Tuesday, November 15, 2016


From the desk of

Bill Ramey



It would seem the whole world is asleep today concerning the times we are living in.  We have already passed the prophetic landmarks of Daniel 11:42-43.  We have passed the opening of the 5th seal of Rev 6.  Are we aware of these things or are we a part of those "... destroyed for lack of knowledge"? (Hosea 4:6).

The world is poised on the eve of destruction or so it would seem.  I am not one who believes the world is about to end.  I consider that religious superstition.  It is not something foretold by the prophets but rather is a "religious spin" put on the scriptures.  The world is about to be turned right-side up and we can see this in the various prophecies concerning the time of the end.  (The "end" meaning the end of the age and not the end of the world).

Are we ready to concede that the gov'ts of this world have had their chance to try every form of gov't they can conceive of --- and all have failed?  The ultimate truth is inescapable --- "mankind is simply incapable of self rule."

There was a form of government offered to the world some 3500 years ago, through the little fledgling nation of Israel, that was rejected.  It is about to be re-offered --- only this time we don't have the option of rejecting it.  This time it will be systematically imposed on survivors of planet earth and those opposed will simply be destroyed. Does that sound harsh?  What about the past six millennia of warfare --- do we consider that harsh? 

This world is about to be brought face to face with reality.  This world is about to be brought to a point of facing individual responsibility.  "Free lunches" are very near a thing of the past. 

The world is facing a "reset" and it will not be without pain.  It will not be without destruction.  The entire world under the jurisdiction of Satan will fight against this new regime because it means losing the control the "elite" have exercised for the past 6 millennia.  But that control will be put down although it will not happen with a wand wave.  It will happen over years and decades of time but it is certain and there will be no turning back. 

Jerusalem will soon be destroyed for the last time but it will be rebuilt.  It will be rebuilt as the capitol of the world and will become the model for the entire world.  Israel will be depopulated but will be resettled and will become the New Israel that is to introduce the Gof of Israel to the gentile world. 

This will be done by the survivors of the tribulation emigrating to the New Israel and living by the laws of the Creator given to Moses some 3500 years ago but were rejected by Israel at that time.  They preferred the idolatry of the nations surrounding them at the time.  This time, that is not an option.  Those who survive the tribulation will be given to understand that this is their last chance and that the world will go on with or without them. 

Does this sound harsh?  Reality is harsh sometimes.  Reality is where the rubber meets the road.  We have lived with lunacy for so long, we may have lost touch with reality.  We may have lost touch with the axiom that "those who will not work should not eat." 

Is it criminal to feel that those who refuse to provide for themselves should starve?  Or is this common sense.  I am not talking about those who fall victim to circumstances but rather those who become complacent as  "economic para-sites".  The public has no obligation to support those who refuse to support themselves and this has become a part of the economic insanity of America.  Liberals make millions from this economic insanity and it is time to bring it to a close.  It will be done. 

And economic insanity is not the only insanity that is to be abolished.  The entire world culture must be re-engineered and the present world leaders replaced.  Is that a pipe dream?  Even though the MSM gives a rosy picture of all being well and still in control, the "real news sources" paint a different picture.  Even though they may be able to control the anticipated economic crash, the incoming celestial visitor and the attendant flotilla of UFOs, seem to be worrisome and carry more unknowns than they are capable of dealing with.

Yes the reset is real and it will not be ad-ministered by world politicians but rather by incoming armies who have had nuclear weapons for over six millennia.  Are these aliens friendly?  If we can believe the prophets, we can be sure they will not be friendly to this world's politicians nor this world's armies.  Zechariah 14 and Revelation 19 illustrate this quite clearly.  Evidently their weapons will make those invented by men (although coached by Satan's minions), look like tinker toys. 

Will the American financed Nazi base at Antarctica be the victim of an incoming asteroid?  Would the shock to the planet trigger "...earthquakes in diverse places"?

Would it be enough to touch off Yellowstone, San Andreas, New Madrid and the Cascadia Subduction Zone? 

If the prophets can be believed, there is a massive earthquake that initiates the reset.  We find it in Revelation 6:12 and we find what follows in many places such as Isaiah 13, Isaiah 29, Habakkuk 3, Jeremiah 50-51 and Revelation 18. 

Prophecy, world conditions and unbridled corruption among world rulers seem to be linking hands to bring us the message that these events are knocking at our door aw we close out 2016. 


And the e-mails only expose the tip of the iceberg.  One can scarcely imagine a more corrupt pair.  If there is, it will be admitted to the world by a pardon of Hillary.

But this is the age we have been privileged to live in.  I say "privileged" because we have been given to see just how low on the ladder of depravity that idolatry can take a nation. 

And yet, it would seem there is not one in a hundred thousand Americans who can see this today.  This is not only to their shame but to their destruction.  Some feel this is normal.  Some feel that things are bad but we are going to restore the republic we never had.  Most are simply clueless. 

Can we come to grips with reality?  The Pacific Ocean is dead!  The American money SCAM has reached the end of it's rope.  The entire world is poised on the eve of nuclear war.  A celestial visitor is now in our solar system.  Satan's minions rule in the kingdoms of this world.  Is it really the end of the age or do we have 100 years left?

Are we noticing the long faces on the MSM news folks?  It's because they have been exposed as liars across the board and around the world?  Is our oval office occupant going to pardon Hillary ''' ?  Certainly --- because if she is indicted, he is an accessory.  Where do you start in order to clean up a cesspool of politics?  Do we have a precedent?  Yes we do.  In ancient Israel, there was a military man named Jehu who was anointed as king to clean up that cesspool of politics.  I think it is telling that he began his clean-up by killing Jezebel.  Does America have a "Jezebel" and is the fact that it is time for her demise known to all thinking Americans?

Did the prophets merely make some good guesses or were they really given some inside information?   Will the NWO really come to fruition as the media would have us to believe or do we stand at the thresh-hold of events that will trigger heart failure in millions?  Do we stand today at the threshold of Isaiah 17:1-4, which will touch off Isaiah 29 and with Isaiah 13 to quickly follow? 

We need to know where we are in this prophetic time line and that there will be an exodus of a few from "Babylon" before it is destroyed. (Isaiah 52:10-12).    We get a clue as to who these are in II Thessalonians 2:10.  This is not the rapture of millions as alluded to by Hal Lindsey.  A "few" are not numbered in millions.  The "few" are alluded to in Matthew 24, where Christ said it would be, "... as it was in the days of Noah."  If we are to believe the Genesis account, only eight souls were saved from the deluge. 

You are not hearing these things anywhere else in the world.  Israel is about to be depopulated and then resettled.  Jerusalem is about to be destroyed but then rebuilt and never to be destroyed again.  The world is on the eve of a crisis unprecedented.  It would seem that virtually everyone is expecting some sort of big event and yet few are prepared.  America will be destroyed and never again inhabited.  This isn't science fiction or star wars but is prophecy.  This world is about to change forever.   

America is about to see prophecy unfold as never before in the annals of history.

Will it happen before the 45th prez is inaugurated?  With the ramp-up of the Soros paid riots, it appears it could. 

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