Saturday, August 26, 2017


From the desk of
Bill Ramey


August 21, 2017

War Fears Rise After US Bans All Russians From Entering America For First Time In History

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

Another grim report issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) today warns that war between the Federation and the United States “is all but assured” after the US, for the first time in history, banned all Russian citizens from entering America—and that the Ministry of Defense (MoD) states is a clear “war move” taken by nations who fear an influx of saboteurs prior to hostilities beginning.   [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.] 

According to this report, at 9:00 AM local time (MSK/+0300 UTC), the US State Department notified the MoFA that as of 23 August the United States was suspending all visas to Russian citizens seeking to visit the United States except those seeking to immigrate (of which there are none)—and that on 1 September, the US Embassy in Moscow would be the place where visas will be issued with all of the other US consulates in Russia having their visa services “suspended indefinitely”.

MoFA and MoD analysts contributing to this report state that this “war move” being taken against Russia by the United States signals that America is preparing to start combat operations against North Korea—with the American people not knowing that US missiles (defensive/offensive) fired from Alaska targeting North Korea have to first overfly Russia’s far east—which President Putin has vowed will not be allowed to occur—with Jeffrey Lewis, Director of the East Asia Nonproliferation Program at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, likewise, warning:

“We can’t assume that Russia would realize the launch from Alaska was a missile defense interceptor rather than an ICBM. From Russia, the trajectories might appear quite similar, especially if the radar operator was under a great deal of stress or pressure.”

With the United States being warned by Dimitri Simes, President of the Washington-based think-tank Center For The National Interest, that it “faces a catastrophic war with Russia” while it’s being distracted by North Korea, this report continues, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has, also, laid down a stark warning to the Americans this past week when he called on Russia to unite with this eastern superpower to prevent an “August crisis.

Simultaneously occurring with these war events, this report details, is Russia’s continuing with the biggest military exercise in Europe since the end of the cold war (Zapad 2017) that is seeing tens-of-thousands of Russian troops flooding into Belarus to very border of NATO—with Belarus, also, being notified today that visas to citizens of their country seeking to enter the United States were being banned too.

The massive Zapad 2017 Russia-Belarus military exercise, this report notes, has raised “great fear” among the NATO nations who say it “could be a cover for skullduggery”—and that opponents in the neighboring Eastern European states worry could be a cover for a long-term foreign military presence.

Of evidence of this being so, this report explains, was President Trump’s State Department this week announcing that once the Islamic State was defeated in Syria it would remove all US military forces—but that was quickly countermanded by the US military who told their Kurdish allies in Syria that they would be there “for decades.

Where President Trump had, also, previously noted that the US has already been defeated in Afghanistan, and during his campaign had pledged to get his country out of this “quagmire war” that has cost trillions-of-dollars and accomplished nothing, this report continues, new reports from the United States show that after a “tense meeting” with his generals this weekend, Trump is preparing to give a nationwide address to the American people this evening (US time) where he will unveil a “new strategy” for this war.

With both Russia and the Taliban already telling the US the truth that it has lost this war and should withdrawal its troops, this report notes, the American “Deep State”, however, wants it to continue—and is unwinnable (as the former Soviet Union discovered) as to defeat the Taliban, nuclear armed Pakistan needs to be destroyed too—but everyone knowing that when Pakistan goes to war, “it gives no quarter to anyone”. 

As to what President Trump is actually doing, though, this report continues, remains an enigma—as nearly all of the promises he made prior to being elected appear to be “smoke and mirrors”, such as his pledging to the American people in January that he was hiring 5,000 new border police to protect them, but so far hasn’t done—thus leaving many experts in America to come to the grim conclusion that all of the problems the US faces are “too big and too many to fix” and that Trump was elected to be the “fall guy” when everything comes apart.

To what the United States will look like should this be true, this report concludes, Russian historian Igor Panarin has previously detailed when, in 2008, he predicted that America would collapse and break up into six parts—and that a nuclear war with Russia would, most certainly, make happen.  

August 21, 2017 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Note: The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]

Ramey comments:

It becomes abundantly clear that our congress has full intentions of following through on their plans for war with Russia.

This is suicidal and they know it but suicide is preferable to being exposed as the "pedophile profile" most of them fall into. 

And this approach makes it much easier for the globalists to sell the agenda for the destruction of America to sleeping Americans.  How many Americans do you know who know how much groundwork has already been done to bring about this war?

How many do you know who know how badly crippled our military has become, due to the 8 years of Obama?

Now, having said that, I still do not believe this war will come to fruition.  Everything I see in the prophets says the end of Babylon will come by way of a cataclysm of unprecedented proportions.  Some 200 million will die in one month but the destruction of the nation will come " one hour". 

What most don't realize is that this is "The day of the Lord".  (See Isaiah 13 and Rev 6). It is not the day the long haired hippie comes floating down from the clouds onto the Mt of Olives but rather is a day of darkness and destruction.  It's a day of tsunamis and earthquakes unprecedented.

It's a day that touches off the looting of America by " assembly of great nations" (see Jeremiah 50:9).  Survivors will be sold to the world as slaves.  And the entire process of emptying out the nation will take only one month. (See Hosea 5).

If all this seems too severe as judgment of the Eternal against America, then open your eyes and look at the crimes of America.  Educate yourself about the pedophilia that is rampant among members of congress, the judiciary and law enforcement.  Look at the traitors in our government marching to the banner of the DNC and deep state.  Look at our totally corrupt UCC (NWO) courts all the way down to and including the county courts. 

The judgment and wrath of the Eternal is fully justified and is coming sooner than most dare to believe.  It is written.

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