Monday, November 7, 2016


From the desk of
Bill Ramey


November 3, 2016

Putin Confirms US Counter-Coup “Is Now Reality”—Warns “Bloodshed Is Soon To Follow”

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that the United States North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) notice to the Federation on 1 November that their military forces are now on “Sustained Alert Status” due to unspecified threats directly related to their upcoming 8 November presidential election have now been confirmed by President Putin to be related to an ongoing coup and counter-coup pitting forces loyal to Hillary Clinton against nearly the entire US intelligence community. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, in the early to mid 1980’s when President Putin was assigned to the First Chief Directorate of the Committee for State Security (KGB), one of the “central/main” operative missions he took part in was the massive spy-swap between the Soviets and Americans that occurred on 12 June 1985 when 4 Russian spies were released by the US in exchange for 23 of their spies.

Working with President Putin on this spy-swap, this report continues, was the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) psychiatrist Dr. Steve Pieczenik—who with Putin examined for “sound mental health” (sanity/non-brainwashed) all of the spies involved in this swap, from both sides—and that Dr. Pieczenik was a specialist in from his work treating CIA agents mental health issues.

For the past 3 decades, this report says, President Putin and Dr. Pieczenik kept “infrequent/informal” contact—with Putin eventually, on 31 December 1999, becoming the President of the Federation, while Dr. Pieczenik, during his long and distinguished diplomatic career, served as the US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger and, also, under the US presidential administrations of Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, and George H.W. Bush.

So it was with “grave alarm”, on 1 November, this report notes, when President Putin received from Dr. Pieczenik an urgent call wherein this former CIA officer and US diplomat informed him that a counter-coup was being launched by “main/central” elements within the US intelligence community against Hillary Clinton and the Obama regime for the crimes they are committing against the American people, with the goal being to indict all of them—and that immediately after talking with Putin, Dr. Pieczenik posted on YouTube the information about this coup and counter-coup for the whole world to see. 

This report doesn’t note either President Putin’s approval or disapproval with Dr. Pieczenik’s actions in making public the information about this American coup and counter-coup, but do note his stating that with this “now being a reality, “bloodshed is surely to follow”.

Siding against the FBI (who now considers this investigation as a “very high priority) and supporting Hillary Clinton, however, this report continues, is the Obama regimes Department of Justice (colluding with Hillary Clinton)  and State Department (covering up for Hillary Clinton)—both of whom Wikileaks has revealed have been shielding Hillary Clinton from being prosecuted for her many crimes.

With Dr. Pieczenik further revealing that US intelligence agencies, not Russia, gave to Wikileaks all of Hillary Clinton’s secret emails, this report says, the US propaganda mainstream has yet to tell the American people this truth—and that just hours ago was confirmed as being true by Julian Assange who stated unequivocally that Russia gave no Hillary Clinton emails to Wikileaks at all.

Also, this report further explains, Prime Minister Medvedev further enhanced the Kremlin’s position today on this issue by correctly stating that as the American’s are the global experts in manipulating elections, “it’s simply impossible to affect the results of elections in the US”.

And to knowing this fact as true, this report continues, one need look no further than Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu—who so feared the Obama-Clinton regimes manipulating an election to throw him out of office, was secretly recorded warning of the American’s election “super-software” programme and said: “The V15 movement [opposition group], backed by the American administration, brought software programs here… You know what I’m talking about. I don’t want to elaborate over the phone, OK? Super-software that locates voters”.

But to the likeliest of outcomes in the US presidential election, this report says, are the laws in that country saying that a candidate who wins a majority of electoral votes does not necessarily become president if the election is decided in the House of Representatives, and whom many Federation intelligence analysts fear will be the former CIA agent, and Mormon cult Nazi member, Evan McMullin—and as we previously detailed in our 10 August report CIA-Mormon Mafia Plot To Topple Donald Trump Sends Shiver Of Fear Through Russia.

With the American people still to this day not being told that the Mormon cult not only supported Nazi Germany, but actively participated in the genocide of what they called “inferior” human beings, and the American leftists supporting Planned Parenthood (like Hillary Clinton who told them “As president I will always have your back.”), whose founding principal is “birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race”, this report concludes, those saying that this election is the most important in all of American history are not only right, it is, in fact, the battle for the soul of that entire nation—and that should this counter-coup fail, will mean the end of the United States for all time.   

November 3, 2016 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Note: The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]


A few years before that, airplanes were discounted as foolishness --- by the ignorant.  They glibly said that, "If man was intended to fly, he would have been created with wings".

A millennia ago, mankind moved into the "dark ages" brought on by religious idolatry and even lost track of who built the pyramids and why.  They forgot the knowledge of their forefathers who knew the earth was a globe and burned those who dared challenge the wisdom that "the earth was flat."

At one time, the crossbow was considered the "ultimate weapon" that would spell the end of mankind.  The earth was considered flat and sailing the oceans into uncharted waters was considered the ultimate folly. 

Many authors have dealt with these many topics, at length, in an effort to show why we are where we are today --- and all seem to fall short.  Why?  Because of the concerted effort --- the conspiratorial effort --- to take the God of Israel out of the pages of history. He is returning with a vengeance and we can see this in the "little book" of Habakkuk and Isaiah 13.  Idolatry is about to be treated with the contempt it deserves. 

Are we capable of thinking outside the box religion has confined us to?  Do we dare think for ourselves? If we do, we challenge, not only religion, but the world at large.  We are urged by no less of an authority than the K/J Bible to accept the authority of "... those who have the rule over us".  And just who are those?  We can see in Luke 4. 

We stand today at a transition in world history and at a time when the knowledge explosion is going to rock the earth.  We can be among those whose hearts fail at this new knowledge or we can be among those who have latched onto the vision of the future and are ready to move on into the next phase. 

Religionists are now in the same boat with the "elite" and are seeing their sky falling.  Some are now trying to redefine what Christ meant when He spoke of, "As it was in the days of Noah..." 

For those with "...eyes to see and ears to hear", Noah lived to see one age closed out and another ushered in.  This fact stands out loud and clear despite the "spin doctoring" done to the story by Jewish scribes. 

We, today, stand at the closing out of an age and the ushering in of the next.  What does this mean?  We are about to see in the coming months and years.  Will the 1290/1335 day count of Daniel 12 begin in the next few days?  We shall soon see.  If it does, then we are in the countdown to the end of the present age and the ushering in of the next.  It is the time the prophets spoke of and the rescue of planet earth from the reign of Satan.  We are living in those days.  

The little counterfeit nation of "israel" is about to be destroyed.  America is about to be destroyed.  Israel will be resettled but America will not.  CAN THIS BE????  It is or the prophets have spoken in vain.


These include the understanding that the book of Habakkuk is describing America as the end time Chaldea/Babylon.  This is beyond disputation --- there is not even a close second. 

Revelation 18 says this "Babylon" will be "...destroyed in one hour."  What does "destroyed" mean?  It would seem that some self proclaimed religious leaders are saying that this means the corrupt rulers will be destroyed and that if you get in line behind themselves with your contributions, tithes and buying their emergency supplies, they will lead America back, with restored Christian ideals, stronger than ever. 

I have been telling you that Christianity and Islam are both idolatry and form the legs of the dream image of King Nebuchadnezzar of Daniel 2 --- revealed to be the Roman Empire still existing at the time of the end of the age. 

Isaiah 13 speaks of this same "Babylon"  and says it will be as the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah.  It goes on to say it will never again be inhabited. 

Jeremiah 50-51 give considerable detail about the destruction of this "Babylon" and shows (that it will be destroyed by "... an assembly of great nations" and that they will be led by the Medes (Russia) and Persians (Iran).  Enter 2016 and the folly of our oval office occupant. 

Why will America be uninhabited?  Because of 100 "Fukushimas" once electrical power is lost and the meltdowns begin.  Nuclear power is but another classic illustration of man's incapacity for self rule.  It is evident from Hosea 5 that America will be evacuated in a one month period.  What do you do with 100 million evacuees?  (200 million will have died --- see Ezek 5).  Why not turn a profit?  And the prophets tell us this is what they do.  Americans will be sold as slaves to the world.  Begin the three and one half year tribulation. 

There will be no rapture of millions of Christians --- that is more religious myth.  But there will be an exodus of a few.  A few is not measured in millions.  Christ said in Matthew 24 that it will be, "... as it was in the days of Noah".  If we can believe the Genesis account, only eight people were spared in that deluge. 

I suppose that I could wish that America could be spared and even pray for her salvation but the prophet Jeremiah was told 3 times not to pray for the nation of Judah at the time they were steeped in idolatry, some 600 BC.  America's idolatry far exceeds that of ancient Judah. 

I could immerse myself in the various moves to restore the republic we never had and rejuvenate Christian mythology --- but would it change what the prophets have written concerning America's fate? 

Somebody has to tell the world that the Kingdom of God is yet going to be established first at Jerusalem and will grow to include the whole world.  That message has now gone out to the world via the "Unalienable Prophets" blog. 

Now as we see a flotilla of UFOs approaching planet earth, it begins to appear that the Christian "wand waving god" is myth clean and simple.  We are about to witness a warrior God who is going to spill a river of blood.  (See Isaiah 63 and Revelation 9:16). These Gods (yes, there are two), will escort the exodus out of Babylon before it's destruction as we see in Isaiah 52:10-12.

Then our oval office occupant will make his escape from America because he has a date with destiny and it isn't in America. 

This "Lame duck" session promises to be more exciting than anyone has anticipated. 

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