Saturday, August 26, 2017


From the desk of
Bill Ramey


August 24, 2017

Trump Institutes Russian Peace Plan For Afghanistan While Giving CIA Multi-Billion Drug Deal

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An interesting Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that President Donald Trump has ordered instituted a “Gordian Knot” (name to a proverbial term for a problem solvable only by bold action) action for the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan based solely upon Russia’s peace plan for this failed nation—while at the same time he’s allowing his nations Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to continue their multi-billion dollar opium-heroin scheme located there to keep operating indefinitely too.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.] 

US Marines protecting CIA poppy fields in Afghanistan in 2017

According to this report, on 27 December 2016, the third round of trilateral consultations regarding Afghanistan, held in Moscow among senior officials from Russia, China and Pakistan, determined that the only way to return this troubled nation to “peaceful life” was by initiating a dialogue to cease hostilities between Kabul (US supported Afghan government) and the Taliban Movement—and that nearly all of the global experts on this region agreed was “Afghanistan’s last hope”.

This past week, this report continues, President Trump instituted this Russian-led policy for Afghanistan in its entirely—with his Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, also, publically acknowledging that the only solution to this 16-year war were peace talks between Kabul and the Taliban—with his further urging the Taliban to come to the “peace table” by his stating: “You will not win a battlefield victory.  We may not win one, but neither will you.

Though President Trump provided few public details as to how he will fully institute Russia’s peace policy in Afghanistan, this report notes, he did state that it would include the sending there of thousands of more US troops at a cost estimated to be over $1 trillion—nearly all of whom are being tasked with protecting the CIA’s vast opium crop being systematically destroyed in every Afghan province taken over by the Taliban.

Not being told to the American people about what has occurred leading to President Trump’s actions, this report explains, is that, in the 1990’s, the CIA consciously turned a blind eye to the opium trade in Afghanistan until the Taliban took control and attempted to put an end to production—and as the opium industry in Afghanistan represented 90% of the world’s opium production, the Taliban’s actions caused opium production to plummet—and that wasn’t restored until 2001 after the 9/11 attacks upon America that gave the US a “perfect reason” to invade Afghanistan—after which the CIA seized the opium fields and took control of them thus allowing opium production to skyrocket.

To one of the largest casualties of the CIA’s massive opium operation in Afghanistan, this report details, have been the American people themselves—were, in 2001, there were barely 189,000 heroin users in the America before the US-NATO invasion of Afghanistan, but by 2016 that number had soared to 4,500,000—and that, also, in 2010, Russia had raged about after the US Marines were sent by the Obama regime into Helmond Province to protect the CIA’s opium fields there.

On May 23, however, this report continues, President Trump’s Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) presented him a grim report about Afghanistan that stated: “In 2017, we believe the ANDSF will incrementally improve its capabilities to challenge the Taliban, but military operations will not be decisive. We expect the Taliban to further consolidate control mostly in rural terrain and continue to pressure provincial capitals in Helmand, Uruzgan, and Kunduz Provinces.”—all of which were regions taken over by the Taliban who were systematically destroying CIA funded opium fields.

Coinciding with this grim DIA report about Afghanistan presented to President Trump, this report notes, the CIA began a coup d’etat against him using its “Deep State” apparatus—and that included the May 2017 appointment of Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller to investigate the made up story about Trump colluding with Russia to win his election against Hillary Clinton.

In order to sideline Russia too, this report says, the CIA, also, began planting “fake news” stories in the Western propaganda media absurdly claiming that Moscow was supporting the Taliban by supplying them weapons—with all of these propagandists failing to inform the American people that US Marine Lieutenant General Vincent Stewart, the Director of the DIA, had previously stated that “there is no evidence that Russia had transferred weapons or money to the Taliban in Afghanistan”.

With the Ministry of Defense (MoD) now planning to hold military drills with other Central Asian nations in order to stem the crisis in Afghanistan caused by the CIA’s vast drug operation there, this report notes, new warnings are, also, being issued that this war risks expanding beyond Afghanistan and reaching into Russia too—and that with the civil war in Syria being declared by Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu today as being “de-facto over”, would necessitate a massive movement of Federation troops into this highly volatile region next.

As to how the CIA under the Obama regime became so powerful it’s even able to overthrow its nations elected president in order to keep its vast international drug operation ongoing, this report explains, is due to its blackmailing of nearly every single American government elected official and leader—and that was first stunningly revealed in 2014 when it was forced to admit that it had spied on the US Senate—and that chilling new revelations today show, also, that it is spying on everyone else too—including the NSA, FBI and DHS.

Though many in the world are now believing that President Trump in his protecting of the CIA’s opium operation in Afghanistan shows that he has completely surrendered” to the neocon “Deep State” warmongers attacking him, this report concludes, the MoFA is not as yet ready to make such a pronouncement choosing, instead, to assert that the “insanity/hysteria” overtaking America has yet to play itself out to a conclusion—and whose latest examples include:

The former deep-cover CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson attempting to raise on the GoFundMe website $1 billion (she’s raised over $44,000 so far) in order to buy Twitter so she can then kick President Trump off of it.

The Obama regime holdover in the Trump administration Science Envoy Daniel Kammen writing a resignation letter, yesterday, with the first letter of every paragraph spelling out ‘IMPEACH’.

And, most ironically, the White House Director of Rapid Response, Andy Hemming, leaving his post this week—and whose ill fated $89,000 a year job was to find and distribute positive stories about President Trump from the mainstream media—of which, of course, there were barely any as has always been proven true in communist nations whose media have become nothing more than propagandists.

August 24, 2017 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

 [Note: The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]

Ramey comments:

What few Americans know (or want to know), is that America and Britain have been in the drug business for well over a century.  The 1905 invasion f China was to keep the drug market in China open to U.S. and British sales. 

Now if you will go back and reread Isaiah 13 and Jeremiah 50-51, perhaps you can see more clearly why the wrath of the Creator described there is so hot against America. 

And yes, the entire nation will be held accountable.  As a nation, it will be destroyed forever.  Because of geographical changes and nuclear meltdowns it will be uninhabitable. 

The little counterfeit nation of Israel will be destroyed also but it will be resettled and become the new and greater Israel with borders restored to those given Abraham.  Jerusalem will become the capitol of the new world and the new and greater Israel will live according to the laws, statutes, precepts and judgments given Moses some 3500 years ago. 

The Creator will demonstrate His capacity to fulfill the promises He made, in Leviticus 26, of peace and prosperity to the nation that lives according to His laws and the new and greater Israel will introduce the God of Abraham to the gentile world. 

The Israelites that were led out of Egypt some 3500 years ago were commissioned to carry out this mission but, instead of them upgrading the world, they were down-graded by Satan's world.  This time, Satan and his demons will be in a "restraint mode", and surviving Israelites will still be charged with this responsibility. 

If you don't know where Israel is today, then obviously you have homework to do. Hint:  It is not the little counterfeit nation named Israel today.  That nation is made up primarily of Khazarians from the tribe of Japheth and trace their ancestry back to Ashkenaz and Togormah. (See Genesis 10). They are the ones Christ referred to as "...those who say they are Jews and are not but do lie."  (See Rev 2:9 and 3:9).

This lie has taken the world by storm today and it appears that 90+% of the world believes this counterfeit nation is Israel.  Satan has indeed deceived the '...whole world" and the forum he created for this deception is religion.

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