Tuesday, May 1, 2018


From the desk of
Bill Ramey
4 28 18





So where is this all headed?  This is what I have been trying to tell readers in the pages of these Commentaries for the past ten years.  Now it is becoming obvious to much larger numbers of American and they are becoming alarmed --- horrified even.  And yes, it's that bad and this is why the deep state is trying desperately to start WW III.  I shall try to lay out in this Commentary, for those still in denial, just how bad it really is and how much worse it's going to get, so if you can't stand any more bad news, ya may want to hit the "DELETE" button now.

For the past ten years, in these Commentaries, I have been telling readers that America is about to be destroyed totally and never again to be inhabited.  Now this is becoming obvious to large numbers who are scrambling to find escape hatches.  We have more and more people storing food, water, medical supplies, guns, ammo, etc than at any time in history.  Those who have been slow to pick up on this are now trying desperately to catch up and then there is the majority who will wonder "What happened"? when it all hits the fan. 

Those in the upper echelons of gov't have known for over 50 years that this is coming and built themselves some cushy dungeons two miles down that they feel will protect them against the wrath of God --- because that is exactly what is about to be unleash-ed on America. 

Those in gov't positions have already authorized and completed the construction of some 1500 FEMA camps across America with many of them already staffed and receiving "guests".  Have you wondered what is happening to the homeless that are disappearing from city streets like Seattle?

These camps were built with a high level of secrecy but now they don't seem to mind if the public knows about them.  Trump even alluded to them as a place to incarcerate illegals. 

Right now, the federal gov't, which has taken it's marching orders from the deep state for the past century or more, is in a war with Russia created by the deep state in Syria.  That is fact.  Donald Trump has accepted the challenge of draining this "deep state swamp" and is making some inroads to their horror.  That also is fact.

The deep state has no loyalty as we can witness even in the fake news media.  But they are a powerful organization and ruthless.  Their hidden agenda appears to be the destruction of America for their global "bosses" because the globalists consider America the last nation blocking the final assembly of the New World Order envisioned by globalists.  The tricky part for the globalists is coordinating the destruction of the world's militaries while bringing to fruition the NWO.  They wouldn't want any organization left on earth that could challenge their authority.  This is why America must be destroyed totally and this is why the deep state is trying desperately to initiate a war with Russia and China.  They know very well that America can't win that war --- Obama already saw to that. 

Now the prophets tell us it's not a matter of "if" we have that war but "when".  We can see in Isaiah 13 and Jeremiah 50-51 that the Medes and Persians, (Russia and Iran), are going to be leading the "...assembly of great nations" that loot and evacuate our nation --- however, I don't see China mentioned in that operation. 

I say "... loot and evacuate" our nation but I don't see it being their nukes that destroy our nation.  I believe those nukes have been placed already by NASA Nazis along the San Andreas fault in "test wells" some 35 years ago and more nukes beside the Yellowstone caldera planted just recently by the NASA Nazis overseeing the drill holes being punched there.  The story for public consumption was that these holes were being drilled to vent the rising mass of magma.  C'mon --- enough molten magma rising there to fill the Grand Canyon two and a half times over and we're going to "...vent it into existing voids" to prevent an eruption???

When the deep state arrests begin enmass, I do believe these nukes in "test wells" will provide the destruction of America "...in one hour" which we see in Rev 18.  That will be when it hits the fan.  It will shut down America instantly and the roundup begins to fill up those FEMA camps.  The gullible will be told it's for their safety and to feed them.  There will be no time or patience for long explanations and the roundup crews will have full authority to use all those hollow point cartridges that were bought up by the federal gov't agencies several years ago.

At this point they no longer have to play political games. The few camps of preppers that still have guns and have banded together in groups can be left to die of radiation.   

Meantime, the kill zone for radiation will be everything downwind from the San Andreas and Yellowstone explosions because all that ash and dust will be highly radioactive.

The prophet Hosea says this operation of evacuating "Babylon", will only take "...one month".  The prophet Ezekiel says only one third of the population will survive. 

So it shouldn't take too much imagination to see what will be going on in those FEMA camps.  The aged and infirm will be executed to conserve food.  Salable slaves will be shipped out by planeloads, and perhaps shiploads as well, to nations around the world who want American servants.  These, of course, will be the "worker bees".

As you can imagine, there will be little demand for welfare recipients and those on cushy gov't jobs.  Perhaps you can also imagine what happens to the FEMA camp employees when the last load is shipped out from their particular camp. 

If the deaths of two hundred million plus boggles your mind, try to remember that America is without an electrical grid at this time so some 100 plus nuclear reactors are in meltdown mode also.  (Think Fukushima) Coupled with this, the whole world has just experienced the greatest earthquake ever felt on planet earth, (Rev 6:12), (triggered by the nukes at San Andreas/Yellowstone), and a killer tsunami has taken out the cities on the east coast. (See Jer 51:42).

Remember also that this is the wrath of God whom the politicos thought they could escape in their underground bunkers.  Some will survive in those bunkers and their leaders will be brought out for judgment perhaps even years later.  (See Isaiah 24:21-22). 

Accountability there will be.  Double portions of the misery they have dealt, there will also be.  Justice will be brought to this earth for the first time in recorded history.  The second priority of the new ruler of planet earth is to "...destroy those who destroy the earth".  (See Rev 11:18).  I'll leave it to your imagination as to just who these might be. 

There will be no executive immunity and today's judges will all be on the other side of the bench. 

The apostle Paul said in the book of I Cor. "Know ye not that the saints shall judge the world".  He wasn't speaking of the devil's saints canonized by the Catholic church.  He was speaking of the saints martyred by religionists and resurrected as the army of 144,000 which we see in Rev 14:1-3 at the Messiah's back. 

There will be an exodus from America before the cataclysm that takes our nation out "...in one hour", but it will not be comparable to the exodus from Egypt some 3500 years ago.  It will be more like the exodus from Jericho and/or Sodom.  Although it will only be a few people, Isaiah 52:10-12 leads us to believe our gov't will try to block this operation and will suffer significant military losses.

Those Israelites in captivity will then be gathered and brought to the new and greater Israel, whose borders are returned to those given Abraham some 4000 years ago, and given a parcel of land tax free forever.

The Khazarians that rule the little counterfeit nation of Israel today will have all been destroyed and the wealth they have amassed will be preserved for those Israelites emigrating to the new and greater Israel from around the world.  Some of these will even be Jews but the greater part will be from the other 12 tribes of Israel.  In Rev 7, as I recall, we see that another 144,000 Israelites from the 12 tribes are being sealed for their protection during the time of Jacob's trouble, (tribulation).  I presume that these will become a part of the government of the new and greater Israel once they are released or escorted to Jerusalem after the three and one half years captivity.

It's going to be exciting and the action has already started.  Are you watching the mideast?  Is the deep state navy being gathered in the mid-east "corral" as a "duck shoot" for Vladimir Putin? 

Will the Ukraine be retaken and American bases in Syria be obliterated at the same time?  Will we lose 3 carriers simultaneously as the prophet Daniel seems to imply?

I know these views are totally repugnant to virtually all Americans but we are a nation ruled by a cabal of criminals totally out of control and the crimes against humanity perpetrated by our nation will be avenged on the entire nation.  It's called, by the prophets, "The Wrath of God" and it's on our doorstep. 

The 11th chapter of the book of Daniel compresses some 2600 years of history into 45 verses chronologically, before it happened.  We passed the milestone of verses 42-43 in February of 2011.

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