Tuesday, December 16, 2014


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie—deliberate, contrived, and dishonest, but the myth—persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic. Belief in myths allows the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.”


World War III and Civil War in America Unfolding Before Our Very Eyes

By admin on December 3, 2014

3 December 2014: The stages are being set and the actors are being cast in their respective roles for two separate yet closely related plays opening in the global and domestic playhouses of pandemonium. From within the United States, racial and socio-economic tensions are growing against the backdrop of the militarization of our police forces. Bullets, body bags, detention centers and depictions of draconian measures against the American people are just a few of the props that have been moved to center stage in the American theater, where a captive audience anxiously awaits the opening narration and introductory scene that will guide the plot forward.

As front row seat spectators of these dual plays, many can be heard asking in hushed tones and murmurs, “What will be the spark that ignites the dry tinder strewn about the stage of our Republic? The world?”

Amid the stage preparations, the stifled conversation of the audience offers many possibilities, including an orchestrated economic collapse, racial tensions and race baiting, growing ideological differences that have been exacerbated by covert means, identifiable to those with spiritual discernment, or to those having the eyes to see and ears to hear.

Watchmen have been ringing the alarm bells for years and decades, only to be scoffed at and ridiculed by those working behind the scenes. What has been done by design, following the script written by the playwright of pandemonium, has too often been ascribed to incompetence. If it is mere incompetence that is responsible for our plights, it only follows that our plights and follies would be eventually corrected rather than worsened, or repaired rather than rendered permanently irreparable. Therefore, the analysis by the most reasonable among us must be conclusive that we are being viciously victimized.

As the crew continues their final preparations of the American stage on orders of the producers of peril, the same global elite are preparing the world stage for their final act in this long running play, where the plot themes consist of domination of the future, population reduction and restructuring the world into the much anticipated “New World Order.”

For some time, the scripts for both plays were closely guarded by the writers and producers. As “curtain time” approaches, the plots, with all of their twists and turns, have begun to leak out. It matters not, for the doors to the theater Megaplex have been locked from the outside, making us not just spectators, but unwitting and most unwilling participants in the interlocking productions of which we cannot physically escape.

The playbills, revised as the producers of peril busily recast actors and rewrote portions of the scripts to lure even more people into these theaters of the absurd, displays of depravation, and plays of perversion, are in their final stage of print.

Civil War, Act Two

In America, we are bearing witness to her deliberate destruction from within. Borders continue to be unsecured and open by design and decree. Most people are conditioned to think it’s merely a political maneuver to create a new voting class. Those who adhere to such inside-the-box banalities fail to think big enough, for it is part of a much greater agenda, a more complex plot and scheme.

It is to “Balkanize” our Union, to destroy our national identity and sovereignty. It is to destroy our cultural identity, and our spiritual foundations. It is one scene of one act of the play that leads to global governance. It will not be a government ordained by God, but by the luciferian god of the power elite.

Diseases like Ebola, the enterovirus and other malicious maladies are being imported on a grand scale. Many might ask, to what end? Most assuredly, the answers can be found from the mouths of the globalists and eugenicists, for they are one and the same. The answers exist not in the problems, but the solutions. It is within the solutions that the plans for population reduction and control exist. Holding the solutions, to be forced upon us are the globalists and their facilitators, and anyone pining for a seat at the globalist table.

Also one and the same are the different political parties that exist only for your entertainment on this satanic stage, as we have seen that although their costumes are different, their roles are not. Otherwise, we as Americans would see some positive progression, repair and healing. Instead, we have been locked in a swirling spiral of physical, moral, and spiritual decay. No political solutions exist that can fix our spiritual devolution. Political leaders are no longer statesmen, but whoremongers for the grossly perverse elite class. Regardless of political party or ideological identity, they have sold their very souls to the author of confusion, death and destruction.

Sadly, most Americans spectators to the play that will eventually consume the actors, writers, directors and producers, will remain seated as the entire stage is consumed in a self-fulfilling conflagration, as we reap the “angel of the whirlwind” as the warnings of the watchmen were mocked and marginalized by fellow audience members. This will occur even as flames dance around and before us, for it has been conditioned within us through generations of media manipulation that can be best described as mind control.

As the physical health of our population is being threatened, so too is our economic health as we witness the unfolding of the deliberate destruction of the middle class, or the load bearing beam of the theater in which we occupy. The final act of the American Republic might well be one of self-immolation, just as illustrated by the Phoenix depicted on the obverse of the very financial instrument that will hasten our demise. For it is a Phoenix, not an eagle, that clutches our nation in its talons, despite assertions to the contrary by the intellectual elite. It is they who shill for the elite to convince us that we are debilitated by conspiracies and fooled by watchmen. They continue to mock even as the tinder is ignited, demanding that we remain seated and calm, for they have it all under control. Indeed, it is under their control, and ultimately, the control of the god of their New World Order and one world government, and not our almighty God.

Questions about the militarization of municipal police forces, oppressive domestic legislation such as the Patriot Act and the NDAA are gradually being answered by the clues emerging from the fog of media manipulation. We have front row seats as not merely observers, but as victims to an agenda that was written a long time ago.

For years, the warnings of the watchmen have been drowned out by the cries of “conspiracy, doom porn and fear mongering” by the play writers known as the global elite, as well as their facilitators of fatality-the complicit corporate media. Just stay in your seats and turn your attention to center stage, for the play on this stage has already begun.

World War III

To the uninformed, assurances that the world is a much safer place now that the star of the global stage, the heavily-promoted messiah, the self-proclaimed “citizen of the world” has been cast in the lead role tickles their ears. To the informed and spiritually attuned, it is difficult to comprehend how so many can be fooled and entranced into believing the lies of the promoters and the promoted alike. Illusions obviously trump reality on the global stage, just as on the domestic stage, as the majority have been conditioned to accept illusion as reality.

The facilitators of the real-life drama that is unfolding before us are busily mopping blood from the stage before the curtain call. It is the blood of the victims of global restructuring, from the lies of the Arab Spring to the blood trail of Benghazi. Meanwhile, we are instructed to remain seated, to await the next act, or the opening act of the play of the millennia, for it is this act that will usher in a new world structured by a new order, one produced and directed by global elite – the elite that exist only in the minds of the marginalized.

We watch as the global stage is being set for conflagration and conflict, as the powers prepare to “burn it all down.” And burn it down they will, while they busily feather their own nests from the feathers of the Phoenix.

It is difficult to comprehend the depravity of the globalists for decent and moral people are not “wired” to think in such terms. It’s all part of the conditioning process, as we have been conditioned to accept that the laws of the immoral supersedes all. For those who don’t believe this is possible or what you read are simply the ramblings of a lunatic, consider those killed not just by war, but by the slaughter of the 56-plus million innocent unborn children over the last forty years. The soil is soaked by their blood, yet we accept it as it is not just legal and therefore acceptable, but a practice that has been exhorted and exported across the planet.

Domestically and globally, the watchmen have not been silent. They have been sounding the alarm for so long that people have become accustomed and desensitized to their warnings, like an apartment resident becomes accustomed to the noises of a noisy, nearby tenant, or the incessant noise of a distant car alarm.

Many suspect that the cries of the watchmen will soon be silenced. We all have center seats to the unfolding of the geopolitical stage, where we watch but don’t see the telltale signs of growing conflict.

We are reassured that we are safe and secure while the dry tinder lining the stage floor is being set ablaze. Most will not be roused from their seats until the fire is upon them, at which time it might be too late. The shackles of mental conditioning at the hands of the complicit media will not permit flight.

In an ironic plot twist worthy of a Shakespearean tragedy, many will curse not the promoters of peril, but the watchmen themselves, as the author of confusion reigns supreme in the earthly plot of these plays of destruction and damnation. In fact, it is happening already.

For those with ears to hear and a desire to know the positions of those on the domestic and global stages, tune in tonight for a special Hagmann & Hagmann Report broadcast. Steve Quayle, one of the first watchmen to sound the alarms on a national and international scale will be the sole guest as he details the coming acts of plays unfolding before us.

Ramey comments:

The foregoing article is not pleasant to contemplate and yet, as the author says, it is happening and we can watch it play out on the nitely news.  And yes, Americans have been conditioned through years by our public education system, government and law enforcement, to stay in our seats as the theatre burns down.  Shades of Waco

I see a number of news letters on the net, written by those who, no doubt, fancy themselves as a part of the Watchmen.  And I have to wonder if these folks have a clue as to what the Creator says about His Watchmen. It comes to us through one of His prophets by the name of Isaiah and we find it in Isaiah 56:10-12.  (Living Bible) "For the leaders of my people --- the Lord's Watchmen, His shepherds --- are ALL blind to every danger.  They are featherbrained and give no warning when danger comes.  They love to lie there; love to sleep, to dream."
11  "And they are as greedy as dogs, never satisfied; they are stupid shepherds who only look after their own interests. each trying to get as much as he can for himself from every possible source." 12  "'Come', they say, 'We'll get some wine and have a party, let's all get drunk.  This is really living, let it go on and on and tomorrow will be better yet'".
Surely this can't be talking about those who are trying to warn us of what is coming down the pike --- can it?  That little word "ALL" is pretty inclusive.  And the King James uses that little word three times in these three verses in describing His Watchmen. 

So what is their problem?  He says at the outset, "They are all blind!"
But these folks are all Christians!  And so they are.  Could their blind-ness include not being able to see that Christ was not the originator of Christianity?  Could their blindness be in their failure to understand that the book of Daniel --- sealed at the time of writing (see Daniel 12:4 & 9) until the "end time", --- has now been opened? 

Could their blindness include their failure to see that the Babylon to be destroyed "…in one hour", (Revelation 18), is America?  Could their blindness be because they haven't looked into the book written by the prophet Habakkuk to see that this is positively established?

Could this little three chapter book of Habakkuk be the "little book" the angel in Revelation 10 is handing to one of the two witnesses in preparation for their 1260 day campaign of Revelation 11?

Could a part of their blindness be a failure to recognize that the "image of the beast" spoken of in Revelation 13 was officially created in 1776?

Could their blindness be the failure to perceive that all religion is a tool created by Satan for the deception of "…the whole world"?  Rev 12:9 says it has been unbelievably successful. 

Could their blindness include the mythical "Jesus" they are pushing?

Again, the prophet Isaiah, speaking for the Creator, says in 52:6, "Therefore, My people shall know My Name".  It isn't Jesus.     

Why is it the masses are blind and asleep?  The prophet Isaiah says in chapter 3, verse 12, "Oh My people, they who lead you cause you to err…"  Who is it that leads America?  The media (MSM & alternative)? The government?  Educational institutions?  The medical profession?  The clergy?  Are these the building blocks of the Babylon that is to be destroyed "…in one hour"?

Those in the alternative media, who are still concentrating on waking up America, have not yet accepted the certainty of America's complete and total destruction.  There will be no "islands of civilization" left across the nation --- it will be a nuclear wilderness uninhabited and uninhabitable as we can see in Jeremiah 51:29 and 37.

There will be an exodus from this Babylon before the hammer falls and we can see this in Isaiah 52:10-12, but it will not be 3 million strong as was the exodus from Egypt some 3500 years ago.  Matthew 24:37 says it will be "…as it was in the days of Noah".  The book of Genesis says only 8 people were spared in those days. 

It is not my intent to put myself at cross purposes with these Watchmen because they are doing a service for all those with "…eyes to see and ears to hear".  My hope is that they are all wise and just men and know the saying of Solomon in Proverbs 9:9.  "Give instruction to a wise man and he will be yet wiser; teach a just man and he will increase in learning." 

I am learning from them and appreciating their work.  Can they learn from my 50 year plus study of the prophets and appreciate it?

December 4, 2014

Was Tesla The Conduit Between Fallen Angels & Our Technology?

     I find it extremely ironic that Tesla Motors founder and CEO Elon Musk is escalating his warnings that our obsession with Artificial Intelligence technology (AI) is the biggest threat to our human existence.  "With artificial intelligence, we are summoning the demon," he is quoted as saying.

     To be honest, he is not the only pioneering whiz to sound the alarm.  Even the genius astrophysicist Stephen Hawking is on record as saying, “The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race.”  He warns of the consequences of creating something that could potentially become smarter than its creator.  But hasn't that been the prideful sin of every enemy of God; from Lucifer to Nimrod, to all those throughout history who have followed in their footsteps and embraced their spirit of evil?

      “[AI] would take off on its own, and redesign itself at an ever-increasing rate,” Hawking said.  “Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn’t compete, and would be superseded.”


     But it is Musk's comments that I find the most fascinating; especially as chief executive of rocket-maker Space X.  He calls self-learning artificial intelligence “potentially more dangerous than nukes”.  And is it purely coincidental that he is the head of a company named after Nikola Tesla, the Serbian American inventor, engineer, and futurist who, by some accounts was a genius who wanted to illuminate the earth; the man who was "robbed" of the title of "Father of Electricity" by his rival, Thomas Edison.  (I really wish Glenn Beck would do his homework on this man whom he idolizes).

     To others, Nikola Tesla was a dangerous man; a man who believed that "In black holes, (what astronomers talk about), are the most powerful sources of energy and life."  He was a man who conducted experiments, trying to discover "what to do in the Universe, so [that] every being is born as Christ, Buddha or Zoroaster."  (Zoroastrianism is a pre-Islamic religion, revealed to man by a "god" named Ahura Mazda.  It is my contention that this was a fallen angel entity.)

     In an 1899 interview, from his Colorado Springs laboratory, Tesla opened up about his "other-world views": that the Light of the Universe filled his six senses; about building a machine, that by vibration, provokes a feeling of bliss; that humans once had real and visible wings.  He speaks of being aware, as a child, that there was an Energy in the Universe, and of trying to awake that energy, and figure out how it could influence people.  He told his interviewer,  "My eyesight and hearing are perfect and, I dare to say, stronger than other people. I hear the thunder from a hundred fifty miles away, and I see colors in the sky that others cannot see. This enlargement of vision and hearing, I had as a child. Later I consciously developed [it]."

     He speaks of being seriously ill during his youth, and of discovering that "The source of most disease is in the spirit. Therefore the spirit can cure most diseases ... I was cured because my father finally allowed me to study technology, which was my life. Illusion for me was not a disease, but the mind's ability to penetrate beyond the three dimensions of the earth."  Does anyone else think that perhaps this man had tapped into a force outside our human realm; and that perhaps it didn't  necessarily possess a benevolent spirit?

     In case you think I'm over-exaggerating, Tesla recounts this memory from his childhood: "Once, in childhood, I was walking along the river with Uncle and said: 'From the water will appear the trout, I'll throw a stone and it is cut.'  And, that's what happened. Frightened and amazed, his uncle cried: "Bade retro Satan’s!" ("Get back, Satan!") He was an educated man, and he spoke in Latin."  And -- if you need further proof -- later in the interview, Tesla finishes up a segment of his interview by declaring, "There are many fallen angels on Earth."

     At times, as I read his interview, his words seemed the farcical meanderings of an intellectual eccentric. But then there would be a passage that made the hair stand up on the back of my neck, such as this excerpt:  "Life is a rhythm that must be comprehended. I feel the rhythm, and direct on it, and pamper in it.  It was very grateful and gave me the knowledge I have."  (He speaks of "It" as if it was a person or entity!)  "Knowledge comes from space; our vision is its most perfect set. We have two eyes: the earthly and spiritual. It is recommended that it become one eye. The Universe is alive in all its manifestations, like a thinking animal."

     Does that creep you out like it does me?  Is he promoting the "all-seeing Eye"?  And does anyone else perceive the Prince of the Air prowling like a lion? And this Knowledge that comes from space --- could it be fallen angel technology that has been shared throughout history with mankind ... from the technology that allowed Nimrod to build the tower of Babel; to the branch of knowledge that resulted in the building of the ancient Sphinx; to the occultic knowledge possessed by Hitler and the Nazis; to the modern applications being employed in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Transhumanism?  Was Tesla trying to tell us that this knowledge is supernatural and unhuman?  What could he have possibly meant by this statement?  "The Universe has only one substance and one supreme energy with an infinite number of manifestations of life. The best thing is that the discovery of a secret nature reveals the other. One cannot hide, they are around us, but we are blind and deaf to them. If we emotionally tie ourselves to them, they come to us themselves."

"Faust Conjures Up the Spirits"

by Carl Christian Vogel von Vogelstein (1788-1868)

   And listen to his rendition of how he discovered the rotating magnetic field and induction motor: "One summer evening in Budapest, I watched [the sunset] with my friend Sigetijem. Thousands of fire was turning around in thousands of flaming colors. I remembered Faust and recited his verses and then, as in a fog, I saw a spinning magnetic field, and induction motor. I saw them in the sun!"  And in case you are wondering what the significance of Faust was, and how that could have played a part, contemplate this fact:  Faust is the protagonist of a classic German legend. He is a scholar who is highly successful yet dissatisfied with his life, so he makes a pact with the Devil, exchanging his soul for unlimited universal knowledge and worldly pleasures.

     So how many champions of Nikola Tesla are aware of this aspect of his genius and the influence behind his inventions?  Would Glenn Beck still shamelessly promote his exceptional creativity if he knew to whom Tesla gave credit?  There is no doubt that Tesla possessed great knowledge and produced great results from his experimentations; he is often called the Father of Radio, Television, Power Transmission, and the Induction Motor.  Less publicity is given to his mysterious inventions, including those that caused buildings to sway, earthquakes to materialize from his electro-magnetic oscillator; and a directed-energy weapon, called a death ray.  And would it surprise you to know that conspiracy theories swirl around his death and his legacy?  Some promote the idea that he was murdered by the Nazis for the work he did on electronic devices that would have been of great significance during WWII.  Then there is the rumor that soon after his death, the United States Government (with the help of the FBI) seized all of his research materials and writings, most of which never again reappeared -- (except perhaps as HAARP; the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program.)

     But here's the bottom line:  It is difficult to know the truth about this enigmatic genius; is he a hero or a villain?  One thing is clear:  Throughout his life, Tesla asserted that he had indeed discovered a limitless power supply from a source that no one else had knowledge of, but he never revealed the source.  In fact, I think this following quote, by Tesla himself, establishes that his genius was supernatural:  "Ideas came in an uninterrupted stream and the only difficulty I had was to hold them fast ... In less than two months I evolved virtually all the types of motors and modifications of the systems which are now identified with my name."

     And now, nearly 73 years after his death, Elon Musk, the Founder of a company that bears his name, and one of the foremost entrepreneurs that have benefitted from the genius and experimentations of Nikola Tesla is announcing that we may have gone too far ... that we may be "summoning the demon."

     To make his point perfectly clear, Musk gives us this analogy: "In all those stories where there's the guy with the pentagram and the holy water, it's like, yeah, he's sure he can control the demon. [It] didn't work out."

    But who is able to stuff that genie (uh, I mean, demon) back in the bottle?  History has shown us that once man agrees to accept that Satanic power source, it becomes a race towards human destruction.  The only thing that has ever stopped the total ruination of man has been God.  But has mankind reached its full quota of evil upon the earth?  Is it nearing the time when God will no longer save us from ourselves, and finally pronounce His Judgment?  Maybe He's providing us clues; if we will only pay attention and recognize that all technology is not for our good, perhaps we stand a chance.  Tesla believed that there were certain truths we needed to learn in order to be healed in this human existence. But here's the deal ... Our survival, and our eternity, depends on whose Truth we seek.

You can read the entire 1899 interview with Nikola Tesla here, and make up your own mind.  He's a fascinating character study, and I truly believe his story is part of the spiritual battle in which we find ourselves today.

1 Timothy 4:1   "Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons,"

Ramey comment: 

My apology for not crediting the author of this article but it came to me via e-mail without the author's name.


 Eric Holder Says He Will Announce Plan To Make It A Crime To Arrest Black People

NTEB News Desk | December 5, 2014  

Holder also backed changes in federal sentencing guideline ranges that could result in tens of thousands of drug prisoners becoming eligible for early release

ATLANTA (AP) — Speaking at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta — the church where the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. preached — U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said Monday that he will soon unveil long-planned Justice Department guidance aimed at ending racial profiling.

Holder traveled to Atlanta to meet with law enforcement and community leaders for the first in a series of regional meetings around the country. The president asked Holder to set up the meetings in the wake of clashes between protesters and police in Ferguson, Missouri.

“In the coming days, I will announce updated Justice Department guidance regarding profiling by federal law enforcement. This will institute rigorous new standards — and robust safeguards — to help end racial profiling, once and for all,” Holder said. “This new guidance will codify our commitment to the very highest standards of fair and effective policing


I have to admire Dave for his persistence and intent (knowing full well that the road to hell is paved with good intentions). 

I used to use Dave's articles in these Commentaries until he copyrighted them.  This told me he was more interested in fees than in informing the public. 

I admire Dave's spunk but not his dogged adherence to myths such as "The Fall of the Roman Empire", the Republic we never had, the Jesus myth and the assumption that Christianity was founded by the Christ.  These are but a few of the myths he has absorbed from our academic educational system adopted by the "Image of the Beast" from the Greco-Macedonian Empire of Alexander.  "The Fall of the Roman Empire" was a myth introduced by Edward Gibbon in a book by the same title published in 1776 as a smoke-screen to cover the involvement of the Vatican in the formation of America as the "Image of the Beast", (fourth beast of Daniel 7), mentioned in Revelation 13. 

I read Dave's articles through the times he was dedicated to waking America and saving the Republic and into the articles where he began to realize that America could not be saved.  I had shown this a couple of years before in the pages of these Commentaries.

Those locked into Christian idolatry are not a part of those who will understand the book of Daniel when it is opened (and it has been), as we can see in Daniel 12:10.   It doesn't take a Thd in theology to understand the book of Daniel but it does take a love of truth as outlined in II Thessalonians 2. 

If we have it, then we can understand that the dream image of King Nebuchadnezzar, interpreted by Daniel, (Daniel 2), is a tapestry of time being unfurled from Neb's day (600 BC), to the present.  The kingdoms (empires), mentioned in that array can be traced through the channels of history, if you discount the Darwinian biases, and stick to real history rather than that which has been politically "sanitized".

If we do due diligence, we will surely see that the division in King Neb's image came in the days of the 3rd empire or that of Alexander. 
It was split four ways at his death (murder?) but those four were soon reduced to two that became known as the territorial kingdoms of the north and south in Daniel 11.  These have been transformed into kingdoms (empires) without borders of Islam and Christianity.  These are currently being pitted against each other by the money moguls for the purpose of mutual destruction.  This was foreseen by Albert Pike, author of the Masonic Bible, "Morals and Dogma", long ago and conveyed to Mazzini in a letter.  An excerpt from that letter, showing this, has been published in these Commentaries. 

There is no saving America!  We have been indicted by the Supreme Sovereign of the Universe and "…weighed in the balances and found wanting".  The armies for our demise have already been prepared and the decree is irreversible.  If you wish to see where America is mentioned in the Bible, then please turn to the little book (3 chapters) of Habakkuk.  I challenge you to find another nation that even comes close to fitting the description of the nation described here.  Revelation 18 says this nation, Babylon (Chaldea), will be destroyed in one hour.  This was not possible until the advent of the nuclear age. 

Can we begin to understand that we are living in the days written about by the prophets?  Can we begin to understand that this world belongs to Satan (see Luke 4), and has been deceived by him, (Rev 12:9)?  Can we begin to see that religion is the forum for that deception?  Jesus is a counterfeit!  Christianity is a counterfeit!  It did not originate with Christ.  Do your homework!
Hosea 4;6   "…My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."

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