Saturday, August 26, 2017


From the desk of
Bill Ramey


August 22, 2017

US Issues Pacific Ocean War Warning After USS John S. McCain Attack Ready To Be Blamed On Russia

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An alarming Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the US Pacific Command (PACOM) has issued a “war warning directive” to the Federation’s Pacific Fleet notifying them that anti-submarine combat operations have begun in the Sea of Japan that “could/may” “negatively impact” Russia’s 22 submarines transiting this region to their home ports in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and Vilyuchinsk—and that follows by 48 hours US Marine Corps General Joseph Dunford, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, preparing America’s missile forces in Alaska to strike North Korea—and, also, has fears growing within the MoD that the US is preparing to blame the attack on one of their warships on Russia too.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, PACOM issued this “war warning directive” to the Pacific Fleet barely 24 hours after their large scale war maneuvers with South Korea began—known as Ulchi-Freedom Guardian and that North Korea has vowed “merciless retaliation” against—and that after making this threat, the top three US military commanders said they planed to issue their own “strong warning message” later today too.

Raising the MoD’s concerns about PACOM’s actions in the Sea of Japan, this report explains, are them occurring just days after yet another US warship was attacked and destroyed in the Pacific Ocean—this time being the USS John S. McCain (DDG-56) that mysteriously” collided with the Liberian registered Alnic MC oil tanker off the coast of Singapore in the Strait of Malacca—and that US Chief of Naval Operations Admiral John Richardson first claimed showed no indications that this collision was intentional or the result of cyber intrusion or sabotage.

Within 48 hours of the USS John S. McCain being attacked and destroyed, however, this report continues, the US Navy then announced that their warship suffered a “steering casualty” and lost all control—a totally made up story that was quickly countered by the internationally respected cyber security expert Jeff Stutzman, Chief Intelligence Officer at Wapack Labs (a New Boston, New Hampshire, cyber intelligence service) who stated: 

“When you are going through the Strait of Malacca, you can’t tell me that a Navy destroyer doesn’t have a full navigation team going with full lookouts on every wing and extra people on radar.  There’s something more than just human error going on because there would have been a lot of humans to be checks and balances.”

USS John S. McCain lies stricken off the coast of Singapore on 21 August 2017

The facts regarding Jeff Stutzman’s assertions regarding the destruction of the USS John S. McCain, this report details, support his findings as, since 31 January, four PACOM warships have been attacked—and that aside from the USS John S. McCain, include the guided missile cruiser USS Antietam (CG-54) that mysteriously ran aground off the coast of Japan, the guided missile cruiser USS Lake Champlain (CG-57) mysteriously colliding with a South Korean fishing vessel, and the Arleigh Burke-Class destroyer USS Fitzgerald (DDG-62) (like its sister ship USS John S. McCain one of the most advanced warships in the world) mysteriously colliding with a container ship off the coast of Japan on 17 June.

Further supporting the conclusion that all of these highly advanced US warships suddenly having “mysterious steering issues” is too unbelievable to comprehend (as nothing like this has ever happened to any navy in history), this report notes, is Professor Todd Humphreys at the University of Texas, who as one of the worlds’ leading experts in satellite navigation systems stated “Statistically, it looks very suspicious, doesn’t it?”—and who was followed by one of the top statisticians in America named Salil Mehta saying yesterday that he was going to examine this issue too—but who immediately after stating this was stunningly banned by Google who destroyed all of his internet stored research documents and cut off his email access too. 

Causing the gravest concern within the MoD about what is occurring with these “mysteriously colliding” US Navy warships operating in Pacific Ocean, this report says, was a cryptic warning issued on 22 June by the United States Maritime Administration (MARAD) titled “2017-005A-GPS Interference-Black Sea” that stated:

“A maritime incident has been reported in the Black Sea in the vicinity of position 44-15.7N, 037-32.9E on June 22, 2017 at 0710 GMT. This incident has not been confirmed. The nature of the incident is reported as GPS interference. Exercise caution when transiting this area. Further updates may follow.”

Following this 22 June MARAD warning, this report continues, the Western propaganda “fake news” media began publishing stories alleging that Russia could be behind what they claimed was the first known instance of GPS “spoofing (or misdirection) that left some 20 ships with “little situational awareness” while transiting the Black Sea—with some of these ships reporting that even though their navigation equipment appeared to be working properly, their GPS showed their location as being 20 miles inland, near an airport.

As to why the Americans appeared to be preparing to blame Russia for what is occurring with their Pacific Ocean warships, this report explains, is because, also, on 22 June, just hours prior to MARAD issuing their cryptic Black Sea warning, the MoD had issued its own warning that the USS Fitzgerald had been deliberately attacked after believed to be North Korean hackers took over the controls of a container ship and deliberately steered it into this US warship---and that we had, likewise, reported about in our 22 June article titled “Trump Prepares For Retaliation After USS Fitzgerald “Collision” Ruled “Act Of War”.

Like the USS Fitzgerald too, this report further notes, the destruction of the USS John S. McCain shows that it too was attacked by a vessel whose automatic controls were hacked—and as evidenced (see charts below) by the attacking vessels (MV ACX Crystal attacked the USS Fitzgerald and Alnic MC attacked the USS John S. McCain) exhibiting highly “bizarre/mysterious” maneuvers both prior to and after their hitting these US warships.

AIS tracking log of MV ACX Crystal attacking USS Fitzgerald on 17 June 2017

AIS tracking log of Alnic MC attacking USS John S. McCain on 21 August 2017

To if PACOM will use their just issued “war warning directive” to begin attacking Pacific Fleet warships and/or submarines thus igniting World War III, this report concludes, is not known—but with the American people now being so completely propagandized to believe that Russians are under every single one of their beds, nothing can be put past them as they are all, most assuredly, insane and being led by monsters they don’t even know the names of—let alone even knowing the grave danger they’re all in too.  

August 22, 2017 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

 [Note: The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]




If this is all new to you, then you must get your news from CNN.  I have been showing it in the pages of these Commentaries for the past nine years.  Now, we don't have nine years.  It would seem we don't have nine months --- or even nine weeks.  Will we hear the piercing sound of a shofar that we can't tune out on September 23rd?  If we do, that is a 10 day notice of judgment on America.  If we continue to hear this shofar blast for the next nine days, that will be underscoring and putting in bold print the judgment that will be coming to America on the tenth day of the shofars.  That will be the day of release known in Jewish circles as the beginning of the Jubilee.  It will also be an annual Sabbath known to the Jews as Yom Kippur and to some Christian cults as the Day of Atonement. 

Is this significant?  Most assuredly.  I am still not clear as to how the counterfeit Israel of today fits into the overall picture, but that nation is going to fall with the U.S.

The scenario is laid out in Isaiah 29.  So, yes, Jerusalem is to be destroyed one more time.  At that point, the Elohim will take an active hand in world politics and wars.  Will there really be "Star wars"?  Right now, it appears to me there will be.  Cataclysms on planet earth will be multiplied to a point of being mind boggling.  Earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis and yes, even an invasion from space.  It would seem the gov'ts of this world are preparing now for this invasion. 

You don't hear this kind of news from the fake news media.  Their job, if they are to continue receiving candy allotments from their globalist bosses, is to keep the masses asleep. 

The alternate news is starting to interfere with their agenda and this is why the move to phase out alternate news.  It's rather complex but is being achieved by increments.  The objective is to do it without touching off a civil war.  If blood isn't flowing in our streets in the coming month, it will be because the fake news media has been successful in keeping the masses asleep. 

Are we really going to see all this in America?  Yes we are!  The knell has been sounded on America and you can see it in the book of Habakkuk if you can read it and understand it. 

So is it time to give our heart to the lord and our wallet to the preacher?  It may be a bit late for that especially since the only lord Americans have known is the "...god of this world", that we see identified in II Cor 4:4.  Right now it appears we should think about being among the 1 out of every 3 Americans who survive the holocaust and prepare for the tribulation.  And you can forget about the rapture.  That is another religious SCAM promoted by Hal Lindsey and Tim LaHaye.  That is more effort aimed at keeping Americans asleep in order to minimize the pandemonium at the end. 

This brings us to one of the most misunderstood precepts in the scriptures and that is the "Day of the Lord".  This is not the day when a long haired hippie comes floating down from the clouds and sets his throne in Jerusalem.  It simply isn't.  Read the prophets!  Read what Amos says about this day.  It's a day of darkness and not light.  It's a day of destruction (see Rev 6 and Isaiah 13).  It is the day of the destruction of Babylon (America), "... in one hour".  

This, my friends, is a cataclysm of unprecedented proportions.  This is what I believe Yellowstone is being prepared for. 

Seismologists are telling us that if it blows in the fashion they envision, it will leave an ash deposit 3 - 10 feet deep for a 1000 mile radius, depending, of course, on wind currents.  This sounds like a revisiting of Herculanium and Pompeii and multiplied by some 2000. 

With this size of eruption, is there any question but that it would touch off the Cascadia Subduction Zone, the San Andreas and the New Madrid faults?  Are we now seeing the potential for the quake of Rev 6:12?  Would this then unleash 100+ Fukushimas in America?  Can we begin to see the need for the evacuation " one month"?  Can we begin to see why it will be a wilderness uninhabited forever? 

If this scenario doesn't set off an alarm in your brain that amounts to the granddaddy of all wake-up calls, then perhaps it's time for me to ring off the Commentaries and go recline under the gourd vine that just came up in my back yard. 

May the Elohim be merciful to you during the tribulation. 

Warmest Regards,


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