Wednesday, November 30, 2016


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



“Election Recount Going to Happen;” Soros Responsible for Funding the Effort


Friday, November 25, 2016 6:58

Some very alarming news has broken over the last 24 hours that third party presidential candidate Jill Stein was able to raise the millions needed (and then some), to be able to pay for the recount democrats are looking to use to stop Trump before he is ever sworn in on Inauguration Day.

Many media outlets are reporting that Stein already has the money, and considering how easy that would be to verify, there is no reason to think she doesn’t. What could be debated, is how she raised the money so quickly, but does it really matter?

According to Anonymous, who do you think provided the funds so quickly? None other than George Soros. This is one of the many political land mines I warned about when I said that voting may be over, but this election is far from finished yet.

This news is NOT to be taken lightly either. When you consider the tremendous amount of information We the People never would have known (and Trump probably wouldn’t have won without), that came from rogue hacking groups like Anonymous and WikiLeaks, this is a very serious development. Furthermore, since Jill Stein has the money, and since she is a third party who is requesting the recount, her request should be carried out.

Do you really think Democrats and Soros would go through all this if they didn’t have the outcome already planned? In the following video, I review the developing news, explain why the claims of “Russian hacking” spawning the idea for the recount are total nonsense,  but caution Trump supporters not to take this lightly at all. Remember, George Soros is connected to the voting machines in all three major states in question…

Most people who use social media have figured out that Facebook and Google are in cahoots with the government, for those who are well aware of the issues it’s high time you switched over to It is a website that is similar to Facebook but without all the censorship.

For those of you who are finally starting to realize there is major trouble on the horizon, largely as a result of the corruption within our own government and the 2016 election, the failure of the U.S. Dollar and Western banks, deteriorating conditions here domestically, or perhaps even because of nuclear tensions reaching all new heights, then I suggest you get your FREE GUIDE for how to survive Martial Law here, because if/when things begin to go south, by then it will be too late to do anything about it.

For anyone with no idea where to begin making preparations, a very good, and very inexpensive tool to teach you how and what you should be preparing, is a book called “Conquering the Collapse.” Since I’ve practically worn out my own iPad reading my copy, in the following link I provide you with a review of the book: Be Ready For Any Emergency – The Crucial Guide For Any Family’s Safety (Videos). You can learn more about the coming crisis in the links at the bottom under the heading titled, “If nothing else, these links are essential.” The writing is on the wall everywhere… Begin preparing….

Hacking Group “Anonymous” Has Issued A CHILLING Announcement

Something seriously bad is happening right now and it’s about to shift the face of democracy in the free world.

George Soros is well known by now for his donations to BLM and other extreme leftist groups, not to mention the millions he’s given Hillary.

Things just went to code red though, because Jill Stein has just initiated a campaign to demand a recount of the vote.

What is about to happen could possibly cause a civil war. Anonymous, the infamous group responsible for hacking multiple high-level officials and agencies, just made a grave announcement:

“It’s over, folks.

They are absolutely taking this from Trump. If you were able to see these stories they already have prepared for us to start running next week, your jaw would hit the ground.

They are going to “find” that the results were indeed “hacked”. They have everything set in place, and have been ready to play this out for over a week.

All 3 states (Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania) are going to be reversed and awarded to Hillary Clinton. Speculations are in the midst of who is pulling the strings, but this is undoubtedly going to happen.

Start preparing for the news to pour in, NOW.

When Michigan is reversed, it will send a clear message of irreversible corruption; the state had only paper ballots. Furthermore, the votes have already been certified. The stringent program was designed specifically to defend against cyber attacks.”

There is already evidence that death threats were sent to multiple electors, but that didn’t work. Jill stein has already raised enough money to trigger a complete recount of the votes in Wisconsin—the other 2 states are even cheaper.

This is BAD News

Trump may have taken Michigan, but it won’t matter. Jill Stein demanded a recount, and as a third party it will be carried out. The election WILL be rigged. January 20th is literally 2 months away. Do you seriously think they are going to remain idle for 2 months?

I’m a realist—I call it like it is and I don’t care who I offend. But, do not be mistaken. This is BAD news.

It’s already happening. Multiple fake “computer experts” have stated there are “anomalies” in the vote that favor Trump. Who have they blamed? Russia, however we already know that narrative is FALSE, because Wikileaks was working WITH members of our own intelligence community who could no longer stand the corruption:

So then what happened next? Jill Stein was able to push a recount order on these grounds. If foul play is “detected”, a recount can be initiated (even if the “foul play” is completely false and planned as a scapegoat to initiate the recount for Hillary).

Rogue Hacking Groups Like Anonymous And WikiLeaks Gave Us A TREMENDOUS Amount Of Factual Information During The Election Race. This Warning Is Not To Be Taken Lightly.

But wait a second.  How is Jill Stein connected to Hillary and why would the recount benefit Clinton? The answer lies in a serious screw-up that became apparent when a bot was found in the donation system.

Go to the fundraising website and see for yourself! The campaign was started literally yesterday and already has over $4,000,000 in donations!

This Is NO Coincidence. Do You Think A Man Who Has Spent BILLIONS Will Stop Now? The Media Is On His Side, Pushing The Entire Narrative!

That’s not the scary part though. What gives away the entire operation is the behavior of the donations. The funding came in at an absolutely perfect $160,000 per hour. That wouldn’t be odd, except the donations continued full speed through the middle of the night when all of America was asleep!

Jill Stein now has the money she needs to initiate the recount. Where did the funds come from? Soros. The mainstream media is pushing the narrative hard right now that the votes were hacked, even In Pennsylvania where that’s not even possible.

They are openly and brazenly lying about everything. Google, Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter are all censoring the spread of this information, creating dissent and misinformation. To make things even worse, the establishment has launched a campaign against “fake news”, allowing the mainstream media to dictate reality for hundreds of millions of Americans who receive constant news!

This is BAD news people, and it’s about to get even worse. There is no reason they would be attempting to pull this stunt unless they had absolute certainty it would execute successfully.

Please spread word of what is about to come. I will continue to keep you informed, but you must join me in this fight and spread word. This news is being suppressed on literally every channel. We must fight back.

Alex Cooper, CDP, Reports.

The Full Discussion Can Be Found At The_Donald.

Ramey comments: 

Is George Soros dead?  How about Hillary?  We see alternative news to this effect but is it true?  With the MSM infiltrating into the alt news, it is difficult to know what to believe anymore.  It's following the path of the NRA being infiltrated by the feds.  They (the feds) have unlimited access to money --- all they have to do is put on another shift at the printing presses.  Now we are all beginning to feel their spending habits as American inflation goes hyper. 

Will Americans awaken in time?  I see very few signs of that happening. 

US Media in Shock After What China Just Told Whole World About Trump


Sunday, November 27, 2016 7:48

According to Yahoo! News, Chinese media gave favorable tidings concerning President-elect Donald Trump Tuesday following a phone call between Trump and the President of China, Xi Jinping.

Chinese media reportedly hailed Trump’s rise to power as the beginning of a possible “reshaping” of Sino-American relations.

The president and president-elect spoke Monday, and the conversation was described as “diplomatically impeccable and has bolstered optimism over bilateral relations in the next four years,” according to the Chinese newspaper Global Times.

“Trump is probably the very American leader who will make strides in reshaping major-power relations in a pragmatic manner,” the paper continued.

This comes as a stark contrast to what the mainstream media would have us believe. It does not appear that we have any kind of trade war on the horizon.

One of the major contentions about Trump that many voters had voiced during his campaign was his rhetoric concerning China; he has gone so far in the past as to call the economic giant America’s enemy.

The New York Times published a transcript of a Trump foreign policy speech given in April 2016 in which Trump asserted that “(w)e have the leverage. We have the power over China, economic power, and people don’t understand it.”

That’s bold talk for anyone who is now having civil conversations with China’s head of state, but perhaps the Chinese appreciate strength and straightforwardness. Regardless of past rhetoric, it at least appears that China is willing to deal with the president-elect.


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



This Saturday, 12/03/16, Collapse and DC Nuked

Monday, November 28, 2016 19:37

The Economist World in 2016 Magazine and I, Pet Goat ii (the Next 9/11) predict 12/03/16 as the date of economic collapse.  The trigger event, according to I, Pet Goat ii, is the death of Obama, caused by a small nuke detonated in the DC area this coming Saturday. After that, the entire east coast (and I think Houston) is said to be nuked after this initial bomb is blamed on terrorists and war takes off. 

Ramey comments:

This is not intended to set off a panic but is in the news that you are not going to see on MSM. 

I see none of the things Benjamin Fulford reported on in the media.  Is that so strange? 

I don't see our oval office occupant being killed by a nuke in DC --- however --- if the threat is credible, it could precipitate the unfurling of Daniel 11:44 and, of course, the media would report his death in DC to fuel the war effort.  What we must remember is that they are history either way. 

The biggest armada of planes ever seen in Diego Garcia are there now and armed with nukes.  Most Americans have probably never heard of Diego Garcia and could not find it on a world globe.  There is a reason for this.  Diego Garcia is another "black day" in American history, (comparable to the Waco massacre, Murrah Bldg bombing and 911), and what our politicians did to the natives there is unspeakable. 

When I first started saying some 8 years ago that America is about to be destroyed, it was laughable.  The real news of the past few months has turned that around and especially the article about our generals in a panic because of the Chinese computer chips in our ships and aircraft.  Can one Chinese general with a laptop shut down every aircraft as it leaves Diego Garcia --- from a Chinese sub in the Indian Ocean? 

Some of the shutdowns of U.S. ships even made it into the media news even though most of them were blacked out. 

The outcome of WW III has already been determined some 3 millennia ago.  (See Isaiah 13 and 29).  Our current oval office occupant was put there by the Creator (see Daniel 4:17), to see that the final details are worked out.  Chinese chips are only one of those details. 

Our disastrous financial policy (or lack of a sane one) has been another paving stone in our destruction.  The robbery of Egypt and Libya moved the prophetic time line of Daniel 11 along and positioned to where we are today.  The creation of ISIS moved the prophetic timeline of Revelation 6 along and opened the 5th seal, setting the stage for seal # 6 which evidently is the trigger for the final destruction of America.  It is to be an earthquake, that appears will be felt worldwide but will be centered in the U.S.

So fasten your seat belts folks, December could be a rough ride.

November 28, 2016

Hillary Clinton “Money Grab” Causes US Election Chaos-With Civil War Not Far Behind

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An alarming Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today is expressing “astonishment/amazement” over a desperate Hillary Clinton “money grab scheme” that is causing chaos among the American electorate—and that her US supporting mainstream media propagandists will not tell the truth about, and could lead to civil war. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, Dr. Jill Stein, the minor Green Party candidate for the 2016 US presidential election, this past week began soliciting donations to recount the votes in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvanian—which the Green Party has done in past elections as they have long complained about the integrity of the American voting system. 

To the inanity of the American people who have, so far, given Dr. Stein $6.2 million for her “quixotic” effort, this report continues, it mirrors other such unexplainable actions by these peoples—and includes this past week them giving over $100,000 to a group called Cards Against Humanity to dig a hole for no reason that this group, also, openly stated was not going to charity and that it was all for them.

Where in the past Dr. Stein’s efforts would have gone virtually unnoticed, this report details, Hillary Clinton, without being asked (and being told by Dr. Stein she didn’t want Clinton’s help) , joined this recount charade and began begging for donations too.

With overseas governments clearly feeling there is nothing left to buy from Hillary Clinton due to her humiliating defeat by President-elect Donald Trump, this report continues, this latest “money grab” scheme of hers is meant to replenish her dwindling funds—and that includes the government of Australia cutting off all their funding to her, Norway decreasing their funding by over 90%, and her only being able to gain 5 new donors between 1 July and 30 September, all of whom are known and/or suspected criminals. 

Instead of the US propaganda mainstream media exposing Hillary Clinton for her “money grabbing” scheme, this report notes, only President-elect Trump has told the American people the truth that Clinton’s actions are a scam—and who is supported by the simple fact that he holds a 306 elector lead compared to Clinton’s 232, with Michigan being the last US State to certify that Trump won later today. 

To the full complexity of Hillary Clinton’s “money grabbing” scheme, this report explains, is to needlessly (and harmfully) drag out the 2016 US presidential election for as long as possible in order for her to gain millions-of-dollars more in donations—but that critically centers on court challenge later today in the State of Pennsylvania.

According to this report, Dr. Jill Stein filed her “Verified Petition for Recount” in Wisconsin this past Friday (25 November) 90 minutes before the deadline citing as evidence an affidavit written by J. Alex Halderman, the director of the University of Michigan Center for Computer Security and Society, who says he found persuasive evidence that results in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania may have been manipulated or hacked—and who is, likewise, expected to make the same claim when Dr. Stein files for recount in Michigan today before that State’s deadline too.

In Pennsylvania, however, this report explains, this US State doesn’t allow for a recount, instead forcing anyone contesting an election to file a court challenge and providing evidence that the election was flawed—and that runs counter to President Obama’s White House declaring that it has seen no evidence of hackers tampering with the 2016 presidential election.

With US federal law stating that presidential recounts must be completed within 35 days after an election, and that the 50 American States certification of their electors must be done on 13 December before they vote for the US president on 19 December, this report continues, the “true/real” evil machinations of Hillary Clinton’s “money grabbing” scheme is readily apparent—to keep the Electoral Collage from being able to vote thus gaining her millions-of-dollars more by conducting needless recounts, and then filing hundreds of court challenges to prolong this process even further. 

And should the US Electoral Collage not be able to vote to declare President-elect Trump victorious on 19 December, this report grimly concludes, Hillary Clinton may actually get the American civil war she warned about should Trump be elected—and that may have been her ultimate goal all along.   

November 28, 2016 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Note: The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]