Saturday, June 16, 2018


From the desk of
Bill Ramey
6 13 18


June 13, 2018

Deep State” Goes Into Full Meltdown After Historic Trump-Kim Summit With Shocking Call For “Star Chamber” Secret Trials—And Stunning Move To Ignite World War III

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

With pro-Trump forces in the United States having recently warned that “if past is prologue, the Empire will strike back – hard and dirty”, a new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that a now melted down American shadow government “Deep State” is, indeed, striking back “hard and dirty” against President Donald Trump after his historic nuclear disarmament summit with North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un—with the “Deep State” first having Special Counsel Robert Mueller shock the very foundation of the US legal system by his declaring yesterday that defendants no longer have the right to see the evidence against them—and equally as worse, the Ministry of Defense (MoD) reporting that “Deep State” aligned US special operations units are preparing a “false flag  provocation involving chloride gas in the Syrian Deir ez-Zor Province that will enable them to force Trump into launching a new attack on that country’s state facilities—which Russia calls “unacceptable”, and will respond to in full force against.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, with world leaders from around the globe coming out in support of the truly historic Trump-Kim Summit—and whose first major victory of for President Trump came when China began removing its offensive missiles from the South China Sea—one would be hard pressed to find any favorable mainstream media coverage about it in the United States—and that is due to the “Deep State” aligned leftist media in America having solemnly predicted that this summit would never take place—but all of whom were shown to be the “fake news” fools they really are by Trump, who really doesn’t care what they think or say anyway.

If not for these “Deep State” aligned leftist media prostitutes in the US continually lying about everything, though, this report notes, the American people would know how truly historic and monumental this Trump-Kim Summit was—and whose near mystical origins began in 1933, when a young 13-year-old American girl named Ruth Bell was sent by her Presbyterian missionary parents to a boarding school in Pyongyang, that is now the capital of North Korea—and that was run an elder in the Presbyterian Church whose grandson was Kim Il-sung—who became the first Supreme Leader of North Korea from its establishment in 1948 until his death in 1994.

Ruth Bell, as history now records, this report continues, became the wife the most influential Christian evangelist in the world named Billy Graham—both of whom are credited with having convinced Supreme Leader Kim Il-sung to enshrine in the Constitution of North Korea the “freedom of religion” principle—and after the ending of the Cold War, saw Reverend Graham and his wife Ruth, in 1992, becoming the first international religious figures ever allowed to visit North Korea.

 American Christian evangelist Billy Graham presents his book “Peace With God” to North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Il-sung in Pyongyang on 2 April 1992

Of the literally thousands of Christian evangelical organizations around the world funded by the Lausanne Movement, this report notes, is the Liebefeld-Steinholzi School located near Bern, Switzerland—and that shortly after Reverend Graham met with Supreme Leader Kim Il-sung, saw North Korea’s leader place his young grandson Kim Jong-un into—and where Kim spent nearly four years without even his teachers being any the wiser as to his real identity.

North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un (circled) with his classmates at Liebefeld-Steinholzi School in Bern, Switzerland

In December, 2011, this report continues, Kim Jong-un was thrust from obscurity onto the world stage after the death of his father Supreme Leader Kim Jong-il—with his becoming the nominal leader of North Korea—but whose full and total control of his nation wasn’t achieved until June, 2016, when he was placed as the head of state.

Kim Jong-un’s rise to power in North Korea, however, this report further details, took a bloody course as he sought to rid North Korea of subversive Chineseelements” attempting to overthrow him and place into power his older brother Kim Jong-nam—who North Korea’sold guard” military and political leaders regarded as the “true heir”—and that saw Kim appeal directly to President Putin, who quickly responded by surrounding him with some of Russia’s most experienced, and feared, special operations protectors.

Tears trickle down the cheeks of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un as he gazes out toward the horizon while standing on a coastline.

The scene is from a documentary for party officials wherein a narrator explains that Kim is distraught over his inability to radically overhaul the economy to make the reclusive country a vibrant power.

Kim’s show of weakness shocked North Koreans, who are told to worship the Kim family as gods, but this documentary sends a message to party officials that they have no option but to follow Kim’s lead as North Korea prepares to stop nuclear testing and focus on economic development.

This documentary is also aimed at getting officials to accept the outcome of the Singapore summit talks between himself and President Donald Trump.

 North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un begins to show world his true Christian feelings

Responding in kind to Kim Jong-un’s stunning video revealing his true Christian love for his people and nation, this report states, President Trump, at this weeks summit, presented to Kim another video showing how bright and prosperous North Korea can actually become—and that globally renowned American author and commentator Scott Adams said “might be the best thing anybody ever did in a negotiation”.

Working with Reverend Franklin Graham’s global charity Samaritan’s Purse to, likewise, aid North Korea, this report explains, is David Beasley, the Executive Director of the UN World Food Programme—whom President Trump had appointed to this office and ordered to travel to North Korea—with Beasley reporting back to Trump that he was not only given unrestricted access to go anywhere in North Korea he wanted, he, also, encountered a remarkable sense of optimism he is sure would respond to by the world community in providing more funding to help feed the country’s children—and his further declaring: “I do believe everyone wants to open a new chapter in world history, turn the page and look to a brighter future.  My thoughts are: Let’s not throw cold water on that.  Let’s try to keep the momentum going”.

 President Trump’s appointed World Food Programme Director David Beasley moves swiftly to aid children in North Korea

Though World Food Programme Director David Beasley is pleading for cold water not to be poured on North Korea’sbrighter future”, this report concludes, the “Deep State” intends to do just that—and whose greatest fear is North Korea becoming another Russia where Christianity overcame the illusion of demonic globalism—especially because the Christian evangelical megachurches in South Korea view reunification with their Northern brethren as a religious goal—but whose only way of stopping now is to destroy President Trump—and that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is attempting to do by filing a first in history action in US Federal Court astonishingly claiming that he now has the right to keep his defendants from being able to see the evidence against them, that is an historic right that undergirds the entire basic foundation of America’s adversarial legal system—with Mueller even going chillingly further by threatening to subpoena anyone in the US Congress trying to stop him too—but whose “Deep State” fallback plan to destroy President Trump, should Mueller fail in his unprecedented power grab, is to just blow the entire world by conducting another “false flag” chemical attack in Syria—and that this time around Russia will fight back against with everything its got—that’s another way of saying “helloWorld War III, “goodbye world”.       

Revered Billy Graham

June 13, 2018 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Note: The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]

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