Wednesday, October 24, 2018


From the desk of
Bill Ramey
10 24 18



From the desk of
Bill Ramey



The announcement of the removal of our president was one of those surprises to me.  I was not prepared for that announcement and at first I refused to believe it.  I still have to wonder if it's final.  It would seem those who have initiated the coup are proceeding cautiously as well, as is evidenced by the time lapse before the announcement.  Is it going to spawn riots and even civil war?  Very possibly. 

The attempt to make it appear to have the blessing of the Most High reveals the ignorance of, not only those promoting this coup, but the world at large.  Few it is that understand that all the governments of this earth belong to Satan as we can see in Luke 4.  Few seem to comprehend the degree to which this world must be turned right-side-up.  Things don't improve because we wish for it --- they only improve when positive action is taken to ensure that improvement. 

In the days when judges ruled ancient Israel, they went through many cycles of prosperity, idolatry, captivity, repentance and deliverance only to repeat the cycle again and again.  Today, we have become too technically sophisticated to believe in the God that delivered Israel time after time.  The whole world today stands condemned for idolatry and we can see the result in Isaiah 24:5-6.   "The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant." 

6  "Therefore, has the curse devoured the earth and they that dwell therein are desolate;  therefore, the inhabitants of the earth are burned and few men left". 

Many think that WW III will start with nuclear war between America and Russia.  I don't think that at all.  I expect it to start with the quake of Revelation 6:12 followed quickly by the tsunami of Jeremiah 51:42.

Then the nations we are indebted to will move in quickly to pick our bones and sell survivors to the world as slaves.  In this process, some two hundred million Americans are going to die by famine and pestilence and by the sword of the invaders.  This is not religious fantasy --- this is the words of the prophets.  These are the words our "watchmen" do not want to hear.  Why?  Because they are getting rich from the sale of gold, silver, emergency supplies and copyrights.  May they be judged accordingly.

I am quite familiar with the mindset that says, "If the world is going to end, let it end while I'm watching "Gunsmoke".  This mindset represents more of America that what we would like to admit.  "Let's eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die".  It would seem that trying to explain reality to this mindset is an exercise in futility.

But the world will survive and those who survive the tribulation will be much wiser and much more receptive to instruction and wisdom.  If they can begin to see the bigger picture, they will be granted a parcel of the land promised Abraham and become a member of the greater Israel.  They will be charged with the responsibility of living according to the laws, statutes, precepts and judgments of the Most High in order to introduce Him to the gentile world.  This introduction will come about by the prosperity of this nation who demonstrates to the world that the one who made the promises of peace and prosperity (Leviticus 26) to the nation that lives by His laws is fully capable of fulfilling those promises.  It's the one system of government this world has not yet tried despite these promises.   

Gen Douglas MacArtthur, in his final address to congress, concluded his remarks with:  "We have had our last chance.  Unless we can find an alternative to war, our Armageddon will be at our door."  What I'm telling you is that "...our Armageddon is at our door". 


We find the four empires to rule planet earth from Daniel's day to the end of the age in Daniel chapters 2 and 7.  We learned through history that the fourth empire was divided into the southern and northern segments and we learned that the legs of King Neb's dream image, (chapter 2) were these two divisions,.  We learned in chapter seven that the division would continue until the kingdoms of this world (all of which belong to Satan now), are given to the saints of the Most High.

When the book of Daniel was unsealed some five years ago (foretold in chapter 12), we learned that these two divisions today are composed of the Christian and Muslim religions.  Together they make up the Roman Empire, headquartered in America as evidenced by the Empire State Building. 

The Vatican was granted "...all the power" of the Roman Empire for administering the inquisition and this is acknowledged in Rev 13:12.

Their wings were clipped however in 1588 before they could bring all the world to worship at the throne of the Pope and Satan.  This was the destruction of the Vatican navy (Armada) by weather and English Sea Dogs.  This was the impetus for the "...image of the beast" which is also alluded to in chapter 13 of the book of Revelation.  This was the creation of America as a nation by the Vatican for the purpose of replacing her navy with one that could police the world.  The rest of the story is history even though this part has been carefully covered over. 

America was created as the image of the (Roman) beast as evidenced by our senate which is a carbon copy of the Roman Senate and the Roman holidays built into our government.  They pumped life into the image with money --- this has been the life blood of our government since inception.  This was no great feat, of course, because the Vatican is the owner of the conglomerate of world banks managed by the Rothschilds. 

This choice of an Edomite family to manage the "Vatican treasures" was no doubt done with much consideration.  For one thing, the Edomites are near kinsmen to the Italians.  Secondly, the Vatican knew their enduring hatred for the descendants of Jacob (Israelites) and this was important in their pre-planning for the time of "Jacob's Trouble".  Their plan is for the complete destruction of Jacob's offspring --- how-ever, if we can believe the prophet Obadiah, it is the house of Edom (Esau) that is to be exterminated. 

This latest event of yet another Vatican plant in the white house will, no doubt, be trumpeted from the news pulpits across the nation as a new beginning and liberty will be proclaimed.  Also, the new myth that the cabal has surrendered will be promoted to convince the gullible masses that the playing field has been leveled and we are now living in a new age.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  When the dust settles from this event, it will be back to business as usual and we will see that this is merely the implementation of the new world order. 

This is apparent from the new money to be issued --- which, I assume, will still be under the control of the Vatican through their conglomerate of world banks managed by the Rothschilds. 

China and Russia are trying to throw a wrench into this machine yet it becomes obvious that they don't realize the depth of the conspiracy.  Russia's Putin still supports and listens to the Russian religious leader who has recently shown his subjection to the Pope in the event covered in the pages of these Commentaries, where a fleet of Russian navy ships delivered what is called the "ark of Gabriel" to the Antarctic.  I still don't know what this artifact is and how it fits into the end time scenario. 

But this end time antichrist move of replacing the Muslim chief with a Christian chief is simply more deception designed to keep Americans confused and manageable.  Though carefully disguised, it is more of the move supported by both parties toward the new world order.  The real game changer will come at the time of the earthquake of Rev 6:12, and it will not be long in coming as Nibiru moves into position in our solar system.  The last time this celestial visitor was in our solar system, it destroyed the world ruling government of Egypt?  Can we guess their mission this time? 

In Rev 12:9, it shows us the "...whole world" is deceived by Satan and this includes top politicos.  They feel they are in touch with the Most High through the Ark angel Michael but if they realized Michael's position in the heavenly realm, then they would realize how ludicrous this claim is. 

But there is little doubt that they will confuse and deceive the gullible public and even perhaps stage a Hollyweird spectacular depicting the "second coming" in a dazzling display of light and an ear splitting sound of trumpets.  Those familiar with the writings of the prophets will not be taken in by this shamanism. 

Their communications with the extra-terrestrials is simply more of the deception by the god of this world which is Satan.  His time is now limited and he knows this very well so we can expect a crescendo of destruction in the coming weeks and months.  If my vision of the future is correct, this will be concluded with the quake of Rev 6:12 to be followed quickly by the killer tsunami of Jeremiah 51:42. 


Perhaps we could start by arresting and prosecuting those who created the disturbance at the Trump rally.  Had the police been doing their duty, this would have been done anyway. 

Next, perhaps we should reopen the case of the Benghazi massacre and hold accountable those responsible.  Executive immunity has no place in a court of justice --- it is only found in the best courts money can buy.  Next, perhaps we should reopen the investigation into the deaths of JFK Jr and his wife and hold responsible (accountable) any found complicit in that murder.  While we are at it, we could also reopen the downing ot Flight 800 and do likewise.  And it goes without saying that the lid should be blown off 911 and the perpetrators executed. 

In fact, if we are going to talk accountability, according to the constitution, treason is to be punishable by death.  I do believe our congress found some 48 counts of treason against our previous oval office occupant.  How many of these counts involved Hillary?  If we wanted to create a deterrent to further treason, a speedy trial and a public hanging would be in order here. 

Think of the possibilities here if accountability were given a place of respectability in our justice system.  Montsanto could be held accountable for poisoning the countryside and promoting cancer.  Our medical profession could be held accountable for withholding information in order to push drugs for profit.  Our presidents could be held accountable for war crimes and our senators as accomplices.

The media could be held accountable for their cover-ups and outright lies so transparent in 911.   Our judges, at every level, could be held accountable for defrauding the public as with the CQV trusts now used by the courts to defraud citizens of their rights and property.

Lawyers, as "officers of the court", could also share in this account-ability.  

Yes indeed, this could be the revolution America has been looking for so let's all get behind Hillary and the media in this endeavor to push for accountability in every facet of our society, and every branch of our government.


Sananda: You Will Shortly Hear Of Official Surrender Of Cabal… Mike Harris (Veterans Today) Awaiting Absolute Confirmation On Paul Ryan And Gen. Dunford White House Rumors


Saturday, March 12, 2016 11:38

Sananda:  You Will Shortly Hear Of Official Surrender Of Cabal… Mike Harris (Veterans Today) Awaiting Absolute Confirmation On Paul Ryan And Gen. Dunford White House Rumors  


From Galactic Connections: Hey Fellow Galacterians!!! I just got off the phone with my friend Mike Harris who works with Veterans Today, the highly regarded journal of online alternative news, often cited on these pages. I wanted to know if he really believed these incoming reports about the changes at the White House.

This is what Mike had to report:

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was summoned to the White House where apparently President Obama presented evidence against him as a pedophile.

Scalia left the White House with envelopes containing photographs and evidence and was next confirmed by Harris’ sources (undisclosed by him) to arrive at the ranch in West Texas – only to be murdered the following day.

In fact it is said he was murdered by fellow pedophiles.

Mike said that according to his sources, there was no documentation nor was an autopsy performed on Scalia’s body to determine the cause of death.

Mike went on to say that Scalia was told to stop the spread of pedophiles – that they, The Feds, would go easy on him. They were crafting a deal with Scalia: that in return for his stepping down as a Chief Justice of the United States Supreme  Court,  and concurrent with  identifying the pedophiles in his circles, he would be under governmental protection and entitled to receive better treatment and protection than is the norm for granting other criminals of that ilk. Instead, the pedophiles killed him… and a manhunt is on.

General Joseph Dunford

Representative Paul Ryan

It’s time to take a closer look at those reports of Dunford in the White House and House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wisconsin as the next President.

According to Harris, this so-called rumor is currently awaiting absolute confirmation…. stay tuned.


Love ya

While the alternative news and truth seeking public has grown weary of the delays and skepticism (which is useless) is ever strong…  there are those who are not swayed by their faith in the Divine Plan… knowing that victory of the Light is inevitable…

Mike Harris from “Veterans Today” says he is waiting for absolute confirmation on these rumors … which is interesting. 

Sananda says this:

Yes, dear family, everything really is changing in your world.  We have persevered, and we have triumphed on every front.  All the systems we have worked to change have entered a new phase:  financial systems have switched over to new asset-backed currencies and transparent banking practices.  Governments are reforming in dramatic ways, and in the U.S. there is a new Interim President who will make announcements within 24 hours, if the schedule remains firm.  As we have previously confirmed, Grandfather has truly “pushed the button,” and the tsunami of wealth has begun to flow.  Like a river gaining depth and energy as it flows downstream, this river picks up momentum from tributaries along the way.  The River of Goodness is now completely unstoppable.  It is now just a matter of how quickly or slowly the changes will become publicly apparent.  You will be thunderstruck when you hear of the monumental shifts that have already been accomplished.

Now I must warn you not to leap to panicky conclusions.  You are not going to starve or be subjected to some tyrannical or despotic rule.  This is not a coup – just the opposite.  In the U.S., which was a hotbed and major financial power center of global criminal behavior, you will shortly hear of the official surrender of the cabal.  These criminal controllers made all-out attempts to stop the RV (revaluation of currencies) because they knew it would be the death knell of their power structure, allowing the rise of a new class of Lightworkers who can no longer be threatened or controlled by them.  They have lost their teeth (Isn’t that a humorous image?), and they know it. 

So, it is looking like the big changes are still here… and there are still delays in the process... have faith that the Company of Heaven is on our side, and has no intention to lead us down the garden path into full slavery… many humans are now learning that Sananda and the biblical Jesus, are the SAME SOUL… imagine how appropriate it is that the man who was crucified for turning the tables of the moneychangers… now leads millions of spaceships and billions of extraterrestrials, to welcome earth humans back into the freedom that was lost thousands of years ago. 



Collected messages uncensored from any cult created in his name…from numerous sources, of our returned Master Teacher.


Ramey comments:

Hopefully we are well enough grounded to see that past deceptions are being replaced with new deceptions.  Has America been forgiven of past idolatry and is peace and prosperity about to break out in our nation?  Sananda is representing the phony Jesus therefore, he is a phony also. 
Numbers 35:33   "...the land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood of him tht shed it." 
How much blood has been shed in our land?  When does life begin?  This is a question that seemed to stump the supreme court --- yet they could have learned the answer to the question had they simply looked to the words of the Creator of life.  Leviticus 17:11 says, "For the life of the flesh is in the blood..."  It's repeated in verse 14.  So if it bleeds, it's a life.  So again, how much blood has been shed in our land?  An equal amount will be shed in our streets!  Will it be only the trigger men or the wielders of the knife?  Or will it include all of their support groups? 

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