Friday, October 19, 2018


From the desk of
Bill Ramey
10 15 18


October 15, 2018

European Globalists Cower In Fear After Historic Trump-Quake Leaves Germany In Ruins

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A thought-provoking new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the fears held by European Union globalists that they occupied a special place in “Trump’s Hell, were fully realized hours ago when a defiant President Trump appeared in a nationwide television broadcast interview to declare that the United States has no ally worse than the EU—and whose damning words were translated into reality when Trump-loyal forces in Germany destroyed Chancellor Angela Merkel in an historic political earthquake election the likes of which have not been seen in nearly 70 years—that was quickly followed by Trump-loyal anti-immigrant forces in Belgium, also, nearing an historic election win—both of which now have these elite socialist EU globalists cowering in fear over what their fate may be in the rapidly approaching European Parliament elections expected to be held in 23–26 May 2019, where a total of 751 Members of the European Parliament currently representing some 500 million people from 28 member states will be elected by a continent seething in such anger, some experts are now seeing parallels between today and the late-1930’s, which led to World War II.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, for nearly 70 years, an elitist socialist cadre of Western European leaders enacted a master plan to enslave their entire population by seducing them with cradle-to-grave social services, while at the same removing from these people all of the vestiges of their Christian heritage and centuries long fought for freedoms.

In April-2015, this report continues, and in a furtherance of this enslavement plan, the leftist-socialist German Chancellor Angela Merkel unilaterally suspended the EU’s 1990 protocol that forced refugees to seek asylum in the first European country in which they set foot, thus flooding Europe with tens-of-millions of radical Islamic immigrants who would wipe out this continent’s Christian heritage and national borders forever—but whose shocking action saw the British peoples awakening from their decades long slumber and mounting a last ditch defense effort to save their nation and their freedoms—and is now called the 23 June 2016 Brexit vote to remove the UK from the EU.

Coinciding, in 2016, with the British peoples awaking to the full and terrifying leftist-socialist plot to enslave Europe and destroy all of its member nation borders, this report details, New York City real estate billionaire Donald Trump began sounding the clarion cry to the American people that what was happening in the European Union, was being planned by these elitists for the United States, too—and whose quickly awaking peoples, seeing the true danger their nation was in, put him into power to protect them against.  

Unlike past politicians in America, who rode their citizens’ anger into power, only to see them becoming part of the elite forces they were elected to battle against, this report notes, President Trump has waged total war against these leftist-socialists exposing them all for the hypocritical demons they actually are—two of which exposures occurred this past week to directly influence the German and Belgium elections whose peoples were shocked when Trump-loyal media outlets in the US and EU reported how France was refusing to honor the policeman, Arnaud Beltrame, who gave up his own life to save hostages from ISIS terrorists, because it might offend the feelings of Muslims—while at the same time, a tearful world watched in stunned silence when a Christian pastor, Trump had singlehandedly freed from captivity in Turkey, fell to his knees in front of the most powerful man in the world in prayer to God, his president and his nation—thus leaving it clear to understand why one Christian leader in America proclaimed about Trump, “I love him so much I can hardly explain it”.

Freed from brutal Islamic captivity Pastor Andrew Brunson kneels in prayer before President Trump in White House Oval Office on 13 October 2018

To other American citizens loving President Trump, too, for his exposing of these leftist-socialist demons, this report says, is now on full display all across the United States—such as the small city of Johnson City-Tennessee, whose 70,000 citizens this past week were overwhelmed by the over 90,000 people who came to see Trump speak in an auditorium that only held 8,000.

As to why tens-of-millions of the American people are flocking to Trump, this report explains, is due to their absolute terror of the leftist-socialist demons he continues to expose—and whose satanic actions this past week alone include:

Hillary Clinton herself now proclaiming that her husband President Bill Clinton wasn’t abusing his power when he forced a 22-year-old White House intern to perform oral sex on him in the Oval Office.

Most astonishingly, though, this report concludes, is that these leftist-socialist demons being exposed by President Trump remain oblivious to the fact that their insanity is playing out on television screens in every corner of the European Union terrifying these people as much as the American people are—a fact much too belatedly finally noticed by The New York Times who, in a rare timeout from their hourly destroy Trump at all cost campaign, posted an article three days ago titled “Democrats Are Blowing It, Again” whose opening words of lament and sadness state:

Michael Kelly, the legendary journalist who died covering the invasion of Iraq in 2003, once wrote that the “animating impulse” of modern liberalism was to “marginalize itself and then enjoy its own company.  And to make itself as unattractive to as many as possible.”

“If it were a person,” he added, “it would pierce its tongue.”

I thought of that line while reading a tweet from Nate Cohn, The Times’s polling guru: “Take everything together, and, on balance, it’s been a good 10 days of state/cd polling for the GOP in a lot of important battlegrounds.”

The “cd” refers to congressional districts, where Republicans now have at least a fighting chance of holding on to a majority despite the widely anticipated blue wave.  Even better are Republican chances of holding the Senate.  On Sept. 30, RealClearPolitics gave the G.O.P. a lock on 47 seats, with 9 tossups. Now it’s 50 and 6, with races in Tennessee, Texas, and North Dakota increasingly leaning right.  Donald Trump’s approval rating is also up from a month ago.

This wasn’t supposed to happen.  Not during a midterm when the opposition party almost always gains seats.  Not after 21 months of Trumpian chaos. Not after a year of #MeToo. Not after Christine Blasey Ford’s emotional testimony and Brett Kavanaugh’s angry retort.

And yet it is.  Predictably.  Once again, American liberalism has pierced its own tongue.

October 15, 2018 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Note: The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]

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