Monday, March 5, 2018


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



1.  In America, where rigged elections have been the norm for decades if not centuries, how is it that Donald Trump achieved an upset unless the election was rigged in his favor?

2.  Was the Trump win really a tidal wave of grassroots movement or rather a slick exercise in reverse psychology by those who rig elections?

3.  Was Trump put in the oval office for the express purpose of destroying deep state --- and the U.S military? To think otherwise after a review of his first year would seem naive.

And now, for the most explosive question on this list:

4.  Did the "kill order" on the deep state come down from the Vatican to her vassal state of America? 

And now for the question that should make every thinking American sit up and take notice:

5.  Was Donald Trump "installed" in the oval office, by those who rig elections, to make America great again?  Or to preside over the destruction of America?

These questions may mean little to those who are locked in to the fake news media, but for those in the process of removing their heads from the sands of denial, they should have deep meaning even though much too "politically incorrect" for even the alternative news to touch. 

Did anyone notice that the fake news media steered a wide berth around saying the election was rigged?  Instead, they began beating this false drum of "Russian Collusion" then making up this "Russian Dossier" which they offered as "proof".  Is the fake news media an active and necessary arm of deep state? 

For those who consider this "far fetched", I would ask to review elections for the past century to see the kind of swamp denizens offered to America to choose from.  The preferred candidate was presented as a "saint" while the "goat" was vilified as Satan himself.  Our last prez was from the bottom scrapings and set the "contrast stage" beautifully for the "saintly", (by comparison), Donald Trump. 

The polarization of America into the two opposing camps of pro and anti Trump are even more pronounced and even more deceptive than the old two party system which was covertly blended into one.  It appears that as the civil war of Jeremiah 51:46 intensifies, we will have U.S. military versus U.S. military.  We see in that verse of scripture that it is leader against leader --- that is where we are now.  The prophet Jeremiah then says "...violence in the land" will follow.  We are now getting into that with the CIA sponsored school shootings ramping up and the fake news media tying themselves in knots trying to plug all the holes in the prepackaged news stories.

The second question, "Was the Trump win really a tidal wave of grassroots movement or rather a slick exercise in reverse psychology by those who rig elections?"

As more and more information surfaces, it begins to look as if Hillary was thrown under the bus by her husband and possibly her own party.  This entire operation has to be a better kept secret than the Vatican creation of America with the point man in that operation being a jesuit named Americ.  Why must it be so secretive?  Because it could move the Vatican up to the #1 slot on the deep state's hit list.  If you doubt that, I ask you to read Revelation 17:16 and ponder it at length. 

The entire NWO agenda has been pushed by the Vatican for centuries.  This included the creation of the UN under the protective umbrella of the 1957 "Treaty of Rome".  It included the supplanting of the U.S Constitution with the Uniform Commercial Code, (UCC --- formerly the law of contracts), and doing away completely with common law courts (Constitutional courts). 

Now, it would seem, the time has come to begin the extermination of militaries and what better way than to pit them against each other?  American military against American military?  Que sara sara.  The top two religions in the world are to be exterminated the same way according to Albert Pike.  It would seem that Obama set that war in motion with his creation of ISIS --- although Christians have not yet recognized this as war.  Will they wake up when the massacres begin in America by the sleeper cells installed here by that same regime and armed with your tax dollars?

Time is running out and as deep state's cloak of anonymity is being stripped away, they are beginning to panic along with their globalist "bosses".  I put that in quotes be-cause, at this point it would seem there is a dispute as to which is going to be the boss --- thus, the "kill order" which appears --- from scripture --- to emanate from the Vatican. 

New voices are joining the religious chorus chanting that the end of the world is nigh.  And, as is typical with religionists, they don't know what they are talking about.  There is about to be an earth shaking event
(literally), of epic proportions and as fore-told by Lucifer's prophet, Albert Pike, Islam and Christianity will be destroyed together.

America will be destroyed totally and permanently --- never again to be inhabited --- because it will be a nuclear wilderness.  We have the potential for 100 Fukushimas.

Israel, including Jerusalem, will be destroy-ed but will be resettled. (Isaiah 22).  Jerusalem will become the capitol of the world with Lucifer's replacement making it His headquarters and with the borders of the new and greater Israel being restored to those given Abraham some 4000 years ago.  At the end of the tribulation, those of Israelite heritage will have the option of emigrating to that area and receiving a plot of land tax free forever.  This is the part of scripture religionists will not tell you because they don't believe the prophets. 

When the cities of the nations are reduced to rubble by the biggest earthquake ever felt on planet earth, (see Rev 16:18-19), those living will probably think it is the end of the world, but the world will survive tho with considerably fewer people.  (See Isaiah 24:1-6).

Then with Lucifer (Satan) restrained for 1000 years (Rev 20) and his replacement duly installed as we see in Daniel 7:13-14, the earth will begin to heal from the idolatrous chaos and confusion it has become.

According to the prophets, survivors of the earth will "burn" the weapons of war for seven years as they convert this wartime economy to an agricultural economy.  "Burn" as in fuel for tractors rather than jet planes --- "burn" as in home heating rather than for war. 

It isn't going to be a pretty world that the saints and/or meek inherit.  It will be (and is) an absolute mess due to the stupidity of mankind.  Lest we forget, "Stupidity is but cultivated ignorance".  I would love to give credit for that gem because is smacks of the wisdom of Solomon --- but I can't find the article it was in and I don't remember the author's name.  My apology. 

After 1000 years, Satan will again be released and allowed to gather an army of those who want to go back to the "good ole days" of Hillary and BO.  He will amass an army big enough to threaten Jerusalem but at that time, he and his army will be taken out of the land of the living forever. 

Then it appears that the ruling city for the entire universe will be moved to planet earth, (see Rev 21).  Rev 20, verse 7 gives the setting as the end of the 1000 years.

All this is the good news --- the best news any real person could ever want to hear --- and I have scooped the fake news media again.  But this size event doesn't come without birth pangs and that is where we are now.  Hang in there as this world goes bonkers.

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