Monday, October 1, 2018


From the desk of
Bill Ramey
9 30 18



Mr. President:

It would seem from my 82+ years of experience that it is time to stop playing games with traitors whether they be democrats, rinos, republicans or independents. 

Our forefathers had a clear vision of the future and understood that the only way to handle treason was by execution. 

Your life is on the line and each day of delay brings more judges into the anti Trump campaign and coup.  Why?  Because  you represent the derailing of their gravy train and an end  to their uninhibited judicial piracy.  

These judges take an oath of office in which they swear to uphold the Constitution and yet we have not lived under the Constitutional umbrella in my lifetime.  It is my understanding that it was set aside in the early years of the FDR administration and supplanted with the law of contracts, (later renamed the uniform commercial code - UCC), and furnished by the new world order hopefuls we call globalists today.

It is also my understanding that there is not a Constitutional court left in America.  The supreme court tries to maintain a facade of Constitutionality but even it is only a facade.

This means that all judges administering the UCC are working for a foreign gov't that has already taken over America (deep state) but keeping Americans in the dark as to this fact to prevent a revolution. 

I submit to you that this globalist foreign gov't is as much an enemy to America as the democrats, rinos, many republicans  and fake news media that are working to overthrow the U.S. gov't and turn control over to the globalists.

Anti Trump members of congress are consolidating their opposition to you, and delays in taking action are only strengthening this opposition. 

It is my considered opinion that any further delay is further endangering your life and that of your family. 

It is time to drop the hammer on these vermin and let the chips fall where they may.  It would seem that the arrests of the ring-leaders are overdue and the military tribunals should be activated and executions expedited. 

We can dream of making America great again but it isn't going to happen until all judges in America who have violated their oath of office and committed treason are hung.  I hasten to add that if their support groups are left intact, then we have only band-aided this deep national sickness.

If martial law has to be declared and the fall election cancelled --- then do it!  Shut down the CIA, CFR, Fed Res, FBI, UN and all the anti American alphabet agencies feeding at the gov't trough while working for their global bosses.  If this requires "holding open season" on them worldwide, then do it!  I'm sure you would get loads of cooperation from the other nations. 

No nation, not even America, can long survive the widespread treason rampant in America today.  Our forefathers foresaw this and built safeguards into our gov't.  These have been sidelined by the plague of lawyers infesting America today.  Lawyers follow money, as do all crime syndicates.  Should not the BAR Assoc, (British Accreditation Registry), be considered organized crime? 

The fate of our nation is hanging on your decision.

Warmest Regards and best wishes.

Bill Ramey

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