Monday, June 4, 2018


From the desk of
Bill Ramey
6 2 18




It is Satanic just as are all the other religions of the world because Satan is still the "...god of this world" and will continue to be until his replacement is crowned in the ceremony we see in Daniel 7:13-14.  He owns all the kingdoms of this world, as he asserted to Christ in Luke 4, and this includes the religious kingdoms. 

Russia was delivered "...out of the frying pan into the fire" by those who, "...say they are Jews and are not but do lie", a hundred years ago.  These were Ashkenazi "Jews" trained in America with final training in Switzerland.  These infiltrated the Russian gov't, murdered the Czar and his entire family and opened a bloodbath in Russia the likes of which was unprecedented. 

Under Vladimir Putin, the country has gotten back into "...the frying pan".  America's gov't was built by Edomites who are the offspring of Jacob's brother Esau, and the war between those two brothers is still raging today with Esau determined to wipe Jacob's descendants off the face of the earth.  America was built from the power and prestige of the world bank owned by the Vatican and the story can be found in "Rulers of Evil" by F Tupper Saussy.  Saussy garnered the attention of the NWO "elite" by exposing the American money SCAM in his book, "Miracle on Mainstreet".

Jacob's God protected Jacob's offspring for many years in the land of Egypt, which was the wealthiest and most powerful nation in the world at that time.  When they had multiplied so as to be big enough to form their own nation, that same God brought them out of Egypt, destroying Egypt in the process, and put them through a rigorous training program in the wilderness.  He made a covenant with them there and instructed them to go forth and conquer the world beginning with the land promised to Abraham.

It was now inhabited by Canaanites in defiance of the instructions about the partitioning of the earth handed down by Noah.

Their God told them that He would clear the land inhabited by Canaanites with hornets if the new nation of Israel would simply live according to the laws, statutes, precepts and judgments handed down to His servant Moses. 

The fledgling nation under Moses reneged on the covenant they agreed to, began to copy the idolatry of the nations they were to destroy so their God told them, "Fine, do it your way but it will be war until you are sick of war."  Their God left their camp and yes, it has been war ever since. 

But Israel is not off the hook.  The descendants of Jacob, (not just Jews), are still going to be the first nation to live according to those laws, statutes, precepts and judgments and reaping the benefits thereof and thereby introducing the God of Israel to the gentile world. 

The war in the middle east is preparing the land promised to Abraham as the location for this new and greater Israel.  The counterfeit gov't there now that the world calls "Israel" will soon be destroyed as we can see in Isaiah 22 and 29.  We can also see in chapters 29-33 that the wealth that has been amassed by the Khazarian pirates now occupying that territory will not be looted by the Syrian/Iranian armies who destroy "Israel" but will be reserved for the sons of Jacob who come out of the tribulation.  We can see in those same chapters that a second attempt will be made to loot those treasures and it also will meet destruction. 

In Isaiah 34, we see the grande finale of the Esau/Jacob battle of almost 4 millennia.  In Isaiah chapters 14 and 35, we see a glimpse of the refugees from the tribulation resettling in the new and greater Israel. 

Now we will see the first test of a nation living according to the laws, statutes, precepts and judgments of the Creator and we will see if that God can deliver on the promises made in Lev 26 and Deut 28  --- "...peace in the land, rain in due season, bountiful crops..."

And Jacob's God will again be living among them.  He will rebuild the temple, (Zech 6), and the city of Jerusalem. 

When the nations see the prosperity of the new and greater Israel, living without the parasites that hog the public trough of the other nations, they will send ambassadors to Jerusalem to keep the Feast of Tabernacles (Zech 14), and learn the secrets of the success of this new nation.  You can see in that same chapter the fate of those nations that refuse to send ambassadors. 

The world will then be cleansed of all the cabals that have held mankind back for millennia.  It will be cleared of pedophiles, politicians, lawyers, religion and all who covet wealth and power.  These are those destroying our planet today and we can see in Rev 11:18 that their destruction is the second item on the agenda of the new ruler.

The skeptic, of course, wants to know, "When is all this going to happen?"  If you are endowed with the " of truth", you should see that it is already happening.  We passed the prophetic road sign of Daniel 11:42-43, over 7 years ago, which opened the book of Daniel, (see chapter 12), and puts us into the "...time of the end" spoken of by the prophets.  We are now watching Damascus being reduced to "...a ruinous heap", (see Isaiah 17:1-3) and when this project is completed, Israel and America's time left as nations is limited to days if not hours. 

Only a third of Americans will survive and they will be sold as slaves worldwide.  This is noted by the prophet Jeremiah as the "...time of Jacob's trouble" which Christians call the tribulation. This is Esau's triumph but his celebration will be short lived and we see his demise in Isaiah 34 and the book of Obadiah.  Are we scripturally literate enough to see these things in our world today or have we been blinded by the fake news of Satan?   

We need to know that it is the whole world that is blinded and only a handful of people who have been given, "...and received", the " of truth", will be included in the exodus from the end time Babylon, which is America.  (" it was in the days of Noah".)

Can we understand the times we are living in?  Only if we can understand the writings of the prophets.  We live in perilous times --- unprecedented times, times called the end times by the prophets.  We live in the close out of one age and the ushering in of another --- as did Noah.  Can we see it?  Can we understand it?  Can we accept it?

Hopefully we can see that earthquakes are getting more destructive, volcanoes are multiplying and hailstones are getting bigger.   Is this a repetition of the destruction of Egypt as Nibiru moves in?

By now, you should be aware that the Rothschilds are Edomite "Jews".  That they control the finances of the world through their position as managers of the "Vatican treasures."  It is through this economic advantage that they hope to destroy the offspring of Jacob.    It is also because of this economic advantage that the Eternal chooses to manifest His authority and great power (as He did in Egypt some 3500 years ago), and annihilate the offspring of Esau.  Can we comprehend it? 

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