Thursday, November 8, 2018


From the desk of
Bill Ramey
11 6 18


Anon 11.11 -- Q drops the bomb. FISA DECLAS that Q promised is not what you think it is ... (QRV)

Trump came out a little while ago and said there will be harsh penalties for voter fraud.

What is FISA?

Americans who speak with foreigners who mean to do the country harm, they can get spied on.

Trump said China is interfering with our election.

Vice President Pence said Venezuela paid for the caravan.

What does this permit? FISA warrant on everyone connected to the caravan.

FISA warrant allowed spying … but not just on the caravan (though it certainly is a big part of it).

The FISA warrant, allowed by the Trump administration because China was interfering in our election through Venezuela and the caravan … gave Q the right to spy on all the democrats who were involved with it.

Once spying, and Q is listening (legally), they picked up all the details they needed on Soros $$$ paying for illegals to vote, to flip just enough house seats so democrats win.

Trump just mentioned there will be harsh penalties for voter fraud.

Everyone thought Q’s reference to “FISA will bring down the HOUSE” was reference to the Obama administration’s abuse.


Military sting operation regarding democrat fraud and voting.

Ask yourself, how is it that republicans did so very well that we picked up governorships, and did well in the senate … but we didn’t do well in the house?

The democrats don’t have the wherewithal to cheat on a grand scale.

Instead, they focused on cheating on small scale house seats … surgical precision, enough to barely get them the house. So far, 26 seat flip (they needed 23) …

FISA will bring down the HOUSE!

FISA will bring down the HOUSE!

FISA will bring down the HOUSE!

What does that mean? It means the intelligence gathered with FISA warrants proving democrat voter fraud will cast the legitimacy of the House into question … they won’t be able to accomplish anything against Trump’s agenda … the leadership of the house may even be under question while they resolve it all.

Q said we will be united as a country again on 11.11 … and Q just confirmed that DECLAS brings down the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES

DECLAS overrides all potential House blockades.

Why? The old Obama administration FISA abuses had absolutely NOTHING to do with the HOUSE!!! Only the above explanation makes sense!

11.11 … 4 short days away.

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