Wednesday, April 25, 2018


From the desk of
Bill Ramey
4 20 18


April 19, 2018

Top CIA Officer Linked To Hillary Clinton Hit Team Thrown In Mental Ward By Trump Loyalists

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An intriguing new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that during the same time period over this past fortnight loyalist forces of President Donald Trump successfully captured  Deep State” operative Peter John Dalglish, who in desperation before his capture leaked “snuff films” to the “dark web” showing Hillary Clinton and her top aide Huma Abedin torturing and murdering a young girl child. Gina Haspel, the new Trump nominee to lead the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), personally led an operation to capture top CIA officer Beth Huth—who was taken into custody this past Friday (13 April) when she was lured back to CIA headquarters in Mclean, Virginia—with Huth, reported be wearing a wig at the time of her capture, being found in the possession of a loaded weapon, had $100,000 in cash and her passport—and who was quickly thrown into the mental ward of an undisclosed US military hospital.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

Russian intelligence file photo of CIA officer Beth Huth

CIA officer Beth Huth depicted as she appeared in a US Federal Court on 17 April 2018

According to this report, in 2002, SVR intelligence analysts noted that CIA Director nominee Gina Haspel had arrived in Thailand for the purpose of establishing the CIA’s first secret black site—whose purported purpose was said to be for the placement and “enhanced interrogation” of Islamic terrorists captured by American military forces and CIA operatives—but with the SVR stating that Haspel’s true purpose in Thailand involved the actions and activities of one of the most feared dark operatives in the world named Paul Le Roux.

Paul Le Roux, this report details, is a Zimbabwe citizen holding multiple passports and identities whose American handler was CIA officer Beth Huth—and that, in 1999, the SVR had identified both of them as being involved in the theft for the Clinton regime of one of the most secure encryption computer codes ever written named E4M—which was used to create the TrueCrypt encrypted platform that neither the FBI or CIA could penetrate—with US Federal Courts further ruling that its users of didn’t have to reveal what they had hidden. 

Used by the Clinton Foundation, the Democratic National Committee, and on Hillary Clinton’s undisclosed private computer server (to just name a few of the “Deep State” linked organizations and people using this impenetrable encrypted software), this report continues, in 2015, the “Deep State” awoke in horror to their worst nightmare when Google’s Project Zero team announced that TrueCrypt had been compromised due to Microsoft’s ending its support on several of its platforms in 2014—and that began a wave of once TrueCrypt encrypted documents and emails flooding into the world—with the worst consequence being the dooming of Hillary Clinton’s plan to take over the US presidency.

Though the first public announcement that TrueCrypt had been compromised was made in 2015, this report says, SVR intelligence experts believe that the CIA team in Thailand headed by Gina Haspel targeting Paul Le Roux were, at least, as competent as their Russian counterparts who had cracked TrueCrypt encryption in early 2011—and that was responsible for CIA-led international manhunt for Le Roux that ended with his capture in 2012.

Clinton-linked international arms dealer, drug lord and hit team leader Paul Le Roux

Most important to note about the capture of Paul Le Roux by CIA officer Gina Haspel, this report continues, is that even with his known arms dealing with Iran and Somali, Haspel was able to keep him out of the control of the Obama regime corrupted FBI—with her, instead, keeping him in the firm custody of the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)—and whose wisdom in doing so became evident, in 2013, when Haspel led an operation in Thailand to capture of one of Le Roux’s most feared assassination teams led by a former US military Special Forces sniper named Joseph Hunter. 

CIA officer Gina Haspel oversees capture of Paul Le Roux hit team leader Joseph Hunter by Thailand police commandos on 26 September 2013

Most to be feared about Paul Le Roux’s hit team leader Joseph “Rambo” Hunter, this report details, were the many assassinations carried by him and his specialized team of assassins recruited from all around the world—most of them directed by CIA officer Beth Huth on behalf of Hillary Clinton—including the plot to kill a US federal agent who was closing in on Hillary Clinton for drug smuggling crimes linked to both her and her husband former President Bill Clinton. 

Though the Obama regime refused to prosecute Joseph Hunter for one of his most infamous assassinations of a real estate agent in the Philippines, this report continues, upon President Trump assuming power, he ordered the immediate prosecution of Hunter and his hit team former US military Special Forces members Adam Samia and Carl David Stillwell—all of whom were just convicted of their vile crimes—but upon whose notice that they would be tried, saw CIA officer Beth Huthdisappear”.

In an operation led, no doubt, by CIA Director nominee Gina Haspel to capture the missing CIA officer Beth Huth linked to Paul Le Roux and his hit team leader Joseph Hunter, this report explains, the SVR, on 25 April, noted that a “privileged pass through” document had been posted to the “dark web” granting access to the CIA headquarters building in Mclean, Virginia—that was addressed specially to a 13-diget series of numbers believed to be the CIA employee code for Huth.

This CIAprivileged pass through” document posted to the “dark web”, this report further details, instructed the “person” having the correct 13-diget code to present themselves at the main security checkpoint of the CIA’s headquarters and hand to the security officer a printed copy of the document—with a further instruction given that when interacting with the security official, no words were to be spoken by this “person” so that they would not be instantly analyzed and identified by the CIA’s voice recognition system.

Exactly following the instructions outlined in the CIA’sdark web” posting of their “privileged pass through” document, this report concludes, this past Friday (13 April), CIA officer Beth Huth presented herself at the main security gate of CIA headquarters in disguise wearing a wig—and where, as instructed, she only communicated by writing notes on paper—but upon her writing that she had in her possession a loaded 9mm weapon, was quickly disarmed and captured—along with $100,000 in cash and various passports being found in her possession—and who was immediately brought into a US Federal Court where CIA officials stated that she had previously fled the country and was “mentally ill—and that resulted in her immediately being placed under high security in a mental ward of an as yet unnamed US military hospital—which is a tactic well known to the intelligence agencies of the former Soviet Union who, likewise, placed their most troublesome operatives in mental hospitals to discredit and destroy their reputations, at best, or just to destroy their minds, at worst.   

April 19, 2018 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Note: The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]

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