Saturday, May 12, 2018


From the desk of
Bill Ramey
5 8 18


May 8, 2018

Deep State” Sex Pervert Who Thought He Could Take Down Trump Learns Quick Lesson On Why You Don’t Attack Man Who Controls Most Of World’s Top Spies

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An interesting new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that US government and private intelligence forces loyal to President Donald Trump have just successfully “politically assassinated” the Democratic Party Attorney General for New York Eric Schneiderman by exposing his demonically inspired sexually perverted crimes against women—and that Schneiderman should have seen was coming after he joined forces with Special Counsel Robert Mueller to take down Trump in a “Deep State” coup.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

 Perverted sex criminal New York Attorney Eric Schneiderman (right) resigns from office in humiliation on 7 May 2018

According to this report, one of the continuing fears being held by the “Deep State” is President Trump’s ability to pardon anyone prosecuted during Special Counsel Robert Mueller’switch hunt” coup—but whose presidential powers to pardon don’t extend to those prosecuted for State crimes—and that led Special Counsel Muller to team up with New York Attorney General Schneiderman so that anyone caught up in this “witch hunt” could placed beyond the protective power of Trump.

Once he was tapped by Special Counsel Muller to join the “Deep State” coup against President Trump, this report continues, Attorney General Schneiderman had his Democratic Party wrap him in the “sanctimonious robes” of being one the greatest protectors of women rights America had ever seen—that enabled him to position himself as a champion of the #MeToo movement, and then sue Harvey Weinstein and The Weinstein Company in the wake of the sexual-harassment scandal that spurred a US national reckoning over the way men treat women—but with no one bothering to notice that as far back as 2013, Trump already “had the goods” on him, and upon Schneiderman taking office, caused Trump to issue a warning Tweet stating about him: “Wait and see, worse than Spitzer or Weiner”. 

With the SVR, just days ago, having proclaimed that the “Season of Assassins” has arrived in the United States as Trump’s powerful and secretive intelligence operation spreads out across America to destroy the “Deep State, this report details, further being ignored by “Deep State” operatives, like Attorney General Schneiderman, has been President Trump’s nearly 50 year tutelage under the most feared political operatives ever known named Roy Cohn—whose uncovering of the secret depraved sex lives of his enemies, and then exposing them, is now being used by Trump today.

President Trump’s FBI Director Christopher Wray (center) continues purge of “Deep State” operatives

Due to its having been turned into the political enforcement arm of the Obama regime and Hillary Clinton 2016 US presidential campaign, this report further notes, the once globally respected FBI has been so destroyed by this “Deep State” coup against President Trump, retired FBI counter terror leader Jeffrey Danik is now warning that the crisis that it’s in “is worse then you think”—and that he says is due to “a severe lack of leadership” under former Director Comey and crimes “have about pushed our incredible organization over the brink”.

To anyone wondering how the FBI was able to become so politically corrupted it forgot its mission of protecting the American people and, instead, began using it massive state power to launch a coup against a democratically elected President of the United States, this report explains, can be seen in its being controlled by the Democratic Party—that’s described as “an ultra-liberal mess”, with the States (called “Blue States”) they maintain total control over now seeing their residents leave as fast as can—and who are fleeing from California, fleeing from New York, fleeing from New Jersey, fleeing from Illinois, and fleeing from Colorado—to just name a few.     

 Want to know more?  Click HERE.

Even to succeeding in the “Deep State” coup the Democratic Party is leading against President Trump, this report further notes, they are failing miserably, too, as they’re quickly discovering that “resistance is not a winning strategy”—and who are now facing a Trump-led Republican Party that’s operating its biggest field program to date, with more staff and more money than ever before—and thanks to President Trump and a Republican Congress, have got a winning agenda on the ballot for the 2018 Midterm Elections, too.

Also to note, this report says, is that the Republican Party has a tremendous advantage over the Democratic Party in fundraising, with over $42.9 million cash on hand, over $171.6 million for the cycle to date, and zero debt—that’s three times the amount of cash on hand that they had at the same point in the 2014 midterm election cycle—but with the Democratic Party having only $10 million cash on hand, and an even more significant $6.6 million of debt heading into the midterms—and where these Democrats will be facing a powerful Republican Leadership Initiative programme that has trained more than 12,000 fellows to date—and who have, also, dedicated $200 million in digital, tech, and data work to be used by their data team who have modeled nearly 90 billion voter predictions to date, which help them understand and engage directly with voters all over America.

In facing certain defeat against this Trump-led Republic Party juggernaut heading into the 2018 Midterm Elections, this report concludes, the Democratic Party has put its last hope in the leftist-communist US mainstream propaganda media pummeling Trump with hourly attacks—but that new reports show that instead of these attacks hurting Trump at all, they are actually “Killing The Democratic Party”—with these Democrats still failing to recognize that Trump’s legal dramas, though good for ratings, have done little to benefit them at all—with, astoundingly, Trump’s approval rating even going on the upswing to such an extent, pollsters with Reuters/Ipsos actually quarantined their own poll because it showed Trump’s popularity surging—and is why all of these “Deep State” aligned Democrats are now flocking to a just published manifesto titled “It's Time to Fight Dirty: How Democrats Can Build a Lasting Majority in American Politics”—and whose prescription for taking power includes turning California into 7 Democratic Party controlled States that would allow them take control of the US Senate by its having 12 more Democratic US senators—and who upon taking control of the US Senate, would then expand the Supreme Court so it would controlled by Democrats forever—and if all of this is accomplished, then their being able to unleash a reign of leftist terror upon all America—but after they take away all of the guns first.
 “I've decided to cut out the part of the speech where I say anything nice about Democrats.” Ann Coulter

May 8, 2018 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Note: The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]

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