Sunday, April 8, 2018


 From the desk of
Bill Ramey



In the Roman gov't some 2000 years ago, there was a very wealthy Roman who was smitten by the beauty of a married lady of virtue.  All his overtures were rejected and in an act of desperation, he tried to use the door of religion.  He investigated and found the congregation she attended and since this was ancient Rome, obviously this would have been the Babylonian Mystery Religion that we call Catholic today. 

He contacted the religious shaman of that congregation and informed him that he would pay a huge sum of money just to spend one night with that lady.  Now as with all religions, money talks.  The plot was hatched for this lady to be led to believe she was being invited to spend a night with god.  Even her husband bought into the scheme.  Such is the power of religious deception. 

The wealthy Roman couldn't keep his mouth shut and just had to let the lady know she had been had by the same one whose overtures she had rejected. 

As it turned out the lady was not unacquainted with Roman society and Roman courts.  When the thing came to be known and brought into court, the rich Roman was executed along with the religious shaman who helped to set up the ruse.  

Would this work in the Roman society of America today?  I see absolutely no evidence that it wouldn't.  Religion is so pervasive and so persuasive, it has the capacity to sweep away resistance.  It's the deception of the "...whole world".  (Rev 12:9).  It just feels so good to run with the thundering herd and especially so if we feel we are being given preferential treatment that puts us in the "inner circle". 

Religion is despotic.  Religion is Satanic.  Religion is the forum created by Satan for the deception of the "...whole world".  And yes, I keep beating this drum because this world of the gullible has been deceived into believing that religion is the worship of the Creator and nothing could be further from the truth.  Religion is the worship of Lucifer by any one of his many names.  The Muslim call him Allah, Christians call him Jesus and the myriad of other religions have their own names for Lucifer whose name was changed by the Creator to Satan when he was found to be in rebellion against the Most High.  But Lucifer and his angelic group had been given the earth to dress and keep and to yank them out of this position without due notice and due process is simply not the way of the Creator. 

If we look at the proposed new age bibles, such as the Kolbrin, we can see that the name of Lucifer and Satan as well as the name Jesus has been edited out and we find the teachings, not surprisingly, matching those of the leftist lunatics.  The world has gone stark raving mad.  The "Hitler youth" is forming up again in America.  We see college youths goaded by the precepts of free sex and no law, in the final preparation for the destruction of America.  They feel it will be the destruction of conservatives but unknown to them at this time, it is the ramp-up to leaving America uninhabited and uninhabitable --- forever. 

There will be some 100 million survivors of America that will go into captivity as slaves sold throughout the world.  The hybrids will all be destroyed.  One third of all Americans will die of famine and pestilence.  This is already happening.  The next third meet their end during and after the looting and evacuation of survivors.  These casualties are those Ezekiel refers to as dying by the sword and are the alphabet agencies who have no purpose after survivors have been evacuated.  They must be eliminated so the NWO, should they come to power, have no challengers as to world dominion.  Can we even begin to bring the overall picture into focus?  The destruction that is about to engulf this earth --- especially America and Israel --- is worse than horrible, it's unimaginable.  Do you need a "for instance"?  Try to imagine an earthquake of a magnitude never before experienced on planet earth --- in total darkness.  If that boggles your mind, try to imagine a killer tsunami that follows within hours and also in total darkness.   Am I dramatizing?  No, my friends, this is the message of the prophets. 

This world is unsustainable.  This world is steeped in idolatry.  This world and civilization as we know it is almost over.  This is not doomsdaying, this is reality.  Look at what is happening around you.  Look at what the fake news media is covering up.  Look at reality.  Can we come to grips with reality and see that this show is almost over? 

This world is about to come face to face with reality whether they choose to or not.  It simply can't go on indefinitely with the militaries of the nations on high alert for WW III.  We have not found an alternative to war and, as Douglas MacArthur told our congress many years ago, "Unless we find an alternative to war, Armageddon will be  at our door."  This is not the decision of the people of this world but is the decision of political opportunists who have painted themselves into a corner with no other way out.  So they have decided to take the world out with them.  Nice folks.  They really haven't paused to ponder the future that awaits them. 

I have shown in the pages of these Commentaries that justice is coming to this world with a vengeance that is also unimaginable and this justice is referred to by the prophets as the "Wrath of God".  This comes from a God who believes in double portions of punishment for the leaders in idolatry, pedophilia, robbery of nations, murder, etc. (See Rev 18).  Suffice it to say, that the 18,000 or so sealed indictments currently in the legal system are a mere drop in the bucket of the justice that is about to be administered as the reset for planet earth comes into play.

The hybrids (half human, half demonic),will be erased from history forever.  It would seem that few realize this at this time but they far outnumber real humans equipped with the spirit of man and therefore capable of being received into the Kingdom of God.

Some of the hybrids know they are hybrids and glory in it especially among their own. Others are among the "...whole world" that is deceived.  Those who glory in their hybrid status tend to be in lofty positions in Satan's gov'ts --- which are all the gov'ts of this world --- (see Luke 4).

Idolatry takes it's toll and there are many more in the world today that will never see the Kingdom of God than those who will.  Some religions teach that even the vilest of criminals will have their nature changed and be in the Kingdom.  That is ignorance of the plan being enacted by the Elohim. 

There is no place in the Kingdom for perverts and the prophets make this abundantly clear.  Their names will be erased from history forever. 

That Kingdom is far closer than anyone dares imagine.  One of the final prophetic events on the horizon, if not on the threshold, is the reduction of Damascus to a "...ruinous heap", (see Isaiah 17:1-3).  It would seem that NATO is preparing for that event even as I write. 

At that time, things will move quickly and Israel and America will be destroyed within days if not hours. 

We live in exciting times.

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