raw materials in the entire world whose survival is critical to the economic independence of nations throwing off the yoke of Western imperialism.

With China first acting to protect Iran (as China is already preparing its own “death blow” to the US Dollar), this report details, it quickly agreed to allow all trading with Iran to be in other currencies cutting out the US Dollar—with Russian then following by launching an oil-for-goods exchange programme with Iran that eliminates bilateral payments in US Dollars—and Prime Minister Medvedev, also, just approving an agreement approving a free trade zone between Iran and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)—whose combined over 259 million peoples will now have access to Iranian goods and services not having to be purchased with US Dollars, and vice versa.  

As Iran is now under the full economic protection of both Russia and China, this report continues, the Americans are now preparing for total war—as the continuing collapse of the US Dollar presages nothing less then the total economic collapse of the entire United States—with global investment guru Mark Mobius now joining the growing chorus warning that the house of cards that pretends to be the US stock market is nearing collapse—whose dire warning comes on the heels of the legendary American investor Jim Rogers telling the people of the US to expect “the biggest crash in our lifetimes”—and whose grave assessment of what is soon to come is supported by one of the richest men in the world Bill Gates, whose chilling warning states that another financial crisis like the disaster in 2008 “is now a certainty.

None of the American people, of course, and as always, have the slightest idea of the coming apocalypse staring right at them as Iran has just warned that it “will never bow to US pressure”—and who are facing a President Trump who has expanded every single US military presence and/or airstrikes in every combat theater he inherited from Obama, and doesn’t even hide his lust for total war on the Iranian people—and whose sycophantic mainstream propaganda media organs are giving him cover for doing so by stifling every voice of dissent that dares tries to be heard.

Heard below the psychobabble din that passes for Americannews” these days, however, this report notes, US Central Command Commander General Joseph Votel in his “secret and unprecedented visit to Israel” this past week shows clearly what these US warmongers are planning—a provocative attack against Iranian military forces in Syria that these warmonger lunatics hope will cause Iranian leaders to respond to, thus justifying a total war.

To the most insane action being taken by the Americans in starting an unjustified war on Iran, this report continues, is their copying of their 2003 Iraq Invasion playbook nearly word for word in trying to get Turkey to join in this coming apocalypse too—but as Turkey rejected this madness in 2003, so are they doing today by calling a snap election in order to, hopefully, cripple this maniacal US war plan—and which, predictably, the US responded to by sending 5,000 trucks loaded with weapons and ammunition to Northern Syria to arm their Islamic terrorists sitting on Turkey’s border—and that led Turkish President Erdogan to slam his US-NATO ally and factually state the obvious: “We cannot buy weapons from the US with our money, but the US and coalition forces give these weapons, this ammunition, to terrorist organizations for free”.

Decorated US Army Officer and US Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard learns the hard way about what happens when you go up against these war monsters

This report interestingly concludes by highlighting the dissenting remarks of Security Council Member, and Chairwoman of the Council of Federation, Valentina Matviyenko who believes that President Trump will not pull out of the Iran nuclear agreement as he, instead, is only using his “war bluster” as theater as he has done with North Korea—with her further stating that any such attack on Iran by Trump would immediately doom any hope of him reaching a nuclear disarmament agreement with North Korea, that he knows will happen, but won’t allow—but with Matviyenko, though, agreeing that Russia should be prepared to send to Syria the powerful S-300 air defense system within a month whose fearful power of the West knows full well of—and who are still in shock over Syria’s air defense system downing 70% of the US-British-French missiles fired at them a fortnight ago—and should the Syrians have had the S-300, would have seen every single one of these missiles destroyed, along with the planes that fired them.  

April 24, 2018 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.


From the desk of
Bill Ramey
4 20 18


April 20, 2018

Trump Threatens Special Counsel Mueller With Murder Indictment Over Worst FBI Scandal In History That Cost US Government $100 Million

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An astonishing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that during yesterdays White House meeting in Washington D.C. between US National Security Adviser John Bolton and Russian Ambassador Anatoly Antonov, the Americans confirmed that information supplied to them by Russia’s top intelligence directors this past January (2018) has been “instrumental” in uncovering the crimes of Special Counsel Robert Mueller as it relates to one of the worst FBI scandals in history that cost the US government $100 million—and whose facts of make Mueller a target of an indictment for murder that President Trump, no doubt, will ultimately decide on if to prosecute.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, on 14 December 2017, President Trump initiated a secure telephonic conference with President Putin wherein several issues of international concern were discussed—but that, also, contained an urgent request by Trump to Putin that a specialized team headed by CIA Director Mike Pompeo be allowed to “personally view and document” historical files complied by the Committee for State Security (KGB) on its “Foreign Resident” operation conducted against the United States by the former Soviet Union from the 1960’s through the 1980’s.

The KGB’sblandly/mildly” named “Foreign Resident” programme, this report explains, was one of the most highly classified spying operations ever conducted by the former Soviet Union against the United States, and that had the same classification rating as the Soviets nuclear weapons programme—and that was able to successfully infiltrated into America over 200,000 Russian criminals who embedded themselves in every US criminal organization known—but who were, likewise, “deep cover” informants for the KGB.

Upon the collapse of the Soviet Union, in 1991, this report continues, all records, files and documents relating to the KGB’sForeign Resident” operation were deemed such a “ threat” to Russian national security, should they ever be used by a single state body, they were divided up nearly equally between the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), Federal Security Service (FSB) and the General Staff’s Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU)—but whose first reunification of its data in over 25 years occurred this past January when SVR Director Sergey Naryshkin, FSB Director Aleksandr Bortnikov and GRU Chief Colonel-General Igor Korobov secretly traveled to Washington D.C. to meet with CIA Director Mike Pompeo’s specialized team.

The specific information requested by President Trump contained in the KGB’sForeign Resident” programme historic files, this report notes, centered on two Boston, Massachusetts, criminal organizations—the Italian Mafia Patriarca Crime Family and the Winter Hill Gang—the latter being led by the notorious FBI-protected informant Irish mobster James “Whitey” Bulger. 

As to why President Trump requested the KGB’sForeign Resident” files on these two Boston criminal organizations, this report says, is due to a little known, and very obscure, US Federal law, known as Section 3292—that suspends what is known as the “Statute of Limitation” allowing for the criminal indictment of charges even if they be decades old, as long as the evidence for a crime was in a foreign country—and as this law states:
Upon application of the United States, filed before return of an indictment, indicating that evidence of an offense is in a foreign country, the district court before which a grand jury is impaneled to investigate the offense shall suspend the running of the statute of limitations for the offense if the court finds by a preponderance of the evidence that an official request has been made for such evidence and that it reasonably appears, or reasonably appeared at the time the request was made, that such evidence is, or was, in such foreign country.

President Trump’s urgent interest in obtaining these decades old KGBForeign Resident” programme files, this report continues, is related to the most powerful criminal organization in Boston known as the FBI—that, between 1982-1987, was led by US Attorney Robert Muller—and whom, along with other FBI and US Department of Justice officials, participated in, and covered up for decades, one of the most heinous crimes ever committed by the FBI that led the death penalty jailing of 4 wrongly convicted Boston mobsters—2 of whom died before the Mueller’s and the FBI’s crimes were exposed.

To the evidence that President Trump is now using the KGB’sForeign Residence” information against Special Counsel Robert Mueller as a threat to indict him for murder, and/or other conspiracy charges, this report concludes, can be seen in US Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein having just informed Trump that he is not a “target” of any of Mueller’s probes—and that led to the disgraced former FBI Director James Comey stating that he doesn’t have confidence in Rosenstein anymore—but with Mueller and Comey now being faced with one of the most feared “legal pit-bulls” in America named Rudy Giuliani who just joined Trump’s legal team—and who, aside from vowing, yesterday, that he’ll shut down Muellerin a week or two, is the rarest of people in the US as he’s personal friends with both Trump and Putin, and who, also, most surely knows “where all the bodies are buried”.     

 Rudy Giuliani shows President Putin around New York City

April 20, 2018 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Note: The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]

Ramey comments:

It begins to appear that Robert Mueller will soon rue the day he locked horns with the Donald. 

It also appears, from Hillary's statement, "We'll all hang from nooses", that the deep state was somewhat aware of Trump's resources.

Are we seeing the last gasp of the deep state or are we about to see the Trump taken out?  Does prophecy give us a clue?  It does --- and we find it in Rev 17, verses 10-12. 

But it appears, as I have stated previously in these Commentaries, that the Vatican has issued the "kill order" on the deep state, in preparation for ushering in the NWO, and wanting no competition for world dominion. 

It is glaringly obvious that Trump is getting some high level support in his battle against them. 

I have also shown that the ten horns of Rev 17 have to be a coalition of militaries of Islam and NATO.  Corroboration of this conclusion come from Daniel 2. 

We also see in chapter 12 of Daniel that, "... none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise will understand". 

Are we living in those days?