Wednesday, December 3, 2014


From the desk of
Bill Ramey




Why supporters of Palestinian terrorists have made common cause with the rioters in Missouri-- The issue is never the issue.

The issue is always the revolution

Intifada in Ferguson

By Matthew Vadum November 13, 2014

The same violent protesters in Ferguson, Missouri, demonstrating against the killing of Michael Brown have also been taking it to the streets in Detroit and elsewhere to press for the release of
a Palestinian terrorist who killed two Israelis.

Activists are blackmailing the grand jury that is now hearing evidence against Wilson. If the grand jurors refuse to indict

Wilson, radical activists are promising even more mayhem. The
message is unmistakable: indict the cop, and there will be peace;
don’t, and Ferguson will burn.

Brown is the young, black, 6’4”, 292-pound man who was killed by white police officer Darren Wilson on Aug. 9. When media outlets describe Brown they usually omit the fact that he viciously assaulted Wilson and tried to seize his handgun, presumably in an effort to do the officer harm. Journalists also tend to downplay the fact that minutes before Brown attacked Wilson he robbed a convenience store.

The Palestinian terrorist is Rasmea (also spelled Rasmieh) Odeh who was convicted by a Detroit jury on Monday of immigration fraud. Prosecutors accused Odeh of killing Israelis in the Sixties and then lying about it in U.S. immigration papers.

Odeh was previously convicted in Israel “for her role in the 1969 bombings of a supermarket and the British Consulate in Jerusalem, which were carried out on behalf of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a designated terrorist organization,” according to the Investigative Project on Terrorism. Prosecutors said one of the supermarket bombs killed two people and injured others. Odeh received a sentence of life imprisonment but was released after 10 years as part of a prisoner swap.

Seditious collaboration in Ferguson between anti-American left-wingers and anti-American Islamofascists

Odeh used to live in Michigan and resided in Chicago until her bail was revoked Monday. In Chicago she was employed as associate director of the Arab American Action Network (AAAN), which was founded by terrorist promoter Rashid Khalidi and his wife, Mona. Khalidi, a Columbia University professor and former director of the PLO’s press agency, is a well-known friend of Barack Obama. AAAN, which is hostile to Israel, claims “to challenge government policies that violate the civil, political and human rights of the Arab American and Arab immigrant community..”

The seditious collaboration in Ferguson between anti-American left-wingers, some of whom are well-funded, and anti-American Islamofascists isn’t all that unusual in U.S. politics but it receives scant attention from the media.

Leftist and Islamist groups routinely work together in the U.S. Not many on the activist Left are wary of their comrades’ working relationship with Muslim totalitarians who would joyfully slit their atheist, infidel throats upon coming to power. One such leftist, Meredith Tax, acknowledged in a book last year that aligning with Islamic fundamentalists was a terrible idea.  But Tax is a very rare bird. Most leftists see America’s  enemies as their natural allies, so when an opportunity for a working partnership arises they seize it with gusto. As they see things, whatever it takes to advance so-called social justice is justified.

As a Sixties radical once wrote, “The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution.”

In other words, whatever the cause, whether inner city blacks or illegal aliens or women, it is merely a pretext for action. It is an opportunity to advance the real cause which is the accumulation of the power needed to foment and effectuate revolutionary change.

Rana Baker, a writer at Electronic Intifada, explained the Marxist, identity politics-driven rationale for this cooperation between American leftists and Islamic supremacists in Ferguson. In an article filled with politically correct drivel she wrote:

Unsurprisingly, many of the police deployed to crush unarmed protesters demanding justice for the brutal murder of eighteen-year-old black American Mike Brown are Israel-trained. Despotic tactics Palestinians largely associate with Israel’s colonial military, such as teargassing protesters and harassing journalists, have all been implemented in Ferguson. Although Ferguson and Palestine are two different contexts, both places and their people are fighting against white supremacist regimes of oppression which continue to view them as “disposable others” and act accordingly… it is the moral responsibility of every Palestinian to support and foster relations with the struggles of the oppressed all over the world.

No one who follows the Left should be shocked to learn that Ferguson has been dominated by rent-a-mobs in recent weeks, complete with leftist astroturfers determined to stir the pot.

Groups endorsing Ferguson October, last month’s festival of leftist looting and self-righteous posturing in the beleaguered St. Louis suburb, included a hodgepodge of activist organizations—many of them Saul Alinsky-inspired pressure groups—that have little or nothing to do with Ferguson, Michael Brown, or Darren Wilson.

The only thing these labor movement and Occupy Wall Street activists had in common was that they were left-wing.  Among them were: Action for the Common Good; Advancement Project; Alliance for a Just Society; Amnesty International; CAAAV: Organizing Asian Communities (Committee Against Anti-Asian Violence);; Catholic Worker; Chinese Progressive Association; Coalition of Black Trade Unionists; Code Pink; Divestment Student Network; Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation; Fighting Against Natural Gas (FANG); Gamaliel Foundation; International Socialist Organization (ISO); Juvenile Urban Multicultural Program (at Syracuse University); Korean American Resource & Cultural Center; Left Roots; Million Hoodies Movement for Justice; National Domestic Workers Alliance; National Network for Arab American Communities; National Organization for Women (NOW); New New Economy Coalition; PICO National Network; Progressive Democrats of America; Sierra Student Coalition (a project of the Sierra Club); St. Louis Palestine Solidarity Committee; Universal African Peoples Organization; United for Peace and Justice; US Action; US Palestinian Community Network; Veterans for Peace; and Working Families Party.

Many of these groups have taken money from radical billionaire George Soros. Those on his payroll include Advancement Project, Gamaliel Foundation, NOW, and US Action.

45 organizations are now placing demands on police agencies in the St. Louis area

Lee Cary has also painstakingly detailed at American Thinker the 45 organizations that are now placing demands on police agencies in the St. Louis area. The groups, which are part of the Don’t Shoot Coalition, are attempting to define the rules of engagement between law enforcement and activists to make it easier for radicals to set Ferguson on fire in the event Wilson is not indicted.

Remnants of the ACORN activist empire are involved in organizing unrest in Ferguson.  Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment (MORE), a 501(c)(4) nonprofit, is the rebranded Missouri branch of the former Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) which filed for bankruptcy in late 2010. That ACORN state chapter reconstituted itself in December 2009 as MORE under orders from ACORN’s national headquarters. President Obama used to work for ACORN and he represented it in court as a lawyer.

MORE has been active in the protests and in efforts to free jailed demonstrators so they can continue vandalizing businesses, intimidating perceived adversaries, setting fires, throwing projectiles and urine at cops, and engaging in the Left’s usual modes of so-called nonviolent protest. MORE believes that protesters should be given a blank check to inflict whatever harm they wish on the community in pursuit of social justice.   MORE is also a recipient of taxpayer funding—and to no one’s surprise—it is not a good steward of those dollars. MORE received $21,000 for its “foreclosure prevention” efforts but “did not fully comply” with the rules, according to the St. Louis city comptroller’s “fiscal monitoring review” released a few days before Brown was shot.

MORE’s executive director is longtime ACORN organizer Jeff Ordower. Ordower, an outspoken vote fraud apologist, previously ran Missouri ACORN and oversaw ACORN’s Midwest operations. He was also an SEIU organizer in Texas.

The Working Families Party, founded in New York State in the 1990s by ACORN members, is also involved in Ferguson.  It endorsed Ferguson October but the extent of its on-the-ground involvement was unclear at time of writing.

All these superficially distinct groups have come together in Ferguson to pay homage to violent criminals—a murderer of Israelis and a would-be murderer of a police officer—for two reasons.

First, because Rasmea Odeh and Michael Brown are model citizens, according to the leftist worldview. Radical activists see them and their disruptive, antisocial behavior as representing the best that humanity has to offer.

Second, because banding together and pooling their power to disrupt society helps to create strife and chaos. The subsequent crises can be leveraged to promote the kinds of change that leftists would like to see.  As the old radical said, the issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution.


Ferguson, Missouri is a perfect example of racism alive and well in America and emanating from the oval office.  Our chief first ran his racist colors up the flag pole in his book "Dreams of my Father".  It reeked of racial prejudice.  His next exhibition was shortly after being sworn in as prez and when the black professor was arrested.  It flared again at the shooting of an "unarmed" teenager whom the media was forced to portray as an innocent looking 12 year old rather than the 190 pound tattooed hulk that he was.  It would seem that the jury, which presumably had the facts and photos at their disposal, disagreed with our chief. 

And now we have this racist intervention in the form of the attorney general being sent to Ferguson to ensure that "justice is done".  For you to view this in proper perspective, you need only ask (and answer), one question. "If Michael Brown had been a white "unarmed" teenager, would Eric Holder have been dispatched to Ferguson?"   If your answer is "No", then you must consider this a racist issue clean and simple. 

In my opinion, which I expressed at the time he was inaugurated into office, we have an imposter in the presidential office, as evidenced by the ridiculous birth certificate posted in which even a fifth grader could see the fraud.  Evidenced by the support to the Muslim cause with untold billions of U.S. dollars in aid and the creation of ISIS (which he prefers to call ISIL), duly furnished with U.S. arms and advisors. 

In his six years in office he has gutted our military and infiltrated them with enemy agents.  For us to understand and accept this, we have to understand who the enemy is.  The world is keying up for the final battle today and the contenders in this battle are the two ideological empires of Christianity and Islam, the two legs of Nebuchadnezzar's dream image of Daniel chapter 2.  These two powers are being pitted against each other, by those who consider themselves the elite, for the purpose of mutual destruction. 

Additionally, he has destroyed foreign relations to the point that even our allies no longer trust us.  The economy of our nation has been destroyed and all we get is phony numbers regarding unemployment and "economic recovery". 

Our national security has been compromised by the gutting of the military and our economy is on the verge of collapse due to being built on fraud. (That cannot be laid at the feet of our chief). Paper money is a chimera and China learned this centuries ago.  Political moves to drive down the price of gold so their supporters can buy up stores of It for the coming collapse simply seem to underscore the fraud. 

And yet it would seem our Congress can't find a valid reason for impeachment!  Perhaps they should look at the chem trails across our skies or the FDA approved poisons in our foodstuff.  Perhaps they should look at the Montsanto poisoning of, not only American citizens but the land and other nations as well. 

Ah, but it would seem that at the darkest moments in history, the playing field is sometimes leveled.  The book of Exodus tells us that at the time life looked bleakest for the Israelites in Egypt some 3500 years ago, the playing field was leveled and Egypt was destroyed by a series of ten plagues. Historians have played games with this event but have not disproved the book of Exodus. 

The prophet Isaiah tells us in his writings that this exodus is going to be repeated in our day and that a few people are going to be removed from the end time nation of Babylon in a move that will amaze the nations of the world.  Why?  Because it will be conducted by the Elohim themselves and witnessed by all nations.  You can get a preview of what is to transpire in Isaiah 52:10-12.

What I am about to tell you is not pretty and few will accept it simply

because of that.  But it is written, it is happening and it is going to continue until America is totally destroyed. 

Over 200 million Americans are going to die in the near future.  You can get a preview of this in Ezekiel 5.  You see, Ezekiel was commissioned as a messenger to Israel but he never went.  He couldn't.  He was a Jewish captive in Babylon --- and besides, Israel had gone into captivity by the Assyrians some 135 years previously and there is no historical record of them going into captivity since.  So Ezekiel's witness is for us today. 

In Ezekiel 5, you can see that one third (100 million +), are going to die of famine and pestilence.  (Ezekiel 5:12).  This is the poor and the aged and we can see this coming down the pike as medical facilities become overloaded and as doctors and nurses opt out because of Ebola which is being imported, evidently by our government. 

The next third will fall by the sword and we see this also in Ezekiel 5:12.  This is when America is invaded by the "…assembly of great nations", (see Jeremiah 50:9), and casualties will consist mostly of members of government, their contractors and military.  These are unfit for the slave market to which the final third will be consigned (same verse).  Half a million foreign troops are already on American soil. 

All is not lost at this time because the enslavement will only last three and one half years.  You can see in Isaiah 14 what will happen at that time.  The middle east will be reapportioned.  Jerusalem will not become the headquarters of Islam nor Christianity.  We can see in Isaiah 29 that it will be destroyed but unlike America, which will become a nuclear wilderness, the Jerusalem area will be rebuilt as we can see in Isaiah chapters 30-34. 

Not only will it be rebuilt, but it will become the world capitol.  Animal

husbandry and agriculture will be "re-invented" there and the world will be set on a healing course as the promoters of war are systematically destroyed.  (See Revelation 11:18).

These words, at this time, may seem like the ranting of a fanatic, but you will remember them in the weeks and months to come as these things begin to come down the pike.

Today we see "…the tents of Cushan in affliction". (Habakkuk 3:7). This is Africa, given to Ham, Cushan's father, by Noah, as his division of the world.  This "affliction" is the Ebola crisis.  It is far from over.

If you read the entire book of Habakkuk, you will see it describing an end time nation and that nation can only be America.  No other nation even comes close.  Habakkuk calls that nation "Chaldea", which is another name for Babylon.

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iraqi intelligence sources disclosed that US military planes have been supplying the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant Takfiri terrorists with weapons and foodstuff under the guise of air raids on militants' positions.

The Iraqi forces have found out that the US aircraft usually airdrop arms and food cargoes for ISIL militants who collect them on the ground, Asia news agency quoted Iraqi army's intelligence officers as saying.

"The Iraqi intelligence sources reiterated that the US military planes have airdropped several aid cargoes for ISIL terrorists to help them resist the siege laid by the Iraqi army, security and popular forces," added the report.

On Saturday, Iraqi security sources disclosed that the ISIL terrorist group is using the state-of-the-art weapons which are only manufactured by the US and each of their bullets are worth thousands of dollars.

"What is important is that the US sends these weapons to only those that cooperate with the Pentagon and this indicates that the US plays a role in arming the ISIL," an Iraqi security source told FNA.

The source noted that the most important advantage of the US-made weapons used by the ISIL is that "these bullets pierce armored vehicles and kill the people inside the vehicle".

He said each of such bullets is worth $2,000, and added, "These weapons have killed many Iraqi military and volunteer forces so far."

The crisis in Iraq escalated after the ISIL militants took control of Mosul in a lightning advance on June 10, which was followed by the fall of Tikrit, located 140 kilometers (87 miles) Northwest of the capital, Baghdad.

Soldiers of the Iraqi army, popular forces and Kurdish Pishmarga troops have been engaged in heavy fighting with the militants on different fronts and have so far been able to push them back in several areas.


November 18, 2014

Russia Prepares For Ukraine Blitzkrieg As Putin Vows He Won’t Let Nazis Win

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A truly ominous Ministry of Defense (MoD) readiness report circulating in the Kremlin today is apparently showing that the Southern Military District is in the final preparations for a blitzkrieg attack upon the eastern regions of Ukraine in order to protect its Russian speaking citizens from annihilation at the hands of the neo-Nazi led and Obama regime backed government in Kiev.

Blitzkrieg (German for “lightning war”) is an anglicized term describing a method of warfare whereby an attacking force spearheaded by a dense concentration of armored and motorized or mechanized infantry formations, and heavily backed up by close air support, forces a breakthrough into the enemy's line of defense through a series of short, fast, powerful attacks; and once in the enemy's territory, proceeds to dislocate them using speed and surprise, and then encircle them.

What makes this MoD report particularly to be noticed are the Southern Military District battle group assignments for late November/early December that include the 22nd Spetsnaz Brigade and the Black Sea Fleets 810th Marine Brigade securing the city of Mariupol, which is the tenth-largest city in Ukraine and the second largest in the Donetsk Oblast.

This MoD report further states that the anti-mining operation(s) of the Mariupol sea lanes conducted on 11 November were “highly successful”, thus offering an explanation to the massive explosion witnessed by residents of this city off of their coastline and that had previously been left unexplained, but still left this region in fear.

Mariupol, it is important to note, is the key city which stands in Russia's way to make a land bridge from its territory to the Republic of Crimea which on 18 March rejoined the Federation, but that the Newsweek News Service warned yesterday it’s now a common belief, on all sides, that the fragile cease-fire in Ukraine will turn before long into a hot and bloody conflict that could drag the whole region—if not the whole world—into war.

In explaining to the German public broadcasting organization ARD his fears of this region yesterday President Putin stated:

“Frankly speaking, we are very concerned about any possible ethnic cleansings and Ukraine ending up as a neo-Nazi state. What are we supposed to think if people are bearing swastikas on their sleeves? Or what about the SS emblems that we see on the helmets of some military units now fighting in eastern Ukraine? If it is a civilized state, where are the authorities looking? At least they could get rid of this uniform, they could make the nationalists remove these emblems.”

Even more ominously in his interview with ARD, Putin warned:

“Today there is fighting in eastern Ukraine. The Ukrainian central authorities have sent the armed forces there and they even use ballistic missiles. Does anybody speak about it? Not a single word. And what does it mean? What does it tell us? This points to the fact, that you want the Ukrainian central authorities to annihilate everyone there, all of their political foes and opponents. Is that what you want? We certainly don’t. And we won't let it happen.”

Even more concerning to Putin and Russia, and which we had reported on in our 2 November report Mutilated Bodies Of 286 Young Girls Found Buried In Ukrainian-Nazi “Rape Camp”, is the Obama regimes continuing to ignore the ISIS-style war crimes of Ukraine and its neo-Nazi forces reported by Amnesty International that include the shooting down of Malaysian Airlines flight 17 by two Ukrainian fighter jets. 

To the timeline of the Southern Military District taking control of Mariupol by December, this report notes, is based upon “US domestic political realities” that the MoD leaves unexplained, but with the anti-Russia Republican Party taking power in Washington D.C. this coming January really doesn’t need to be explained either, especially with Senator John McCain vowing to arm Ukraine when he takes over the Senate Arms Services Chairmanship.

As to how the Obama regime will respond to a Russian blitzkrieg against the neo-Nazi Ukrainian government this MoD report doesn’t say, but with US Secretary of State John Kerry signing a secret agreement with Saudi Arabia to flood the world with cheap oil in order to destroy the Russian economy this past September, one should always note that economic warfare between major nations always leads to all-out, if not total global war.

November 18, 2014 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

Sen. Sessions reacts: We must stop Emperor Obama

USATODAY 8:24 p.m. EST November 20, 2014

Congress must fix the problems President Obama's executive amnesty plan creates.

Barack Obama announced his executive orders on immigration

Americans defeated President Obama's disastrous amnesty plans both in Congress and at the voting booth. Tonight, President Obama defied an entire nation and declared that he will impose his rejected amnesty through the brute force of executive order.

President Obama's executive amnesty will provide an estimated 5 million illegal immigrants with the exact benefits Congress rejected, in violation of federal law. His order will grant them social security numbers, government-issued ID's, legal status and work permits. Illegal immigrants will now be able to take jobs and benefits directly from struggling Americans in a time of high unemployment and low wages. They will be able to take jobs from Americans in all occupations, ranging from truck drivers to power company workers to jobs with city government. Many illegal immigrants will also be able to obtain green cards and become permanent residents, allowing them access to almost all federal programs, to receive citizenship and sponsor foreign relatives to join them in the U.S.

In addition to providing formal amnesty benefits for 5 million illegal immigrants, President Obama has also eliminated virtually all enforcement with respect to the other nearly 7 million illegal immigrantsin the United States. As the president's own former ICE Director, John Sandweg said: "if you are a run-of-the-mill immigrant here illegally, your odds of getting deported are close to zero."

All you have to do is get into the country from anywhere on globe — whether through the border or by overstaying a visa — and you are free to remain, take jobs and receive benefits. This year alone, the White House has released into the United States more than 100,000 illegal immigrants who simply showed up at the border and demanded entry.

And now, with a single pen stroke, President Obama is obliterating what little remains of Americans' immigration protections. Not only will millions of low-wage illegal immigrants rush into the labor market, but they will collect billions in taxpayer dollars as well. These costly government benefits range from child tax credits, to public housing to the likelihood that amnestied immigrants will rely on taxpayers for medical and retirement benefits.

Only a short time ago, President Obama himself admitted this action would be illegal and unconstitutional: "I know some people want me to bypass Congress and change the laws on my own" he explained, adding "that's not how our democracy functions. That's not how our Constitution is written." President Obama also said that: "The problem is that I'm the president of the United States, I'm not the emperor of the United States. My job is to execute laws that are passed."

Apparently, America now has its first emperor.

And he has issued an imperial order to dissolve America's borders. Millions more will enter and demand the same amnesty benefits as those who came before. The entire moral foundation and consistency of our laws will have been eviscerated. Law enforcement officials have repeatedly warned that the president's new amnesty will unleash a "tidal wave" of illegal immigration. The impact on our jobs, wages, hospitals, schools, police departments and neighborhoods will be crushing.

A second hammer blow will be dealt by the president's unilateral increase in foreign worker programs for large corporations, including technology corporations. Currently, two-thirds of all new jobs in the IT industry are being filled by foreign workers — and yet the president wants to dramatically surge foreign worker admissions even further. This at a time when the Census Bureau tells us more than 11 million Americanswith science, technology, engineering and math degrees don't have jobs in those fields.

President Obama is auctioning off America's middle class to the highest bidders.

Immigration already stands at record levels and is rising quickly. Between 2000 and 2014 — a period during which the government issued nearly 30 million lawful visas to foreign workers and permanent immigrants — all net employment gains among the working-age went to imported labor. Now the president is planning to increase immigration even further — all to placate a few billionaire lobbyists and open border extremists. The great task before the nation now is to resist this imperial decree and return control of this nation to its own citizens — as our Constitution established.

That task begins with Congress refusing to allow a dime of money to be spent executing this unlawful amnesty. This a routine, constitution-al and crucial application of congressional power.     If Democrat lawmakers join Republicans in blocking funds for his unlawful plan, the president will be stopped. Americans must ask their representatives this one question: do you serve the citizens of this country and their Constitution — or not?

Sen. Jeff Sessions is the ranking member of the U.S. Senate Budget Committee and a senior member of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

In addition to its own editorials, USA TODAY publishes diverse opinions from outside writers, including our Board of Contributors.

Ten Arguments Against Obama's Executive Action

Posted 11/20/2014

by-Robert Charles

Mr. Charles is a former assistant secretary of state under Colin Powell, former counsel to a congressional oversight committee, a former litigator, and a teacher of government oversight at Harvard's extension school. He is currently a consultant in Washington, D.C.

Understanding why pending executive action by President Obama on immigration, residency, and citizenship are objectionable, imprudent, and unconstitutional - and what can be done legally and politically about them, if he proceeds - requires a snapshot of history and law. Ten arguments stand between the president and such bold, unilateral actions.

First, executive directives of all kinds - and some have been creative - started with George Washington. They are theoretically justified by the indeterminate "executive powers" vested in each commander in chief by Article II of the U.S. Constitution. Their legal justification begins and ends there, and is necessarily nested in a larger constitutional text and intent, which has always favored avoiding unilateral executive actions unless absolutely necessary (as for national security). Thus, unless ceremonial or peripheral, the justification for directing agencies one way or another has been to clarify a law - never to create one.

So, here is the rub. Since the over-assertion of executive powers by

Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR), the U.S. Supreme Court and federal appellate courts have ruled unconstitutional any Executive Order (EO) that seeks to usurp or effectively legislate where Congress has spoken or reserves the right to speak.

Thus, for example, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned five of FDR's EOs (6199, 6204, 6256, 6284 and 6855) for overreaching. Similarly, the Court threw out President Truman's EO 10340, in which he attempted to control the country's steel mills to put down labor strife. The Court was clear: the EO sought to make law, not clarify it. Again, an appellate court confidently nixed President Clinton's EO 12954, which sought to prevent federal contracting with those who hire strike breakers. In the last case, an obvious conflict with existing law invalidated the EO.

Now we come to today. The first three arguments against the Obama EO are simple, and should be swiftly confronted in court if he issues broad executive action bestowing new rights on those otherwise not entitled to them under existing law or patently misinterpreting existing law to serve a political end, such as altering the process of citizenship. In sum, if he (one) obviously exceeds all formerly accepted constitutional authority, (two) seeks to legislate where the law is already clear or is clearly the province of Congress, or (three) intentionally disregards the law, the EO should be legally discarded, or viewed as "void ab initio" - that is, of no credibility or force.

Four: If you issue an EO making permanent residents or citizens out of a significant number (say, five to seven million) illegal, unentitled, or "undocumented" foreigners on U.S. soil, you are instantly obligating federal taxpayers and states to afford these newly minted "Americans" or "newly legal residents" any number of privileges, entitlements, and rights not previously held, above and beyond not being deported. This plainly costs taxpayers and States money, offering them every reason to appeal the decision and apparent standing to do so.

Next, there is the prudential side of the ledger.

Argument five: If you issue an EO that instantly grants "stay and work" status to currently illegal aliens, even if they have legal relatives, you instantly soak up part of the job pool from which real Americans are hoping to gain employment. In effect, you are hammering the working-class Americans again.

Six: If you issue this EO, you instantly send an international message - a new and shocking invitation: "We just gave away the citizenship or residency farm - so please line up or flood over and come get yours." In effect, such an EO will trigger multiple future waves of illegal migration for economic purposes by new and unconnected illegal aliens who see that our laws are not being honored, and so they will come for free entry, too - if not at once, then soon enough.

Seven: For every justification based on an illegal alien having a legal U.S. relative, we can now expect that the same argument will be made by the five to seven million newly minted "instant citizens" or "instant legal residents." In short, one thing all members of humanity - those legal and illegal - have in common is relatives. Once all those here illegally with relatives make their relatives legal, the newly legal (and formerly illegal) relatives will now declare that they, wonder of wonder, also have relatives - that deserve to be legal. Ad infinitum.

Eight: Status without assimilation is irrelevant, counterproductive, and historically illegal. Legal status is traditionally achieved by processes of extended learning, intentional assimilation, and legal naturalization - all at a pace set by national need and absorption capacity. Without understanding the American history, language, laws, values, civic duties, and social expectations, and what it takes to live (and what the nation expects of those living) lawfully, a resident made instantly legal is not American. Absent the process that Congress has considered necessary for assimilation, we would become no more than a big holding pen, a mismatched conglomerate of humanity, with nothing in common but place.

That is not America, never has been, and cannot be. To be American takes an aspiration, and a commitment. It takes time, effort, and lawful process, as well as social integration. A president can no more declare an unprepared member of humanity American than he can declare red blue or vice versa.  Assimilation means following a long and winding legal, social, economic and legitimate process. It takes time; that is the whole point.

Nine: Just as adopting a child into a home affects other family members, instantly making "legal residents" or "citizens" out of five or seven million people - many of whom snuck into the country unlawfully - would have profound effects on the rest of the country. It cheapens the brand we call American; it undermines the values and processes in which we take pride. It slights and diminishes the struggle of those who have strived long and hard to become naturalized citizens, or permanent residents, many of whom are also from these same countries. It says that laws under which we live are of less value, and can be unilaterally upended by one man. It reduces respect for all those who have come to our shores legally, and who take pride in being legally American. This is no small matter. We are, collectively, only what we say we are and live up to - when we cheapen the definition of American, we cheapen it for everyone.

Finally: We are a nation and people of laws, not of whimsy or capricious acts by self-adulating leaders, not subject to any dictator or the assumption of power by this or that president. These lines are well-drawn. The U.S. Supreme Court long ago made the point. We are not ruled by executive order, never have been, legally and prudentially cannot be, and should not now be. For any president to believe that he has the power to step upon all these legal and  prudential considerations, because he has a pen and a phone, indifference to rule of law, or illusions of unilateral authority is simply misguided.

Nevertheless, if the dark day comes when unilateral authority is asserted in these new and sweeping ways by a president, the answer is clear. Instant moves to court for actions to stay and then reverse these executive orders would be fitting. Preparations should be made for interlocutory appeals, specific relief by states and others with standing, preliminary and permanent injunctions, and defense of individual and collective rights across the country in federal courts.

On the political front, Democrats and Republicans who respect our Republic's history and can see into the future should prepare to garner and act upon legislation that can be passed swiftly with a super majority, making void the presumptive executive orders, and Americans should speak - as they did once already in November - with one voice, saying we are ruled not by one man, but by ourselves through Congress. That is the text, design, history, and enduring intent of our Constitution.

If there can be disagreements about other things, there can be no disagreement about that. 

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