Tuesday, November 15, 2016

COMMENTARY & OPINION - 100 Year Old Prophesy

From the desk of
Bill Ramey


100 Year Old Prophesy


In the early 1900’s, there was already trouble brewing for America. The Federal Reserve was allowed to organize itself with Woodrow Wilson as President. WWI followed soon afterwards because the bankers now had the power to print up money and use it to gain worldly power. So, off they went to war. They didn’t achieve all their goals in that war though, so they needed another one, which was WWII. Unfortunately, these World Bankers who started running the show, using the U.S.A. as it’s war financier, are mentally ill when they think they can keep the whole damn world under their control. They have slowly but surely broken down our resistance to fight for the rights that are guaranteed to us in the Constitution.

The devil always recognizes the moments in history when he needs to sit up straight and pay attention to things happening on the earth that will bring happiness for all. This happened when Christ was on the earth, trying to teach the people and build a church. The apostles were hated and persecuted after Christ ascended into heaven, and Christ told them, “remember that they hated me before they hated you.” Any truths, such as what are found in the Bible, are never accepted by those who don’t have the Holy Spirit to be their guide. And, this problem is found in EVERY religion.


Those of us who see the need to prepare, are like half of those virgins who took their lamps to wait for the Bridegroom to come. When the Bridegroom took longer than expected to come, the virgins needed more oil for their lamps. Half of them had brought extra oil and half had not. The ones who didn’t bring extra wanted the others to give them some of theirs, but they refused, saying, “if we give you some of ours, we won’t have enough and there won’t be anybody left to meet the Bridegroom. The others went to buy and in the meantime the Bridegroom came, let the virgins who were prepared into the wedding feast, and when the others came back, they had been shut out of the feast.

When we look around us and see some friends who are anxious to prepare and others who don’t seem to get it, we are like the virgins in Christ’s parable. This has all been foreseen by John the Revelator and other modern-day prophets. We tend to push the possibility that God might be communicating with some here and there, but I believe He does communicate with us, using the Holy Ghost to guide us, and I believe that God has communicated with significant others in the early 1900’s.

Federal Reserve Board – 1917

One of these men was a man named John H. Koyle, who was asked by God to prepare a mountain for a time when it would be used for a gold mine. He was a farmer who didn’t know anything about mining, but he had previously made a commitment with God, that he would serve God all his days. He kept that commitment when he accepted the job to prepare that mountain. This man, John H. Koyle, had visions of the future and he prophesied things to come. Not only did he prophesy, but what he said came true. It happened like he said. To this day, I feel that I have something solid to rely on when I read the prophecies of John Koyle.

  • Here are some of his prophecies:
  • The economy will totally collapse on a holiday weekend where there is a holiday on a Monday. When this collapse happens, we will wake up with no electricity and possibly no utilities either. The economy will be propped up, as if on high stilts, and then overnight it will all come crashing down. Holiday weekend with the holiday on a Monday.
  • Russia will be on the borders of Turkey and they will bomb Turkey pretty badly. They will want possession of the Bosphorus and Dardanelle waterways. This is starting to happen.
  • There will be a 4 year famine, but it will take longer than 4 years to recover from it. The first 2 years of this famine will be the years when wheat can still be collected. But, the next 2 years, there will not be much food raised, especially in the 4th year. It’s going to be VERY important to have enough food stored and be able to grow your own food and have a way to water your crops. We are already seeing drought conditions in the U.S. and this is being caused by the chemtrails that are changing the weather patterns.
  • A tidal wave will hit the coast of California and there will be a few earthquakes in Utah.
  • The dollar will become worthless. Koyle saw dollars on the ground and nobody bothered to pick them up. But, it is wise to have cash in your possession for the time when the economy collapses. You will not be able to get much from the bank. Don’t store anything larger than a 20 dollar bill though.
  • Transportation will shut down and we will not be able to go to stores to buy food. Gas might be available if we have anything to buy it with, but you should have a bike or a horse around just in case no fuel is available. What Koyle described when the economy collapses, sounds like an EMP, so prepare to live with no regular electricity coming to your home. Protect your electronic valuables.

Those of us who love freedom, may have to walk to places of safety, so be prepared to move if you have to. Be prepared to help other people who have had to leave their homes for safety reasons. There will be a gathering of those of us who love freedom. Those of us who refuse to take the Mark of the Beast will have to depend on each other for what we can produce. We’ve become a dependent nation, depending on what other nations produce. Now, we will have to start relying on what we can produce–that means sewing our own clothes and making our own shoes and growing our own food and putting it in bottles.

We are becoming the Latter Day Pioneers who are waiting for the Bridegroom to come! This nation is God’s most blessed nation and His most valuable piece of property! Only those who will worship Him will be allowed to continue to live here. There will be a cleansing in this nation and if we are not watching and waiting, we will suffer the consequences. It all comes down to one question: How much do YOU love God? Are you watching and waiting and preparing, or are you caught up in the world around you?

We know what is coming. We’ve let it happen as a nation and now we will suffer. As a nation, we’ve cared too much about our wealth and our ease and not enough about whether our Constitution was staying intact. It is time for the wheat and the tares to be separated and the tares to be burned. Only those who cared enough will survive. Only those who remember what Christ did for us, will live. Only those who are humble enough to submit themselves to the teachings of Christ, will live in this nation. I pray that we may all find the humility we need in order to accept God’s common sense ways of living and being

Ramey comments:

I include this in the Commentary in order to give perspective.  It reminds me somewhat of the story of the three blind men that went to the circus to "see" an elephant. 

We should understand that even the Biblical prophets did not have a complete picture but only a part of it.  Therefore, it is put together, "... precept upon precept ... line upon line ... here a little and there a little ..."  It's a battle plan for taking back planet earth from Satan and not intended to be understood by the masses as we can clearly see in Isaiah 28. 

When the above author says God loves America and will not let her perish, he is parroting "Christian mythology" and is blindsided, it would seem, to such plainly written prophecies as Habakkuk, Isaiah 13, Jeremiah 50-51, Rev 18 and the book of Daniel, especially chapter 11. 

Isaiah and Jeremiah tell us America, (Babylon --- see Habakkuk), is to be destroyed, evacuated and never again to be inhabited.

If one has learned the instructions of Isaiah 28, ("To whom shall He teach knowledge ...?), then they should be able to connect the dots and realize that this destruction begins the time of Jacob's Trouble which Christians call the tribulation.  And both the Ancient of Days and Yahshua are in our solar system at that time and pay a visit to planet earth to gather a small group of their own who have learned the laws, statutes, precepts and judgments given for mankind to live by.  (See Isaiah 52:10-12). 

Incidentally, these are neither Christians, Muslim, Hindus or Shintoists. 

The entire world is deceived today, (See Revelation 12:9), by religion.  But the light is about to come on and the entire world will be enlightened.  Today, a few who call themselves "elite" hold the reins of knowledge but refuse to use it to benefit mankind.  Instead, they use it to benefit themselves and this is about to change in this generation.  They are hearing the "thundering hoofbeats" and the purge has begun as we have seen with the "Arkanciding" of many bankers.  The civil war between them will continue until Russia is given the go ahead to mop up this mess. This is laid out quite clearly in Isaiah 13 and Jeremiah 50-51.   And they know it's coming. 


I have been somewhat brutal to religionists who come to my door uninvited.  I was probably about 50 when a couple of Jehovah Witnesses came to my door and immediately launched into their rehearsed spiel.  I held up my hand and said, "Hold it". I pointed to the young man and asked, "How old are you?"   He answered, "15".  I then pointed the the young lady and asked, "How old are you?"  She said, "20".  And I asked, "And you have come to teach me about religion?"  And they began to squirm.

So I dismissed them because I had learned from experience the lesson contained in the title of this article.  

When my sons were in Boy Scouts, I worked with a Mormon elder in Scouts.  One morning I answered a knock on the door to find four young men wearing suits and ties who introduced themselves as Mormon missionaries and said that the local elder had asked them to stop by and talk with me.  It didn't take a Phd in Theology to see where this was headed, so I said, "If you are here to sell me on the Mormon religion, it would be a total waste of your time and mine."  They graciously bowed out without another word.  

I am neither a Biblical nor a religious illiterate.  I have worn out more Bibles than most Christians will own in their lifetime, looking for answers to life's questions.  I began finding those answers when I made the decision to cut all ties to all religion.  The answers even included the "...great and mighty things", promised in Jeremiah 33:3.

So am I boasting?  Not at all.  I was raised as the poorest of the poor in the Arkansas Ozarks.  I know poverty at the gut level.  I knew poverty that few Americans even knew existed.  I know the hopelessness of poverty when the extent of a young man's dreams is somehow working up to being a service station attendant --- and with no vision of anything beyond --- or, as my dream was, of being a hobo. 

My perspective began to change during a one term hitch in the U.S. Navy.  I learned to read.  I probably had not read more than a dozen books during my school years, other than those required in studies.  I did not finish high school but quit midway thru my junior year.  School just seemed irrelevant.  But with time to spare aboard ship in the Navy, I began reading and I think I read every book in the crew's lounge on the USS Duncan.  It was exciting --- exhilarating! 

Then a young lady in Long Beach, Ca. put the icing on the cake.  I dated her a couple of times and the last time, she asked, "What are you going to do when you get out of the Navy"?   Without really thinking, I said, "Be a hobo".  She came unglued!  I got a powerful sermon in one paragraph and never saw her again.  She said something along these lines:  "What gives you the right to retire from the world, live off the accomplishments of others and give nothing in return?" 

That was almost 60 years ago and I have pondered those words many times.  Need-less to say, I didn't pursue the life of a hobo.  I drew one unemployment check after getting out of the Navy and that was the last unemployment I drew during my working career.  I owe a debt of gratitude to Vicki of Fresno, Ca. for bringing me face to face with reality.   

Much water has gone under the bridge since those days in the late 50s and many lessons have I learned.  It's difficult to say which lessons are the most important --- the preparatory ones or the finals.  It seems my education really took off at the age of 60 with revealed knowledge.  At that time, it was revealed to me that America is the "Image of the beast".  (Rev 13).  It took me several years to accept that revelation. It has progressed from there and I have shared with Commentary readers these revelations.  Perhaps it is worth noting that I have had more dreams fulfilled than anyone I have ever known.  Does this mean my life has been a "bed of roses"?  Not at all.  But it has been exciting, rewarding and blest in more ways than I can count. 

In my working career in the Chemical Industry, I found that taking charge of a multi-million dollar project and bringing it to fruition was so much more rewarding than the empty hobo dream, there was no comparison. 

The question for us, and the challenge for those of us to live over into the next age is:
"How do you upgrade those limited dreams of today's youth, to open ended dreams?"  And if that question sounds a bit naive, think about it.

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