Monday, November 28, 2016


From the desk of
Bill Ramey


Pizzagate: It’s Really a Cover-up of a Much More Scandalous Global Crime Syndicate


Tuesday, November 22, 2016 8:23

THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today




The Greatest Scandal of the Third Millennium


Epic Pedophilia Scandal Shakes The
United States Of America To Its Core


For those who are uninitiated in the subterranean realm of organized pedophilia, child trafficking, and Satanic ritual child sexual abuse, it is critical that you do not stop reading here.

For the nationwide scandal known as PIZZAGATE lies at the very nexus of the U.S. Federal Government and Hollywood.  Because of this grim reality, the reader can no longer ignore the extraordinary import of this ongoing scourge occurring across America 24/7.

That was the ‘good’ news; now for the bad news.


PIZZAGATE, sometimes known as Pedogate, is not really about run-of-the-mill pedophiles in government and politics, film and TV.  The tabloid press has been full of reports about the rampant pedophilia that has always gone on in both realms.  To say that they are joined at the hip is quite true and therefore to be taken literally.

However, there is a dirty little secret that has been painstakingly kept out of the public domain … and for very ‘good’ reason.

The pedophilia scandals that have rocked the USA are actually just a cover-up for something much more serious and sinister.  As follows:

Much of the child trafficking is actually being conducted in the interest of (i) organ trafficking from young, healthy yet involuntary child donors, (ii) tissue harvesting from extremely young and/or euthanized infants and (iii) blood harvesting from the same.

This is the real goal of the massive pedophilia network that has taken over American government and the Motion Picture Industry.  The conspirators who control the pedo-networks from the very top are seeking to use the children in far more nefarious ways than ever talked or written about.

Missing children, kidnapped Children, runaway children


Where do you think a vast majority of missing children end up?  Most are never found, and the few that are end up telling stories that are stranger than a Stephen King novel. Many of these children have been either outright kidnapped or lured into a predicament by their kidnappers and captors who appear to be their friends.

Because they have been quite unfortunately entrapped by individuals that usually know nothing of their ultimate destination or use, the real back story of so many pedogates has never been broken. That’s because the entire planetary pedo-operation is literally run like a C.I.A. black operation, whereby each operative functions in a highly compartmentalized fashion and on a strictly need-to-know basis.

Without this absolute secrecy being enforced in tandem with a communication code that is religiously utilized by all the co-conspirators, this worldwide blackop would have been blown wide open decades ago.  Thankfully, a ‘little’ Hillary Clinton fiasco known as Benghazigate took place in 2012 which set the wheels in motion for PIZZAGATE to explode in the Alt-Media in 2016.  Here’s how it all unfolded:

Benghazigate Broke Open Emailgate,

Emailgate Broke Open Servergate,

Servergate and Emailgate Broke Open Weinergate,

Weinergate Broke Open Pizzagate

Guess what’s coming next?

There’s a very deliberate agenda behind all the photos that are placed on milk cartons of missing children.  That agenda is now being exposed in real time for the whole world to see.  Those children are specifically chosen because of their bloodline, their astrological birth chart and their overall health status.

What’s the ultimate goal of the global pedo-network?


Those who sit at the peak of the pinnacle of the pyramid of worldly power seek one thing above all else.  The Powers That Be (TPTB) really do seek immortality. Not divine immortality as sought by the yogis of India or mystics of Kashmir Shaivism; rather, TPTB deeply desire human immortality. They want to live forever in a human body that never ages… or dies

Toward that end, they have zealously collaborated in an ardent effort to obtain the best means of ensuing longevity by every possible way, with the hope of ultimately finding the legendary Fountain of Youth.

It did not take these controllers of this realm very long to understand that children and infants possess the right stuff where it concerns maximizing longevity.  As a matter of scientific fact, the blood of a child is typically much cleaner and healthier than an average adult because they are not so toxic from living on Planet Earth for so long.

Of course, child organs are also much healthier and have less bio-accumulation of toxicities compared to older folks.  Hence, the organs, tissues and blood of young children are greatly valued by those who seek optimal health and/or wish to slow down their aging process.  For instance, blood transfusions are often received by the elites to heal a sick or rejuvenate an aging body. (Is Hillary Receiving Blood Transfusions?)


The revelations which are slowly coming out of the investigation of PIZZAGATE are both shocking and unprecedented in human history.  Most Americans don’t even have a clue about how the three branches of the US government, along with the Fourth Estate, have been controlled by the sordid secrets associated with PIZZAGATE .  Many a politician has been perfectly controlled throughout their entire careers because of various pedo-scandals hidden in their closets.

They are routinely compelled by the true masters and coerced by their controllers to act in a manner that often goes against the interest of their constituencies and country-at-large. Acts of sexual depravity and lurid sex crimes involving children have been used for decades to control the political class of America and beyond.

However, that’s all about to change in 2016…and especially in 2017.  Now that PIZZAGATE has been blown wide open, there’s simply no putting the truth-telling genie back in the bottle.  The Internet has seen to it that anyone can become a citizen journalist or armchair investigator in real time, and many are playing their parts quite well. Truly, the Fifth Estate is quickly rising in the firmament of media.

Because PIZZAGATE has been a primarily Democratic scandal, the centipedes who worked assiduously to get Donald Trump elected see these daily disclosures as a necessary vindication of their GOD Emperor as he is playfully known.  As such, the unparalleled devilry of PIZZAGATE must be exposed post haste if Trump is to be freed to govern without so much harassment from the complicit mainstream media (MSM).

It is primarily for this reason that the MSM has literally declared war on the Alt-Media, even threatening to stop the ad delivery networks by Google and to cease providing copy space by Facebook.  The exceedingly corrupt MSM mean business and will stop at nothing to prevent PIZZAGATE from going prime time. After all, the criminal MSM titans and their many agents have participated in this multi-decade scandal either directly or indirectly, and specifically by way of the ever-intensifying cover-up.

November 22, 2106


Editor’s Note

The following articles are provided for those who are new to PIZZAGATE. Each one offers a different angle on this rapidly unfolding “Greatest Scandal of the Third Millennium”.

Here are some newer posts on PIZZAGATE:

THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today

Ramey comments:

Have you ever wondered why the world would be " it was in the days of Noah" at the return of the Messiah?  This implies that there may only be eight people on earth at that time with a " of truth".

The " of truth" is the escape hatch from this Babylon of chaos and confusion. (See II Thes 2:10).

I'm sure Christians will challenge this precept --- and yet Christians are some of the most gullible people on earth.  They "... see no evil ... hear no evil ... and speak no evil."

And therefore 99% of them probably have already dismissed this article as "conspiracy theory", hit the delete button and moved on to something more entertaining and less disturbing.  . 

The apostle Paul said, "Know you not that the saints shall judge the world?"  These are not "political saints" canonized by the Vatican, but rather true saints who know the laws, statutes, precepts and judgements of the Eternal and are allowing them to reshape their lives.  When you look at it in this light --- it becomes more believable that there are only eight people with a "... love of truth". 

Can the "saints" judge the world without knowing what is going on in the world?  Abraham's nephew Lot lived in Sodom and he did not turn a blind eye to all that was going on there.  The scriptures tell us that he "... vexed his righteous soul daily" over the things going on in Sodom.  And yet the angels had to physically remove him from Sodom "before they could do anything".  Why? Because he was sealed for protection.  He was Abraham's nephew. 

I have shown you in the pages of these Commentaries that Christianity will have no part in the rebuild of planet earth.  They will be terminated along with Islam as the two legs and feet of the dream image of the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar --- representing the final (fourth) beast of Daniel 7 ---  Is this the truth?  Are you hearing it from anywhere else?  Does it need to be voted on to become truth? 

And lest you jump to the conclusion that I am an outsider looking into the Christian religion and judging them unfairly --- let me just say that I have examined Christianity from inside a couple of their organizations and these were fundamentalist groups who knew the laws, statutes, (some of the) precepts and judgments.  I had already looked into the Catholics and Protestants and concluded they were idolaters.  What I learned in these fundamentalist groups was that none had looked into where Christianity originated.  It did not start with Christ. 

Christians are not equipped to handle the truth.  When I came to realize this, I cut all ties to Christianity and religion.  It was revealed to me at this time that religion is a tool created by Satan for the deception of the whole world.  (See Rev 12:9).  When you think about it, it's the only forum available that crosses all cultural lines.

The world today is built on deception.  It isn't merely religion and politics, it's everything.  The unvarnished truth is, "There are no political solutions for today's world problems."  There simply aren't!

We have a civil war ongoing in the upper echelon in America.  We see an essentially dead Pacific Ocean.  We see world war still looming on the horizon despite the election results. 

What I think I see coming is a barrage of propaganda to convince us that Lucifer is the salvation of planet earth.  Are we prepared for this kind of deception?  It will be coming at us from movies, MSM, schools and those who rule over us.  We need to remember that they rule under the jurisdiction of Satan.  (See Luke 4).  Can we see this happening? 

There is a story on the desert and the setting was in the early 30s.  An old man had car trouble and was shut down along the highway.  He had the tools and the expertise to fix it but it would take time --- days.  So he set up camp along the highway and began the repairs.  As the sun was setting on the second day, a young lady wandered into his camp, hungry, thirsty, pregnant and destitute.  He shared with her his meagre rations and listened to her story of leaving home because the rules were too oppressive.  After the meal and story of her life, the old man took a walk and gathered a bundle of sticks from the sagebrush in the area.  When he came back to camp, he pulled one of the sticks from the bundle and gave it to the young lady and asked her to break it.  She broke it with ease and he then gave her two of the sticks from the bundle and asked her to break them.  This also she did with ease.  Then he handed her the bundle of sticks and asked her to break them.  She tried but was unable to break the bundle of sticks.  The old man then said to her, "This is family". 

He provided her with bedding to keep warm during the cool desert night and the next morning, the old man found the bundle of sticks beside his sleeping bag and the young lady was gone.  He assumed she had gone home to family. 

Simple story --- powerful lesson.  Whether it's true or not, I have no way of knowing.  

But it brings tears to my eyes and especially as I see the growing number of homeless teens in America today.  What is their future? 

Now let's take the story back to judgment and those who are making merchandise of children today.  Are they to be pitied?  Or are they to receive a double portion of the cup they have poured to these hapless children?  The courts presided over by the saints will be tempered with mercy --- the same mercy that has been shown by those appearing in those courts.  Can there be a more pure form of justice?  So it is written --- so let it be done. 

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