Saturday, August 5, 2017


From the desk of
Bill Ramey


By JayWill

Pelosi Faced With ‘Prison Time’ After Shocking Connection To Scalise’s Shooting Revealed

Wednesday, August 2, 2017 16:19

On June 14, Rep. Steve Scalise was seriously wounded when a crazed liberal gunman opened fire on Republican lawmakers practicing for a charity baseball game in Alexandria, Virginia. Now, a shocking connection has been revealed between House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and the shooting which landed Scalise in the hospital for six weeks, and it could spell “prison time” for the California Congresswoman.

On Tuesday, YouTube channel Conservative Muricans posted a video of an unnamed man approaching Pelosi in D.C. with a message for the Democratic leader which she surely was not expecting: “Prison time is coming soon, be ready.” Pelosi was noticeably taken aback by the man’s claim.

A transcript of their brief yet ominous exchange was provided by The Gateway Pundit:

“Nancy!” the man called out as he went to shake Pelosi’s hand.

“Hi,” Nancy said to the man hesitantly.

“Prison time is coming soon – be ready.”

Pelosi appeared shaken by what the man had said to her.

As Pelosi scurried away, the man called out to her “Donald Trump – not much time left.”

Pelosi chuckled as she caught up with the group of people she was walking with.

Whoever it was that approached Pelosi with this eery warning about her future seemed to know something that the rest of us are not yet privy to. However, another report which surfaced early this week may shed some light on the reason the House Minority Leader could be going to prison in the near future.

According to WND, there is a very suspicious connection between Pelosi and the GOP baseball shooting. The scene of the shooting was the Eugene Simpson Stadium Park in Alexandria, Virginia. However, the U.S. Capitol Police elite tactical team mistakenly headed to Pelosi’s waterfront home on 30th Street in Georgetown, which is 7.2 miles, or a 20-minute drive, north of the baseball stadium.

The U.S. Capitol Police department opened an internal investigation into why its elite tactical team was initially directed to respond to the wrong location when a gunman opened fire last month at a GOP congressional baseball practice, according to two people familiar with the matter.

Instead of responding directly to the Virginia field where House Majority Whip Steve Scalise and several others were shot, members of the Capitol Police Containment and Emergency Response Team were signaled instead to go to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s house in the Georgetown neighborhood of Washington, several miles away, according to the two people, who asked for anonymity to speak about the sensitive incident. [Source: Bloomberg Politics]

At this time, it is uncertain whether Pelosi herself had anything to do with this egregious mistake, but if she did, it could help explain why there might be “prison time” in her future. It is the stuff conspiracy theories are made of, to be sure. As more information surrounding the Capitol Police’s internal investigation becomes available, Mad World News will be sure to let you know since we don’t expect the liberal mainstream media to inform the public.

Got a tip or a rumor? Contact me here.

Trump Just Revealed A Massive Plot, Nancy Pelosi And Debbie Wasserman Schultz Are Exposed


Wednesday, August 2, 2017 16:35

Written by JayWill7497

Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Nancy Pelosi are truly manipulative when it comes to national security and President Trump is very conscious about that. They are part of a massive plot, together with Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamists implanted in our government, to get access to highly confidential documents on national security. President Trump is taking immediate actions to reveal this disloyal circle pointing at House Minority Leader and the Florida congresswoman.

President Trump admitted that he is aware why the Democratic National Committee didn’t turn over the servers to the FBI. Back in 2016, the DNC declared that they were hacked by Russians, but refused any law enforcement agency to inspect their servers. Debbie Wasserman Schultz was chairman of DNC, and nowadays she is employed at Awan brothers with approval to access the highest classified security documents. Imran Awan, as a leader of the group, was arrested while trying to escape from U.S. Now the connection between Nancy Pelosi, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Muslim Congressman Andre Carson, and the Awan brothers is revealed.

Nancy Pelosi authorized the Awan brothers to access to eight ranking Democratic members’ computers who sat on the House Intel Committee. In a letter from March 2016 she stated “[W]e request you include adequate funding to the House Office of the Sergeant at Arms to support Top Secret Sensitive Compartmented Information Security (TS/SCI) Clearance investigations for individual designees from each House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Member’s personal staff.”

The “individual designees” stated in the letter were, of course, the Awan brothers. Frontpage Magazine wrote, “The signatories to the letter were Andre Carson, Luis Guiterrez, Jim Himes, Terri Sewell, Jackie Speier, Mike Quigley, Eric Swalwell, and Patrick Murphy. All the signatories were Democrats. Some had a history of attempting to undermine national security. Two of them have been linked to an emerging security breach. The office of Andre Carson, the second Muslim in Congress, had employed Imran Awan. As did the offices of Jackie Speier and Debbie Wasserman Schultz; to whom the letter had been addressed.”

Rep. Andre Carson is the congressman from Indiana who is connected to radical Islamists. “Islamists have funded Carson’s career to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars. The Center for Security Policy has put together a dossier of Carson’s connections to the Muslim Brotherhood. The Brotherhood is the parent organization of many key Islamic terror groups posing a threat to our national security including Al Qaeda and Hamas,” stated Daniel Greenfield, a famous expert on Muslim terrorism.

Greenfield added, “Andre Carson shared the stage at a CAIR banquet with Sirraj Wahaj: an unindicted co-conspirator in the World Trade Center bombing who had once declared, ‘You don’t get involved in politics because it’s the American thing to do. You get involved in politics because politics are a weapon to use in the cause of Islam.’”

The main question is why Andre Carson, who is financed from the Muslim Brotherhood, is assisting House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. He has access to highly classified national security documents. And of course, here is Nancy Pelosi and Debbie Wasserman Schultz who authorize the Awan brothers to be Carson’s IT techs.

It isn’t a surprise that Debbie Wasserman Schultz threatened the Capitol Police Chief a couple of weeks ago after the seizure of the computers.

President Trump exposed this “spy novel” asking FBI why have never had access to the DNC servers. Now, we just need to be patient and trust in Trump that he’ll do everything in his power to make these traitors pay for their crimes.

Please share this post on Facebook if you want to see them in jail.

Ramey comments:

With explosive articles like these and the Faal report yesterday, who needs Ramey comments? 

As a preview of what's coming, unless it gets crowded out by something hotter, I will show you in the next Commentary why Traitor McCain had his "not so illustrious" military records sealed. 

For the record, I would just like to say I disagree with Trump's handling of the avowed enemies of America.  They have identified themselves as the enemy by their declaration of war against Trump.  Now that they are identified, they should be treated like ISIS --- I.e. Turn the generals loose on them for annihilation and take no prisoners for their court cohorts to release.  My opinion is that the target should be expanded to include their court cohorts.  And I feel it should start at the top of the pyramid and not at the bottom. 

A very simple strategy for dealing with what congress has become would be to allow a joint rally of rednecks and bikers in DC while congress is in session.  Then using an Obama ploy, tell the army, DC police and security agencies to "Stand down" while the true patriots have a "Jehu party" in the capitol. 

Too simple?  Perhaps --- but makes a hell of a lot more sense than "Voting in better politicians" trotted out by Soros and the Bush/ Clinton crime syndicate.

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