Friday, August 18, 2017


From the desk of
Bill Ramey


August 15, 2017

Russia Reports CIA “Genocide Expert” Orchestrated Charlottesville Mob Violence

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A truly shocking Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that a known Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) “genocide expert”, named Brennan Gilmore, was a “key orchestrator” behind this past weekends racial motivated mob violence occurring in Charlottesville, Virginia—and whom Russian intelligence experts have previously blamed for being a “central figure” behind the genocidal fighting between Muslim and Christian militias in the Central African Republic.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, in 2012, Brennan Gilmore was a known CIA deep cover operative stationed by the Obama regime as a Deputy Chief of Mission to the US Embassy in the Central African Republic, and who worked exclusively with the Muslim rebel group Séléka that were successful in the overthrow of that nations Christian majority controlled government on 24 March 2013—thereafter causing a Christian militia backlash of genocidal proportions known today as “The Forgotten Conflict” because of its being ignored by the West.

Upon President Donald Trump’s November 2016 election victory, this report continues, Brennan Gilmore returned to the United States (in early December 2016) and became the Chief of Staff for his former Central African Republic boss Tom Perriello—who launched a bid to become the Democratic Party governor of Virginia, but who was defeated in a 13 June 2017 primary election.

After leaving the campaign of Tom Perriello in mid-June (2017), this report details, Brennan Gilmore became an advisor to the Democratic Party mayor of Charlottesville, Virginia, named Michael Signer—who, before this past weekend, was most infamously known for his declaring his city “a capital of the resistance” against President Trump in February 2017.

Between the dates of 6-11 August, this report notes, SVR electronic intelligence intercepts noted Brennan Gilmore had numerous meetings and telephonic exchanges with Mayor Michael Signer and a former Obama supporter, and Occupy Wall Street activist, named Jason Kessler—but with Kessler now being described as “a relative newcomer to the white nationalist scene”, and who was the leader of the pro-fascist forces planning to demonstrate in Charlottesville on 12 August. 

Democratic Party activist turned “white supremacist” Jason Kessler leaving meeting held between him, Brennan Gilmore and Mayor Michael Signer on 11 August 2017

Important to note about Jason Kessler too, this report continues, is that with his experience as a former assignment editor for the anti-Trump “fake news” propaganda media organ CNN, he was well versed in how to create media spectacles such as would occur in Charlottesville on 12 August.   

And as to who this planned media spectacle played out in Charlottesville on 12 August, this report details, proved a “grim success” as, firstly, Jason Kessler led his pro-fascist forces on a “Unite The Right” march—followed, secondly, by Mayor Michael Singer ordering his cities police forces to stand down and not interfere when these pro-fascist forces met their communist led counter demonstrator foes. 


Being lost to the American people about this Charlottesville media spectacle too, this report continues, is its being a mirror image to the events that took place in 2014 when the CIA overthrew the legitimately elected government in Ukraine (called “the most blatant coup in history”)—even to the pro-fascist forces in both Ukraine and Charlottesville holding the same type of shields decorated by Nazi symbols of power.  

Charlottesville pro-fascist forces on 12 August 2017

Unlike in Charlottesville, however, this report notes, the pro-Nazi fascist forces in Ukraine were supported by the Obama regimes Democratic Party in America—most especially by Hillary Clinton who received millions-of-dollars from them—while at the same time the Ukrainians were selling ballistic missile rocket engines to North Korea to threaten President Trump with.  

And though the “Nazi Playbook” used so frequently by George Soros played out to great effect in Charlottesville when used by Brennan Gilmore, Mayor Michael Singer and Jason Kessler, this report concludes, President Trump may, indeed, have the last word in this matter as his Department of Justice has ordered a top Democratic Party anti-Trump website to immediately turn over the identities of 1.3 million communist agitators causing chaos throughout America—and who once being fully known, will, no doubt, be finally neutralized.  

August 15, 2017 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Note: The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]

Ramey comments:

If Russia can get this kind of intelligence to Americans, why can't America?  Is it time to defund and dismantle all the intel agencies of America?  Is it time to respond in kind to the war declared against Trump by the deep state?  Is it time to unleash the military against them? 

I truly think we need not concern ourselves unduly with answers to those questions because I do believe that the answers are "Blowin' in the Wind".  Are we ready to accept them? 

Is NATO the answer?  Is Trump the answer?  Is religion the answer?  Do we dare look for answers objectively?  What if the answers don't match our political orientation?  What if the answers don't match our religious orientation?  What if the answers spell the total destruction of America? 

If you have been given, AND RECEIVED, a love of truth, then those answers have been spelled out for the past several years in the pages of these Commentaries.  They have not been couched in "politically correct" terms, nor have they spared the deception of the "...whole world" by religion.

This world of idolatry is on it's way down and out and this message becomes loud and clear if you believe the prophets.  Do we believe the prophets?  No.  Why?  Because religion has so diluted their message so as to make it intelligible.  Does this mean it will not happen?  Better take a look at what is happening around you today and compare it with the messages of the prophets.  It may become the granddaddy of all wake up calls. 

America is lost and it appears that the final chapter of American history will play out over the next two months.  It's not the end of the world but the end of America and according to the prophets, it will never again be inhabited but will become a nuclear wilderness forever.

Is your religious guru telling you this?  Is he/she reserving a cubicle in one of the hidey-holes?  These Commentaries have also shown you the fate of those who make it to those plush dungeons. 

The pole shift now appears more than credible --- but imminent.  And no, of course you did not see it on CNN.  The fake news media is trying desperately to keep a lid on things until those who call themselves "elite" make it to their bunkers.

Will the blast that takes out America "... in one hour" come in a manner that even they have not anticipated? 

If you hear a shrieking sound the last week of September that you can't tune out, you might want to consider the sound to be the sound of the ten final shofars warning of impending judgment on an idolatrous nation. 

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