Friday, October 16, 2015

COMMENTARY & OPINION - SPECIAL - Greatest Military Coup Ever

From the desk of '

Bill Ramey




Greatest Military Coup Ever Could Now Be Underway on U.S. Soil


Wednesday, October 7, 2015 0:04

In yesterday’s post titled, Obama Talks Martial Law, Texas Takeover, and Conspiracy Theory, you were introduced to just how sick a set of rules Obama plays by. There is not a moral or ethical fiber anywhere in his person. Just when it seemed like there was no one anywhere willing to stand up to the President who behaves like a 6th grade school girl, it turns out a whistleblower has stepped forward, somewhat reluctantly, and revealed that the plans of the New World Order, the Bilderberg’s, the Illuminati, etc., all of which obviously include Obama, are in for a serious smack down if what this whistleblower says is true. Based on how easily some of the information could be verified, and given who the host of the video below is, I’m going to take the man at his word at the very least for the portions involving the The International Court of Justice.

The interview begins with David Wilcock interviewing a remarkable new whistleblower, going by the name Drake for the time being. The subject of the interview is a series of mass arrests set to take place across the globe in the very near future, primarily in the G5 countries. The Interview is about two hours, but once Drake gets into the meat of the topic, the time flies. When I first began listening, I made the assumption the mass arrests being referred to would be the arrest of citizens with the potential to be “troublemakers,’ most likely from the Government “Threat List” Which Names 8 Million Americans To Be Detained As Soon As Martial Law Imposed!  



According to Drake, we are about to witness the largest coup in history, and those being arrested will be the global elites, or the New World Order, whatever you wish to call them. Until Drake’s testimony, the only media personality other than Wilcock who had referred to a mass arrest scenario of the global elites, has been Benjamin Fullford. Both have contacts both deep within the Pentagon at the highest levels.  Wilcock’s source (again, a very senior official within the Pentagon) vetted Drake for over 4 hours, and concluded the story he tells in the interview below is 100% accurate. After all, Wilcock’s source should know, because the vast majority of the military is on board with this coup. The entire interviews is below, and I cannot suggest listening to it for yourself enough, but in the meantime I’ll do my best to summarize the whole thing as briefly as possible.  

The name of the group that Drake has been affiliated with is called Freedom Reigns and you can find archived material at The focus of Freedom Reigns, has been on the subject of Nation States, however it is important you realize that any group using the term Nation State as part of their name is a fraud. Freedom Reigns has no official group roster, no leader, no database, and no one knows everyone else involved, and that is done as a security precaution.   

Much like I often refer to the American public as “Headline Readers and Soundbite Seekers,” because if the news doesn’t fit in a Tweet or on a bumper sticker, most people skip it, Drake Chastises the American people for becoming SO lazy that they’ve become incapable of vetting information for themselves when they hear it. Drake also chastises websites like mine, or like Alex Jones, accusing us of promoting “fear porn,” but until now, there was nothing to suggest the events we have been witnessing could be stopped. Because so many of us have been conditioned to cry Bullsh** no matter what we hear (and rightfully so most of the time), when events do begin to unfold, Drake said the vast majority of people will mistake the military and those who ARE the good guys for our enemy, which is partly why he has come forward to speak now.  

As I said up top, the main topic of the interview involves Nation States. Due to space constraints (you can always listen for yourself), I am going to fly through much of the legalease portion of how the majority of the United States have already declared their sovereignty and “disengaged” from the Corporation known as the United States of America, and they have done so rather slyly.  

To make a long story short, a group traced the origins of all law as far back as the Sumerian tablets from roughly 11,000 years ago. That form of law was known as Ecclesiastic law, which later evolved into Cannon Law, and the combination of the two formed English Common Law, which our own system is based on. The group discovered that provided a piece of property is correctly registered and boundaries clearly discerned, representatives from the group habituating there can declare the land to be a sovereign nation. Without going into detail, the research team and legal scholars came to that conclusion. Furthermore, all that is required to declare one’s land sovereign is notification to The International Court of Justice (French: Cour internationale de justice; commonly referred to as the World Court or ICJ) is the primary judicial branch of the United Nations. It is based in the Peace Palace in The Hague, Netherlands. Its main functions are to settle legal disputes submitted to it by states and to provide advisory opinions on legal questions submitted to it by duly authorized international branches, agencies, and the UN General Assembly.

Once the notification process is complete, the sovereign nation becomes part of a publication, and gets listed by the U.N in an International Newspaper. Apparently, the first attempt was made in Pennsylvania, and upon getting their receipt back from The International Court of Justice, several very high ranking members of the Pentagon showed up asking questions. The most pressing questions: Could it be done again all around the country? By the end of February 2015, The International Court of Justice had processed and already sent back receipts to the majority of U.S. States. Here is where things get extremely interesting. In order to be able to disengage from the Corporation of the United States of America, each sovereign nation had to have a Constitution, one that agreed with 1787 Constitution completely, it had to agree with original 13th Amendment, contain The Bill of Rights, The Articles of Confederation, and The Declaration Independence.   

By declaration of their sovereignty, disengagement, or their effort to remove themselves  (individual states) from the corporate U.S. Government, it had the legal effect of rebirthing the Declaration of Independence which clearly states on Page 2 that if the government gets out of control, the people have the right to take care of the problem.  

The manner and format of using those documents (original founding documents), in conjunction with a meeting of representatives of a representative state gave people the right to make the declaration for their independence. That, then gives them the authority, the civilian authority, to take actions as necessary to back up the civilian action taken, or in other words, defend itself. Not only did the majority of the states complete this process by February, but many of the Native American Indian Nations were included as well. As of right now, the majority of the United States has been set FREE from the corporate government legally, on an international basis. In the interest of space, you’ll have to trust me that is doesn’t conflict with the Constitution. Listen to the interview for the full details.   

The final package with the majority of the states came at one time, and by the time the last few stages were playing out, the global elites had caught on. They did their best to stop the process, but were unsuccessful. According to Drake and the insiders at the Pentagon, IF martial law is declared, somewhere between 80-90% of the military has agreed to go AWOL.  

Once the arrests begin, the precedent set will be for the civilians to control the military, the military controls the Federal Marshals, and the Federal Marshals support local law enforcement. Those actively involved in carrying out these arrests hope to disrupt daily life as little as possible, so martial law will not be declared, as no one expects much of a serious fight from the old crusty elites (my choice of words). At this point, the global elites have been so severely weakened financially, they could never come close to mounting an attack against actual law enforcement. For evidence of just how broke they are, one need not look farther than all the bailouts. They certainly did not do that out of the kindness of their hearts.  

There is obviously a great deal more discussed in the interview, and in much deeper detail, so I encourage you to listen and share with a friend. Drake says that when the time comes, local broadcasting will be commandeered, and announcements will be made to cut down on the panic of the populace. If you listen to Benjamin Fullford or David Wilcock regularly, you know that their connections within the Pentagon are solid. Let’s all hope and pray for a safe and speedy end to this vaccination of our planet from all the filth that has ruled over it for centuries.

A recent poll conducted by YouGov revealed that a sizable portion of the American public is open to the idea of a military coup in the United States. The poll was conducted amid the continual polling that takes place during the U.S. Presidential election yet it did not focus on the elections per se, but the potential lack of elections in the future.

The YouGov poll surveyed 1,000 people online and determined that 29% of Americans, over a quarter of the population, could imagine supporting a military coup against the civilian government. Only 41% could not imagine supporting a coup.

The numbers supporting a potential coup were highest among Republicans with 43% of them saying they could envision supporting a coup, 29% of independents followed, with Democrats trailing at 20%.

The numbers apparently increased in support when the question asked “whether they would hypothetically support the military stepping in to take control from a civilian government which is beginning to violate the constitution.”

Critics of the polls have suggested that the method used to conduct the survey was largely unscientific and not a reasonable representation of an accurate sampling of the general American public.

Regardless of how it was conducted, the real question here is “Why was this poll conducted in the first place?” Why are Americans being asked if they would support a military coup? After all, in the past, whenever a critic of the government would suggest such a possibility, that individual was laughed off the stage as being paranoid and hyperbolic. We are told military coups are not an option in the United States and, being the exceptional nation, we are outside of history. We are told that the very idea that a military coup could ever take place is laughable. So, why the poll?

Indeed, as the TWSP has asked, “Who commissioned it? Was it ordered up by a clique of ambitious and disgruntled military men eager to redeem their defeats on the battlefield with some kind of seizure of power here in the United States? Up to now, we do not know these answers.”

The question is thus: Are the American people being prepped to accept a military coup in the United States and the subsequent martial law that will almost inevitably follow such a seizure of power?

Was this poll conducted for the benefit of the oligarchs who would perpetuate this coup? Not likely, since the Pentagon and the Military-Government-Intelligence apparatus already has extravagant ways of knowing whether or not the American people are receptive to coups. Was it merely an exercise in predictive programming and trend setting polling data – the same method that is used in color revolutions – to create a sense of social consensus and promote the idea that the majority supports a specific idea?

Ramey comments:

Is this for real or is this more "smoke and mirrors"?  If the "elite" have been planning this NWO for centuries, do you suppose they would leave the door open for a military coup to wreck the plans centuries in the making?  

Who is to be arrested?  The "elite".  Is that the nebulous "they"?

Who set up Fulford and Wilcock's contacts in the Pentagon?  Was it the "elite"?  

Should we consult the prophets about a civil war in America?  Of course!  And we can see in the book of Jeremiah that there is to be one.  Jeremiah 51:46.   "...Ruler against ruler..."  and we have that war going on right now.  Will the rebels prevail?  Perhaps we should look at what yet another prophet prophesied for our time today.  

In the book of Daniel, chapter 11 covers the unfurling of history for some 2500 years and it is laid out chronologically.  When we drop down to verse 36 we see a ruler who certainly looks familiar.   If we follow on down to verses 42-43 we see an event that also looks familiar and we begin to realize that we watched it unfold on CNN in 2011.  That brings us to verses 44-45 and we see this ruler with still enough power to unleash war on the world as he "...goes forth in great fury to exterminate many" and to his death in the middle east.  The world doesn't end at that time but if we put the words of the prophets into perspective, it appears that America and Israel meet their end at that time.(See Isaiah 13 and 29 and Jeremiah 50-51). 

And now for the big let down --- the states that have appealed to the International Court of Justice have stepped into a tender trap.  If the ICJ is about international justice, then why is it under the jurisdiction of the U.N.?  And just what jurisdiction is the U.N. under?  It was organized under the "protective umbrella" of the "Treaty of Rome".  Who is pushing the NWO?  Rome.  There is little doubt that the ICJ clerk will smile while accepting the paper work and million dollar filing fee of these states then submit their paper work to the U.N. who will submit it to Rome.  This is a ruse to make Americans think that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  Imagine our surprise when we discover that light to be an oncoming train.

As I said at the beginning of "Ramey Comments", the "elite" are not going to spend centuries and millions and leave the door open for a coup. Are we learning to think and to add two and two?

Hellooooo ---- is anybody listening?

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