Friday, June 8, 2018


From the desk of
Bill Ramey
6 5 18


John McCain, the Rothschilds, and Child Trafficking Camps: What Do They Have in Common?

Tuesday, June 5, 2018 13:53

Is CEMEX The “Keystone” ?-The Orwellian Chronicle

By now I am sure that you have seen the videos circulating around the internet of a local Arizona homeless veterans rescue group uncovering some Mexican Drug Cartel child trafficking camps.

I figured I would include the first video just so you can get an idea of what I am talking about in case you haven’t seen this.

This has to be one of the more disturbing things I’ve ever seen discovered by accident.

The camp in the video shown was found in one of the busier human and child trafficking corridors in Arizona. People are funneled to Phoenix from Tuscon in search of sanctuary, many times children are used as collateral and or are kidnapped and used to extort more money from the poor illegals being smuggled over the border by the Coyotes and Cartels.

And to those that have attacked people exposing the monstrous behavior on our southern border, I have one question for you. If rape trees don’t exist what is one doing in the middle of a child trafficking camp? Why are there restraints nailed to that tree and why does it have privacy barriers? Rape trees don’t exist and you are a bigot for questioning what kind of people are running these human trafficking rings.

It’s totally normal for homeless camps to have underground holding cells just big enough to fit small children in like these you know. The kind with entrances that are hard to detect via drone. NO BIG DEAL RIGHT? NOTHING TO SEE HERE

God knows how many poor innocent children have suffered at the hand of cartel monsters on their journey to Phoenix. This is literally one of the most disturbing things I have ever had to cover or investigate. I mean just knowing that the authorities in the area are trying to bury this makes it so much worse, however, it shouldn’t surprise any of you.

Oh, and Craig Sawyer himself went out there and checked out the site and confirmed that he does believe that is a child trafficking campsite.

You see because if you do some digging… If you do a little research you come to find out some really interesting stuff.

The property in question where this child trafficking site was found is owned by CEMEX Construction Materials South LLC. CEMEX is one of the largest concrete manufacturers in the world and some of its investors include.. get ready for it… Carlos Slim, the infamous Mexican billionaire that hates President Trump with a passion and uses the New York Times as his political goons.

Who else is involved in CEMEX?

George Soros… Imagine my shock?

The Bronfmans! Yes, the Bronfmans of NXIVM fame are also involved in CEMEX.

and I was saving the best for last… The Rothschild’s.

Yes, the Rothschild’s are CEMEX shareholders.


CEMEX is HUGE in Arizona.. and tied to Jeff Flake and John McCain.

So you have two vehement Anti-Trumpers in bed with CEMEX which has active cartel run Child and Human Trafficking camps set up on its properties along the I-9, with a ROTHSCHILD MAYOR. Rothschild funded Clinton’s, Obama, CEMEX, and John McCain’s Institute… You can’t make this shit up!Donors - McCain InstituteMcCain Institute

Yes, The Eranda Rothschild Foundation run by Sir Evelyn and Lynn Forester de Rothschild are donors to the McCain Institute! Yes, the same Lynn Forester de Rothschild whom the Hillary Clinton was so worried about upsetting and felt she “owed penance” to. Somehow at the center of another Pedophilia scandal.IMG_4811

I really wasn’t kidding… Jonathan Rothschild is the Mayor of Tuscon, Arizona. What the hell planet am I on? I’m pretty sure at some point I fell asleep and woke up in another timeline far more interesting than my old one, and far creepier.IMG_4807

There are literally tons of evidence that shows that property is in fact owned by CEMEX for those that are still doubting.IMG_4806

It wouldn’t be Conspiracy Truth if CEMEX wasn’t somehow tied to the Clinton’s, and they are through the Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative. Is anyone surprised that they walked away with a rather lucrative contract after Bill Clinton was put in charge of the Haiti Relief Funds?Cemex Haiti, an alternative to Cina Cements

Yes, CEMEX does have a foothold in Haiti in case some of you haters out there want to keep calling me tin-hat.

So, what do you guys think? This story has been suppressed for several days now by the Mainstream Media and I think it is because it implicated the very people that employ the Elite East Coast dinosaur news outlets. You guys think this is one of the booms about to go off this week?

I have a really good feeling about this week.

Check out some of the other videos about these camps:

You can find Videos on this directly on the URBAN MOVING YOUTUBE CHANNEL

Here is another

Hopefully, most of these videos stay up, I know that channel has had some issues with YouTube censorship as have many of us on the platform that seeks the truth.

These folks are doing God’s work out there.

Some background on the Arizona Child Trafficking camps:

Ramey comments:

For the past ten years I have shown in the pages of these Commentaries that America is about to be destroyed --- totally --- and left an uninhabited wilderness forever.  The above article only covers a part of the reasons. 

Adding to the wrath of the Creator is the "American head in sand" attitude that refuses to investigate such goings on and therefore no desire to correct them. 

Therefore America will pay as a nation for such corruption and idolatry.  I have shown in II Thessalonians 2:10 that the boarding pass for the exodus from Babylon, (America), is the " of truth" given and received.  I have also shown, in a series of articles, that this exodus may very well consist of less than ten people.  (" it was in the days of Noah").  The rest will pay the price for the idolatry and corruption of America.  If we cannot acknowledge our transgressions and turn this nation around, then we will share the fate of Sodom and/or the world of Noah's day, which is total destruction.  The die is already cast and the civil war of Jeremiah 51:46 is already raging.   Next comes the great shaking of heaven and earth and the looting and evacuation of survivors by the "...assembly of great nations".  We have been warned.

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