Friday, October 16, 2015


From the desk of
Bill Ramey




For many years I felt that II Timothy 3:16 was proof positive that the Bible is God breathed and inerrant.   "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness."   In effect, I was "proving" the accuracy of the publication by the publication itself.

The reason we are so easily taken in by such deceptions is because we haven't been taught to think for ourselves.  We are shown at an early age that the questions have all been answered by people much wiser than us and we need only accept their conclusions.  It seldom crosses the minds of the masses to check into what the prophets have said about these people who presume to do our thinking for us.

Many people go through life spouting "scriptures" that are nowhere found in the Bible.  A college graduate in the field of business once told me about the story " the Bible" of the mouse who took a thorn out of a lions paw.  I said, "Jack, that isn't in the Bible".  He said, "Are you sure?"  So I said, "Yes, I'm sure.  That comes from Greek Mythology."  It was a private conversation and I didn't try to embarrass him.   He never quoted the Bible to me after that and in fact we  became quite good friends.  He even gave me a welcome assist in my working career. 

The Christian Bible has been bequeathed to us by a confederacy of two groups who are masters of deception.  The Old Testament was passed down to us by the Jews.  Those in charge of the O.T. scrolls were the Pharisees whom Christ called sons of the devil.  Perhaps we should look at what the prophet Jeremiah said about the Jewish religious leaders and the scriptures.  Let's check it in the Living Bible because the King James tends to gloss over verses that cast the religious leaders in a bad light.  When we check other versions of the Bible, we find them in agreement with the Living Bible.  The scripture I want to point out is Jeremiah 8:8.  "How can you say 'We under-stand His laws' when your teachers have twisted them up to mean a thing I never said."   

One version says the scribes have falsified the law.  It must have been this that Jeremiah was referring to when he said in chapter 16, verse 19 that "...our fathers have inherited lies".   And Jeremiah lived some six centuries before Christ came on the scene of world history. 

The other group which is in a covenant relationship with the Jews, (and I have shown this in past Commentaries), is the Catholics. They kept Bibles from the masses for centuries until the invention of the printing press made them plentiful and affordable by the masses.  But where did the material come from that was printed?  It came from the scrolls owned and edited by the Vatican and some of the higher ranking clergy.  Now, since the masses are so hung up on authority, most Bibles printed today have emblazoned across the cover, "Authorized Version".  Have you ever wondered who authorized it?  Most assume it was the king of England.  I challenge you to see if you can find out who authorized it.  I believe you will find it a research project worthy of your talents.   

This next article will give you even more convincing evidence that all religion is a creation of Satan for the deception of the whole world.

Original Scripture was Modified by The Roman Catholic Church


Tuesday, October 6, 2015

There are vacuum-sealed vaults underground in the Vatican library containing thousands upon thousands of original manuscripts, scrolls and books from the ancient world that were confiscated and hoarded during a span of over 300 years after Christ.

The Holy Roman Catholic Church, mother of all Christian organizations, successfully compiled a formulation of scripture that was taken from original ancient manuscripts to be modified and rewritten prior to their first canonization of scripture that begun at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD.

The final canon of Scripture, that has been recognized by all Christians as the Word of God for over 1,500 years, was settled on 28th of August 397 AD by The Council of Carthage. This Council met under the supervision of the Bishop of Carthage, North Africa, and the Western Roman Emperor, Flavius Honorius, the decrees being later approved by the Bishop of Rome, the Pope, who later also approved the definitive translation of St Jerome called the Vulgate.

Since then, the Bible has been modified and rewritten over a thousand times. Today, it makes no difference which Version of scripture you choose since its main structure was completed over a thousand years before the KJV and none of the newer translations will have original unadulterated material.

We call it the Word of God, Holy and infallible and dare not question any of it since according to the Church Fathers, “Holy Roman Empire Bishops Popes and Priests”, is the total infallible word inspired by God.

The Roman Empire took control of all spiritual texts and records and either were removed and/or destroyed and those who had spiritual knowledge and the true history of Creation were mass murdered by the Inquisition. This took out of circulation the very history of our world and gave the Roman Empire power and means to manipulate the ignorant population into their pagan practices which they integrated into their canons of scripture.

Confiscating the ancient records allowed the Holy Roman Empire an alternative invented “history” to be written which has disconnected humanity from its true origins and its Creator Father. Controlling history through their written history and prophetic events is important because if one manipulates how people see what we call the past, this influences the present and the future.

The Roman Catholic Church was built upon murder, torture, and lies and the only way any lie can survive is to create more lies and destroy the peoples who know the truth. The only spiritual thing about it is their continual exaltation and worship of Lucifer which gives them occult power to create their timeline and enslave the masses through their end time prophetic events.

The Bible, although laced with truths, is an extremely powerful tool with subliminal messages full of occult numbers, spells, codes, curses, allegories. It has been infused with occult energy and power by the Holy Roman Catholic Church to instill fear and to make it believable. Millions of people suffer depression, hopelessness, and confusion about life because Christianity as a whole has been placed under a powerful spell and indoctrinated not to question their Word of God.

The end goal is a One World Religion which they have worked towards relentlessly and ruthlessly.

All of this has directly affected each and every one of us. Humanity has suffered unnecessarily because of the denial of this truth. People have been coerced over the centuries into paying billions of dollars to keep this deception prospering and continuing strong. The survival and prosperity of this deception on Christianity requires only ONE thing-


Is it any wonder why Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit for discernment and not a book?

Ramey comment:

If we do our homework, we will find that the name Jesus, christian and church are also deceptions handed down to us by the "Mother of harlots"..  

October 6, 2015

Obama Refuses To Accept US Soldiers Bodies Killed By Russian Airstrikes In Syria

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A grim new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the Obama regime has refused to repatriate the bodies of at least 3 suspected US Special Forces/Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) soldiers killed by devastating Aerospace Forces air attacks upon an al Qaeda command-and-control center in the Syrian village of al-Latamneh that caused the deaths of over 134 terrorists and forced another estimated 3,000 of these enemy forces to flee to Jordan.

According to this report, and which we had previously reported on too, Russian combat commanders in Syria had feared the loss of American troops due to Aerospace Forces attacks on terrorist bases as these US Special Forces operating illegally in this war zone as commanders were ordered by the Obama regime to wear a combat designation patch on their uniforms that is nearly identical to that worn by ISIS/ISIL troops thus putting their lives in grave danger, and which at least 3 of the terrorists killed in al-Latamneh were wearing. 

US Special Forces Patch (left) ISIS/ISIL Patch (right)

Immediately after Aerospace Forces attacks had destroyed the al Qaeda forces in al-Latamneh, this report continues, intelligence units of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) identified these suspected American troops based upon their finding of “highly skilled” forgeries of their identification documents upon their bodies and, most importantly, satellite phones in their possession showing numerous calls made to various US military bases in Jordan, Bahrain and the United States.

Important to note, this report says, is that the Obama regime started working with al Qaeda in Syria this past August after this terror group changed its name to al-Nusra Front at the request of the Pentagon in an attempt to keep hidden from the American people why its government was now working with the terror group it had been at war with since 11 September 2001 after they had killed over 3,000 innocent Americans.

Austrian general, Matthias Ghalem, who in August was leading international troops in the occupied Golan Heights, this report notes, confirmed the Obama regimes “unholy” alliance with al Qaeda by reporting that the leader of the al-Nusra terrorist group had met with two CIA officers as well as Saudi deputy minister of defense Prince Salman bin Sultan in Jordan’s capital city of Amman.

General Ghalem further reported that al-Nusra Front leader Abu-Mohammad al-Jolani signed a financial-military contract with the CIA at this meeting where also attending were two deputies of Obama regime official Robert Stephen Ford who was the former US ambassador to Syria.

Upon being notified by the SAA of these suspected American war dead, this report continues, MoD intelligence coordinators contacted their US counterparts and provided all relevant information about these bodies and their possessions whereupon the Pentagon then cut off all contact stating that they were not authorized to discuss this matter any further.

As to the final disposition of these believed to be bodies of American soldiers this report doesn’t say, but, if past protocols are followed, they would be sent to Moscow where further MoD forensic examinations would be made, a secret agreement reached to repatriate them to the US, and an announcement by the Pentagon that these men were killed in either a plane crash or training accident.

On the other hand, though, this may not be the case as the Obama regime has (obviously) gone mad and we’re not in normal times anymore—and as, perhaps, best stated by Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova who earlier today in lamenting the West’s smear campaign against Russia stated:

Like those of the children and their parents in Syria who refused to renounce their Christian faith and were then tortured and crucified to death while calling the name of Jesus by these American supported terrorists.

And even though the Obama regime, along with its media lapdogs, still refuse to call this war what it is, the same cannot be said about Saudi Arabia, whose top clerics have now issued a call for jihad against Russia characterizing the Federations actions as an “Orthodox Christian crusade”…which in fact it actually is.

As to when our world changed and Russia became the global protector of Christianity against Islamic madmen, while at the same time the United States has become the protector of Islamic terrorists devoted to wiping Christianity out, is anyone’s guess—but with Russia now having ordered one of its main intelligence ships that coordinates nuclear strikes to Syria, the SSV 231 Vasily Nikitich Tatishchev, one can, also, clearly see where this whole mess is going to end up. 

October 6, 2015 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

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October 6, 2015

Is The History Of Mass Murder Soon To Be Repeated In The US? No Disarmament In History Has Ever Lead To Peace But Genocide


Time For Critical Thinking As We Have Reached Critical Mass In This Country!


“This year will go down in history.  For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration.  Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!”

-Adolph Hitler. 1935

“Criminals Prefer Unarmed Victims and Dictators Prefer Unarmed Citizens”

The brand new story from The Hill today tells us that Senate Democrats are planning on unveiling a brand new 'gun control' proposal to the world on Thursday, that on top of recent remarks made by the White House that Barack Obama will be preparing more executive orders on gun control, are just the latest signs that gun confiscation could soon be in the works for America as Obama gives a wink and a nod

One chart from 2002 says it all. 

As this story from Fox News clearly points out, gun confiscation didn't work in Australia and it surely wouldn't stand a chance of working here in America. Meanwhile, residents of Roseburg, Oregon are up in arms over Barack Obama's decision to politicize the recent shooting and largely agree with Douglas County Sheriff John Hanlin who once wrote Vice President Joe Biden a letter saying "gun control is not the answer to prevent heinous crimes like school shootings."

Most ANP readers know, as do those who have been paying attention to world history, that no disarmament in world history has truly led to 'peace' and they are often the prelude to genocide. 

We also now see the New World Order global government preparing to emasculate law enforcement here in America, attempting to take down America's next-to-last line of defense against tyranny with the establishment of a global police force here on American soil and the Department of Defense's order that has gone out to police nationwide to give back their weapons of war that could be used against a tyrannical government that suddenly shows their true face according to The Free Thought Project. 

Since calls are also now going out from the mainstream media to label the National Rifle Association a 'terrorist organization' as shared in this ANP story, we clearly see the globalists attempting to make their final moves, the complete disarmament of the American people and the demonization and emasculation of those in law enforcement all across the country who are quickly awakening to the globalists 'end game' and who have vowed that they will never disarm law-abiding American gun-owning citizens.

With 'mass murderer' Barack Obama, himself responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent women and children in Syria, Afghanistan and elsewhere throughout the world, once again calling for gun control in America, Americans have responded in kind by purchasing firearms in massive numbers preparing to protect their families and loved ones against criminals and potentially for a showdown with tyranny, a showdown that we pray will never need to happen. However, as the American empire edges ever closer to an end, the handwriting is clearly on the wall - the party is almost over. 

As the globalists prepare to complete America's transformation into a 3rd world nation with a potential World War 3 now close by on the horizon and America being relegated to the role of 'has been' as we lose the role of global leadership held for so long as shared in the 2nd video, the globalists realize that gun confiscation is the 'line in the sand' that America has drawn against them - if the globalists play that card, is there any way to avoid 'civil war' here? 

While Hollywood Joe Tussing makes it clear in the 1st video below that taking away weapons of war from our police department's sound like a good thing, he reminds us that UN tanks and MRAP's are already in place in America with a UN global police force preparing to track down 'extremists'.

We also have to remember that this administration is calling gun owners 'extremists' while enabling others to commit genocide in our name in Syria and elsewhere around the world, and our videographer asks if law enforcement will 'awaken' in time to realize that they and America have been sold out to global government as they ramp up their takeover attempts here on American soil. 

ANP recently learned that the director of the state of Texas' Department of Public Safety is now warning that ISIS has likely infiltrated our wide open southern border while Obama and the totally clueless left push gun control, aka genocide, upon the American people. Will Americans be able to overcome the forces of evil that are bearing down upon us in myriad ways or will we soon succumb to their tyranny? Why is it that the same crew that is pushing 'gun control' in America is arming 'terrorists' in Syria and has consistently armed 'freedom fighters' throughout the world when they don't agree with a particular dictator?

We pray that America can make it through this extremely difficult period of time ahead without civil war or outright gun confiscation in our country. However, we should all look very closely at what is happening in our nation right now, taking in all of the warning signs in front of us, and prepare for every possibility. As we have been consistently warned of by politicians, in Dimitru Duduman's prophecy and by many others recently, civil war is a very real possibility in America and America has drawn its' line in the sand.

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