Friday, March 23, 2018


From the desk of
Bill Ramey


OMG! Military Man Speaks Out About FEMA Death During Hurricane Harvey – Watch Before it’s Taken Down


If you haven’t seen this yet you’ve GOT to. This guy was on the ground in Texas helping with the disaster relief and what he has to say here is just WOW…. It made me cry. I mean I know FEMA is killing ppl. But to have it relayed first-hand like this makes it so much more real. The govt is shutting down roads, locking rescuers out and then blowing up damns to kill whole towns of ppl which they’ve locked in. They’re also doing this to wash all of the bullet riddled bodies out to sea. There are THOUSANDS of them according to eyes on the ground.

He says that the ppl who are getting on the FEMA prison ship/barges are being turned into fish food. Notice how we haven’t seen one single social media post from ANYONE in these FEMA “relief camps”? Why is that you think?

This guy relays a story about how about 1500 Texans at (I think he said who were taking shelter at George Mason high school?) refused to get on the FEMA aircraft carriers because it had been discovered that once these aircraft carriers left, they weren’t making their destinations. The Texans at the George Mason high school where this was going on almost started to riot because of it…and because of the way they were being treated.

This man’s story is incredible. His entire team of rescuers were brought into the TX area by a state official right before they broke one of the dams there. They were basically brought in there and left to die but this man’s fast thinking and survival skills made certain he actually set up an outpost on dry ground…and he got some calls out and began getting hundreds of armed militia members and three percenters in there under the guise of “dropping supplies”…but each trip they made he was actually using these trips to drop 3-4 heavily armed patriots (each time) in these areas to protect Texans. He believes he stopped the gun confiscation they were preparing to do…and also the murder of thousands more ppl. He got over 1,000 heavily armed patriots into these areas to protect Texans. This man is a straight hero. You can see how emotional he gets during certain parts of this story… You can tell he’s re-living these moments as he’s telling them…and it’s obvious he witnessed and knows much more than he’s telling… The look of disbelief and sickness on his face….as if he can hardly believe what it is he saw and what he now knows… You can tell he’s having a really hard time processing it all.

These govt officials and private contractors were out hunting people and still are. All of this is probably going on in FL right now also. Just like Katrina. They were also going into the wealthy neighborhoods and doing their own “govt looting”.

This man’s story is a MUST hear. It will have you spellbound.

My Time At Hurrican Harvey

They are killing people.

After hearing this man’s story it makes you realize that that homeless man on the news WAS telling the truth. I’m assuming you guys saw the video of the homeless man? On live news?…A newscaster was in TX a couple weeks ago….interviewing a man who was weathering the storm on his own outside, taking shelter under some awnings. The newscaster walked up to him and asked why he was outside. The man said because Red Cross and another FEMA shelter were caught killing everyone inside. On live TV he said this!! The newscaster changed the subject very abruptly….the man then started saying how he was a police officer….he was cut off again. Here’s that video if you missed it.

Hurricane Harvey has hit Houston Texas with devastating flood water leaving many people homeless and in need of help. Swamp buggies are 9 foot average height and around 16 to 18 feet long. These guys have been here in the south east Texas area since thursday morning helping in many areas with many many people who need the help. Not once have these guys had a single complaint. They came down here from illinois on their own dime and time and they were never asked to come to Houston it was the mud family pulling together for a cause that needed them.

We have seen people using boats, big trucks and helicopters to save lives but this is the first time we have seen swamp buggies out helping and we couldn’t be more proud of our fellow americans banding together and helping in a huge crisis.

As chilling as it sounds this isn’t the first time FEMA has been accused of killing ppl in their care. Josh Coy, the talk show host of the largest FM radio station in Alabama started investigating the claims that FEMA was killing homeless ppl. He discovered that FEMA was picking up homeless ppl in blue vans and they’d never be seen again. He says it has to do with organ harvesting.

They tried to kill Josh Coy recently when he went in for a medical procedure. In the middle of the night multiple fake doctors came into his hospital room and tried to force him to take an injection. He was able to hold them off and survived the assassination attempt.

Attempted Medical Assassination of Josh Coy - FEMA Camp Whistleblower -

So it’s extremely disturbing when we see the homeless being openly separated from the general population and forced onto buses during these hurricanes.


Posted by a friend in a private group I’m in. She said this:

“This was posted by (name omitted), she is in one of my FB groups. She is a first hand witness to this. It is disturbing!!!

This alternative newsflash has come in to me today (9 SEPT ’17) from Central Florida….

Homeless in Florida are segregated, deported to unknown locations as Hurricane Irma approaches…

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Ramey comments:

I have alluded to the FEMA death camps a number of times in the Commentaries but this brings it all into much better focus.  We are well into the genocide of Americans and this should illustrate that FEMA, the red cross and medical profession are among the chief executioners.

(This article does not mention the medical profession but I have shown it in previous posts.)

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