Friday, October 16, 2015


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



"The Best Mix Of Hard-Hitting REAL News & Cutting-Edge Alternative News On The Web"

October 8, 2015

Creating A Gun Free America In 5 Easy Steps -  Federal Law Enforcement Officer Speaks Out On Martial Law And Looking Into The Abyss - 'This Is How Serious It Is'

The SQAlert republished above 1st video from an active federal law enforcement officer underscores just how perilous times have suddenly become here in America as the total financial collapse of our nation edges another week closer and the global-elitists prepare to implement their 'new world order.' With America turned into a 3rd world nation and the US Constitution's desecration nearly complete, Conservatives, Christians, and those who love America and the US Constitution have become the new 'enemies of the state'.

As the TPP prepares to criminalize the 1st Amendment after the man in the White House recently signed away America's sovereignty, the madmen and madwomen in Washington DC who think they have any chance of taking away the 2nd Amendment might soon find they've crossed the American people's 'line in the sand', bringing us ever closer to Civil war in America.

As a long-time anti-war activist, I'd be absolutely disgusted by the millions of deaths nationwide that would likely come with nutbags in DC attempting to disarm the American people, and as outlined in the 1st video below from Reason TV called "How To Create A Gun Free America In 5 Easy Steps", we quickly learn just how futile a disarmament attempt of the American people would be. The HUGE problem, Reason tells us, is by step 5, Americans on every side of the fence would likely be dropping dead like flies.

Informing the gun-grabbing Nazi's in Washington DC that gun violence, now at a historic low, would likely absolutely skyrocket should any real gun-grabbing agenda be initiated against the American people, we have to ask if that is what the NWO elitist's WANT to get out of the mess they have caused here in America and across the planet with their failed financial dealings, their never ending, unjust wars, terroristic bombings of hospitals and false flag operations in the Ukraine, Syria and around the world? From Reason.:

Guns won't just disappear because you passed a law. You need to confiscate some 350 million guns scattered among 330 Million Americans.

Sure, you can try a buy-back program like Australia, but like Australia that will still leave behind anywhere from 60 percent to 80 percent of privately owned firearms.

The rest you have to take.

You'll need the police, the FBI, the ATF or the National Guard—all known for their nuanced approach to potentially dangerous situations—to go door-to-door, through 3.8 million square miles of this country and take guns, by force, from thousands, if not, millions of well-armed individuals. Many of whom would rather start a civil war than acquiesce.

So inevitably gun violence, which is currently at a historic low, will skyrocket.

But that is how you get a gun-free America in five easy steps.

Personally, we're simply amazed that gun-grabbers would ever do such a thing as voluntarily put their own families, friends and loved ones lives in such obvious danger, not to mention the danger they'd be putting every American citizen in, all across the country, should they suddenly try to do something as insanely stupid as attempting to overthrow the US Constitution and try to disarm millions of law-abiding American citizens. 

In the 2nd video below, Dave at the X22Report discusses the layoff bloodbath that continues in our economy as we edge ever closer to collapse while in the 3rd video below, FaceLikeTheSun takes a look at the Strong Cities Network, the United Nations and the final implementation of the 'new world order'.

All News Pipeline thanks the fine men and women in the US military, local, state and federal law enforcement who continue to uphold the laws of our supreme body of laws, the US Constitution, especially in this day and age we live in, all across the country. God Bless You All!

Like I told you before Steve there's a lot of us out there in the top secret and beyond community that is pushing out intel little by little. This sadly is my mind set now, those that I've told, I gave all the same warning. When it starts, and if you can make it to me, don't be empty handed. And then I would hear their laughs. And I would go further into my warning, when this happens and you come to my protection empty handed and expecting me to take care of you, you will be surprised at my lack of response. This may sound bad, in fact I know it does, but I had to tell my oldest brother after I tried waking him up to what is going to happen, that if he came empty handed and he would leave with only the shoes on his feet. This is how serious it will get Steve, thankfully I am a Christian and my values would not allow me to do such an action, but the mercenary side of me would. What I'm trying to explain is, it's so dead serious right now, that if I were to take people in, who didn't come prepared, I would be taking my small ration of food away from my children. THAT'S NOT HAPPENING. Also i praise God that he gave me my wife who can keep that side of me in balance during these situations. But what I'm saying is yes, this is happening, yes it's going to happen, and no of course we don't know an exact date. I maybe high up in FED GOV ,but I still have to wait for days or weeks to get an email response from someone for crime stats. If the US Army has a plan to shut down and stop all traffic and significant incidents from happening in New York City, on the first day, fight the city on the second day, capture the city on the third and by the fourth day move to another city; then that would tell us that 24 hours after a massive shutdown or Martial Law event, your screwed and you ain't getting out of it no time soon.

I want you to know that's part of my damn's hard being an insider, it's hard knowing when to stop and get out or when to know that I've gone too deep. Well, I'm at the waters edge looking into the abyss and the next step is the plunge. Please Steve, be ready, but think of this, can you stop a platoon of infantry Marines or Russians that are accompanied with a few tanks and drones carrying lethal weapons? Only safe bet is to go to a place where choke points and concealment go hand in hand. Time to go to the woods. Over head tree cover can break up heat signatures, thousands of trees can block tanks and ground troops...choke points and concealment plus cover. Your homes are coffins, your cars are hursts, and no commercial grade underground bunker or reinforced house can stop me from wanting to get to you, period. There is nothing you can do about it. Get out of the cities, get out of the towns, time for running and hiding will be irrelevant when you have no safe place to go. Oh ya, for those who love their cell phones and tablets, if you go into the woods or mountains or valleys to make your shelter, don't bring your electronics. If you feel you have to then disable them by wrapping them up in the EMP pouches and foil and take the battery out. It can all be tracked. It is all being tracked. Be prepared, make your shelter now, make it small, and make sure your off the beaten path. I have 12 shelters, that only need supplies. Made from the enviroment and looks like it belongs there..think of why we couldn't defeat the Vietnamese. Sorry for the rant, but I'm at the point that I can't be civil about this sort of thing anymore, all I can do is try to scare sense into people. God help us all, Lord help me when it starts.

Ramey comments:

This fear mongering all sounds very plausible and well thought out but how safe will his shelters be when the meltdowns of reactors begin? 

It's easy to see how those who believe in santa and the easter bunny would believe that their small arms could save them from the wrath of the Creator --- which is exactly what the fall of America (the end time Babylon) will be.  If they can shed their "Christian blinders" long enough to check out the writings of the prophets concerning our time, there is much to be learned about what is just before us. 

To verify that America is indeed the end time Babylon, one only needs go to the little book of Habakkuk the prophet. He makes a positive identification.  His prophecy is about the end time as noted in verse 3 of chapter 2.  There can be no question as to the identity of the nation he is speaking of. 

We can learn that there is not to be a single inhabitant left in America!

(Isaiah 13:20 and Jeremiah 50:13).  If we become curious enough to want to know "To whom the Lord will teach knowledge and cause to understand doctrine...", we could go to Isaiah 28 and begin in verse 9.  We would find that it is taught "... precept upon precept ... line upon line ... here a little and there a little..."  In verse 13 we can even see why. 

There is much to be learned from the prophets and much has been covered in the past issues of these Commentaries.  But the bottom line is that those who survive the coming holocaust in America are those cultivating a " of truth", as we can see in II Thessalonians 2:10.  Religious involvement is not a love of truth. 

May your protection be according to your love of truth.


Many Protestants have told me, "God won't let this nation fall because we are a Christian nation.  Now that it becomes obvious that we are the end time Babylon, Sodom and Gomorrah and the image of the Roman beast all rolled into one, does this rearrange our perspective on prophecy?  It really doesn't change prophecy but it may well change our skewed perspective on prophecy. 

Our perspective on prophecy has been shaped by the confederacy of Jews and Catholics.  And they have been a confederacy for the past two millennia.  I am well aware the Catholic church has not existed that long but the covenant between the Jews and Roman Empire was ratified in the days of the Maccabees and you can read the proposal from Judas Maccabee and the acceptance by the Romans in I Maccabees, chapter 8.  The Vatican inherited the covenant when they were bequeathed "...all the power" (Revelation 13:12) of the Roman Empire in order to pursue the inquisition.  The Edward Gibbon myth of the Roman Empire falling in 476 AD was merely a smokescreen to cover the Vatican involvement in the creation of America as the image of the Roman beast.  Our senate is a carbon copy of the old Roman senate.  It was also to conceal the identity of the fourth beast of Daniel 7 as being the Roman Empire.  It is not coincidental that the Gibbon myth was published in 1776.  If the Roman Empire really did fall in 476 AD, why did it take 1,300 years for someone to write up the history of the event?  Hint:  It wasn't history --- it was myth.

Prophecy has not changed nor has the Eternal.  He assures us via the prophet Malachi, "... I change not".  So while Protestants were protesting that "We are a Christian nation", the lenses they were viewing it through were clouded with idolatry.  Had they consulted the prophet Habakkuk, they could have seen that America is Babylon (Chaldea).  Had they then consulted the prophet Isaiah (chapter 13) they could have seen that this end time Babylon is to be destroyed totally and it even shows by whom.  And it will not be occupied by other nations but will be left a nuclear wilderness forever. 

But prophecy was an obstacle to a one world government, so those with planetary dominion as a goal to be accomplished through deception promoted through religion, had to come up with a means of discrediting prophecy.  They did this by making it appear that the Roman Empire ceased to exist in 476 AD.  They did this by promoting the Khazarians as "Jews" and even creating a nation for them which they called Israel.  They circulated the myth that these are the remnant of the lost ten tribes of Israel.  They even created a new religion called Islam which, in prophecy, is the other leg of the Roman Empire.  (See Daniel 2 for King Neb's dream image). 

These legs are not joined before the kingdoms of the Roman Empire are given to the saints of the Most High (Daniel 7) and this is why I say the NWO may be finalized on paper but it is never to come to fruition.  It will not happen!

Now we are in the days of the last Pope and the time the Catholic church will cease to exist according to their own prophet Malachy.

The story has been published in the London Times and also in the Vatican newspaper within the past 5 years.   The present Pope has made several allusions to his reign being a short one. 

Horns, in prophecy, refer to military might.  It begins to appear that the militaries of the world are beginning to see the handwriting on the wall and that they will be included in the 90% population reduction. So we see in Revelation 17 that they conspire together to take out the source of the world's problems which is the Vatican.  This is the "great whore" of Revelation 17.  This is the Babylonian Mystery Religion and is the source of all other religions of this world.  This is the organization that has finalized the corruption of scripture and is to be destroyed by fire. 

Hosea 4:6  "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you ... seeing you have forgotten the law of your God, I will also forget your children".

For a short period of time, I was buoyed up with hope because a couple of those who consider themselves "Watchmen" seemed to understand that America is the end time Babylon spoken of by the prophets.  It seemed that they had gone to the book of Habakkuk and confirmed this and actually believed it.  But it seems that when they attempted to run this out to it's logical conclusion --- they found in Revelation 18 that this Babylon is to be "...destroyed in one hour".

It seems this overloaded their circuitry and now they are back to the same old "... lies inherited from our fathers".  (Jeremiah 16:19). 

I have shown in the pages of these Commentaries that Christ was not the founder of Christianity.  I have shown that both Christianity and Islam were creations of Rome for the purpose of "...deceiving the whole world."  I have shown that this was foreseen by the Creator and revealed to us today through the prophet Daniel as the legs, feet and toes of the dream image of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon some 2,600 years ago.  (Daniel 2).  These two legs, feet and toes were to make up the fourth world ruling empire dating from Daniel's day and were to be the last of Satan's world ruling empires  We have learned recently, by their own Catholic prophet/historian Malachy, that according to a vision provided him, the last Pope is now reigning. 

Can we believe the prophets of the most corrupt organization on earth?  The witch of Endor gave an accurate prophecy to Saul, the king of Israel.  I showed you in the last Commentary the massive efforts expended by the Babylonian Mystery Religion to "manage" prophecy and this is directed toward achieving planetary dominion --- as in the New World Order.  We saw their contrived "Armageddon" rebuffed last month even after years of planning.  My interpretation of this, (as I shared with you), was that the Eternal is showing the "elite" that He will set the "...appointed time".  (Daniel 11:35).  And when it comes, nobody will need to be notified by CNN, NBC or ABC.  The announcement will be the earthquake felt worldwide and described in Revelation 6:12.  The next few verses show quite plainly that it obliterates class lines. 

I very well know that the scriptures have been tampered with by masters of deception but world conditions and the heavens them-selves should put us on notice that something BIG is in the offing. Are we capable of doing our own thinking?  Can we look at the sky and see when a storm is coming?  Can we look at budding leaves and see that spring is near?  Can we look at the worldwide idolatry of religion and view it through the corrective lens of history (even mythologized history), and realize that it isn't permanent?  Can we look at the utterances of the prophets, compare their stunning accuracy over the past two and a half millennia and say, "These men were high on drugs"?  Are we that dumb?

Is the life of humanity really a cosmic joke and without meaning as the Darwinians contend?  Are we willing to stake our lives on that assessment?  Could it be that assessment is a part of the worldwide conspiracy directed toward planetary dominion? 

It is very difficult to break out of the box we have been given to think in and begin to realize the scope of the corruption and deception that we have been raised in.  It amounts to learning to think!  It entails asking questions and refusing the pat answers given by those who are a part of Satan's system that we live in today.  It entails taking the Creator at His word as "... to whom He will teach knowledge and cause to understand doctrine".  (Isaiah 28:9). 

This world is on the skids.  World rulers are now contemplating the reduction of earth population by 90%!  They know the words of the prophets and plan to do this with war, famine and pestilence.  The thing we need to understand is that this is the extermination of those who have been raped and robbed by them and could testify against them.  Oddly enough, the Creator is also looking to exterminate 90% of earth population but His reason is because of idolatry (religion). And He is going to use the same tools as the "elite" plan to use. 

Are you following the spoutings of the religionists --- "Give your heart to the Lord, your wallet to the minister and wait for the rapture"?  If so, you are about to be sorely disappointed.  Religion is about deception.  And that deception has been refined over millennia.  Take your pick --- they all came to us from the "Mother of harlots", and all are under the sponsorship of Satan. You can reject that; you can challenge that but you cannot disprove it. 

Satan's world and his kingdoms are nearing an end and he knows that.  This is why all the chaos in the world today.  It is from this chaos that his minions hope to bring order.  This has been a long time dream of his minions and they have formed many secret organizations to support the effort of bringing about this chaos.  And this is their last ditch effort to bring about a one world government.  And the prophet Daniel says it isn't going to happen. 

In the second chapter of Daniel, we see the four world ruling empires laid out that are to rule the world for the next two and a half millennia.  The stunning accuracy of this prophecy is verifiable through history in spite of the Roman efforts to garble that history with myths and render it unintelligible.  Their efforts are focused on concealing the identity of the fourth empire which is the Roman Empire.  Most folks think the Roman Empire fell in 476 AD and yet that is more myth concocted by a man named Edward Gibbon and published in 1776 as a smokescreen to conceal the Vatican involvement in the creation of America as the image of the beast alluded to in Revelation 13.  We live in the days of that image and we need to be aware of the rituals involved in the worship of that image.  The consequences of the worship of that image are not pretty and our indoctrination into those rituals begins in kindergarten.  The first one we learn starts with: "I pledge allegiance ..."

It is very difficult to get a handle on "...the lies we have inherited from our fathers". 


Potent missiles


Moscow’s Jaw-Dropping New Missile Is a 'Wake-Up Call' for Washington


The high-tech cruise missiles fired on IS targets from the Caspian Sea were largely unknown to the West. Now that their efficiency has been demonstrated, military experts around the world are shocked.


The Russian campaign Syria has drawn condemnation from the US and its allies ever since the first bombs were dropped. The launch of 26 cruise missiles from the Caspian Sea on Wednesday was no different.
Russian Aircraft Help Syrian Army Liberate Town Near Latakia Held by Insurgents

But while publicly deriding Moscow’s efforts to combat the self-proclaimed Islamic State terrorist group, military officials – behind closed doors – are thoroughly impressed by the technology on display.

The Pentagon is identifying the missiles as SS-N-30s, and while US intelligence officials had been aware of an earlier model known as the SS-N-27, the sheer range demonstrated in Wednesday’s raid caught officials off-guard.

"It should be a wakeup call that we don’t have a monopoly on the capability," Eric Wertheim, a US naval analyst, told the Daily Beast.

He added that Russia has now joined what the Daily Beast described as "an exclusive club of global military powers. And that should worry the Pentagon."

Game-Changer: Russia's Involvement in Syria Shifts Balance of Power

While Western intelligence was aware of the SS-N-27, that model was an anti-ship missile, and presumed to have a relatively limited range of less than 150 miles. The SS-N-30s, however, traveled roughly 1,000 miles, across two countries, before striking targets in Syria.

"The strikes engaged plants producing ammunition and explosives, command centers, storages of munitions, armament and [oil], as well as a training camp of terrorists on the territory of Raqqa, Idlib, and Aleppo," the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement.

Western analysts were also surprised by the fact that such long-range missiles were successfully fired from relatively small naval ships. The SS-N-30 is comparable to the Tomahawk missile, and in the US Navy, those are fired from vessel with a length of at least 500 feet.

Russia’s cruise missiles were fired from ships as small as 200 feet.

"Small ships, big firepower," Wertheim said.

Obama Advisors Recommend US Military Withdrawal From Syria

Russian strikes have already caused extensive damage to IS infrastructure, with roughly 140 being carried out since the campaign began. These sorties have already proven more successful than the year-long campaign conducted by the US-led coalition.

On Friday, the Obama administration announced it was shutting down the Pentagon’s infamously troubled plan to train and arm so-called “moderate” Syrian rebels. This followed reports from newspaper DWN, claiming that Obama’s top-level advisors were advising a complete US military withdrawal from Syria.

Ramey comment

From this day forward, when Putin draws a line in the sand, even BO will take notice.

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