Monday, November 26, 2018


From the desk of
Bill Ramey
11 26 18




One of the things being said was that "Obama was put in the oval office for the express purpose of destroying America". He didn't finish the job --- yet.   Only now is the full extent of his treason beginning to surface.   Some of the democrats who were sincere but deceived, are starting to see this and in total disgust are abandoning the voting booths in droves.  Sadly, we have devolved into a one party system that could perhaps be more accurately called "republic-rats".

Another thing being said in the pages of these Commentaries, which hit a dissonant chord with just about everyone, was that, according to the writings of the prophets, America is going to be destroyed, totally, and left a nuclear wilderness forever.  Ten years ago, this was not as obvious as it is today.  Like Alice's dog Toto, Trump has pulled back the curtain on this nations' politics and exposed the total depravity of our political bodies --- and the religious bodies of the world.  (There is an open warrant, issued by the world court, for the arrest of the Pope --- for selling children by the thousands for sex toys and/or blood sacrifices.)

Trump hasn't taken his axe to Christianity yet but I have in the pages of the Commentaries and shown that Christianity is but another brand of idolatry.  I have shown readers that Christianity and Islam are the legs of the dream image of King Nebuchadnezzar, interpreted by the prophet Daniel in the book of Daniel, chapter 2.  Together, they make up the Roman Empire, the 4th beast of Daniel 7.

I have shown readers Revelation 12:9 which says Satan has deceived "...the whole world".  I even went on to show that, in order to do this, he would have to have a forum that bridges the gulf between races, languages, cultures and economies.  This forum is religion and the original creation by Satan was the Babylonian Mystery Religion --- all the others are daughters of this "...great whore" of Revelation 17.

I showed readers that America was a creation of the Vatican as the image of the (Roman) beast of Revelation 13, but later gave birth to the resurrected Roman Empire --- complete with Empire State Bldg. 

The Roman Empire never fell as Edward Gibbon would have us believe, bur rather bequeathed "...all it's power" to the Vatican and went into hiding.  (See Rev 13:12).

I showed that while religion bickers over where America is mentioned in prophecy, that the reader needs look no further than the "Little Book" of Habakkuk to find America.  The prophet "nails it down tightly" and there is no close second in all of history.  He even says " won't believe it even though it be told you". 

I have shown that the rapture, which many Christians fervently believe in, is totally unscriptural but that there will be an exodus of a few from America before it is totally destroyed and survivors evacuated in " month" per the prophet Hosea.  These will be sold as slaves worldwide and will begin the "...time of Jacob's trouble" which Christians call the tribulation.  
I showed readers repeatedly, that there are survival tips for this three and one half year period found in Leviticus 26:40-45. 

My readers know full well that I have shown them things, "...not taught me by men".  I have shown them things that would choke Christians and Muslim, such as that the resurrection of the first of the firstfruits has already occurred and they are in heaven preparing for the laying of the foundation of the spiritual temple which foundation they are.  A synopsis of this can be found in Rev 4 and 5 with some information also in the little 2 chapter book of Haggai.  These are the apostles and prophets, presumably the "wave sheaf".  They are preparing to receive those of the firstfruits which amounts to only 144,000 and can be seen in Rev 14:1-3.  These are called saints and will become the spiritual temple and will be supported by the foundation that will have already have been laid at that time.  They will need that full support in order to effect all the changes I have shown you are coming to planet earth.

In the new and greater Israel, there will be no religion per se.  It will be a "way of life" in which everyone is a participant --- no spectators.  And you will agree to this "new way" before being admitted.  It will be without bankers, lawyers, preachers, prisons, taxes and all their attendant officers that "...harass us and eat out our substance".

If you have a burning need for all these governing bodies, you will have the option of staying in the country of your captivity.

It may retain it's current form of gov't for several years before coming to the realization that this "new way" in Israel really is working and producing peace and prosperity in that land.  They will then send ambassadors to the festivals in Israel in order to learn that new way.  (See Zech 14).

So this work has enjoyed ten years plus of relatively unhampered getting out of the truth to, not only America, but to the world.

No doubt, you can see by the nature of the topics covered why no religion would endorse this work.  It also explains why I see quotes in religious newsletters taken verbatim from these Commentaries but carefully avoiding giving their source. 

Is there to be a "...great awakening" before the Messiah's return as most religions teach?  Or is that more deception?  I find the Messiah Himself quoted in Matthew 24 as saying the time of His return will be " it was in the days of Noah..."  That hardly sounds like a "great awakening".

Enslavement, however, has a long history of bringing about "great awakenings". (See the book of Judges.)

Religion even has the "Day of the Lord" skewed.  They appear to envision it as the day the Messiah comes floating down from a cloud onto the Mt of Olives with a smile and a wand wave and the world breaks out into singing.  If you will read about the "Day of the Lord" in Revelation 6, Isaiah 13 and Jeremiah 50-51, I think you will see that there will be no singing by earth inhabitants.  It is a day of wrath and vengeance of the Elohim and the destruction of America and Israel. 

Just one more thing --- if you have verified that this Chaldea/Babylon rogue nation identified by the prophet Habakkuk is America, then perhaps you should turn to Revelation 18 and read where it's destruction comes " one hour".  Have you ever pondered that?  The only point of reference we have for that is the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.  But given the size of America, it would seem that would be a stretch even for nuclear war.  But what if the nukes were set in deep wells drilled by NASA around the Yellowstone super caldera?  Would this trigger the San Andreas, the Cascadia Subduction Zone and the New Madrid faults to become the quake described in Revelation 6:12? 

I have tried to give you the undiluted truth even if it ruffles feathers.  I have used quite extensively, the Sorcha Faal newsletters because they are the most accurate and timely world news I could find.  It would seem that even those are a globalist venture.

So, yes, the globalists have become an iron fist and just as the Israelites in Egypt had no way of extricating themselves from the enslaved condition they found themselves in, because of drifting away from the laws, statutes, precepts and judgments of the Eternal, the world today has no way of extricating itself from the iron fist of the globalists. 

And that is where these Commentaries come into play.  When these globalists made a conscious decision to eradicate the "God gene" in mankind through vaccines, chem trails and now cannibalism, they shot themselves in the foot and sealed their doom.  We can see how effective their endeavor has been if we pull back the curtain hung by the fake news media. 

Nibiru is very real and last visited earth some 3500 years ago, which incidentally, was the time of the destruction of Egypt and the deliverance of Israel from slavery.

It would seem that Nibiru is incoming even as I close out these Commentaries.  The next few weeks/months could be some "rough sledding" but earth will survive.  A remnant of mankind will also survive but with greatly reduced numbers. 

There is a new world coming and it will be awesome.  Civilization will be restarted --- the right way.  Justice will be introduced to planet earth for the first time in recorded history.  Those who destroy the earth will be destroyed as the Kingdom of God is established on earth.  It's coming and is as certain as tomorrow morning's sunrise.

Farewell to my friends, my readers.  The things you have read will begin to make much more sense in the coming weeks.

May you be protected according to your love of truth as noted in II Thes 2:10.

Warmest Regards,
Bill Ramey

P/S   I just noticed that 10+ years of this work of getting out the truth to the world, (the truth about the gospel, the messages of the prophets, pedophiles, doctors, lawyers, politicians, preachers, big pharma, Monsanto, AMA, the American Cancer Society, the medical profession, world situation, etc.), has just been concluded with 10+ pages of a farewell newsletter --- coincidence?  

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